46 research outputs found

    Com. Adesp. fr. 1008 K.-A.: un esempio di prologo innovativo?

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    Com.Adesp. fr. 1008 K.-A. is a witness of a play from the New Comedy, preserved on the back of P.Strasb. inv. G 53, which was edited by Georg Kaibel in 1899. It partially contains 29 verses in iambic meter by an unknown poet. The text is part of a prologue pronounced by an anonymous character, who has been identified as a god by some scholars: he seems to explain the function of divine prologues in the plays and he gives some information about the antecedents of the plot. This paper proposes to lay some new bibliological and palaeographic groundwork for the dating of the papyrus and for the discussion about evidence provided by the fragment, which could establish the authorship


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    The aim of this research was to explain the role of Semendo indigenous leaders in maintaining Tunggu Tubang custom in Semendo community during this globalization era. The research method used in this research was descriptive quantitative method. The subjects were people from Semendo ethnic with the total of 238 households. The sample of this study amounted to 48 households that were taken from 20% of householders from Semendo ethnic. Data analysis was using Chi Squared. The main technique in data collection was using questionnaire. The result of the research showed that: the role of indigenous leaders in maintaining Tunggu Tubang custom of Semendo community in the medium category. There is a positive relationship and medium closeness category in the role of indigenous leader in maintaining Tunggu Tubang custom of Semendo community, it means that the bigger role of indigenous leaders the better Tunggu Tubang custom that already exist.Tujuan penelitian untuk menjelaskan bagaimanakah peranan tokoh adat semendo dalam mempertahankan adat tunggu tubang pada masyarakat semendo dalam era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Subyek yang diteliti merupakan masyarakat yang bersuku semendo yang berjumlah 238 kepala keluarga. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 48 kepala keluarga yang diambil dari 20% jumlah kepala keluarga yang bersuku semendo. Analisis data menggunakan Chi Kuadrat. Teknik pokok pengumpulan data menggunakan angket. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa: peranan tokoh adat dalam mempertahankan adat tunggu tubang pada masyarakat semendo dalam kategori sedang. terdapat hubungan yang positif dan kategori keeratan sedang antara peranan tokoh adat dalam mempertahankan adat tunggu tubang pada masyarakat semendo, artinya semakin berperan tokoh adat semakin baik pula adat tunggu tubang yang telah ada.Kata kunci: adat tunggu tubang, mempertahankan adat, peranan tokoh ada

    Detection of emotions in Parkinson's disease using higher order spectral features from brain's electrical activity

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    Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD) involving cognition and emotion have been progressively receiving more attention in recent times. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, being an activity of central nervous system, can reflect the underlying true emotional state of a person. This paper presents a computational framework for classifying PD patients compared to healthy controls (HC) using emotional information from the brain's electrical activity

    Com.Adesp. fr. 1008 K.-A.: un esempio di prologo innovativo?

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    Com.Adesp. fr. 1008 K.-A., preservato dal P.Strasb. inv. G 53, databile al I d.C. (ovvero al secolo successivo), restituisce una rhēsis prologica, che, per il contenuto, puĂČ essere divisa in due parti: nella prima (vv. 1-15), sono fornite informazioni sull’identitĂ  del Prologsprecher e si criticano i prologhi espositivi lunghi e verbosi che non facilitano al pubblico la comprensione della trama; nella seconda (vv. 16-29), attraverso la narrazione delle avventure in una terra straniera di due fratelli, la persona Ï€ÏÎżÎ»ÎżÎłáœ·Î¶ÎżÏ…ÏƒÎ± (forse Dioniso) illustra all’uditorio gli antefatti della vicenda scenica. In ragione delle rivendicazioni di originalitĂ  poetica espresse nella prima sezione del brano, si Ăš cercato di valorizzare la componente ‘innovativa’ di tale rhēsis, ritenuta da molti una sorta di anello di congiunzione tra i prologhi espositivi della ‘Commedia nuova’ e quelli a carattere critico-letterario del teatro terenziano. Scopo di questo intervento sarĂ  quello di offrire, attraverso una nuova indagine bibliologica e paleografica, una piĂč precisa proposta di datazione del pezzo e di passare in rassegna le varie ipotesi circa la possibile provenienza dei versi, da taluni critici ascritti agli ገΜΔψÎčÎżáœ· di Menandro, sulla base di argomenti tutt’altro che solidi

    La cecitĂ  di Fineo: la conseguenza di un atto di ᜕ÎČρÎčς o l’espiazione di una colpa di sangue?

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    The mythical story of Phineus, the famous blind seer who, in the Argonauts’ saga, was consulted by the hero Jason and his companions during their voyage to Kolchis, is highly complex due to many variants attested. The aim of this paper is to offer an exhaustive and easily intelligible account of the various explanations of Phineus’ blindness elaborated by the mythographic and erudite literature. The present analysis will also consider the dramatic treatment of such a peculiar myth in Aeschylus’ and Sophocles’ fragmentary plays

    La ‘morte in vita’: spunti e riflessioni su un motivo letterario

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    For the Greeks, a life without pleasure was thought to be a ‘death-in-life’. This is a commonplace literary theme, which can be found in Plato’s dialogues, in Tragedy (Sophocles and Euripides) and in Comedy (Aristophanes and other fragmentary poets)