1,601 research outputs found

    Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease Based on Voice Signals Using SHAP and Hard Voting Ensemble Method

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    Background and Objective: Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common progressive neurological condition after Alzheimer's, characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms. Developing a method to diagnose the condition in its beginning phases is essential because of the significant number of individuals afflicting with this illness. PD is typically identified using motor symptoms or other Neuroimaging techniques, such as DATSCAN and SPECT. These methods are expensive, time-consuming, and unavailable to the general public; furthermore, they are not very accurate. These constraints encouraged us to develop a novel technique using SHAP and Hard Voting Ensemble Method based on voice signals. Methods: In this article, we used Pearson Correlation Coefficients to understand the relationship between input features and the output, and finally, input features with high correlation were selected. These selected features were classified by the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM), Gradient Boosting, and Bagging. Moreover, the Hard Voting Ensemble Method was determined based on the performance of the four classifiers. At the final stage, we proposed Shapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) to rank the features according to their significance in diagnosing Parkinson's disease. Results and Conclusion: The proposed method achieved 85.42% accuracy, 84.94% F1-score, 86.77% precision, 87.62% specificity, and 83.20% sensitivity. The study's findings demonstrated that the proposed method outperformed state-of-the-art approaches and can assist physicians in diagnosing Parkinson's cases


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    In this study, we aimed to adopt a comprehensive approach to categorize and assess the severity of Parkinson's disease by leveraging techniques from both machine learning and deep learning. We thoroughly evaluated the effectiveness of various models, including XGBoost, Random Forest, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), utilizing classification metrics. We generated detailed reports to facilitate a comprehensive comparative analysis of these models. Notably, XGBoost demonstrated the highest precision at 97.4%. Additionally, we took a step further by developing a Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) model with the purpose of combining predictions from alternative models. We assessed its ability to predict the severity of the ailment. To quantify the precision levels of the models in disease classification, we calculated severity percentages. Furthermore, we created a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve for the GRU model, simplifying the evaluation of its capability to distinguish among various severity levels. This comprehensive approach contributes to a more accurate and detailed understanding of Parkinson's disease severity assessment.W tym badaniu naszym celem było przyjęcie kompleksowego podejścia do kategoryzacji i oceny ciężkości choroby Parkinsona poprzez wykorzystanie technik zarówno uczenia maszynowego, jak i głębokiego uczenia. Dokładnie oceniliśmy skuteczność różnych modeli, w tym XGBoost, Random Forest, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) i Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), wykorzystując wskaźniki klasyfikacji. Wygenerowaliśmy szczegółowe raporty, aby ułatwić kompleksową analizę porównawczą tych modeli. Warto zauważyć, że XGBoost wykazał najwyższą precyzję na poziomie 97,4%. Ponadto poszliśmy o krok dalej, opracowując model Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) w celu połączenia przewidywań z alternatywnych modeli. Oceniliśmy jego zdolność do przewidywania nasilenia dolegliwości. Aby określić ilościowo poziomy dokładności modeli w klasyfikacji chorób, obliczyliśmy wartości procentowe nasilenia. Ponadto stworzyliśmy krzywą charakterystyki operacyjnej odbiornika (ROC) dla modelu GRU, upraszczając ocenę jego zdolności do rozróżniania różnych poziomów nasilenia. To kompleksowe podejście przyczynia się do dokładniejszego i bardziej szczegółowego zrozumienia oceny ciężkości choroby Parkinsona

    Detection of emotions in Parkinson's disease using higher order spectral features from brain's electrical activity

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    Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD) involving cognition and emotion have been progressively receiving more attention in recent times. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, being an activity of central nervous system, can reflect the underlying true emotional state of a person. This paper presents a computational framework for classifying PD patients compared to healthy controls (HC) using emotional information from the brain's electrical activity

    Factor Analysis of Speech Signal for Parkinson’s Disease Prediction using Support Vector Machine

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    Abstract—Speech signal can be used as marker for identification of Parkinson’s disease. It is neurological disorder which is progressive in nature mainly effect the people in old age. Identification of relevant discriminant features from speech signal has been a challenge in this area. In this paper, factor analysis method is used to select distinguishing features from a set of features. These selected features are more effective for detection of the PD. From an empirical study on existing dataset and a generated dataset, it was found that the jitter, shimmer variants and noise to harmonic ratio are dominant features in detecting PD. Further, these features are employed in support vector machine for classifying PD from healthy subjects. This method provides an average accuracy of 85 % with sensitivity and specificity of about 86% and 84%. Important outcome of this study is that sustained vowels phonation captures distinguishing information for analysis and detection of PD

    Effective Detection of Parkinson’s Disease at Different Stages using Measurements of Dysphonia

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    This paper addressees the problem of multiclass of Parkinson’s disease by the characteristic features of person’s voice. So we computed 22 dysphonia measures from 375 voice samples of healthy and people suffer from PD. We used the particle swarm optimization (PSO) feature selection method, with random forest and the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) along with the 4-fold cross validation analysis to classify the subjects in 4 classes according to the severity of symptoms. With a classification accuracy score of 95.2%. Promisingly, the proposed diagnosis system might serve as a powerful tool for diagnosing PD, and could also extended for other voice pathologies

    Early Detection of Parkinson Disease using Voice Data

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    Parkinson’s disease affects over 10 million people worldwide, with approximately 20 percent of patients not being diagnosed. Clinical diagnosis is expensive because there are no specific tests or bio-markers, and it can take days to diagnose because it is based on a comprehensive evaluation of the individual’s symptoms. Existing research either predicts a Unified Parkinson Disease Rating Scale rating, uses other key Parkinsonian features to diagnose an individual, such as tapping, gait, and tremor, or focuses on different audio features. In this paper, we are focusing on using the voice aspect for the early detection of the disease. We use the University of California Irvine (UCI) Parkinson data set. This data set contains various parameters regarding voice jitter. The data set first undergoes preprocessing. We have used a Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) model to acquire early on detection using the above data set. Our model has achieved an efficiency of 97.43 percent. This efficiency can be improved by using even a larger and diverse data set


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    Parkinson's disease is a recognizable clinical syndrome with a variety of causes and clinical presentations; it represents a rapidly growing neurodegenerative disorder. Since about 90 percent of Parkinson's disease sufferers have some form of early speech impairment, recent studies on tele diagnosis of Parkinson's disease have focused on the recognition of voice impairments from vowel phonations or the subjects' discourse. In this paper, we present a new approach for Parkinson's disease detection from speech sounds that are based on CNN and LSTM and uses two categories of characteristics Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) and Gammatone Cepstral Coefficients (GTCC) obtained from noise-removed speech signals with comparative EMD-DWT and DWT-EMD analysis. The proposed model is divided into three stages. In the first step, noise is removed from the signals using the EMD-DWT and DWT-EMD methods. In the second step, the GTCC and MFCC are extracted from the enhanced audio signals. The classification process is carried out in the third step by feeding these features into the LSTM and CNN models, which are designed to define sequential information from the extracted features. The experiments are performed using PC-GITA and Sakar datasets and 10-fold cross validation method, the highest classification accuracy for the Sakar dataset reached 100% for both EMD-DWT-GTCC-CNN and DWT-EMD-GTCC-CNN, and for the PC-GITA dataset, the accuracy is reached 100% for EMD-DWT-GTCC-CNN and 96.55% for DWT-EMD-GTCC-CNN. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics of GTCC are more appropriate and accurate for the assessment of PD than MFCC

    Speech and communication in Parkinson’s disease: a cross-sectional exploratory study in the UK

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    Objective: To assess associations between cognitive status, intelligibility, acoustics and functional communication in PD. Design: Cross-sectional exploratory study of functional communication, including a within-participants experimental design for listener assessment. Setting: A major academic medical centre in the East of England, UK. Participants: Questionnaire data were assessed for 45 people with Parkinson’s disease (PD), who had self-reported speech or communication difficulties and did not have clinical dementia. Acoustic and listener analyses were conducted on read and conversational speech for 20 people with PD and 20 familiar conversation partner controls without speech, language or cognitive difficulties. Main outcome measures: Functional communication assessed by the Communicative Participation Item Bank (CPIB) and Communicative Effectiveness Survey (CES). Results: People with PD had lower intelligibility than controls for both the read (mean difference 13.7%, p=0.009) and conversational (mean difference 16.2%, p=0.04) sentences. Intensity and pause were statistically significant predictors of intelligibility in read sentences. Listeners were less accurate identifying the intended emotion in the speech of people with PD (14.8% point difference across conditions, p=0.02) and this was associated with worse speaker cognitive status (16.7% point difference, p=0.04). Cognitive status was a significant predictor of functional communication using CPIB (F=8.99, p=0.005, η2 = 0.15) but not CES. Intelligibility in conversation sentences was a statistically significant predictor of CPIB (F=4.96, p=0.04, η2 = 0.19) and CES (F=13.65, p=0.002, η2 = 0.43). Read sentence intelligibility was not a significant predictor of either outcome. Conclusions: Cognitive status was an important predictor of functional communication—the role of intelligibility was modest and limited to conversational and not read speech. Our results highlight the importance of focusing on functional communication as well as physical speech impairment in speech and language therapy (SLT) for PD. Our results could inform future trials of SLT techniques for PD

    Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease using Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Pattern Recognition

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a global public health problem of enormous dimension. In this study, we aimed to discriminate between healthy people and people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Various studies revealed, that voice is one of the earliest indicator of PD, and for that reason, Parkinson dataset that contains biomedical voice of human is used. The main goal of this paper is to automatically detect whether the speech/voice of a person is affected by PD. We examined the performance of fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering and pattern recognition methods on Parkinson’s disease dataset. The first method has the main aim to distinguish performance between two classes, when trying to differentiate between normal speaking persons and speakers with PD. This method could greatly be improved by classifying data first and then testing new data using these two patterns. Thus, second method used here is pattern recognition. The experimental results have demonstrated that the combination of the fuzzy c-means method and pattern recognition obtained promising results for the classification of PD