1,045,545 research outputs found

    Small World Network of Athletes: Graph Representation of the World Professional Tennis Player

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    The paper proposes an alternative way to observe and extract the multiple matches games of sports, i.e.: tennis tournament in the Athleteā€™s Historical Relative Performance Index and its representation as graph. The finding of the small world topology is elaborated along with further statistical patterns in the fashion of the weighted and directed network. The explanation of the sport tournament system as a highly optimized system is hypothetically proposed. Finally, some elaborations regarding to further directions of the usability of the proposed methodology is discussed

    What Constitutes an Explanation in Biology?

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    One of biology's fundamental aims is to generate understanding of the living world aroundā€”and withinā€”us. In this chapter, I aim to provide a relatively nonpartisan discussion of the nature of explanation in biology, grounded in widely shared philosophical views about scientific explanation. But this discussion also reflects what I think is important for philosophers and biologists alike to appreciate about successful scientific explanations, so some points will be controversial, at least among philosophers. I make three main points: (1) causal relationships and broad patterns have often been granted importance to scientific explanations, and they are in fact both important; (2) some explanations in biology cite the components of or processes in systems that account for the systemsā€™ features, whereas other explanations feature large-scale or structural causes that influence a system; and (3) there can be multiple different explanations of a given biological phenomenon, explanations that respond to different research aims and can thus be compatible with one another even when they may seem to disagree

    The Invisible Hand Plays Dice: Eventualities in Religious Markets

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    Religious participation is much more widespread in the United States than in Europe, while Europeans tend to view sects more suspiciously than Americans. We propose an explanation for these patterns without assuming differences in preferences or market fundamentals. Religious markets may have multiple equilibria, suggesting that observed differences in religious structures may merely be eventualities. Further, equilibria with more sects result in higher welfare and lower membership costs, as secular societies tend to host on average more demanding sects. Our main methodological contribution to the theory of religious markets is endogenizing simultaneously supply and demand of spiritual services.Sects, religion, tithes, religious markets, occupational choice

    Price Dynamics in Market with Heterogeneous Investment Horizons and Boundedly Rational Traders

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    This paper studies the effects of multiple investment horizons and investors' bounded rationality on the price dynamics. We consider a pure exchange economy with one risky asset, populated with agents maximizing CRRA-type expected utility of wealth over discrete investment periods. An investor's demand for the risky asset may depend on the historical returns, so that our model encompasses a wide range of behaviorist patterns. The necessary conditions, under which the risky return can be a stationary iid process, are established. The compatibility of these conditions with different types of demand functions in the heterogeneous agents' framework are explored. We find that conditional volatility of returns cannot be constant in many generic situations, especially if agents with different investment horizons operate on the market. In the latter case the return process can display conditional heteroscedasticity, even if all investors are so-called "fundamentalists" and their demand for the risky asset is subject to exogenous iid shocks. We show that the heterogeneity of investment horizons can be a possible explanation of different stylized patterns in stock returns, in particular, mean-reversion and volatility clustering.Asset pricing, heterogeneous agents, multiple investment scales, volatility clustering.

    Counterfactual Explanation of Brain Activity Classifiers Using Image-To-Image Transfer by Generative Adversarial Network

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) can accurately decode task-related information from brain activations. However, because of the non-linearity of DNNs, it is generally difficult to explain how and why they assign certain behavioral tasks to given brain activations, either correctly or incorrectly. One of the promising approaches for explaining such a black-box system is counterfactual explanation. In this framework, the behavior of a black-box system is explained by comparing real data and realistic synthetic data that are specifically generated such that the black-box system outputs an unreal outcome. The explanation of the system's decision can be explained by directly comparing the real and synthetic data. Recently, by taking advantage of advances in DNN-based image-to-image translation, several studies successfully applied counterfactual explanation to image domains. In principle, the same approach could be used in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. Because fMRI datasets often contain multiple classes (e.g., multiple behavioral tasks), the image-to-image transformation applicable to counterfactual explanation needs to learn mapping among multiple classes simultaneously. Recently, a new generative neural network (StarGAN) that enables image-to-image transformation among multiple classes has been developed. By adapting StarGAN with some modifications, here, we introduce a novel generative DNN (counterfactual activation generator, CAG) that can provide counterfactual explanations for DNN-based classifiers of brain activations. Importantly, CAG can simultaneously handle image transformation among all the seven classes in a publicly available fMRI dataset. Thus, CAG could provide a counterfactual explanation of DNN-based multiclass classifiers of brain activations. Furthermore, iterative applications of CAG were able to enhance and extract subtle spatial brain activity patterns that affected the classifier's decisions. Together, these results demonstrate that the counterfactual explanation based on image-to-image transformation would be a promising approach to understand and extend the current application of DNNs in fMRI analyses

    Polyandrous females avoid costs of inbreeding

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    Why do females typically mate with more than one male? Female mating patterns have broad implications for sexual selection, speciation and conflicts of interest between the sexes, and yet they are poorly understood. Matings inevitably have costs, and for females, the benefits of taking more than one mate are rarely obvious. One possible explanation is that females gain benefits because they can avoid using sperm from genetically incompatible males, or invest less in the offspring of such males. It has been shown that mating with more than one male can increase offspring viability, but we present the first clear demonstration that this occurs because females with several mates avoid the negative effects of genetic incompatibility. We show that in crickets, the eggs of females that mate only with siblings have decreased hatching success. However, if females mate with both a sibling and a non-sibling they avoid altogether the low egg viability associated with sibling matings. If similar effects occur in other species, inbreeding avoidance may be important in understanding the prevalence of multiple mating

    Timescales of crystallization and viscous flow of the bulk glass-forming Zr-Ti-Ni-Cu-Be alloys

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    Crystallization behavior and equilibrium viscosity of a series of alloys in the Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be system are studied using multiple techniques to determine the various contributions to glass-forming ability. Low-temperature time-temperature-transformation diagrams of alloys whose compositions lie at equally spaced points along the tie line from Zr38.5Ti16.5Cu15.25Ni9.75Be20 to Zr46.25Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5 are measured during isothermal annealing of initially amorphous specimens. Surprisingly, for all investigated alloys, a primary quasicrystalline phase forms at a rate which varies substantially with alloy composition. Subsequent constant heating measurements, x-ray-diffraction patterns obtained after various states of annealing, beam bending viscosity results, and previous thermal analysis are all used to describe the influences on crystallization in this series. The description of both the kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of crystallization allows for an explanation of the crystallization mechanism. In addition, it explains why, in this series, thermal stability is greatest in those alloys with the poorest glass-forming ability. Overall, the investigations reveal that simple criteria like thermal stability or high viscosity fail to predict the glass-forming ability in complex bulk glass-forming systems

    Will the valuation ratios revert to their historical means? Some evidence from breakpoint tests

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    If valuation ratios return to their historical means any time soon, then equity prices must fall substantially, or earnings and dividends must accelerate sharply, or some combination of these events must occur. Historical patterns over the past century suggest that stock prices will fall to align valuation ratios with their means. Of course, the means of the valuation ratios could have changed. To assess the likelihood of such changes, the authors employ breakpoint tests, which allow for multiple breakpoints at unknown break dates. The authors also review alternative explanations for changes in the ratios. They conclude that although no single explanation may be convincing by itself, taken in toto with empirical evidence of structural change, the preponderance of evidence suggests that the mean of the dividend-price ratio is now somewhere between 1% and 2%, probably nearer to 1%. They also conclude that the mean price-to-earnings ratio is now somewhere between 20 and 25, perhaps even higher.Stock - Prices
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