1,054 research outputs found

    Personalized Service Creation by Non-technical Users in the Homecare Domain

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    AbstractOne of the conditions for the successful introduction of ICT-based homecare services is to allow non-technical persons such as home nurses to personalize these services. We refer to this process of homecare service personalization as service tailoring. Service tailoring can be done by configuring and composing previously developed and deployed service building blocks. In this paper, we describe an approach that employs predefined information of care-receivers, called user profile, to hide most of the technical details from care-givers who do the service tailoring. First, we define the information to be included in a user profile and patterns that represent composition structures corresponding to common homecare tasks experienced in homecare. Then, we define how the service tailoring process can exploit information contained in the predefined user profiles. After that, we illustrate the approach with a tailoring scenario

    Lung cancer multi-omics digital human avatars for integrating precision medicine into clinical practice: the LANTERN study

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    Background: The current management of lung cancer patients has reached a high level of complexity. Indeed, besides the traditional clinical variables (e.g., age, sex, TNM stage), new omics data have recently been introduced in clinical practice, thereby making more complex the decision-making process. With the advent of Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, various omics datasets may be used to create more accurate predictive models paving the way for a better care in lung cancer patients. Methods: The LANTERN study is a multi-center observational clinical trial involving a multidisciplinary consortium of five institutions from different European countries. The aim of this trial is to develop accurate several predictive models for lung cancer patients, through the creation of Digital Human Avatars (DHA), defined as digital representations of patients using various omics-based variables and integrating well-established clinical factors with genomic data, quantitative imaging data etc. A total of 600 lung cancer patients will be prospectively enrolled by the recruiting centers and multi-omics data will be collected. Data will then be modelled and parameterized in an experimental context of cutting-edge big data analysis. All data variables will be recorded according to a shared common ontology based on variable-specific domains in order to enhance their direct actionability. An exploratory analysis will then initiate the biomarker identification process. The second phase of the project will focus on creating multiple multivariate models trained though advanced machine learning (ML) and AI techniques for the specific areas of interest. Finally, the developed models will be validated in order to test their robustness, transferability and generalizability, leading to the development of the DHA. All the potential clinical and scientific stakeholders will be involved in the DHA development process. The main goals aim of LANTERN project are: i) To develop predictive models for lung cancer diagnosis and histological characterization; (ii) to set up personalized predictive models for individual-specific treatments; iii) to enable feedback data loops for preventive healthcare strategies and quality of life management. Discussion: The LANTERN project will develop a predictive platform based on integration of multi-omics data. This will enhance the generation of important and valuable information assets, in order to identify new biomarkers that can be used for early detection, improved tumor diagnosis and personalization of treatment protocols. Ethics Committee approval number: 5420 − 0002485/23 from Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Ethics Committee. Trial registration: clinicaltrial.gov - NCT05802771

    Understanding and Managing Medical Data and Knowledge Dynamics

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    For several decades, Artificial Intelligence is concerned with the definition of the concept of knowledge in order to exploit it for various purposes such as information retrieval, decision support or semantic interoperability. This is mainly done thanks to knowledge representation models such as ontologies aiming at representing and organising the concepts of a given domain. However, the evolution of these models and its impact on depending artefacts remain open research problems.The biomedical domain is specific in a sense that its associated knowledge is complex and constantly evolving as underlined by the ever increasing number of published scientific communications. This is why I have focus on this domain and its specificities have been the various lines I have followed during my research work.Three main thematics have focused my efforts over the past years:1- Biomedical knowledge representation2- The management of the evolution of biomedical knowledge representation models 3- The validation of biomedical knowledge representation models These topics are more largely detailed in this manuscriptDepuis plusieurs décennies, le domaine de l’Intelligence Artificielle s’intéresse à définir la notion de connaissance afin de l’exploiter à des fins diverses dans plusieurs cadres d’application tels que la recherche d’information, l’aide à la décision ou encore l’interopérabilité sémantique. Ceci est en partie réalisé grâce à l’utilisation de modèles de représentation des connaissances tels que les ontologies permettant la spécification d’une conceptualisation. Cependant, les aspects liés à l'évolution des connaissances et des modèles qui leur sont associés restent largement inexplorés et demeurent des problèmes de recherche ouverts.Le domaine biomédical est un domaine très riche dans la mesure où les connaissances qu’il intègre sont complexes et en perpétuelle évolution comme le démontre le nombre sans cesse croissant de communications scientifiques publiées au quotidien. C’est pour ces raisons qu’il a suscité mon intérêt et ses spécificités ont constitué la ligne directrice de mes activités de recherche.Trois grandes thématiques ont focalisé mes efforts au cours de ces dernières années et ont concentré la majeure partie de mes contributions scientifiques et collaborations dans ce domaine particulier.1- La représentation des connaissances en santé.2- La gestion de l'évolution des modèles de représentation des connaissances biomédicales.3- La validation des modèles de représentation des connaissances biomédicales.Mes travaux autour de ces trois thématiques sont détaillés dans ce manuscrit


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    Collaboration has been an area of interest in many domains including education, research, healthcare supply chain, Internet of things, and music etc. It enhances problem solving through expertise sharing, ideas sharing, learning and resource sharing, and improved decision making. To address the limitations in the existing literature, this dissertation presents a design science artifact and a conceptual model for collaborative environment. The first artifact is a blockchain based collaborative information exchange system that utilizes blockchain technology and semi-automated ontology mappings to enable secure and interoperable health information exchange among different health care institutions. The conceptual model proposed in this dissertation explores the factors that influences professionals continued use of video- conferencing applications. The conceptual model investigates the role the perceived risks and benefits play in influencing professionals’ attitude towards VC apps and consequently its active and automatic use

    The use of computer-interpretable clinical guidelines to manage care complexities of patients with multimorbid conditions : a review

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    Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) document evidence-based information and recommendations on treatment and management of conditions. CPGs usually focus on management of a single condition; however, in many cases a patient will be at the centre of multiple health conditions (multimorbidity). Multiple CPGs need to be followed in parallel, each managing a separate condition, which often results in instructions that may interact with each other, such as conflicts in medication. Furthermore, the impetus to deliver customised care based on patient-specific information, results in the need to be able to offer guidelines in an integrated manner, identifying and managing their interactions. In recent years, CPGs have been formatted as computer-interpretable guidelines (CIGs). This enables developing CIG-driven clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), which allow the development of IT applications that contribute to the systematic and reliable management of multiple guidelines. This study focuses on understanding the use of CIG-based CDSSs, in order to manage care complexities of patients with multimorbidity. The literature between 2011 and 2017 is reviewed, which covers: (a) the challenges and barriers in the care of multimorbid patients, (b) the role of CIGs in CDSS augmented delivery of care, and (c) the approaches to alleviating care complexities of multimorbid patients. Generating integrated care plans, detecting and resolving adverse interactions between treatments and medications, dealing with temporal constraints in care steps, supporting patient-caregiver shared decision making and maintaining the continuity of care are some of the approaches that are enabled using a CIG-based CDSS

    Managing healthcare transformation towards P5 medicine (Published in Frontiers in Medicine)

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    Health and social care systems around the world are facing radical organizational, methodological and technological paradigm changes to meet the requirements for improving quality and safety of care as well as efficiency and efficacy of care processes. In this they’re trying to manage the challenges of ongoing demographic changes towards aging, multi-diseased societies, development of human resources, a health and social services consumerism, medical and biomedical progress, and exploding costs for health-related R&D as well as health services delivery. Furthermore, they intend to achieve sustainability of global health systems by transforming them towards intelligent, adaptive and proactive systems focusing on health and wellness with optimized quality and safety outcomes. The outcome is a transformed health and wellness ecosystem combining the approaches of translational medicine, 5P medicine (personalized, preventive, predictive, participative precision medicine) and digital health towards ubiquitous personalized health services realized independent of time and location. It considers individual health status, conditions, genetic and genomic dispositions in personal social, occupational, environmental and behavioural context, thus turning health and social care from reactive to proactive. This requires the advancement communication and cooperation among the business actors from different domains (disciplines) with different methodologies, terminologies/ontologies, education, skills and experiences from data level (data sharing) to concept/knowledge level (knowledge sharing). The challenge here is the understanding and the formal as well as consistent representation of the world of sciences and practices, i.e. of multidisciplinary and dynamic systems in variable context, for enabling mapping between the different disciplines, methodologies, perspectives, intentions, languages, etc. Based on a framework for dynamically, use-case-specifically and context aware representing multi-domain ecosystems including their development process, systems, models and artefacts can be consistently represented, harmonized and integrated. The response to that problem is the formal representation of health and social care ecosystems through an system-oriented, architecture-centric, ontology-based and policy-driven model and framework, addressing all domains and development process views contributing to the system and context in question. Accordingly, this Research Topic would like to address this change towards 5P medicine. Specifically, areas of interest include, but are not limited: • A multidisciplinary approach to the transformation of health and social systems • Success factors for sustainable P5 ecosystems • AI and robotics in transformed health ecosystems • Transformed health ecosystems challenges for security, privacy and trust • Modelling digital health systems • Ethical challenges of personalized digital health • Knowledge representation and management of transformed health ecosystems Table of Contents: 04 Editorial: Managing healthcare transformation towards P5 medicine Bernd Blobel and Dipak Kalra 06 Transformation of Health and Social Care Systems—An Interdisciplinary Approach Toward a Foundational Architecture Bernd Blobel, Frank Oemig, Pekka Ruotsalainen and Diego M. Lopez 26 Transformed Health Ecosystems—Challenges for Security, Privacy, and Trust Pekka Ruotsalainen and Bernd Blobel 36 Success Factors for Scaling Up the Adoption of Digital Therapeutics Towards the Realization of P5 Medicine Alexandra Prodan, Lucas Deimel, Johannes Ahlqvist, Strahil Birov, Rainer Thiel, Meeri Toivanen, Zoi Kolitsi and Dipak Kalra 49 EU-Funded Telemedicine Projects – Assessment of, and Lessons Learned From, in the Light of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Laura Paleari, Virginia Malini, Gabriella Paoli, Stefano Scillieri, Claudia Bighin, Bernd Blobel and Mauro Giacomini 60 A Review of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Transformed Health Ecosystems Kerstin Denecke and Claude R. Baudoin 73 Modeling digital health systems to foster interoperability Frank Oemig and Bernd Blobel 89 Challenges and solutions for transforming health ecosystems in low- and middle-income countries through artificial intelligence Diego M. López, Carolina Rico-Olarte, Bernd Blobel and Carol Hullin 111 Linguistic and ontological challenges of multiple domains contributing to transformed health ecosystems Markus Kreuzthaler, Mathias Brochhausen, Cilia Zayas, Bernd Blobel and Stefan Schulz 126 The ethical challenges of personalized digital health Els Maeckelberghe, Kinga Zdunek, Sara Marceglia, Bobbie Farsides and Michael Rigb

    Automatic Generation of Personalized Recommendations in eCoaching

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    Denne avhandlingen omhandler eCoaching for personlig livsstilsstøtte i sanntid ved bruk av informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi. Utfordringen er å designe, utvikle og teknisk evaluere en prototyp av en intelligent eCoach som automatisk genererer personlige og evidensbaserte anbefalinger til en bedre livsstil. Den utviklede løsningen er fokusert på forbedring av fysisk aktivitet. Prototypen bruker bærbare medisinske aktivitetssensorer. De innsamlede data blir semantisk representert og kunstig intelligente algoritmer genererer automatisk meningsfulle, personlige og kontekstbaserte anbefalinger for mindre stillesittende tid. Oppgaven bruker den veletablerte designvitenskapelige forskningsmetodikken for å utvikle teoretiske grunnlag og praktiske implementeringer. Samlet sett fokuserer denne forskningen på teknologisk verifisering snarere enn klinisk evaluering.publishedVersio

    Holistic System Design for Distributed National eHealth Services

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    Advanced Internet of Things for Personalised Healthcare System: A Survey

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    As a new revolution of the Internet, Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly gaining ground as a new research topic in many academic and industrial disciplines, especially in healthcare. Remarkably, due to the rapid proliferation of wearable devices and smartphone, the Internet of Things enabled technology is evolving healthcare from conventional hub based system to more personalised healthcare system (PHS). However, empowering the utility of advanced IoT technology in PHS is still significantly challenging in the area considering many issues, like shortage of cost-effective and accurate smart medical sensors, unstandardized IoT system architectures, heterogeneity of connected wearable devices, multi-dimensionality of data generated and high demand for interoperability. In an effect to understand advance of IoT technologies in PHS, this paper will give a systematic review on advanced IoT enabled PHS. It will review the current research of IoT enabled PHS, and key enabling technologies, major IoT enabled applications and successful case studies in healthcare, and finally point out future research trends and challenges

    Health Recommender Systems Development, Usage, and Evaluation from 2010 to 2022: A Scoping Review

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    A health recommender system (HRS) provides a user with personalized medical information based on the user’s health profile. This scoping review aims to identify and summarize the HRS development in the most recent decade by focusing on five key aspects: health domain, user, recommended item, recommendation technology, and system evaluation. We searched PubMed, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, and Scopus databases for English literature published between 2010 and 2022. Our study selection and data extraction followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews. The following are the primary results: sixty-three studies met the eligibility criteria and were included in the data analysis. These studies involved twenty-four health domains, with both patients and the general public as target users and ten major recommended items. The most adopted algorithm of recommendation technologies was the knowledge-based approach. In addition, fifty-nine studies reported system evaluations, in which two types of evaluation methods and three categories of metrics were applied. However, despite existing research progress on HRSs, the health domains, recommended items, and sample size of system evaluation have been limited. In the future, HRS research shall focus on dynamic user modelling, utilizing open-source knowledge bases, and evaluating the efficacy of HRSs using a large sample size. In conclusion, this study summarized the research activities and evidence pertinent to HRSs in the most recent ten years and identified gaps in the existing research landscape. Further work shall address the gaps and continue improving the performance of HRSs to empower users in terms of healthcare decision making and self-management
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