16 research outputs found

    An analysis into early customer experiences of self-service checkouts:lessons for improved usability

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    The research aims to examine the perceptions of relative novice users of self-service checkouts (SSCOs) and if these perceptions change before, during and following use. Employing a diary approach with 31 respondents relatively unfamiliar with SSCOs, the research will document their experiences with this technology across stationary, hardware and grocery stores in two Scottish cities (Glasgow and Dundee). Findings suggest that the majority of respondents were motivated to use the technology because of time saving and convenience. However, the actual experience of using SSCOs was not always considered quicker when compared to staffed checkouts because of technical issues, lack of staff assistance and the impersonal, sometimes stressful and controlled nature of the cramped SSCO environment. Following post-use reflections, the majority of respondents’ opinions did not change from their initial perceptions and indicated that they would prefer not to use the technology in the future. Based on the findings, this study makes some practical suggestions centring on the design and usability of SSCOs, which may go some way to reducing customer dissatisfaction and frustration with the technology, especially from the perspective of new users of the technology

    Social and Situational Influences on Customer Shift Towards Self-Service Technologies

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    In recent years, significant developments have occurred in the service sector, most notably the introduction of technological interfaces to customer care interactions. Even though businesses invested heavily in Self-Service Technologies (SSTs) in the hope of maximizing their benefits, customers have not adopted the technology in the manner anticipated. Among many reasons behind customer movement towards SSTs, this study investigates the social and situational influences which have received little attention in scholarly work. To accomplish this purpose, a qualitative methodology is used, with 25 semi-structured interviews performed with SST users who were chosen using a purposive sampling method, and the responses were analyzed using the thematic analysis method. The study identified the influences of numerous social groups and classified them into three categories: personal sources, organizational sources, and the society at large. Eight situational factors were found as influencing to use SSTs: travel limitations, crowding, urgency, number/volume of transactions, nature of transactions, task complexity, payment mode, group/alone behaviors. This understanding fills the gap in the literature while providing insights to SST service providers that are needed to promote SST use and handle various conditions in which their customers' SST usage may fluctuate from situation to situation

    Effects of Incorporation of Eurycoma longifolia Jack Root Extract on Properties of Heat Cured Acrylic Resin

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    Aim: Herbal treatment has recently been validated as a safe and effective alternative to antimicrobial drugs due to its safety and efficiency. Eurycoma longifolia root jack root extract (E.L.) has been documented for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Acrylic resin is used to produce dentures. However, due to its porous nature, it is a good site for Candida albicans to adhere and cause infection. The aim of the presented study was to evaluate the effects of adding E.L. root extract to acrylic resin on the properties of heat polymerized denture material. Materials and Methods: Sixty circular-shaped (30 mm × 2 mm) specimens were prepared from heat-polymerized acrylic resin in total. Then they were divided into one control group and two experimental groups, which were prepared by adding 0.5 gm of E.L. root extract to 10 mL monomer. Polymer powder was added to the monomer. The conventional water bath method was used for mixing, packing, and processing. Specimens were polished and finished after processing, and then maintained for 48 h in distilled water. Shore D, profilometer tester and color recognition sensor were employed to measure the surface hardness, roughness and color changes. Statistical analysis was conducted via independent sample t test. Results: The results indicated no significant change in roughness values concerning the study groups. Hardness results showed a higher mean value for the experimental group in compared to the control. However, the independent sample t test showed no significant change between the study groups. In color change test, no statistically significant change between experimental and control regarding red and green colors mean values whereas blue color mean values showed significant alteration and color change tests. Conclusion: The study concluded that E. longifolia root extract showed better surface hardness and no effect on color alteration and surface roughness after incorporation to heat cure acrylic resin, which means it can be used as a natural safe antimicrobial agent incorporated into the resin

    Antecedentes da utilização de tecnologias self-service : o caso dos quiosques do Mcdonald’s

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    Mestrado em Gestão e Estratégia IndustrialTodos os dias assistimos a inovações tecnológicas que vêm alterar e revolucionar as nossas rotinas. Na área dos serviços, temos assistido a uma automatização dos mesmos, sendo o tradicional funcionário prestador de serviços substituído por tecnologias, que operacionalizadas pelo próprio cliente acabam por desempenhar a mesma função. A presente dissertação teve como objetivo estudar a relação entre algumas características tanto das tecnologias como do consumidor e a sua intenção de voltar a utilizar estas tecnologias, as chamadas tecnologias self-service. Para testar o modelo conceptual proposto foi desenvolvido um questionário online tendo como foco os quiosques de autoatendimento do McDonald?s. No final foram obtidas 325 respostas completas ao questionário, sendo os respondentes clientes do McDonald?s. No presente estudo foram analisadas as a sete dimensões da qualidade em tecnologias self-service propostas por Lin e Hsieh (2011), nomeadamente: Funcionalidade, Apreciação, Segurança, Confiabilidade, Design, Conveniência e Personalização. Os resultados obtidos mostram que quatro destas dimensões (Funcionalidade, Apreciação, Conveniência e Personalização) têm um efeito positivo e significativo na intenção de voltar a utilizar os quiosques por parte do consumidor. Além disso, o estudo evidencia também uma influência negativa da "necessidade de interação" na intenção de voltar a utilizar.Every day we see technological innovations that change and revolutionize our routines. In the area of services, we have witnessed an automation of the same, being the traditional service provider replaced by technologies, which operated by the client end up performing the same function. The purpose of this dissertation was to study the relationship between some characteristics of both the available technologies and the consumer, and the intention to reuse these technologies, the so-called self-service technologies. To test the proposed conceptual model an online questionnaire was developed focusing on McDonald's self-service kiosks. In the end, 325 complete answers to the questionnaire were obtained, the respondents being McDonald's clients. In the present study we analyzed the seven dimensions of quality in self-service technologies proposed by Lin & Hsieh (2011), namely: Functionality, Appreciation, Safety, Reliability, Design, Convenience and Personalization. The results show that four of these dimensions (Functionality, Appreciation, Convenience and Personalization) have a positive and significant effect on consumers' intention to use kiosks again. In addition, the study also evidences a negative influence of the "need for interaction" on intention to reuse.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do it yourself! : an analysis of the business opportunity of self-service technologies in the German retail industry

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    The implementation of self-service technologies is transforming the German retail environment. Yet, not all retailers are able to evaluate the business value of these technologies. This study synthesizes prior research to develop a conceptual framework that assesses the business opportunity of self-service technologies through the relationship between consumers’ technology readiness, their satisfaction with self-service technologies and the resulting behavioral intentions towards the respective retailers. The hypothesized framework was statistically significant supported, indicating that the technology readiness of consumers positively affects consumers’ satisfaction with self-service technologies, which in turn affects consumers’ behavioral intentions towards the respective retailers. Furthermore, it shows that technology readiness plays an important role of consumers’ willingness to use an innovative self-service retail store. Further findings are presented to discuss the business opportunity of self-service technologies in the German retail industry. The study provides managerial implications and concludes with suggestions for future research.A implementação de tecnologias de autoatendimento está a transformar o sector do retalho Alemão. Contudo, nem todos os retalhistas conseguem avaliar o valor de negócio destas tecnologias. Este estudo sintetiza a investigação existente de modo a desenvolver um enquadramento conceptual que avalia a oportunidade de negócio inerente às tecnologias de autoatendimento através da relação entre a prontidão tecnológica dos consumidores, a sua satisfação com as referidas tecnologias e as intenções comportamentais resultantes para com os respetivos retalhistas. O enquadramento hipotético foi estatisticamente suportado de modo significativo, indicando que a referida prontidão afeta positivamente a satisfação dos consumidores com as tecnologias de autoatendimento o que, por sua vez, afeta as mencionadas intenções comportamentais. Além disso, a prontidão tecnológica assume um papel importante na intenção dos consumidores em recorrer a retalhistas inovadores com serviço de autoatendimento. Resultados adicionais são apresentados para discutir a oportunidade de negócio das tecnologias de autoatendimento na indústria do retalho Alemão. O presente estudo é concluído com sugestões para investigação futura e proporciona implicações ao nível de gestão

    Rol de la cultura ciudadana en la decisión de compra en el marco de un sistema de pago no vigilado

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    Partiendo del concepto de Cultura Ciudadana, como eje primario en el modo de actuar de los individuos frente a un sistema de pago no vigilado, la presente investigación aborda y describe el comportamiento del individuo durante el proceso de compra en tiendas de confianza, reconociendo su propia subjetividad, indagando y explorando este comportamiento comprendido en el souci de soi y la necesidad de reciprocidad como un elemento iterativo que se reconoce en la interacción y la confianza en el otro. Para ello se propuso una metodología de carácter cuantitativo, en la modalidad de entrevistas, que desembocaron en algunos hallazgos a nivel cognitivo, como la presencia de un concepto de cultura ciudadana claramente delimitado en el imaginario del comprador o a nivel práctico, como la autosatisfacción al actuar bien o la propia reciprocidad.Starting from the concept of Citizen Culture, as the primary axis in the conduct of individuals against an unsupervised payment system, this research addresses and describes the behavior of the individuals during the purchase process, taking into consideration their own subjectivity, investigating and exploring this behavior understood in the light of the souci de soi concept, and the need for reciprocity as an iterative element, perceived in the interaction and trust in the other. To this end, a quantitative methodology was proposed, in the form of interviews, which led to some findings the cognitive level, such as the presence of the concept of citizen culture clearly delimited in the buyer's imagination, or at a practical level such as self-satisfaction in the good behavior as well as the reciprocity itself

    Consumers motivations to use self-checkout

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    Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo compreender a motivação dos consumidores para usar a opção de self-service checkout e entender o perfil dos seus usuários. Para atingir o objetivo, foi desenvolvida uma profunda revisão da literatura e, com esses fundamentos, foi proposto um modelo. Para validar as hipóteses elaboradas, um questionário on-line foi realizado e testado com 251 participantes. Para analisar os resultados, foi criada um modelo de Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Os resultados revelaram que os benefícios Economias de Tempo e Controlo estão positivamente correlacionados com a intenção de uso de um self-service checkout. Mas que uma característica psicológica como Necessidade de Interação representa um impacto negativo na intenção de uso. Também foi possível concluir que os consumidores mais velhos tendem a ser menos propensos ao uso de tecnologias de self-checkout. Habitualmente os self-checkouts estão mais presentes em supermercados. Contudo, estão a tornar-se numa tendência em diferentes tipos de retalho, como restaurantes, moda, lojas de desporto, beleza, entre outros. Para além da função típica de pagamento, algumas destas self-service checkouts têm funções adicionais e mais interativas. Quando bem aceites pelos consumidores e implementados corretamente, as caixas de self-checkout permitem que as empresas obtenham eficiência e reduzam custos. No entanto, embora, como regra geral, a aceitação de self-checkout esteja a aumentar, é importante ter em consideração que a implementação desta tecnologia representa: investimentos monetários, realocação de funções de funcionários, risco de roubo, e possível falta de aceitação por parte do cliente. Esta dissertação oferece informações relevantes que podem ser usadas do ponto de vista empresarial, para quem tenciona implementar ou publicitar um serviço semelhante.This master thesis aims to understand the consumers' motivation to use self-checkout and understand the profile of its users. To achieve the objective, a deep literature review was developed, and with those foundations, a model was proposed. In order to validate the designed hypotheses, an online survey was conducted and contended with 251 participants. To analyze its results, a Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was created. The research reveals that benefits such as Time-Saving and Control are positively correlated with the Intention of Usage of a self-service technology (SST). But that a trait such as Need for Interaction represents a negative impact on the intention of usage. It was also possible to conclude that older consumers tend to be less prone to the usage of self-service technologies. Self-service checkouts were usually seen at supermarkets but are becoming a trend across different types of retails such as restaurants, fashion, sports, beauty, among others. As well as additional features, rather than the only common option to pay. When well accepted and correctly implemented, self-service checkouts allow companies to gain efficiency and reduce costs. However, even though, as a general rule, the self-service check-out acceptance by consumers, and use are increasing, it is important to take into account what the implementation of self-service technology (SST) represents: monetary investments, employee and employee's job function reallocation, risk of robbery and ultimately potential lack of customer acceptance. This paper provides important insights that can be used from a managerial point of view when thinking of implementing or advertising it an SST. Understandings of the traits of these consumers, demographics and preferences

    Kunders opplevelse og bruk av selvbetjente kasser i norsk dagligvare – Et miljøpsykologisk perspektiv

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    Det økende fokuset på digitalisering gjelder også i norsk dagligvare. Flere studier har undersøkt kunders opplevelse av selvbetjente kasser i dagligvare, men ingen har undersøkt fenomenet innenfor miljøpsykologi som disiplin. Formålet med studien var å undersøke kunders opplevelse av de selvbetjente kassene med utgangspunkt i relevante egenskaper, kundetrekk, situasjonelle faktorer og tilbakemeldinger fra ansatte. Spørreskjema, observasjon og intervju ble brukt til å undersøke ulike aspekter ved kunders bruk av selvbetjente kasser i en dagligvaresituasjon. Undersøkelsene ble foretatt i fire butikker på Østlandet i Norge. 154 respondenter svarte på spørreskjema i butikkene og det ble gjort 271 individuelle observasjoner. Det ble også utført fire korte intervju med ansatte i butikken. For å oppnå tilstrekkelig informasjon fra kundene ble det utviklet et instrument kalt «Evalueringsskala for selvbetjente kasser» (ESK). Resultatene viste at kunder vurderer egenskaper ved de selvbetjente kassene forskjellig på bakgrunn av alder og bruk. Det ble også funnet forskjeller i kundetrekk basert på demografiske kjennetegn og bruk. Fra den kvalitative delen ble det lagd to kategorier, system og utforming og opplæring og rekrutering av kunder. Avslutningsvis foreslår denne oppgaven at psykososial kunnskap om kundene kan brukes som et grunnlag for hvordan ansatte opplæres. Miljøpsykologiske teorier kan videre anvendes som et fundament i designprosesser

    Strategies for Implementing Self-service Technologies in Supermarket Retail Operations

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    AbstractOrganization leaders who do not adopt self-service technology (SST) are at risk of failure. The adaptation of SST can aid leaders in the supermarket industry improve checkout operations, increase efficiency, and minimize customers’ waiting experiences, reducing the customers’ shopping satisfaction. Grounded in the disruptive innovation theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies supermarket managers use to adapt SST practices. The participants included six supermarket managers in Jackson County of Southern Illinois. Data were collected from face-to-face interviews with managers, company documentation, and observations. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Four themes emerged: cultural changes and technology, environmental dynamics, company capital and technical knowledge, and company policy and structures. Through effective and continuous training, managers and employees should ascertain how SST affects the store to benefit customers’ trust, loyalty, and sustainability. The implications for positive social change include overall customer satisfaction through speed, ease-of-use, control, reliability, and enjoyment of the service quality delivered by SST checkout. Other positive social change includes creating opportunities to adapt to SST practices and performance and increase both supermarkets’ profitability and tax revenues for surrounding communities