110 research outputs found

    Aplicação de meta-heurísticas para afinação de analisadores de espectro de vibração baseados em sistemas microeletromecânicos

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    Orientadores: Mateus Giesbrecht, Fabiano FruettDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O espectro de vibração mecânica é uma característica do domínio da frequência utilizada para o monitoramento de sistemas diversos e é, tradicionalmente, calculado pela Transformada Rápida de Fourier (FFT) -- do termo em inglês Fast Fourier Transform -- de uma série temporal. Uma alternativa viável, com diversas vantagens operacionais, é o uso de microacelerômetros gêmeos para a obtenção do espectro diretamente no domínio da frequência. Essa estratégia possui sua maior limitação nas diferenças encontradas nos parâmetros físicos de acelerômetros -- devidas a seu processo de fabricação --, de tal forma que o nível de distorção do espectro pode ser consideravelmente superior àquele encontrado no espectro levantado pela FFT. Para contornar essas diferenças, neste trabalho a afinação do microdispositivo analisador de espectro é proposta através do ajuste das amplitudes das tensões de atuação dos acelerômetros. Para realizar a afinação, a Evolução Diferencial (DE, do termo em inglês Differential Evolution) é usada e o problema da afinação é abordado sob duas diferentes perspectivas de otimização: uma mono-objetivo e uma multi-objetivo. Para ambos os problemas de otimização, as funções objetivo e restrições são baseadas nas componentes da série de Fourier do ganho de malha fechada do sistema analisador de espectro -- composição essa que depende das tensões de excitação. Para a solução do problema de otimização multi-objetivo, o algoritmo DE é devidamente adaptado. As vantagens e desvantagens de ambas as estratégias de afinação são discutidas em detalhe, bem como os resultados obtidos para a aproximação do conjunto de Pareto. Esses resultados -- especialmente o compromisso distorção-sensibilidade -- são demonstrados e discutidos. A validade da estratégia de afinação proposta é evidenciada, uma vez que é capaz de determinar as amplitudes das tensões a serem aplicadas ao micro analisador de espectro para atender os requisitos de nível de distorção e sensibilidadeAbstract: The mechanical vibration spectrum is a frequency-domain characteristic used for monitoring various systems and is traditionally calculated by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of a time series. Another possible alternative, with several operational advantages, is the use of twin-microaccelerometers to obtain the spectrum directly in the frequency domain. This strategy has its greatest limitation in the differences found in the accelerometers physical parameters -- due to their manufacturing process --, such that the spectrum distortion level may be considerably higher than that found in the spectrum raised by the FFT. To overcome these differences, in this work the tuning of the spectrum analyzer microdevice is proposed by adjusting the accelerometers actuation voltages amplitudes. To perform the tuning, the Differential Evolution (DE) is used and the tuning problem is approached in two different optimization perspectives: a mono-objective and a multi-objective. For both optimization problems, the objective functions and constraints are based on the Fourier series components of the spectrum analyzer system closed-loop gain -- a composition that depends on the excitation voltages. To solve the multi-objective optimization problem, the DE algorithm is properly adapted. The advantages and disadvantages of both tuning strategies are discussed in detail, as well as the results obtained for the Pareto-set approximation. The results -- specially the distortion-sensitivity compromise -- are demonstrated and discussed. The validity of the proposed tuning strategy is evidenced, since it is able to determine the voltages amplitudes to be applied to the micro spectrum analyzer to attend the distortion level and sensitivity requirementsMestradoAutomaçãoMestra em Engenharia Elétrica161153/2018-6CNP

    Efficient design optimization of high-performance MEMS based on a surrogate-assisted self-adaptive differential evolution

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    High-performance microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are playing a critical role in modern engineering systems. Due to computationally expensive numerical analysis and stringent design specifications nowadays, both the optimization efficiency and quality of design solutions become challenges for available MEMS shape optimization methods. In this paper, a new method, called self-adaptive surrogate model-assisted differential evolution for MEMS optimization (ASDEMO), is presented to address these challenges. The main innovation of ASDEMO is a hybrid differential evolution mutation strategy combination and its self-adaptive adoption mechanism, which are proposed for online surrogate model-assisted MEMS optimization. The performance of ASDEMO is demonstrated by a high-performance electro-thermo-elastic micro-actuator, a high-performance corrugated membrane microactuator, and a highly multimodal mathematical benchmark problem. Comparisons with state-of-the-art methods verify the advantages of ASDEMO in terms of efficiency and optimization ability

    Triaxial Accelerometer Error Coefficients Identification with a Novel Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm

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    Artificial fish swarm algorithm (AFSA) is one of the state-of-the-art swarm intelligence techniques, which is widely utilized for optimization purposes. Triaxial accelerometer error coefficients are relatively unstable with the environmental disturbances and aging of the instrument. Therefore, identifying triaxial accelerometer error coefficients accurately and being with lower costs are of great importance to improve the overall performance of triaxial accelerometer-based strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS). In this study, a novel artificial fish swarm algorithm (NAFSA) that eliminated the demerits (lack of using artificial fishes’ previous experiences, lack of existing balance between exploration and exploitation, and high computational cost) of AFSA is introduced at first. In NAFSA, functional behaviors and overall procedure of AFSA have been improved with some parameters variations. Second, a hybrid accelerometer error coefficients identification algorithm has been proposed based on NAFSA and Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) approaches. This combination leads to maximum utilization of the involved approaches for triaxial accelerometer error coefficients identification. Furthermore, the NAFSA-identified coefficients are testified with 24-position verification experiment and triaxial accelerometer-based SINS navigation experiment. The priorities of MCS-NAFSA are compared with that of conventional calibration method and optimal AFSA. Finally, both experiments results demonstrate high efficiency of MCS-NAFSA on triaxial accelerometer error coefficients identification

    Detection and Localization of Leaks in Water Networks

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    Today, 844 million humans around the world have no access to safe drinking water. Furthermore, every 90 seconds, one child dies from water-related illnesses. Major cities lose 15% - 50% of their water and, in some cases, losses may reach up to 70%, mostly due to leaks. Therefore, it is paramount to preserve water as an invaluable resource through water networks, particularly in large cities in which leak repair may cause disruption. Municipalities usually tackle leak problems using various detection systems and technologies, often long after leaks occur; however, such efforts are not enough to detect leaks at early stages. Therefore, the main objectives of the present research are to develop and validate a leak detection system and to optimize leak repair prioritization. The development of the leak detection models goes through several phases: (1) technology and device selection, (2) experimental work, (3) signal analysis, (4) selection of parameters, (5) machine learning model development and (6) validation of developed models. To detect leaks, vibration signals are collected through a variety of controlled experiments on PVC and ductile iron pipelines using wireless accelerometers, i.e., micro-electronic mechanical sensors (MEMS). The signals are analyzed to pinpoint leaks in water pipelines. Similarly, acoustic signals are collected from a pilot project in the city of Montreal, using noise loggers as another detection technology. The collected signals are also analyzed to detect and pinpoint the leaks. The leak detection system has presented promising results using both technologies. The developed MEMS model is capable of accurately pinpointing leaks within 12 centimeters from the exact location. Comparatively, for noise loggers, the developed model can detect the exact leak location within a 25-cm radius for an actual leak. The leak repair prioritization model uses two optimization techniques: (1) a well-known genetic algorithm and (2) a newly innovative Lazy Serpent Algorithm that is developed in the present research. The Lazy Serpent Algorithm has proved capable of surpassing the genetic algorithm in determining a more optimal schedule using much less computation time. The developed research proves that automated real-time leak detection is possible and can help governments save water resource and funds. The developed research proves the viability of accelerometers as a standalone leak detection technology and opens the door for further research and experimentations. The leak detection system model helps municipalities and water resource agencies rapidly detect leaks when they occur in real-time. The developed pinpointing models facilitate the leak repair process by precisely determine the leak location where the repair works should be conducted. The Lazy Serpent Algorithm helps municipalities better distribute their resources to maximize their desired benefits

    Artificial cognitive architecture with self-learning and self-optimization capabilities. Case studies in micromachining processes

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Fecha de lectura : 22-09-201

    Optimisation of racing car suspensions featuring inerters

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    Racing car suspensions are a critical system in the overall performance of the vehicle. They must be able to accurately control ride dynamics as well as influencing the handling characteristics of the vehicle and providing stability under the action of external forces. This work is a research study on the design and optimisation of high performance vehicle suspensions using inerters. The starting point is a theoretical investigation of the dynamics of a system fitted with an ideal inerter. This sets the foundation for developing a more complex and novel vehicle suspension model incorporating real inerters. The accuracy and predictability of this model has been assessed and validated against experimental data from 4- post rig testing. In order to maximise overall vehicle performance, a race car suspension must meet a large number of conflicting objectives. Hence, suspension design and optimisation is a complex task where a compromised solution among a set of objectives needs to be adopted. The first task in this process is to define a set of performance based objective functions. The approach taken was to relate the ride dynamic behaviour of the suspension to the overall performance of the race car. The second task of the optimisation process is to develop an efficient and robust optimisation methodology. To address this, a multi-stage optimisation algorithm has been developed. The algorithm is based on two stages, a hybrid surrogate model based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to obtain a set of non-dominated optimal suspension solutions and a transient lap-time simulation tool to incorporate external factors to the decision process and provide a final optimal solution. A transient lap-time simulation tool has been developed. The minimum time manoeuvring problem has been defined as an Optimal Control problem. A novel solution method based on a multi-level algorithm and a closed-loop driver steering control has been proposed to find the optimal lap time. The results obtained suggest that performance gains can be obtained by incorporating inerters into the suspension system. The work suggests that the use of inerters provides the car with an optimised aerodynamic platform and the overall stability of the vehicle is improved

    An effective optimisation method for multifactor and reliability-related structural design problems

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    This thesis first presents a systematic design procedure which satisfies the required strength and stiffness, and structural mass for conceptual engineering structural designs. The procedure employs a multi-objective and multi-disciplinary (MO–MD) optimisation method (multifactor optimisation of structure techniques, MOST) which is coupled with finite element analysis (FEA) as an analysis tool for seeking the optimum design. The effectiveness of the MOST technique is demonstrated in two case studies.Next, a reliability-related multi-factor optimisation method is proposed and developed, representing a combination of MOST (as a method of multi-factor optimisation) and the reliability-loading case index (RLI) (as a method of calculating the reliability index). The RLI is developed based on a well-known reliability method: the first-order reliability method (FORM). The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed methodology are demonstrated in two case studies in which the method is used to simultaneously consider multi-objective, multi-disciplinary, and multi-loading-case problems. The optimised designs meet the targeted performance criteria under various loading conditions.The results show that the attributes of the proposed optimisation methods can be used to address engineering design problems which require simultaneous consideration of multi-disciplinary problems. An important contribution of this study is the development of a conceptual MO–MD design optimisation method, in which multi-factor structural and reliability design problems can be simultaneously considered

    Intelligent active force control of human hand tremor using smart actuator

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    Patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease (PD) experience tremor which may generate a functional disability impacting their daily life activities. In order to provide a non-invasive solution, an active tremor control technique is proposed to suppress a human hand tremor. In this work, a hybrid controller which is a combination of the classic Proportional-Integral (PI) control and Active Force Control (AFC) strategy was employed. A test-rig is utilized as a practical test and verification platform of the controller design. A linear voice coil actuator (LVCA) was utilized as the main active suppressive element to control the tremor of hand model in collocation with the sensor. In order to validate the AFC scheme in real-time application, an accelerometer was used to obtain the measured values of the parameter necessary for the feedback control action. Meanwhile, a laser displacement sensor was used to quantify the displacement signal while hand shaking. To optimize the controller parameters, three different optimization techniques, namely the genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and differential evolution (DE) techniques were incorporated into the hybrid PI+AFC controller to obtain a better performance in controlling tremor of the system. For the simulation study, two different models were introduced to represent the human hand in the form of a mathematical model with four degree-of-freedom (4 DOF) biodynamic response (BR) and a parametric model as the plant model. The main objective of this investigation is to optimize the PI and AFC parameters using three different types of intelligent optimization techniques. Then, the parameters that have been identified were tested through an experimental work to evaluate the performance of controller. The findings of the study demonstrate that the hybrid controller gives excellent performance in reducing the tremor error in comparison to the classic pure PI controller. Based on the fitness evaluation, the AFC-based scheme enhances the PI controller performance roughly around 10% for all optimization techniques. Besides that, an intelligent mechanism known as iterative learning control (ILC) was incorporated into the AFC loop (called as AFCAIL) to find the estimated mass parameter. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was presented to investigate the performance and robustness of the voice coil actuator with the proposed controller in real-time environment. The results prove that the AFCAIL controller gives an excellent performance in reducing the hand tremor error in comparison with the classic P, PI and hybrid PI+AFC controllers. These outcomes provide an important contribution towards achieving novel methods in suppressing hand tremor by means of intelligent control

    Performance measures and control laws for active and semi-active suspensions

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    This thesis concentrates on two competing performance requirements of general suspension systems: "smoothness" and tracking. The focus of the thesis is on real-time feedback controls which can be applied in microprocessors with relatively limited capacity. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are used as a tool in the investigation of a wide range of control algorithms. Jerk (the rate of change of acceleration) is used as the basis of the suspension comfort performance measure, and a nonlinear cost function is applied to tracking, which targets the travel limits of the suspension (termed the "rattlespace"). Tracking measures currently in use generally fail to explicitly refer to the working space width. This matter is analysed, showing that driver slowdown is a complicating factor. The test rig of the physical experiment is of the semi-active type. High performing semi-active controls are generally based on active controls. Thus active controls are also investigated in this thesis. By stiffening the suspension as it moves away from equilibrium it can be made to combine softness over smooth roads with the capacity to react to large bumps when needed. Electronic control produces a much greater range of possible responses than is possible with just rubber or neoprene bump stops. Electronic, real-time control can attempt to target a smooth chassis trajectory within the possible future limits of rattlespace. Two general methods are proposed and analysed: one that adjusts the suspension stiffening according to the current road state, and another that targets edge trajectories within the possible future movements of the rattlespace. Some of these controls performed very well. With further investigation, they may be developed into extremely high performance controls, especially because of their high adaptability to varying conditions. The problem of avoiding collisions with rattlespace limits is related to the problem of avoiding overshoot of a limit distance. It becomes apparent that the residual acceleration at the point of closest approach needs to be limited, otherwise instability results. This led to the search for controls that attain rest without overshooting the final rest position. It was found that the minimum jerk needed for a general minimum-time control that does not overshoot zero displacement is always the control with just one intermediate switch of control, instead of two switches that are generally needed. This was proven to be optimal, and because of its optimality it works consistently when applied as a closed-loop, real-time optimal control. This control deals with the most difficult part of the trajectory: the final, "docking" manoeuvre. The control proved to be robust in physical experiments and it may itself have a number of applications. Some heuristics have been developed here to account for stochastic movement of the rattlespace edges in suspension controls, and these have proven quite successful in numerical experiments. Semi-active suspensions have a limit on the forces they can apply (the passivity constraint), but clipped versions are known to produce uncomfortable jerk. One method developed in this thesis produces a vast improvement in semi-active controls in the numerical experiments