33,501 research outputs found

    Probabilistic CTL* : the deductive way

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    Complex probabilistic temporal behaviours need to be guaranteed in robotics and various other control domains, as well as in the context of families of randomized protocols. At its core, this entails checking infinite-state probabilistic systems with respect to quantitative properties specified in probabilistic temporal logics. Model checking methods are not directly applicable to infinite-state systems, and techniques for infinite-state probabilistic systems are limited in terms of the specifications they can handle. This paper presents a deductive approach to the verification of countable-state systems against properties specified in probabilistic CTL ∗ , on models featuring both nondeterministic and probabilistic choices. The deductive proof system we propose lifts the classical proof system by Kesten and Pnueli to the probabilistic setting. However, the soundness arguments are completely distinct and go via the theory of martingales. Completeness results for the finite-state case and an infinite-state example illustrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Temporal Logic Model Checking as Automated Theorem Proving

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    Model checking is an automatic technique for the verification of temporal properties of a system. In this technique, a system is represented as a labelled graph and the specification as a temporal logic formula. The core of temporal logic model checking is the reachability problem, which is not expressible in first-order logic (FOL); as a result, model checking of finite/infinite state systems without the use of iteration or abstraction is considered beyond the realm of automated FOL theorem provers. In this thesis, we focus on formulating the temporal logic model checking problem as a FOL theorem proving problem and use automated tools, such as SAT/SMT solvers to directly model check a system without the need for a fixed-point calculation or abstraction. We present CTL-Live: a fragment of computational tree logic whose model checking for (infinite) Kripke structures is reducible to FOL validity checking. CTL-Live includes the CTL connectives that are often used to express liveness properties. We also derive decidability results about CTL-Live model checking by examining decidable subsets of FOL. We evaluate our reduction technique for CTL-Live model checking. Our case studies show that state-of-the-art SMT solvers are capable of verifying CTL-Live properties of infinite systems; moreover, the verification of an infinite state model can sometimes complete more quickly than verifying a finite version of the model. We prove the maximality of CTL-Live: we show that CTL-Live is the largest fragment of CTL whose model checking is reducible to FOL validity checking. The maximality of CTL-Live implies that model checking safety properties requires a logic more expressive than FOL; as a result, we examine FOL plus transitive closure (FOLTC). We can reduce model checking of a more expressive fragment of CTL, which we call CTL\EG, to validity checking in FOLTC. CTL\EG is more expressive than CTL-Live and yet less expressive than CTL. By adding a finiteness restriction, we can reduce model checking of all of CTL with fairness constraints (CTLFC) formulas to validity checking in FOLTC. The finiteness restriction requires that the system under-study must have a finite number of states, but it does not require this number to be known. Reduction of CTLFC to FOLTC allows us to use the Alloy Analyzer for model checking. Our case studies show that the Alloy Analyzer can analyze CTLFC formulas up to the same scopes that Alloy models are analyzed

    Guard Automata for the Verification of Safety and Liveness of Distributed Algorithms

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    Distributed algorithms typically run over arbitrary many processes and may involve unboundedly many rounds, making the automated verification of their correctness challenging. Building on domain theory, we introduce a framework that abstracts infinite-state distributed systems that represent distributed algorithms into finite-state guard automata. The soundness of the approach corresponds to the Scott-continuity of the abstraction, which relies on the assumption that the distributed algorithms are layered. Guard automata thus enable the verification of safety and liveness properties of distributed algorithms

    Switching and stability properties of conewise linear systems

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    Being a unique phenomenon in hybrid systems, mode switch is of fundamental importance in dynamic and control analysis. In this paper, we focus on global long-time switching and stability properties of conewise linear systems (CLSs), which are a class of linear hybrid systems subject to state-triggered switchings recently introduced for modeling piecewise linear systems. By exploiting the conic subdivision structure, the “simple switching behavior” of the CLSs is proved. The infinite-time mode switching behavior of the CLSs is shown to be critically dependent on two attracting cones associated with each mode; fundamental properties of such cones are investigated. Verifiable necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the CLSs with infinite mode switches. Switch-free CLSs are also characterized by exploring the polyhedral structure and the global dynamical properties. The equivalence of asymptotic and exponential stability of the CLSs is established via the uniform asymptotic stability of the CLSs that in turn is proved by the continuous solution dependence on initial conditions. Finally, necessary and sufficient stability conditions are obtained for switch-free CLSs

    A Hoare-like logic of asserted single-pass instruction sequences

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    We present a formal system for proving the partial correctness of a single-pass instruction sequence as considered in program algebra by decomposition into proofs of the partial correctness of segments of the single-pass instruction sequence concerned. The system is similar to Hoare logics, but takes into account that, by the presence of jump instructions, segments of single-pass instruction sequences may have multiple entry points and multiple exit points. It is intended to support a sound general understanding of the issues with Hoare-like logics for low-level programming languages.Comment: 22 pages, the preliminaries have textual overlaps with the preliminaries in arXiv:1402.4950 [cs.LO] and earlier papers; introduction and conclusions rewritten, explanatory remarks added; introduction partly rewritten; 24 pages, clarifying examples adde

    Finding and proving the exact ground state of a generalized Ising model by convex optimization and MAX-SAT

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    This paper was supported primarily by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under Contract No. DE-FG02-96ER45571. In addition, some of the test cases for ground states were supported by the Office of Naval Research under contract N00014-14-1-0444.Lattice models, also known as generalized Ising models or cluster expansions, are widely used in many areas of science and are routinely applied to the study of alloy thermodynamics, solid-solid phase transitions, magnetic and thermal properties of solids, fluid mechanics, and others. However, the problem of finding and proving the global ground state of a lattice model, which is essential for all of the aforementioned applications, has remained unresolved for relatively complex practical systems, with only a limited number of results for highly simplified systems known. In this paper, we present a practical and general algorithm that provides a provable periodically constrained ground state of a complex lattice model up to a given unit cell size and in many cases is able to prove global optimality over all other choices of unit cell. We transform the infinite-discrete-optimization problem into a pair of combinatorial optimization (MAX-SAT) and nonsmooth convex optimization (MAX-MIN) problems, which provide upper and lower bounds on the ground state energy, respectively. By systematically converging these bounds to each other, we may find and prove the exact ground state of realistic Hamiltonians whose exact solutions are difficult, if not impossible, to obtain via traditional methods. Considering that currently such practical Hamiltonians are solved using simulated annealing and genetic algorithms that are often unable to find the true global energy minimum and inherently cannot prove the optimality of their result, our paper opens the door to resolving longstanding uncertainties in lattice models of physical phenomena. An implementation of the algorithm is available at https://github.com/dkitch/maxsat-isingPublisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Algorithmic Analysis of Infinite-State Systems

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    Many important software systems, including communication protocols and concurrent and distributed algorithms generate infinite state-spaces. Model-checking which is the most prominent algorithmic technique for the verification of concurrent systems is restricted to the analysis of finite-state models. Algorithmic analysis of infinite-state models is complicated--most interesting properties are undecidable for sufficiently expressive classes of infinite-state models. In this thesis, we focus on the development of algorithmic analysis techniques for two important classes of infinite-state models: FIFO Systems and Parameterized Systems. FIFO systems consisting of a set of finite-state machines that communicate via unbounded, perfect, FIFO channels arise naturally in the analysis of distributed protocols. We study the problem of computing the set of reachable states of a FIFO system composed of piecewise components. This problem is closely related to calculating the set of all possible channel contents, i.e. the limit language. We present new algorithms for calculating the limit language of a system with a single communication channel and important subclasses of multi-channel systems. We also discuss the complexity of these algorithms. Furthermore, we present a procedure that translates a piecewise FIFO system to an abridged structure, representing an expressive abstraction of the system. We show that we can analyze the infinite computations of the more concrete model by analyzing the computations of the finite, abridged model. Parameterized systems are a common model of computation for concurrent systems consisting of an arbitrary number of homogenous processes. We study the reachability problem in parameterized systems of infinite-state processes. We describe a framework that combines Abstract Interpretation with a backward-reachability algorithm. Our key idea is to create an abstract domain in which each element (a) represents the lower bound on the number of processes at a control location and (b) employs a numeric abstract domain to capture arithmetic relations among variables of the processes. We also provide an extrapolation operator for the domain to guarantee sound termination of the backward-reachability algorithm
