60,774 research outputs found

    Local Self-Energy Approach For Electronic Structure Calculations

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    Using a novel self-consistent implementation of Hedin's GW perturbation theory we calculate space and energy dependent self-energy for a number of materials. We find it to be local in real space and rapidly convergent on second-- to third-- nearest neighbors. Corrections beyond GW are evaluated and shown to be completely localized within a single unit cell. This can be viewed as a fully self consistent implementation of the dynamical mean field theory for electronic structure calculations of real solids using a perturbative impurity solver.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    AGB Stars in the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    We report on a multi-epoch study of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy, made with the Infrared Survey Facility, over an area of about 42'x42'. The colour-magnitude diagram shows a broad well-populated giant branch with a tip that slopes down-wards from red to blue, as might be expected given Fornax's known range of age and metallicity. The extensive AGB includes seven Mira variables and ten periodic semi-regular variables. Five of the seven Miras are known to be carbon rich. Their pulsation periods range from 215 to 470 days, indicating a range of initial masses. Three of the Fornax Miras are redder than typical LMC Miras of similar period, probably indicating particularly heavy mass-loss rates. Many, but not all, of the characteristics of the AGB are reproduced by isochrones from Marigo et al. for a 2 Gyr population with a metallicity of Z=0.0025. An application of the Mira period-luminosity relation to these stars yields a distance modulus for Fornax of 20.69+/-0.04 (internal), +/-0.08 (total) (on a scale that puts the LMC at 18.39 mag) in good agreement with other determinations. Various estimates of the distance to Fornax are reviewed.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Fast Predictive Simple Geodesic Regression

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    Deformable image registration and regression are important tasks in medical image analysis. However, they are computationally expensive, especially when analyzing large-scale datasets that contain thousands of images. Hence, cluster computing is typically used, making the approaches dependent on such computational infrastructure. Even larger computational resources are required as study sizes increase. This limits the use of deformable image registration and regression for clinical applications and as component algorithms for other image analysis approaches. We therefore propose using a fast predictive approach to perform image registrations. In particular, we employ these fast registration predictions to approximate a simplified geodesic regression model to capture longitudinal brain changes. The resulting method is orders of magnitude faster than the standard optimization-based regression model and hence facilitates large-scale analysis on a single graphics processing unit (GPU). We evaluate our results on 3D brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) from the ADNI datasets.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 13 table

    Statistical Physics of Irregular Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

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    Low-density parity-check codes with irregular constructions have been recently shown to outperform the most advanced error-correcting codes to date. In this paper we apply methods of statistical physics to study the typical properties of simple irregular codes. We use the replica method to find a phase transition which coincides with Shannon's coding bound when appropriate parameters are chosen. The decoding by belief propagation is also studied using statistical physics arguments; the theoretical solutions obtained are in good agreement with simulations. We compare the performance of irregular with that of regular codes and discuss the factors that contribute to the improvement in performance.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, revised version submitted to JP

    The Zeta Herculis binary system revisited. Calibration and seismology

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    We have revisited the calibration of the visual binary system Zeta Herculis with the goal to give the seismological properties of the G0 IV sub-giant Zeta Her A. We have used the most recent physical and observational data. For the age we have obtained 3387 Myr, for the masses respectively 1.45 and 0.98 solar mass, for the initial helium mass fraction 0.243, for the initial mass ratio of heavy elements to hydrogen 0.0269 and for the mixing-length parameters respectively 0.92 and 0.90 using the Canuto & Mazitelli (1991, 1992) convection theory. Our results do not exclude that Zeta Her A is itself a binary sub-system; the mass of the hypothetical unseen companion would be smaller than 0.05 solar mass. The adiabatic oscillation spectrum of Zeta Her A is found to be a complicated superposition of acoustic and gravity modes; some of them have a dual character. This greatly complicates the classification of the non-radial modes. The echelle diagram used by the observers to extract the frequencies will work for ell=0, 2, 3. The large difference is found to be of the order of 42 mu Hz, in agreement with the Martic et al. (2001) seismic observations.Comment: 12 pages, A&A in pres

    Solution of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov equations in the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. (VII) HFODD (v2.49t): a new version of the program

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    We describe the new version (v2.49t) of the code HFODD which solves the nuclear Skyrme Hartree-Fock (HF) or Skyrme Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov (HFB) problem by using the Cartesian deformed harmonic-oscillator basis. In the new version, we have implemented the following physics features: (i) the isospin mixing and projection, (ii) the finite temperature formalism for the HFB and HF+BCS methods, (iii) the Lipkin translational energy correction method, (iv) the calculation of the shell correction. A number of specific numerical methods have also been implemented in order to deal with large-scale multi-constraint calculations and hardware limitations: (i) the two-basis method for the HFB method, (ii) the Augmented Lagrangian Method (ALM) for multi-constraint calculations, (iii) the linear constraint method based on the approximation of the RPA matrix for multi-constraint calculations, (iv) an interface with the axial and parity-conserving Skyrme-HFB code HFBTHO, (v) the mixing of the HF or HFB matrix elements instead of the HF fields. Special care has been paid to using the code on massively parallel leadership class computers. For this purpose, the following features are now available with this version: (i) the Message Passing Interface (MPI) framework, (ii) scalable input data routines, (iii) multi-threading via OpenMP pragmas, (iv) parallel diagonalization of the HFB matrix in the simplex breaking case using the ScaLAPACK library. Finally, several little significant errors of the previous published version were corrected.Comment: Accepted for publication to Computer Physics Communications. Program files re-submitted to Comp. Phys. Comm. Program Library after correction of several minor bug

    XMM-Newton observation of the relaxed cluster A478: gas and dark matter distribution from 0.01 R_200 to 0.5 R_200

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    We present an \xmm mosaic observation of the hot (kT6.5kT\sim6.5 keV) and nearby (z=0.0881z=0.0881) relaxed cluster of galaxies A478. We derive precise gas density, gas temperature, gas mass and total mass profiles up to 12\arcmin (about half of the virial radius R200R_{200}). The gas density profile is highly peaked towards the center and the surface brightness profile is well fitted by a sum of three β\beta--models. The derived gas density profile is in excellent agreement, both in shape and in normalization, with the published Chandra density profile (measured within 5\arcmin of the center). Projection and PSF effects on the temperature profile determination are thoroughly investigated. The derived radial temperature structure is as expected for a cluster hosting a cooling core, with a strong negative gradient at the cluster center. The temperature rises from 2\sim2 keV up to a plateau of 6.5\sim6.5 keV beyond 2' (i.e. r>208kpc=0.1R200r>208\rm{kpc}=0.1 R_{200}, R200=2.08R_{200}=2.08 Mpc being the virial radius). From the temperature profile and the density profile and under the hypothesis of hydrostatic equilibrium, we derived the total mass profile of A478 down to 0.01 and up to 0.5 the virial radius. We tested different dark matter models against the observed mass profile. The Navarro, Frenk & White (\cite{navarro97}) model is significantly preferred to other models. It leads to a total mass of M200=1.1×1015M_{200}=1.1\times 10^{15} M_\odot for a concentration parameter of c=4.2±0.4c=4.2\pm0.4. The gas mass fraction slightly increases with radius. The gas mass fraction at a density contrast of δ=2500\delta=2500 is \fgas=0.13\pm0.02, consistent with previous results on similar hot and massive clusters. We confirm the excess of absorption in the direction of A478.[abridged]Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, corrected typo

    The XMM-Newton serendipitous ultraviolet source survey catalogue

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    The XMM-Newton Serendipitous Ultraviolet Source Survey (XMM-SUSS) is a catalogue of ultraviolet (UV) sources detected serendipitously by the Optical Monitor (XMM-OM) on-board the XMM-Newton observatory. The catalogue contains ultraviolet-detected sources collected from 2,417 XMM-OM observations in 1-6 broad band UV and optical filters, made between 24 February 2000 and 29 March 2007. The primary contents of the catalogue are source positions, magnitudes and fluxes in 1 to 6 passbands, and these are accompanied by profile diagnostics and variability statistics. The XMM-SUSS is populated by 753,578 UV source detections above a 3 sigma signal-to-noise threshold limit which relate to 624,049 unique objects. Taking account of substantial overlaps between observations, the net sky area covered is 29-54 square degrees, depending on UV filter. The magnitude distributions peak at 20.2, 20.9 and 21.2 in UVW2, UVM2 and UVW1 respectively. More than 10 per cent of sources have been visited more than once using the same filter during XMM-Newton operation, and > 20 per cent of sources are observed more than once per filter during an individual visit. Consequently, the scope for science based on temporal source variability on timescales of hours to years is broad. By comparison with other astrophysical catalogues we test the accuracy of the source measurements and define the nature of the serendipitous UV XMM-OM source sample. The distributions of source colours in the UV and optical filters are shown together with the expected loci of stars and galaxies, and indicate that sources which are detected in multiple UV bands are predominantly star-forming galaxies and stars of type G or earlier.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA