1,049 research outputs found

    Iterated-greedy-based algorithms with beam search initialization for the permutation flowshop to minimize total tardiness

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    The permutation flow shop scheduling problem is one of the most studied operations research related problems. Literally, hundreds of exact and approximate algorithms have been proposed to optimise several objective functions. In this paper we address the total tardiness criterion, which is aimed towards the satisfaction of customers in a make-to-order scenario. Although several approximate algorithms have been proposed for this problem in the literature, recent contributions for related problems suggest that there is room for improving the current available algorithms. Thus, our contribution is twofold: First, we propose a fast beam-search-based constructive heuristic that estimates the quality of partial sequences without a complete evaluation of their objective function. Second, using this constructive heuristic as initial solution, eight variations of an iterated-greedy-based algorithm are proposed. A comprehensive computational evaluation is performed to establish the efficiency of our proposals against the existing heuristics and metaheuristics for the problem.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2013-44461-PMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2016-80750-

    A general Framework for Utilizing Metaheuristic Optimization for Sustainable Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling: A concise overview

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    Sustainable development has emerged as a global priority, and industries are increasingly striving to align their operations with sustainable practices. Parallel machine scheduling (PMS) is a critical aspect of production planning that directly impacts resource utilization and operational efficiency. In this paper, we investigate the application of metaheuristic optimization algorithms to address the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem (UPMSP) through the lens of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The primary objective of this study is to explore how metaheuristic optimization algorithms can contribute to achieving sustainable development goals in the context of UPMSP. We examine a range of metaheuristic algorithms, including genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, and more, and assess their effectiveness in optimizing the scheduling problem. The algorithms are evaluated based on their ability to improve resource utilization, minimize energy consumption, reduce environmental impact, and promote socially responsible production practices. To conduct a comprehensive analysis, we consider UPMSP instances that incorporate sustainability-related constraints and objectives

    Multicriteria hybrid flow shop scheduling problem: literature review, analysis, and future research

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    This research focuses on the Hybrid Flow Shop production scheduling problem, which is one of the most difficult problems to solve. The literature points to several studies that focus the Hybrid Flow Shop scheduling problem with monocriteria functions. Despite of the fact that, many real world problems involve several objective functions, they can often compete and conflict, leading researchers to concentrate direct their efforts on the development of methods that take consider this variant into consideration. The goal of the study is to review and analyze the methods in order to solve the Hybrid Flow Shop production scheduling problem with multicriteria functions in the literature. The analyses were performed using several papers that have been published over the years, also the parallel machines types, the approach used to develop solution methods, the type of method develop, the objective function, the performance criterion adopted, and the additional constraints considered. The results of the reviewing and analysis of 46 papers showed opportunities for future researchon this topic, including the following: (i) use uniform and dedicated parallel machines, (ii) use exact and metaheuristics approaches, (iv) develop lower and uppers bounds, relations of dominance and different search strategiesto improve the computational time of the exact methods,  (v) develop  other types of metaheuristic, (vi) work with anticipatory setups, and (vii) add constraints faced by the production systems itself

    a hybrid metaheuristic approach for minimizing the total flow time in a flow shop sequence dependent group scheduling problem

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    Production processes in Cellular Manufacturing Systems (CMS) often involve groups of parts sharing the same technological requirements in terms of tooling and setup. The issue of scheduling such parts through a flow-shop production layout is known as the Flow-Shop Group Scheduling (FSGS) problem or, whether setup times are sequence-dependent, the Flow-Shop Sequence-Dependent Group Scheduling (FSDGS) problem. This paper addresses the FSDGS issue, proposing a hybrid metaheuristic procedure integrating features from Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Biased Random Sampling (BRS) search techniques with the aim of minimizing the total flow time, i.e., the sum of completion times of all jobs. A well-known benchmark of test cases, entailing problems with two, three, and six machines, is employed for both tuning the relevant parameters of the developed procedure and assessing its performances against two metaheuristic algorithms recently presented by literature. The obtained results and a properly arranged ANOVA analysis highlight the superiority of the proposed approach in tackling the scheduling problem under investigation

    An agent-based genetic algorithm for hybrid flowshops with sequence dependent setup times to minimise makespan

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    This paper deals with a variant of flowshop scheduling, namely, the hybrid or flexible flowshop with sequence dependent setup times. This type of flowshop is frequently used in the batch production industry and helps reduce the gap between research and operational use. This scheduling problem is NP-hard and solutions for large problems are based on non-exact methods. An improved genetic algorithm (GA) based on software agent design to minimise the makespan is presented. The paper proposes using an inherent characteristic of software agents to create a new perspective in GA design. To verify the developed metaheuristic, computational experiments are conducted on a well-known benchmark problem dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed metaheuristic outperforms some of the well-known methods and the state-of-art algorithms on the same benchmark problem dataset.The translation of this paper was funded by Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain.Gómez Gasquet, P.; Andrés Romano, C.; Lario Esteban, FC. (2012). An agent-based genetic algorithm for hybrid flowshops with sequence dependent setup times to minimise makespan. Expert Systems with Applications. 39(9):8095-8107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.01.158S8095810739

    An estimation of distribution algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems

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    This paper considers solving more than one combinatorial problem considered some of the most difficult to solve in the combinatorial optimization field, such as the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP), the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW), and the quay crane scheduling problem (QCSP). A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm that integrates the Mallows model and the Moth-flame algorithm solves these problems. Through an exponential function, the Mallows model emulates the solution space distribution for the problems; meanwhile, the Moth-flame algorithm is in charge of determining how to produce the offspring by a geometric function that helps identify the new solutions. The proposed metaheuristic, called HEDAMMF (Hybrid Estimation of Distribution Algorithm with Mallows model and Moth-Flame algorithm), improves the performance of recent algorithms. Although knowing the algebra of permutations is required to understand the proposed metaheuristic, utilizing the HEDAMMF is justified because certain problems are fixed differently under different circumstances. These problems do not share the same objective function (fitness) and/or the same constraints. Therefore, it is not possible to use a single model problem. The aforementioned approach is able to outperform recent algorithms under different metrics for these three combinatorial problems. Finally, it is possible to conclude that the hybrid metaheuristics have a better performance, or equal in effectiveness than recent algorithms
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