1,265 research outputs found

    Vitis: A Gossip-based Hybrid Overlay for Internet-scale Publish/Subscribe

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    Peer-to-peer overlay networks are attractive solutions for building Internet-scale publish/subscribe systems. However, scalability comes with a cost: a message published on a certain topic often needs to traverse a large number of uninterested (unsubscribed) nodes before reaching all its subscribers. This might sharply increase resource consumption for such relay nodes (in terms of bandwidth transmission cost, CPU, etc) and could ultimately lead to rapid deterioration of the system’s performance once the relay nodes start dropping the messages or choose to permanently abandon the system. In this paper, we introduce Vitis, a gossip-based publish/subscribe system that significantly decreases the number of relay messages, and scales to an unbounded number of nodes and topics. This is achieved by the novel approach of enabling rendezvous routing on unstructured overlays. We construct a hybrid system by injecting structure into an otherwise unstructured network. The resulting structure resembles a navigable small-world network, which spans along clusters of nodes that have similar subscriptions. The properties of such an overlay make it an ideal platform for efficient data dissemination in large-scale systems. We perform extensive simulations and evaluate Vitis by comparing its performance against two base-line publish/subscribe systems: one that is oblivious to node subscriptions, and another that exploits the subscription similarities. Our measurements show that Vitis significantly outperforms the base-line solutions on various subscription and churn scenarios, from both synthetic models and real-world traces

    GOSSIPKIT: A Unified Component Framework for Gossip

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    International audienceAlthough the principles of gossip protocols are relatively easy to grasp, their variety can make their design and evaluation highly time consuming. This problem is compounded by the lack of a unified programming framework for gossip, which means developers cannot easily reuse, compose, or adapt existing solutions to fit their needs, and have limited opportunities to share knowledge and ideas. In this paper, we consider how component frameworks, which have been widely applied to implement middleware solutions, can facilitate the development of gossip-based systems in a way that is both generic and simple. We show how such an approach can maximise code reuse, simplify the implementation of gossip protocols, and facilitate dynamic evolution and re-deployment

    Analysis of Structured and Un-Structured Network Protocols for Data Aggregation Over Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The focus of this thesis is on design and evaluation of one-shot data aggregation protocols for static and mobile wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The goal in one-shot data aggregation is to compute a statistical summary of sensor data such as max, average, sum, count and min, when initiated by a special node such as the base station. WSNs have wide range of applications in both static and mobile/dynamic systems. Static sensor networks are especially useful when monitoring is required in harsh, inaccessible environments and when the region to be monitored is really large. Examples of static sensor network applications include environmental monitoring systems, monitoring of industrial control systems, monitoring of degradation in slagging gasifiers, distributed object detection and tracking. Example of mobile applications include vehicular ad-hoc networks and networks of personal radios used in emergency dispatch and battlefields.;For data aggregation in static networks with stable links, structured approaches such as spanning trees are generally preferred. This is because, once a data aggregation structure has been established, link topologies remain fixed and there is minimal need to actively maintain and change the routing structures. In this thesis, one such tree based data aggregation protocol has been designed and evaluated using simulations in networks ranging from 100-1000 nodes. The protocol has also been implemented at a smaller scale in the context of a smart refractory environment, where slag penetration in gasifiers is remotely monitored using smart bricks that are embedded with sensors. In mobile networks and networks with frequent link changes, topology driven structures are likely to be unstable and to incur a high communication overhead. Therefore, self-repelling random walks have been recently proposed as an attractive alternative for data aggregation in mobile systems. In this thesis, a brief overview of random walk based data aggregation has been presented and systematic evaluation of tree based and random walk based data aggregation protocols in networks ranging from 100-1000 nodes under varying degrees of node mobility has been done. The conditions under which unstructured protocols become more attractive in terms of convergence time and messaging efficiency as compared to tree based structured approaches have been quantified

    Hybrid Dissemination: Adding Determinism to Probabilistic Multicasting in Large-Scale P2P Systems

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    Abstract. Epidemic protocols have demonstrated remarkable scalability and robustness in disseminating information on internet-scale, dynamic P2P systems. However, popular instances of such protocols suffer from a number of significant drawbacks, such as increased message overhead in push-based systems, or low dissemination speed in pull-based ones. In this paper we study push-based epidemic dissemination algorithms, in terms of hit ratio, communication overhead, dissemination speed, and resilience to failures and node churn. We devise a hybrid push-based dissemination algorithm, combining probabilistic with deterministic properties, which limits message overhead to an order of magnitude lower than that of the purely probabilistic dissemination model, while retaining strong probabilistic guarantees for complete dissemination of messages. Our extensive experimentation shows that our proposed algorithm outperforms that model both in static and dynamic network scenarios, as well as in the face of large-scale catastrophic failures. Moreover, the proposed algorithm distributes the dissemination load uniformly on all participating nodes. Keywords: Epidemic/Gossip protocols, Information Dissemination, Peer-to-Peer

    Katakan tidak pada rasuah

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    Isu atau masalah rasuah menjadi topik utama sama ada di peringkat antarabangsa mahupun di peringkat dalam negara. Pertubuhan Bangsa- bangsa Bersatu menegaskan komitmen komuniti antarabangsa bertegas untuk mencegah dan mengawal rasuah melalui buku bertajuk United Nations Convention against Corruption. Hal yang sama berlaku di Malaysia. Melalui pernyataan visi oleh mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamed memberikan indikasi bahawa kerajaan Malaysia komited untuk mencapai aspirasi agar Malaysia dikenali kerana integriti dan bukannya rasuah. Justeru, tujuan penulisan bab ini adalah untuk membincangkan rasuah dari beberapa sudut termasuk perbincangan dari sudut agama Islam, faktor-faktor berlakunya gejala rasuah, dan usaha-usaha yang dijalankan di Malaysia untuk membanteras gejala rasuah. Perkara ini penting bagi mengenalpasti penjawat awam menanamkan keyakinan dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan menghindari diri daripada rasuah agar mereka sentiasa peka mengutamakan kepentingan awam

    Distributed Optimization of P2P Media Delivery Overlays

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    Media streaming over the Internet is becoming increasingly popular. Currently, most media is delivered using global content-delivery networks, providing a scalable and robust client-server model. However, content delivery infrastructures are expensive. One approach to reduce the cost of media delivery is to use peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks, where nodes share responsibility for delivering the media to one another. The main challenges in P2P media streaming using overlay networks include: (i) nodes should receive the stream with respect to certain timing constraints, (ii) the overlay should adapt to the changes in the network, e.g., varying bandwidth capacity and join/failure of nodes, (iii) nodes should be intentivized to contribute and share their resources, and (iv) nodes should be able to establish connectivity to the other nodes behind NATs. In this work, we meet these requirements by presenting P2P solutions for live media streaming, as well as proposing a distributed NAT traversal solution. First of all, we introduce a distributed market model to construct an approximately minimal height multiple-tree streaming overlay for content delivery, in gradienTv. In this system, we assume all the nodes are cooperative and execute the protocol. However, in reality, there may exist some opportunistic nodes, free-riders, that take advantage of the system, without contributing to content distribution. To overcome this problem, we extend our market model in Sepidar to be effective in deterring free-riders. However, gradienTv and Sepidar are tree-based solutions, which are fragile in high churn and failure scenarios. We present a solution to this problem in GLive that provides a more robust overlay by replacing the tree structure with a mesh. We show in simulation, that the mesh-based overlay outperforms the multiple-tree overlay. Moreover, we compare the performance of all our systems with the state-of-the-art NewCoolstreaming, and observe that they provide better playback continuity and lower playback latency than that of NewCoolstreaming under a variety of experimental scenarios. Although our distributed market model can be run against a random sample of nodes, we improve its convergence time by executing it against a sample of nodes taken from the Gradient overlay. The Gradient overlay organizes nodes in a topology using a local utility value at each node, such that nodes are ordered in descending utility values away from a core of the highest utility nodes. The evaluations show that the streaming overlays converge faster when our market model works on top of the Gradient overlay. We use a gossip-based peer sampling service in our streaming systems to provide each node with a small list of live nodes. However, in the Internet, where a high percentage of nodes are behind NATs, existing gossiping protocols break down. To solve this problem, we present Gozar, a NAT-friendly gossip-based peer sampling service that: (i) provides uniform random samples in the presence of NATs, and (ii) enables direct connectivity to sampled nodes using a fully distributed NAT traversal service. We compare Gozar with the state-of-the-art NAT-friendly gossip-based peer sampling service, Nylon, and show that only Gozar supports one-hop NAT traversal, and its overhead is roughly half of Nylon’s


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    A Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) is an ad hoc network that consists of devices that surround an individual or an object. BluetoothÂź technology is especially suitable for formation of WPANs due to the pervasiveness of devices with BluetoothÂź chipsets, its operation in the unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, Medical (ISM) frequency band, and its interference resilience. BluetoothÂź technology has great potential to become the de facto standard for communication between heterogeneous devices in WPANs. The piconet, which is the basic BluetoothÂź networking unit, utilizes a Master/Slave (MS) configuration that permits only a single master and up to seven active slave devices. This structure limitation prevents BluetoothÂź devices from directly participating in larger Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) and Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs). In order to build larger BluetoothÂź topologies, called scatternets, individual piconets must be interconnected. Since each piconet has a unique frequency hopping sequence, piconet interconnections are done by allowing some nodes, called bridges, to participate in more than one piconet. These bridge nodes divide their time between piconets by switching between Frequency Hopping (FH) channels and synchronizing to the piconet\u27s master. In this dissertation we address scatternet formation, routing, and security to make BluetoothÂź scatternet communication feasible. We define criteria for efficient scatternet topologies, describe characteristics of different scatternet topology models as well as compare and contrast their properties, classify existing scatternet formation approaches based on the aforementioned models, and propose a distributed scatternet formation algorithm that efficiently forms a scatternet topology and is resilient to node failures. We propose a hybrid routing algorithm, using a bridge link agnostic approach, that provides on-demand discovery of destination devices by their address or by the services that devices provide to their peers, by extending the Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) to scatternets. We also propose a link level security scheme that provides secure communication between adjacent piconet masters, within what we call an Extended Scatternet Neighborhood (ESN)

    On Temporal Graph Exploration

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    A temporal graph is a graph in which the edge set can change from step to step. The temporal graph exploration problem TEXP is the problem of computing a foremost exploration schedule for a temporal graph, i.e., a temporal walk that starts at a given start node, visits all nodes of the graph, and has the smallest arrival time. In the first part of the paper, we consider only temporal graphs that are connected at each step. For such temporal graphs with nn nodes, we show that it is NP-hard to approximate TEXP with ratio O(n1−ϔ)O(n^{1-\epsilon}) for any Ï”>0\epsilon>0. We also provide an explicit construction of temporal graphs that require Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) steps to be explored. We then consider TEXP under the assumption that the underlying graph (i.e. the graph that contains all edges that are present in the temporal graph in at least one step) belongs to a specific class of graphs. Among other results, we show that temporal graphs can be explored in O(n1.5k2log⁥n)O(n^{1.5} k^2 \log n) steps if the underlying graph has treewidth kk and in O(nlog⁥3n)O(n \log^3 n) steps if the underlying graph is a 2×n2\times n grid. In the second part of the paper, we replace the connectedness assumption by a weaker assumption and show that mm-edge temporal graphs with regularly present edges and with random edges can always be explored in O(m)O(m) steps and O(mlog⁥n)O(m \log n) steps with high probability, respectively. We finally show that the latter result can be used to obtain a distributed algorithm for the gossiping problem.Comment: This is an extended version of an ICALP 2015 pape
