399 research outputs found


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    Pembiasaan perilaku personal hygiene adalah suatu kegiatan seseorang yang dilakukan secara terus menerus untuk memelihara kebersihan dan kesehatan diri. Mengingat balita merupakan individu pasif dan belum mandiri, sehingga pelaksanaan praktik personal hygiene merupakan tanggung jawab orang di sekitarnya, khususnya ibu. Data Puskesmas Derwati Kota Bandung bulan Juli sampai dengan September 2013 terdapat 171 penderita diare yang setengahnya adalah bayi dan balita. Kejadian diare dapat mengindikasikan buruknya personal hygiene. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran pembiasaan perilaku personal hygiene oleh ibu kepada balita terkait dengan perawatan kulit; rambut; kaki, tangan dan kuku; rongga mulut dan gigi serta perawatan mata, telinga dan hidung di Kelurahan Derwati Kecamatan Rancasari, Kota Bandung. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan cluster sampling sebesar 83 orang ibu yang memiliki balita berusia tiga sampai lima tahun. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner (angket) tertutup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembiasaan perilaku personal hygiene oleh ibu kepada balita terkait perawatan kulit; kaki, tangan dan kuku; serta rongga mulut dan gigi termasuk kategori baik. Pada perawatan rambut; mata, telinga dan hidung termasuk kategori cukup baik. Saran ditunjukkan kepada ibu balita, hendaknya memperluas pengetahuan dan wawasan terkait bagaimana pentingnya membiasakan membawa balita memeriksakan kesehatan mata, telinga dan hidung ke Puskesmas

    Moral Sensitivity, Moral Transformation, and Evolutionary Scientist David Loye: An Introduction

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    This article introduces the two major themes of this issue of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies: moral sensitivity and transformation, and honoring the late evolutionary systems scientist David Loye. The article shows how these two themes are integrally interconnected. Loye introduced the term “moral sensitivity” as well as the distinction between “partnership moral sensitivity” and “dominator moral insensitivity” or “moralism,” showing how the latter has been used to push us back to “strong-man” rule, violence, and injustice. He was the first to reclaim what he called “Darwin’s lost theory” based on Charles Darwin’s long-ignored writings about human evolution, including what Darwin called “the moral sense.” Quoting from some of Loye’s more than 30 published books as well as a sampling of articles, the article highlights his gift of bringing to life the people and times he wrote about, including the men and women he called “the great scientific explorers of the better world.” Colorful examples from his many writings illustrate how Loye advanced the study of human evolution through his offerings on moral sensitivity, clarifying much that is otherwise obscured, and showing his enormous contributions to a better understanding of our past, present, and the possibilities for our future. The article provides new terms and new ideas for building a more equitable, less violent, more sustainable future through the works of a man first known for his prize-winning book on the immorality of racism, whose later works focused on how we can create a future where we not only survive, but thrive

    The inverse Black-Scholes problem in Radon measures space revisited: towards a new measure of market uncertainty

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    In this paper, we revisit the inverse Black-Scholes model, the existence of the solution is proved in more rigorous way, and the empirical study is done using different approach based on finite element method. The article leads to a measure of incertitude in the option market

    Re-examining Darwin and Human Evolution from a Partnership Perspective: A Conversation with David Loye

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    Riane Eisler talks with her husband, social psychologist and Darwin scholar David Loye, about his re-examination of Darwin’s theory of evolution and how and why the role of love, moral sensitivity, mutual aid, and other partnership values has been ignored in most evolutionary narratives, whereas selfishness, violence, and other traits key to imposing and maintaining domination systems have been presented as key to human evolution

    The Power of Women: A Conversation with the Honorable VigdĂ­s FinnbogadĂłttir

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      Riane Eisler interviews VigdĂ­s FinnbogadĂłttir, president of Iceland from 1980 to 1996, at her home in Iceland, about equality and partnership. The nation of Iceland got its independence from the kingdom of Denmark in 1944; in its infancy as a democracy, Icelanders elected a single divorced mother as their head of state, which gained world attention. She was the world‘s first democratically elected woman president, and the longest-serving. Since then she has been a leader in Iceland and internationally, with the Council of Women World Leaders, UNESCO, The Club of Madrid, and The VigdĂ­s International Centre for Multilingualism and Intercultural Understanding at the University of Iceland. &nbsp

    Partnership Policies: A Conversation with Jennifer Siebel Newsom, The First Partner of California

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      Riane Eisler interviews Jennifer Siebel Newsom, wife of the Governor of California, the most populous U.S. state, who chose the title First Partner rather than First Lady to describe her position. In addition to her role in crafting partnership government policies, Jennifer is a mother, actress, and noted filmmaker, whose documentaries Miss Representation, The Mask You Live In, and The Great American Lie have gained wide acclaim. She has been a leader in California and internationally in raising awareness of the need for, and benefits of, caring partnership government policies. &nbsp

    Remembering And Honouring David Loye

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    The following article is a personal tribute dedicated to evolutionary systems scientist, psychologist, and poet, David Loye. The article contains a collection of personal photographs of David Loye and partner, Riane Eisler alongside a poem written by Loye and the published obituary following his passing

    Moral Sensitivity and Our Interconnection With One Another and Nature: A Conversation With Ervin Laszlo

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    Riane Eisler, Editor-in-Chief of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, interviews pioneering systems philosopher, scientist, and global activist Dr. Ervin Laszlo, about his work with the late evolutionary systems scientist David Loye on moral sensitivity, evolution, and the need to move from a linear to a whole-systems approach to meet our mounting global environmental, economic, social, and personal challenges

    Attenuating the Attentional Blink and its Consequences: Support for the Wyble-Bowman-Nieuwenstien model

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    When participants are asked to detect two targets (T1 and T2) in a stream of rapidly presented visual stimuli, T2 accuracy decreases when it follows T1 by 200 ms to 500 ms, a phenomenon known as the attentional blink (AB). Researchers have been attempting to attenuate the AB through experimental manipulations in order to understand temporal processing in the visual domain. Studies that have successfully attenuated the blink have often (but not always) done so using a concurrent task. One current model of visual temporal attention, the Wyble-Bowman-Nieuwenstien model (2009) suggests that a byproduct of the attenuation of the attentional blink would be that participants would be more likely to confuse the order in which the two targets appear (Swaps). This project uses a concurrent task manipulation to a) attempt to reduce the attentional blink and b) test whether the number of swaps increases when participants have to attend to two tasks as compared to 1. The findings after data filtering support the model in that there were significantly larger numbers of swaps that occurred during the concurrent task, relative to the control task, and that the blink was significantly attenuated. The implication of these findings for our understanding of visual temporal attention are discussed

    Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Karir

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    This paper aims to discuss about career planning and development seen from the aspect of business organization. Planning is something that is very important in starting a career in the world of work for individuals who choose to work in the company. Through good planning one can get a career picture that can be taken in a career path throughout the working age. Throughout the ages of human beings within the normal life span of up to seventy years, will find career stages that can be a foothold for planning and developing careers. To achieve a good career, every individual who works in the company must understand the career components that are part of the source of management evaluation in determining the promotion in a particular position. However, one's career progress will be determined also by factors affecting career choice, career planning framework, career development stages in the organization and the role of the human resources department in career planning and development. However, a career is something that must be realized and continue to be pursued by employees and should avoid the conditions of career stagnation. Through career planning and development will be able to provide assurance to employees transparently and can grow and develop all the skills, intellectual, insight, motivation and dedication of employees to the organization and responsibilities of position and occupation
