589 research outputs found

    Objects, Bodies and Gods A Cognitive Ethnography of an Ontological Dynamic in the Xangô Cult (Recife, Brazil)

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    Seven-year relative abundance in two syntopic neotropical lizards, <i>Liolaemus quilmes</i> and <i>L. ramiraze</i> (Liolaemidae), from Northwestern Argentina

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    Estudios sobre la abundancia relativa de poblaciones de lagartos simpátricos pueden ayudar a conocer sus historias de vida y, a largo plazo, a estimar potenciales problemas de conservación. A través de los años, pueden emerger patrones de coexistencia entre dos o más especies, tales como los efectos de una especie sobre la otra, o el efecto de las precipitaciones y la temperatura, o la abundancia de la presa y la presión de predación. Aquí reportamos un estudio de siete años sobre la abundancia relativa de dos especies Neotropicales del Noroeste de Argentina, Liolaemus quilmes y L. ramirezae. Estas dos especies se encuentran en sintopía en un sitio llamado Los Cardones. Monitoreamos un área de 60 x 60 m, dos a cinco días, cada uno o dos meses, a lo largo del período de actividad de los lagartos, desde el año 2000 al 2007. Durante este periodo, la abundancia relativa de L. quilmes, tomado como el número promedio de adultos avistados por monitoreo por mes, permaneció estable, mientras que la de L. ramirezae aumentó en los últimos dos años. La abundancia relativa de una población no afectó a la otra a lo largo de los años ni tampoco la de machos y hembras de L. quilmes. Aunque la cantidad de precitaciones varió significativamente a lo largo de los años, no estuvo asociada a la abundancia relativa de cada población. Las dos especies muestran diferencias en su uso del hábitat y en sus preferencias alimenticias lo cual podría facilitar la coexistencia. Sin embargo, a parte de considerar estos parámetros ecológicos, también habría que considerar limitantes históricos para poder explicar los patrones observados hoy.Studies on the relative abundance of sympatric lizard populations can give insight into their life histories and, if long-term, can help estimate potential conservation problems. Through the years, patterns of coexistence between two or more species may emerge, such as the effect of one species over the other, or the effect of factors such as precipitation and temperature, or prey abundance and predator pressure. Here we report a seven-year study on the relative abundance of two Neotropical species from Northwestern Argentina, Liolaemus quilmes and L. ramirezae. These two species are found in syntopy at a site called Los Cardones. We monitored an area of 60 x 60 m, two to five days, every one or two months, throughout the activity period of the lizards, from 2000 to 2007. During that time, the relative abundance of L. quilmes, taken as the average number of adults sighted per survey per month, remained stable during the seven-year study whereas that of L. ramirezae increased in the last two years. The relative abundance of one population did not affect the other over the years nor did that of male and female L. quilmes. Although the amount of precipitation varied significantly over the years, it was not associated to the relative abundance of each population. The two species show differences in their habitat use and in prey preferences which may facilitate coexistence. However, besides taking into account these ecological parameters, historical constraints must also be considered in order to explain the patterns observed today.Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (AHA

    A theory of the mind as a complex system

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    Five principles of skill acquisition are presented based on a review of research on human learning and expertise. Essentially these principles state that practice leads to faster and more efficient uses of knowledge. This enables faster performance and results in less demand on mental resources. In turn these outcomes enable higher level behaviours to be attempted. Ultimately skills are developed through refinement of many component processes. A theory of the mind is proposed that borrows from theories of complex adaptive systems. In this theory, the mind is conceived of as consisting of agents that compete for resources associated with processing information. The nature of this competition is similar to that observed in physical and biological systems in that agents survive or disappear depending on their usefulness. This theory is shown to be capable of explaining the five principles of skill acquisition, without these principles being explicitly built into the theory. Implications for other theories of skill acquisition are considered

    Vegetation trends over eleven years on mountain summits in NW Argentina

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    As global climate change leads to warmer and dryer conditions in the central Andes, alpine plant communities are forced to upward displacements following their climatic niche. Species range shifts are predicted to have major impacts on alpine communities by reshuffling species composition and abundances. Using a standardized protocol, we surveyed alpine plant communities in permanent plots on four high Andean summits in NW Argentina, which range from 4,040 to 4,740 m a.s.l. After a baseline survey in 2006–2008, we resurvey the same plots in 2012, and again in 2017. We found a significant decrease in plant cover, species richness, and diversity across the elevation gradient in the three censuses and a strong decrease in soil temperature along the elevation gradient. We found a high plant community turnover (37%–49%) among censuses, differentiating according to summits and aspects; major changes of community turnover were observed in the lowest summit (49%) and on the northern (47%) and western (46%) aspects. Temporal patterns in community changes were represented by increases in plant cover in the highest summit, in species richness in the lower summit, and in diversity (Shannon index) in the four summits, over time, together with increase in small herbs and non-tussock grasses. We suggest that the observed trend in plant community dynamics responds to short-term temperature and precipitation variability, which is influenced by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and due to time lags in plant community response, it may take much longer than one decade for the observed trends to become stables and statistically significant. Our study provides an important foundation for documenting more profound changes in these subtropical alpine plant communities as global climate change continues.Fil: Carilla, Julieta. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional; ArgentinaFil: Halloy, Stephan. Ministry for Primary Industries; Nueva ZelandaFil: Cuello, Ana Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto de Química del Noroeste. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia. Instituto de Química del Noroeste; ArgentinaFil: Grau, Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional; ArgentinaFil: Malizia, Agustina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto de Ecología Regional; ArgentinaFil: Cuesta, Francisco. Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión Andina; Ecuador. University of Amsterdam; Países Bajo

    Climate Change in the High Andes:implications and adaptation strategies for small-scale farmers

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    Abstract: Global climate change represents a major threat to sustainable farming in the Andes. Farmers have used local ecological knowledge and intricate production systems to cope, adapt and reorganize to meet climate uncertainty and risk, which have always been a fact of life. Those traditional systems are generally highly resilient, but the predicted effects, rates and variability of climate change may push them beyond their range of adaptability. This article examines the extent of actual and potential impacts of climate variability and change on small-scale farmers in the highland Andes of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. It describes how climate change impacts agriculture through deglaciation, changes in hydrology, soil and pest and disease populations. The article highlights some promising adaptive strategies currently in use by or possible for producers, rural communities and local institutions to mitigate climate change effects while preserving the livelihoods and environmental and social sustainability of the regio

    Evaluation expérimentale de la fonction pulmonaire chez le porc

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    This synthesis aims to review the pulmonary function tests available in swine. Two techniques are used in order to measure the variations of the mechanical properties of the respiratory system. The oesophageal balloon remains the most used technique in order to determine these properties in pigs. However, it requires a systematic anaesthesia of the animal. The impulse oscillometry specifically measures the mechanical properties of the respiratory system, by a non invasive way, but the animals have to be trained to be immobilized or sedated to perform the measurement. The whole body arometric plethysmography allows measuring the respiratory pattern in unsedated freely moving piglets. That method allows investigating pigs for long term studies while minimizing the stress related to handling. From this point of view, it represents the less stressing technique for pigs. Finally, blood gases analysis is the easiest method to use in the field. It permits to assess respiratory function by measuring pH and blood partial pressures in oxygen and carbon dioxidePeer reviewe

    Emma Cohen, The Mind Possessed

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    Dans ce premier livre, Emma Cohen pose les bases d’une approche naturaliste de la possession religieuse. Son projet est ambitieux, car elle cherche à dégager, par-delà les divergences culturelles indéniables dans l’expression de la possession, son « plus petit commun dénominateur ». Fidèle aux prérogatives du programme de naturalisation de l’esprit et de la culture, elle se met en quête des micromécanismes cognitifs qui seraient au fondement de « l’émergence, de la forme, et de la propagation..