Optimisation of racing car suspensions featuring inerters


Racing car suspensions are a critical system in the overall performance of the vehicle. They must be able to accurately control ride dynamics as well as influencing the handling characteristics of the vehicle and providing stability under the action of external forces. This work is a research study on the design and optimisation of high performance vehicle suspensions using inerters. The starting point is a theoretical investigation of the dynamics of a system fitted with an ideal inerter. This sets the foundation for developing a more complex and novel vehicle suspension model incorporating real inerters. The accuracy and predictability of this model has been assessed and validated against experimental data from 4- post rig testing. In order to maximise overall vehicle performance, a race car suspension must meet a large number of conflicting objectives. Hence, suspension design and optimisation is a complex task where a compromised solution among a set of objectives needs to be adopted. The first task in this process is to define a set of performance based objective functions. The approach taken was to relate the ride dynamic behaviour of the suspension to the overall performance of the race car. The second task of the optimisation process is to develop an efficient and robust optimisation methodology. To address this, a multi-stage optimisation algorithm has been developed. The algorithm is based on two stages, a hybrid surrogate model based multiobjective evolutionary algorithm to obtain a set of non-dominated optimal suspension solutions and a transient lap-time simulation tool to incorporate external factors to the decision process and provide a final optimal solution. A transient lap-time simulation tool has been developed. The minimum time manoeuvring problem has been defined as an Optimal Control problem. A novel solution method based on a multi-level algorithm and a closed-loop driver steering control has been proposed to find the optimal lap time. The results obtained suggest that performance gains can be obtained by incorporating inerters into the suspension system. The work suggests that the use of inerters provides the car with an optimised aerodynamic platform and the overall stability of the vehicle is improved

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