4,342 research outputs found

    Chemical Power for Microscopic Robots in Capillaries

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    The power available to microscopic robots (nanorobots) that oxidize bloodstream glucose while aggregated in circumferential rings on capillary walls is evaluated with a numerical model using axial symmetry and time-averaged release of oxygen from passing red blood cells. Robots about one micron in size can produce up to several tens of picowatts, in steady-state, if they fully use oxygen reaching their surface from the blood plasma. Robots with pumps and tanks for onboard oxygen storage could collect oxygen to support burst power demands two to three orders of magnitude larger. We evaluate effects of oxygen depletion and local heating on surrounding tissue. These results give the power constraints when robots rely entirely on ambient available oxygen and identify aspects of the robot design significantly affecting available power. More generally, our numerical model provides an approach to evaluating robot design choices for nanomedicine treatments in and near capillaries.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Identifying Vessel Branching from Fluid Stresses on Microscopic Robots

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    Objects moving in fluids experience patterns of stress on their surfaces determined by the geometry of nearby boundaries. Flows at low Reynolds number, as occur in microscopic vessels such as capillaries in biological tissues, have relatively simple relations between stresses and nearby vessel geometry. Using these relations, this paper shows how a microscopic robot moving with such flows can use changes in stress on its surface to identify when it encounters vessel branches.Comment: Version 2 has minor clarification

    Using Surface-Motions for Locomotion of Microscopic Robots in Viscous Fluids

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    Microscopic robots could perform tasks with high spatial precision, such as acting in biological tissues on the scale of individual cells, provided they can reach precise locations. This paper evaluates the feasibility of in vivo locomotion for micron-size robots. Two appealing methods rely only on surface motions: steady tangential motion and small amplitude oscillations. These methods contrast with common microorganism propulsion based on flagella or cilia, which are more likely to damage nearby cells if used by robots made of stiff materials. The power potentially available to robots in tissue supports speeds ranging from one to hundreds of microns per second, over the range of viscosities found in biological tissue. We discuss design trade-offs among propulsion method, speed, power, shear forces and robot shape, and relate those choices to robot task requirements. This study shows that realizing such locomotion requires substantial improvements in fabrication capabilities and material properties over current technology.Comment: 14 figures and two Quicktime animations of the locomotion methods described in the paper, each showing one period of the motion over a time of 0.5 milliseconds; version 2 has minor clarifications and corrected typo

    Self-Assembled Nanoantenna Enhance Optical Activity and Transport in Scalable Thin Films and Interfaces

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    Continued population growth and the decrease of existing energy platforms demands long-term solutions for development and implementation of scalable plasmonic metamaterials for energy and agricultural applications. Self-assembled nanoantenna into random and ordered arrangements are advanced herein for optical and thermal enhancements in scalable thin film. An analytical approach to estimating the thermal dynamics of random arrangements of nanoantenna resulted in estimates within 30% across a range of geometric parameters, nanoantenna-containing media, and thermal parameters. Multimodal thermal dynamics of polymer thin films containing gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were observed through the natural log of the dimensionless temperature driving force plotted versus time and were observed and studied across a range of variables including film thickness, laser power, nanoparticle diameter, respective pixel location, and laser spot size. Large area arrays of nanoantenna were fabricated through a modified directed self-assembly process, which resulted in \u3e2 mm x 2 mm areas with ~100% density of filled cavities containing 150 nm gold nanoparticles. Optical extinction for ordered arrangements of nanoantenna was estimated within 2% using rapid semi-analytic coupled-dipole approximation (rsa-CDA) simulations when contained within patterned PDMS and transferred onto glass substrates. Two biocompatible transfer approaches were developed and implemented to transfer ordered arrangements of nanoantenna to the surface of a leaf: laser induction and resinous adhesion. Dark-field microscopic imaging confirmed the ordering was maintained through the resinous adhesion transfer process. Further development of the fabrication of ordered nanoantenna and transfer onto leaf surfaces supports the design and implementation of crop-based sensors for real-time monitoring of vital crop data for improving crop production and health

    Whispering Gallery Modes in Standard Optical Fibres for Fibre Profiling Measurements and Sensing of Unlabelled Chemical Species

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    Whispering gallery mode resonances in liquid droplets and microspheres have attracted considerable attention due to their potential uses in a range of sensing and technological applications. We describe a whispering gallery mode sensor in which standard optical fibre is used as the whispering gallery mode resonator. The sensor is characterised in terms of the response of the whispering gallery mode spectrum to changes in resonator size, refractive index of the surrounding medium, and temperature, and its measurement capabilities are demonstrated through application to high-precision fibre geometry profiling and the detection of unlabelled biochemical species. The prototype sensor is capable of detecting unlabelled biomolecular species in attomole quantities