54,376 research outputs found

    Novel Features for Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    While conventional approaches of BCI feature extraction are based on the power spectrum, we have tried using nonlinear features for classifying BCI data. In this paper, we report our test results and findings, which indicate that the proposed method is a potentially useful addition to current feature extraction techniques

    Multimodal fuzzy fusion for enhancing the motor-imagery-based brain computer interface

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    © 2005-2012 IEEE. Brain-computer interface technologies, such as steady-state visually evoked potential, P300, and motor imagery are methods of communication between the human brain and the external devices. Motor imagery-based brain-computer interfaces are popular because they avoid unnecessary external stimuli. Although feature extraction methods have been illustrated in several machine intelligent systems in motor imagery-based brain-computer interface studies, the performance remains unsatisfactory. There is increasing interest in the use of the fuzzy integrals, the Choquet and Sugeno integrals, that are appropriate for use in applications in which fusion of data must consider possible data interactions. To enhance the classification accuracy of brain-computer interfaces, we adopted fuzzy integrals, after employing the classification method of traditional brain-computer interfaces, to consider possible links between the data. Subsequently, we proposed a novel classification framework called the multimodal fuzzy fusion-based brain-computer interface system. Ten volunteers performed a motor imagery-based brain-computer interface experiment, and we acquired electroencephalography signals simultaneously. The multimodal fuzzy fusion-based brain-computer interface system enhanced performance compared with traditional brain-computer interface systems. Furthermore, when using the motor imagery-relevant electroencephalography frequency alpha and beta bands for the input features, the system achieved the highest accuracy, up to 78.81% and 78.45% with the Choquet and Sugeno integrals, respectively. Herein, we present a novel concept for enhancing brain-computer interface systems that adopts fuzzy integrals, especially in the fusion for classifying brain-computer interface commands

    Exploring Two Novel Features for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces: Multifractal Cumulants and Predictive Complexity

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    In this paper, we introduce two new features for the design of electroencephalography (EEG) based Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI): one feature based on multifractal cumulants, and one feature based on the predictive complexity of the EEG time series. The multifractal cumulants feature measures the signal regularity, while the predictive complexity measures the difficulty to predict the future of the signal based on its past, hence a degree of how complex it is. We have conducted an evaluation of the performance of these two novel features on EEG data corresponding to motor-imagery. We also compared them to the most successful features used in the BCI field, namely the Band-Power features. We evaluated these three kinds of features and their combinations on EEG signals from 13 subjects. Results obtained show that our novel features can lead to BCI designs with improved classification performance, notably when using and combining the three kinds of feature (band-power, multifractal cumulants, predictive complexity) together.Comment: Updated with more subjects. Separated out the band-power comparisons in a companion article after reviewer feedback. Source code and companion article are available at http://nicolas.brodu.numerimoire.net/en/recherche/publication

    Extracting optimal tempo-spatial features using local discriminant bases and common spatial patterns for brain computer interfacing

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    Brain computer interfaces (BCI) provide a new approach to human computer communication, where the control is realised via performing mental tasks such as motor imagery (MI). In this study, we investigate a novel method to automatically segment electroencephalographic (EEG) data within a trial and extract features accordingly in order to improve the performance of MI data classification techniques. A new local discriminant bases (LDB) algorithm using common spatial patterns (CSP) projection as transform function is proposed for automatic trial segmentation. CSP is also used for feature extraction following trial segmentation. This new technique also allows to obtain a more accurate picture of the most relevant temporal–spatial points in the EEG during the MI. The results are compared with other standard temporal segmentation techniques such as sliding window and LDB based on the local cosine transform (LCT)

    Robust artifactual independent component classification for BCI practitioners

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    Objective. EEG artifacts of non-neural origin can be separated from neural signals by independent component analysis (ICA). It is unclear (1) how robustly recently proposed artifact classifiers transfer to novel users, novel paradigms or changed electrode setups, and (2) how artifact cleaning by a machine learning classifier impacts the performance of brain–computer interfaces (BCIs). Approach. Addressing (1), the robustness of different strategies with respect to the transfer between paradigms and electrode setups of a recently proposed classifier is investigated on offline data from 35 users and 3 EEG paradigms, which contain 6303 expert-labeled components from two ICA and preprocessing variants. Addressing (2), the effect of artifact removal on single-trial BCI classification is estimated on BCI trials from 101 users and 3 paradigms. Main results. We show that (1) the proposed artifact classifier generalizes to completely different EEG paradigms. To obtain similar results under massively reduced electrode setups, a proposed novel strategy improves artifact classification. Addressing (2), ICA artifact cleaning has little influence on average BCI performance when analyzed by state-of-the-art BCI methods. When slow motor-related features are exploited, performance varies strongly between individuals, as artifacts may obstruct relevant neural activity or are inadvertently used for BCI control. Significance. Robustness of the proposed strategies can be reproduced by EEG practitioners as the method is made available as an EEGLAB plug-in.EC/FP7/224631/EU/Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction/TOBIBMBF, 01GQ0850, Verbundprojekt: Bernstein Fokus Neurotechnologie - Nichtinvasive Neurotechnologie für Mensch-Maschine Interaktion - Teilprojekte A1, A3, A4, B4, W3, ZentrumDFG, 194657344, EXC 1086: BrainLinks-BrainTool

    Critical issues in state-of-the-art brain–computer interface signal processing

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    This paper reviews several critical issues facing signal processing for brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) and suggests several recent approaches that should be further examined. The topics were selected based on discussions held during the 4th International BCI Meeting at a workshop organized to review and evaluate the current state of, and issues relevant to, feature extraction and translation of field potentials for BCIs. The topics presented in this paper include the relationship between electroencephalography and electrocorticography, novel features for performance prediction, time-embedded signal representations, phase information, signal non-stationarity, and unsupervised adaptation

    When do Bursts Matter in the Primary Motor Cortex? Investigating Changes in the Intermittencies of Beta Rhythms Associated With Movement States

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    Brain activity exhibits significant temporal structure that is not well captured in the power spectrum. Recently, attention has shifted to characterising the properties of intermittencies in rhythmic neural activity (i.e. bursts), yet the mechanisms regulating them are unknown. Here, we present evidence from electrocorticography recordings made from the motor cortex to show that the statistics of bursts, such as duration or amplitude, in beta frequency (14-30Hz) rhythms significantly aid the classification of motor states such as rest, movement preparation, execution, and imagery. These features reflect nonlinearities not detectable in the power spectrum, with states increasing in nonlinearity from movement execution to preparation to rest. Further, we show using a computational model of the cortical microcircuit, constrained to account for burst features, that modulations of laminar specific inhibitory interneurons are responsible for temporal organization of activity. Finally, we show that temporal characteristics of spontaneous activity can be used to infer the balance of cortical integration between incoming sensory information and endogenous activity. Critically, we contribute to the understanding of how transient brain rhythms may underwrite cortical processing, which in turn, could inform novel approaches for brain state classification, and modulation with novel brain-computer interfaces

    Frequency Recognition in SSVEP-based BCI using Multiset Canonical Correlation Analysis

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    Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) has been one of the most popular methods for frequency recognition in steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Despite its efficiency, a potential problem is that using pre-constructed sine-cosine waves as the required reference signals in the CCA method often does not result in the optimal recognition accuracy due to their lack of features from the real EEG data. To address this problem, this study proposes a novel method based on multiset canonical correlation analysis (MsetCCA) to optimize the reference signals used in the CCA method for SSVEP frequency recognition. The MsetCCA method learns multiple linear transforms that implement joint spatial filtering to maximize the overall correlation among canonical variates, and hence extracts SSVEP common features from multiple sets of EEG data recorded at the same stimulus frequency. The optimized reference signals are formed by combination of the common features and completely based on training data. Experimental study with EEG data from ten healthy subjects demonstrates that the MsetCCA method improves the recognition accuracy of SSVEP frequency in comparison with the CCA method and other two competing methods (multiway CCA (MwayCCA) and phase constrained CCA (PCCA)), especially for a small number of channels and a short time window length. The superiority indicates that the proposed MsetCCA method is a new promising candidate for frequency recognition in SSVEP-based BCIs