24 research outputs found

    Land Use Based Flood Hazard Analysis for the Mekong Delta

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    Das Mekong-Delta nimmt für die Republik Vietnam einen sehr hohen Stellenwert in Bezug auf Natur, Wirtschaft, Politik, Menschen, Landwirtschaft, Fischerei, Geopolitik und vielen anderen Bereichen ein. Der sogenannte Dreifachreis (auch Herbst-Winter-Ernte oder Third Crop genannt) wurde in den letzten Jahren für das Mekong-Delta in den stark überfluteten Gebiete durch umschlossene Kompartimenten wie Halbdeichstrukturen (zum Schutz der Reisfelder vor Hochwasser (von Juli bis Mitte August) sowie Volldeichmessungen (zum vollständigen Schutz der Reisfelder während der Hochwassersaison) schnell ausgebaut. Der Reisanbau hat daher Auswirkungen auf die Hochwassersituation in den flußabwärts gelegenen Gebieten. Diese Studie zielt darauf ab, die Auswirkungen von Deichmessungen auf Hochwasser in den Mekong-Flüssen zu analysieren, indem das 1D-Hydraulikmodell MIKE11 sowie Fernerkundungsprodukte (MODIS-Satellit) verwendet werden. Um diese Einflüsse umfassend zu erforschen, wurde mit dem Hydraulikmodell MIKE11 die Auswirkungen von mehreren Volldeichkompartimenten auf das Hochwasser entlang der Hauptflüsse basierend auf einem Geographical Impact Factor (GIF) analysiert. Der Autor fand heraus, daß verschiedene geografische Kompartimente unterschiedliche Einflüsse auf das Hochwasserniveau entlang des Mekong haben. Fernerkundungsprodukte wurden eingesetzt, um die Veränderung der Landnutzungsgebiete im Mekong-Delta von 2000 bis 2017 zu analysieren. Außerdem wurde von MODIS Satellitenprodukte eine komplette Datenbank von Hochwasserverteilungskarten (476 Karten) im Mekong-Delta während der Hochwassersaison 2000 bis 2017 interpretiert. Darüber hinaus wurden die Satellitenprodukte einschließlich Landnutzung und Hochwasserkarten in MD zu weiteren Untersuchungen des Mekong Delta für die Öffentlichkeit online zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Simulation funktioniert für ein großes und komplexes Flussnetz, da das Mekong-System viele Anstrengungen und Erfahrungen der Ingenieure erfordert, die nicht leicht zu bewältigen sind. Daher wurde eine einfache Methode zur Interpretation des Hochwasserstandes entlang der Mekong Flüsse entwickelt, um Ingenieuren ein schnelles Werkzeug zur Bewertung der Auswirkungen von Deichkonstruktionen für Landnutzungszwecke auf Hochwasserregime zur Verfügung zu stellen. Im Bereich Hydraulik wurde ebenfalls eine Empfehlung zum Reisanbau in den Gebieten vom Mekong-Delta abgegeben, welche den Anwendern die Möglichkeit bieten soll, die Ausrichtung der landwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung gegenüber dem Hochwassermanagement zu steuern

    Assessing Spatiotemporal Drought Dynamics and Its Related Environmental Issues in the Mekong River Delta

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    Drought is a major natural disaster that creates a negative impact on socio-economic development and environment. Drought indices are typically applied to characterize drought events in a meaningful way. This study aims at examining variations in agricultural drought severity based on the relationship between standardized ratio of actual and potential evapotranspiration (ET and PET), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and land surface temperature (LST) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) platform. A new drought index, called the enhanced drought severity index (EDSI), was developed by applying spatiotemporal regression methods and time-series biophysical data derived from remote sensing. In addition, time-series trend analysis in the 2001–2018 period, along with the Mann–Kendal (MK) significance test and the Theil Sen (TS) slope, were used to examine the spatiotemporal dynamics of environmental parameters (i.e., LST, EVI, ET, and PET), and geographically weighted regression (GWR) was subsequently applied in order to analyze the local correlations among them. Results showed that a significant correlation was discovered among LST, EVI, ET, and PET, as well as their standardized ratios (|r| > 0.8, p 0.7 and a statistical significance p < 0.01. Besides, it was found that the temporal tendency of this phenomenon was the increase in intensity of drought, and that coastal areas in the study area were more vulnerable to this phenomenon. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of EDSI and the potential application of integrating spatial regression and time-series data for assessing regional drought conditions

    Satellites May Underestimate Rice Residue and Associated Burning Emissions in Vietnam

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    In this study, we estimate rice residue, associated burning emissions, and compare results with existing emissions inventories employing a bottom-up approach. We first estimated field-level post-harvest rice residues, including separate fuel-loading factors for rice straw and rice stubble. Results suggested fuel-loading factors of 0.27 kg/sq m (+/-0.033), 0.61 kg/sq m (+/-0.076), and 0.88 kg/sq m (+/-0.083) for rice straw, stubble, and total post-harvest biomass, respectively. Using these factors, we quantified potential emissions from rice residue burning and compared our estimates with other studies. Our results suggest total rice residue burning emissions as 2.24 Gg PM2.5, 36.54 Gg CO and 567.79 Gg CO2 for Hanoi Province, which are significantly higher than earlier studies. We attribute our higher emission estimates to improved fuel-loading factors; moreover, we infer that some earlier studies relying on residue-to-product ratios could be underestimating rice residue emissions by more than a factor of 2.3 for Hanoi, Vietnam. Using the rice planted area data from the Vietnamese government, and combining our fuel-loading factors, we also estimated rice residue PM2.5 emissions for the entirety of Vietnam and compared these estimates with an existing all-sources emissions inventory, and the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED). Results suggest 75.98 Gg of PM2.5 released from rice residue burning accounting for 12.8% of total emissions for Vietnam. The GFED database suggests 42.56 Gg PM2.5 from biomass burning with 5.62 Gg attributed to agricultural waste burning indicating satellite-based methods may be significantly underestimating emissions. Our results not only provide improved residue and emission estimates, but also highlight the need for emissions mitigation from rice residue burning

    Spatio-temporal Analysis of Agriculture in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta using MODIS Imagery

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    New methodologies using MODIS time‒series imagery were developed for revealing spatio‒temporal changes of agricultural environments and land use patterns in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. The following methodologies were proposed:a Wavelet based Filter for Crop Phenology (WFCP), a Wavelet‒based fi lter for evaluating the spatial distribution of Cropping Systems (WFCS), and a Wavelet‒based fi lter for detecting spatio‒temporal changes in Flood Inundation(WFFI). The WFCP algorithm involves smoothing the temporal profi le of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) using the wavelet transform approach. As a result of validation using the agricultural statistical data in Japan, it was shown that the WFCP was able to estimate rice growing stages, including transplanting date, heading date and harvesting date from the smoothed EVI data, with 9‒12 days accuracy(RMSE). The WFCS algorithm was developed for detecting rice‒cropping patterns in the Vietnamese Mekong delta based on WFCP. It was revealed that the spatial distribution of rice cropping seasons was characterized by both annual fl ood inundation around the upper region in the rainy season and salinity intrusion around the coastal region in the dry season. The WFFI algorithm was developed for estimating start and end dates of fl ood inundation by using time‒series Land Surface Water Index and EVI. Annual intensity of Mekong fl oods was evaluated from 2000 to 2004, at a regional scale. Applying a series of wavelet‒based methodologies to the MODIS data acquired from 2000 to 2006, it was confi rmed that the cropping season for the winter‒spring rice in the fl ood‒prone area fl uctuated depending on the annual change of fl ood scale. It was also confi rmed that the triple rice‒cropped area in the An Giang province expanded from 2000 to 2005, because the construction of a ring‒dike system and water‒resource infrastructure made it possible to sustain a third rice cropping season during the fl ood season. The proposed methodologies(WFCP, WFCS, WFFI) based on MODIS time‒series imagery made it clear that while the rice cropping in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta was quantitatively(annual fl ooding) and qualitatively(salinity intrusion) affected by water‒resource changes, there were some regions where the cultivation system was changed from double rice cropping to triple rice cropping because of the implementation of measures against fl ooding.日本の食料自給率 (2005年時の供給熱量ベース) は、40% と先進7カ国の中で最も低い。日本は、その食料海外依存度の高さから、世界的な食料価格の変動の影響を最も受け易い国と言える。近年の経済発展に伴う中国の大豆輸入量の増加や世界的なエネルギー政策の転換 (バイオエタノール政策) は、世界の穀物需給バランスを不安定にさせつつあり、世界的な問題となっている。さらに、地球温暖化による農業生産影響、増加し続ける世界人口、鈍化する穀物生産性を考えれば、世界の食料需給バランスが将来にわたって安定し続けると言うことはできないだろう。他方、食料増産・生産性向上を目的とした集約的農業の展開は、発展途上国の農業環境にさらなる負荷を与えるかもしれない。世界の食料生産と密接な関係にある日本は、自国の食料安全保障を議論する前提として、急速に変わり行く世界の農業生産現場やそれを取り巻く農業環境を客観的に理解し、世界の農業環境情報を独自の手法によって収集・整理する必要がある。そこで、筆者は、衛星リモートセンシング技術を活用することによって、地球規模の視点で、時間的・空間的な広がりを持って変わり行く農業生産活動とそれを取り巻く農業環境情報を把握・理解するための時系列衛星データ解析手法の確立を目指すこととした。本研究では、インドシナ半島南端に位置するベトナム・メコンデルタを調査対象領域とした。ベトナムは、タイに次ぐ世界第2位のコメ輸出国であり、その輸出米の9割近くが、ベトナム・メコンデルタで生産されたものである。筆者は、ベトナム・メコンデルタを世界の食料安全保障を考える上で重要な食料生産地帯の一つであると考え、本地域における農業環境及び土地利用パターンの時空間変化を明らかにするためのMODIS データを用いた新たな時系列解析手法の開発を行った。 本研究において提案する時系列解析手法は、次の三つである。1. Wavelet‒based Filter for Crop Phenology (WFCP) ,2. Wavelet‒based Filter for evaluating the spatial distribution of Cropping System (WFCS) , 3. Wavelet‒based Filterfor detecting spatio‒temporal changes in Flood Inundation (WFFI) . WFCP は、時系列植生指数 (EVI) を平滑化するためにウェーブレット変換手法を利用しており、日本の農業統計データを用いた検証結果から、水稲生育ステージ (田植日、出穂日、収獲日) を約9-12日 (RMSE) の精度で推定可能であることが示された。WFCP を基に改良されたWFCS は、水稲作付パターンの年次把握を可能にし、ベトナムメコンデルタにおける水稲作付時期の空間分布が、上流部において毎年雨期に発生する洪水と沿岸部において乾季に発生する塩水遡上によって特徴づけられていることを明らかにした。WFFI は、時系列水指数 (LSWI) と植生指数 (EVI) から、湛水期間、湛水開始日・湛水終息日を広域把握し、メコン川洪水強度の年次変化を地域スケールで評価することを可能にする。そして、ウェーブレット変換を利用した一連の手法を、2000~2006年までのMODIS 時系列画像に適用することによって、メコンデルタ上流部の洪水常襲地帯において、冬春米の作付時期が、年次変化する洪水規模に依存していることを明らかにした。また、An Giang 省において、堤防建設 (輪中) や水利施設の建設によって、洪水期における水稲三期作が可能になった地域が、2000~2005年にかけて拡大していることを明らかにした。本研究で提案したMODIS 時系列画像を利用した時系列解析手法 (WFCP、WFCS、WFFI) によって、ベトナムメコンデルタにおける水稲生産が水資源の量的 (洪水) ・質的 (塩水遡上) 変動影響を受ける一方、洪水対策の実施によって、栽培体系を二期作から三期作に変更している地域があることを明らかにした

    Seasonal Variations in Groundwater Quality under Different Impacts Using Statistical Approaches

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate seasonal fluctuations in groundwater quality, determine the effects of different stressors on this resource, and recognize the potential pollution sources in a coastal region of southern Vietnam. Eleven samples collected in Ben Tre province during the dry and wet seasons were then analyzed for sixteen parameters, including pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, total hardness (TH), ammonium (NH₄⁺-N), nitrite (NO₂ˉ-N), nitrate (NO₃ˉ-N), sulfate (SO₄²ˉ), chloride (Clˉ), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), coliforms, and Escherichia coli (E. coli). Pearson correlation analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), and cluster analysis (CA) were employed. The results indicated that total dissolved solids, salinity, total hardness, Clˉ, E. coli and coliform were detected as contaminants in groundwater samples. The trend of fluctuations in the parameters was mostly higher in the dry season. Which Mn and coliform significantly fluctuated between the dry and wet seasons. Activities in industrial-craft areas, landfills and seawater-intruded areas negatively impacted groundwater quality, typically TDS in industrial-craft areas, coliform and E.coliat the landfill area. Six principal components obtained from PCA could explain 93.6% of the variance, and all parameters are responsible for variations in groundwater quality. Geology, discharged wastewater, landfill leachate, agricultural activities, and saltwater intrusion can be considered representative factors. CA grouped the collected samples into four clusters based on the similarity in water properties. The analysis results showed that the locations in each cluster have outstanding water quality characteristics, clusters I and III have high TDS characteristics, cluster II has coliforms, and cluster IV sets of locations with high salinity. This study is promised to partially fill the gap in comprehensive information on groundwater quality in the coastal province so that policymakers can develop sustainable water management strategies in the future. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-03-01 Full Text: PD

    Télédétection radar appliquée au suivi des rizières. Méthodes utilisant le rapport des intensités de rétrodiffusion.

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    Because of the importance of rice in global food security and of the role of rice paddies in methane emissions, a large-scale near-real-time monitoring system of rice fields appears to be particularly useful. The objective of this work is to develop methods aiming at an effective use of remote sensing data from past and future satellites for rice fields monitoring. Radar imagery is preferred to optical imagery, due to its all-weather ability. Two methods are considered, both involving a C-band SAR intensity ratio as a classification feature: the HH/VV polarization ratio and the co-polarized temporal change HHdate2/HHdate1. First, a statistical study of intensity ratios is done, leading to the development of an error model that estimates the performance of the classification methods. The error model is also used to assess the impact of SAR system parameters (calibration, ambiguity ratio, revisit frequency) on the classification accuracy. Then, these classification methods are applied to two datasets acquired by the ASAR instrument onboard ENVISAT over the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, in order to map rice fields at two scales. The first approach relies on the use of the HH/VV polarization ratio calculated from the Alternating Polarization mode of ASAR, and is applied to produce a rice map covering one province in the delta. The second approach uses the HH temporal change of Wide-Swath mode images from ASAR, and allows mapping rice fields over the whole delta. Both methods are validated with success through the use of the cultivated areas reported in national statistics.En raison de l'importance du riz dans l'alimentation mondiale et du rôle des rizières dans les émissions de méthane, un suivi à grande échelle et en temps quasi-réel des surfaces cultivées en riz semble particulièrement utile. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des méthodes permettant une utilisation effective des données de télédétection des satellites présents et futurs pour le suivi des rizières. L'imagerie radar est privilégiée car elle permet des acquisitions sous toutes les conditions météorologiques, contrairement à l'imagerie optique. Deux méthodes sont retenues qui font intervenir un rapport d'intensité de deux images SAR en bande C : le rapport de polarisation HH/VV ou le changement temporel en co-polarisation HHdate2/HHdate1. Dans un premier temps, une étude statistique des rapports d'intensité de rétrodiffusion est effectuée, qui conduit au développement d'un modèle d'erreur permettant d'estimer la performance des méthodes de classification. Ce modèle d'erreur est également utilisé pour évaluer l'impact des paramètres des systèmes SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) sur la performance de la classification. Il s'agit des paramètres concernant l'étalonnage, l'ambiguïté, la fréquence de revisite. Dans un second temps, les méthodes de classification ainsi développées sont appliquées à deux jeux de données de l'instrument ASAR du satellite ENVISAT sur le delta du Mékong au Vietnam, pour faire la cartographie des rizières à deux échelles différentes. La première méthode repose sur l'utilisation du rapport HH/VV à partir de données du mode Alternating Polarization d'ASAR, qui permet de produire une carte de rizières couvrant une province du delta. La seconde méthode tire parti du changement temporel de HH sur des images du mode Wide-Swath d'ASAR, et est utilisée pour cartographier les rizières de l'ensemble du delta. Les deux méthodes sont validées avec succès en utilisant les surfaces cultivées données par les statistiques nationales


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    Agricultural residue burning, practiced in croplands throughout the world, adversely impacts public health and regional air quality. Monitoring and quantifying agricultural residue burning with remote sensing alone is difficult due to lack of field data, hazy conditions obstructing satellite remote sensing imagery, small field sizes, and active field management. This dissertation highlights the uncertainties, discrepancies, and underestimation of agricultural residue burning emissions in a small-holder agriculturalist region, while also developing methods for improved bottom-up quantification of residue burning and associated emissions impacts, by employing a field and remote sensing-based approach. The underestimation in biomass burning emissions from rice residue, the fibrous plant material left in the field after harvest and subjected to burning, represents the starting point for this research, which is conducted in a small-holder agricultural landscape of Vietnam. This dissertation quantifies improved bottom-up air pollution emissions estimates through refinements to each component of the fine-particulate matter emissions equation, including the use of synthetic aperture radar timeseries to explore rice land area variation between different datasets and for date of burn estimates, development of a new field method to estimate both rice straw and stubble biomass, and also improvements to emissions quantification through the use of burning practice specific emission factors and combustion factors. Moreover, the relative contribution of residue burning emissions to combustion sources was quantified, demonstrating emissions are higher than previously estimated, increasing the importance for mitigation. The dissertation further explored air pollution impacts from rice residue burning in Hanoi, Vietnam through trajectory modelling and synoptic meteorology patterns, as well as timeseries of satellite air pollution and reanalysis datasets. The results highlight the inherent difficulty to capture air pollution impacts in the region, especially attributed to cloud cover obstructing optical satellite observations of episodic biomass burning. Overall, this dissertation found that a prominent satellite-based emissions dataset vastly underestimates emissions from rice residue burning. Recommendations for future work highlight the importance for these datasets to account for crop and burning practice specific emission factors for improved emissions estimates, which are useful to more accurately highlight the importance of reducing emissions from residue burning to alleviate air quality issues

    Classification and mapping of paddy rice by combining Landsat and SAR time series data

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    Rice is an important food resource, and the demand for rice has increased as population has expanded. Therefore, accurate paddy rice classification and monitoring are necessary to identify and forecast rice production. Satellite data have been often used to produce paddy rice maps with more frequent update cycle (e.g., every year) than field surveys. Many satellite data, including both optical and SAR sensor data (e.g., Landsat, MODIS, and ALOS PALSAR), have been employed to classify paddy rice. In the present study, time series data from Landsat, RADARSAT-1, and ALOS PALSAR satellite sensors were synergistically used to classify paddy rice through machine learning approaches over two different climate regions (sites A and B). Six schemes considering the composition of various combinations of input data by sensor and collection date were evaluated. Scheme 6 that fused optical and SAR sensor time series data at the decision level yielded the highest accuracy (98.67% for site A and 93.87% for site B). Performance of paddy rice classification was better in site A than site B, which consists of heterogeneous land cover and has low data availability due to a high cloud cover rate. This study also proposed Paddy Rice Mapping Index (PMI) considering spectral and phenological characteristics of paddy rice. PMI represented well the spatial distribution of paddy rice in both regions. Google Earth Engine was adopted to produce paddy rice maps over larger areas using the proposed PMI-based approach

    Multitemporal monitoring of plant area index in the Valencia Rice District with PocketLAI

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    Leaf area index (LAI) is a key biophysical parameter used to determine foliage cover and crop growth in environmental studies in order to assess crop yield. Frequently, plant canopy analyzers (LAI-2000) and digital cameras for hemispherical photography (DHP) are used for indirect effective plant area index (PAIeff ) estimates. Nevertheless, these instruments are expensive and have the disadvantages of low portability and maintenance. Recently, a smartphone app called PocketLAI was presented and tested for acquiring PAIeff measurements. It was used during an entire rice season for indirect PAIeff estimations and for deriving reference high-resolution PAIeff maps. Ground PAIeff values acquired with PocketLAI, LAI-2000, and DHP were well correlated (R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 0.21 m2/m2 for Licor-2000, and R2 = 0.94, RMSE = 0.6 m2/m2 for DHP). Complementary data such as phenology and leaf chlorophyll content were acquired to complement seasonal rice plant information provided by PAIeff. High-resolution PAIeff maps, which can be used for the validation of remote sensing products, have been derived using a global transfer function (TF) made of several measuring dates and their associated satellite radiances