3,476 research outputs found

    Application of six sigma methodology to reduce defects of a grinding process

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    Six Sigma is a data-driven leadership approach using specific tools and methodologies that lead to fact-based decision making. This paper deals with the application of the Six Sigma methodology in reducing defects in a fine grinding process of an automotive company in India. The DMAIC (Define–Measure–Analyse–Improve–Control) approach has been followed here to solve the underlying problem of reducing process variation and improving the process yield. This paper explores how a manufacturing process can use a systematic methodology to move towards world-class quality level. The application of the Six Sigma methodology resulted in reduction of defects in the fine grinding process from 16.6 to 1.19%. The DMAIC methodology has had a significant financial impact on the profitability of the company in terms of reduction in scrap cost, man-hour saving on rework and increased output. A saving of approximately US$2.4 million per annum was reported from this project

    Winning customer loyalty in an automotive company through Six Sigma: a case study

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    Six Sigma is a disciplined approach to improving product, process and service quality. Since its inception at Motorola in the mid 1980s Six Sigma has evolved significantly and continues to expand to improve process performance, enhance business profitability and increase customer satisfaction. This paper presents an extensive literature review based on the experiences of both academics and practitioners on Six Sigma, followed by the application of the Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control (DMAIC) problem-solving methodology to identify the parameters causing casting defects and to control these parameters. The results of the study are based on the application of tools and techniques in the DMAIC methodology, i.e. Pareto Analysis, Measurement System Analysis, Regression Analysis and Design of Experiment. The results of the study show that the application of the Six Sigma methodology reduced casting defects and increased the process capability of the process from 0.49 to 1.28. The application of DMAIC has resulted in a significant financial impact (over U.S. $110 000 per annum) on the bottom-line of the company

    Single phase inverter system using proportional resonant current control

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    This paper presents the harmonic reduction performance of proportional resonant (PR) current controller in single phase inverter system connected to nonlinear load. In the study, proportional resonant current controller and low pass filter is discussed to eliminate low order harmonics injection in single phase inverter system. The potential of nonlinear load in producing harmonics is showed and identified by developing a nonlinear load model using a full bridge rectifier circuit. The modelling and simulation is done in MATLAB Simulink while harmonic spectrum results are obtained using Fast Fourier Transfor. End result show PR current controller capability to overcome the injection of current harmonic problems thus improved the overall total harmonic distortion (THD)

    Warranty Data Analysis: A Review

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    Warranty claims and supplementary data contain useful information about product quality and reliability. Analysing such data can therefore be of benefit to manufacturers in identifying early warnings of abnormalities in their products, providing useful information about failure modes to aid design modification, estimating product reliability for deciding on warranty policy and forecasting future warranty claims needed for preparing fiscal plans. In the last two decades, considerable research has been conducted in warranty data analysis (WDA) from several different perspectives. This article attempts to summarise and review the research and developments in WDA with emphasis on models, methods and applications. It concludes with a brief discussion on current practices and possible future trends in WDA

    Advanced Techniques for Assets Maintenance Management

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    16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2018 Bergamo, Italy, 11–13 June 2018. Edited by Marco Macchi, László Monostori, Roberto PintoThe aim of this paper is to remark the importance of new and advanced techniques supporting decision making in different business processes for maintenance and assets management, as well as the basic need of adopting a certain management framework with a clear processes map and the corresponding IT supporting systems. Framework processes and systems will be the key fundamental enablers for success and for continuous improvement. The suggested framework will help to define and improve business policies and work procedures for the assets operation and maintenance along their life cycle. The following sections present some achievements on this focus, proposing finally possible future lines for a research agenda within this field of assets management

    Quantitative infrared thermography resolved leakage current problem in cathodic protection system

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    Leakage current problem can happen in Cathodic Protection (CP) system installation. It could affect the performance of underground facilities such as piping, building structure, and earthing system. Worse can happen is rapid corrosion where disturbance to plant operation plus expensive maintenance cost. Occasionally, if it seems, tracing its root cause could be tedious. The traditional method called line current measurement is still valid effective. It involves isolating one by one of the affected underground structures. The recent methods are Close Interval Potential Survey and Pipeline Current Mapper were better and faster. On top of the mentioned method, there is a need to enhance further by synthesizing with the latest visual methods. Therefore, this paper describes research works on Infrared Thermography Quantitative (IRTQ) method as resolution of leakage current problem in CP system. The scope of study merely focuses on tracing the root cause of leakage current occurring at the CP system lube base oil plant. The results of experiment adherence to the hypothesis drawn. Consequently, res

    Acceptance sampling plan for multiple manufacturing lines using EWMA process capability index

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    The problem of developing a product acceptance determination procedure for multiple characteristics has attracted the quality assurance practitioners. Due to sufficient demands of consumers, it may not be possible to deliver the quantity ordered on time using the process based on one manufacturing line. So, in factories, product is manufactured using multiple manufacturing lines and combine it. In this manuscript, we present the designing of an acceptance sampling plan for products from multiple independent manufacturing lines using exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) statistic of the process capability index. The plan parameters such as the sample size and the acceptance number will be determined by satisfying both the producer's and the consumer's risks. The efficiency of the proposed plan will be discussed over the existing sampling plan. The tables are given for industrial use and explained with the help of industrial examples. We conclude that the use of the proposed plan in these industries minimizes the cost and time of inspection. Smaller the sample size means low inspection cost. The proposed plan for some non-normal distributions can be extended as a future research. The determination of sampling plan using cost model is also interested area for the future research. ? 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.11Ysciescopu