605 research outputs found

    Maximising Coefficiency of Human-Robot Handovers through Reinforcement Learning

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    Handing objects to humans is an essential capability for collaborative robots. Previous research works on human-robot handovers focus on facilitating the performance of the human partner and possibly minimising the physical effort needed to grasp the object. However, altruistic robot behaviours may result in protracted and awkward robot motions, contributing to unpleasant sensations by the human partner and affecting perceived safety and social acceptance. This paper investigates whether transferring the cognitive science principle that “humans act coefficiently as a group” (i.e. simultaneously maximising the benefits of all agents involved) to human-robot cooperative tasks promotes a more seamless and natural interaction. Human-robot coefficiency is first modelled by identifying implicit indicators of human comfort and discomfort as well as calculating the robot energy consumption in performing the desired trajectory. We then present a reinforcement learning approach that uses the human-robot coefficiency score as reward to adapt and learn online the combination of robot interaction parameters that maximises such coefficiency . Results proved that by acting coefficiently the robot could meet the individual preferences of most subjects involved in the experiments, improve the human perceived comfort, and foster trust in the robotic partner

    Affordance-Aware Handovers With Human Arm Mobility Constraints

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    Reasoning about object handover configurations allows an assistive agent to estimate the appropriateness of handover for a receiver with different arm mobility capacities. While there are existing approaches for estimating the effectiveness of handovers, their findings are limited to users without arm mobility impairments and to specific objects. Therefore, current state-of-the-art approaches are unable to hand over novel objects to receivers with different arm mobility capacities. We propose a method that generalises handover behaviours to previously unseen objects, subject to the constraint of a user's arm mobility levels and the task context. We propose a heuristic-guided hierarchically optimised cost whose optimisation adapts object configurations for receivers with low arm mobility. This also ensures that the robot grasps consider the context of the user's upcoming task, i.e., the usage of the object. To understand preferences over handover configurations, we report on the findings of an online study, wherein we presented different handover methods, including ours, to 259259 users with different levels of arm mobility. We find that people's preferences over handover methods are correlated to their arm mobility capacities. We encapsulate these preferences in a statistical relational model (SRL) that is able to reason about the most suitable handover configuration given a receiver's arm mobility and upcoming task. Using our SRL model, we obtained an average handover accuracy of 90.8%90.8\% when generalising handovers to novel objects.Comment: Accepted for RA-L 202

    Object Handovers: a Review for Robotics

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    This article surveys the literature on human-robot object handovers. A handover is a collaborative joint action where an agent, the giver, gives an object to another agent, the receiver. The physical exchange starts when the receiver first contacts the object held by the giver and ends when the giver fully releases the object to the receiver. However, important cognitive and physical processes begin before the physical exchange, including initiating implicit agreement with respect to the location and timing of the exchange. From this perspective, we structure our review into the two main phases delimited by the aforementioned events: 1) a pre-handover phase, and 2) the physical exchange. We focus our analysis on the two actors (giver and receiver) and report the state of the art of robotic givers (robot-to-human handovers) and the robotic receivers (human-to-robot handovers). We report a comprehensive list of qualitative and quantitative metrics commonly used to assess the interaction. While focusing our review on the cognitive level (e.g., prediction, perception, motion planning, learning) and the physical level (e.g., motion, grasping, grip release) of the handover, we briefly discuss also the concepts of safety, social context, and ergonomics. We compare the behaviours displayed during human-to-human handovers to the state of the art of robotic assistants, and identify the major areas of improvement for robotic assistants to reach performance comparable to human interactions. Finally, we propose a minimal set of metrics that should be used in order to enable a fair comparison among the approaches.Comment: Review paper, 19 page

    Deep reinforcement learning applied to an assembly sequence planning problem with user preferences

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    Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has demonstrated its potential in solving complex manufacturing decision-making problems, especially in a context where the system learns over time with actual operation in the absence of training data. One interesting and challenging application for such methods is the assembly sequence planning (ASP) problem. In this paper, we propose an approach to the implementation of DRL methods in ASP. The proposed approach introduces in the RL environment parametric actions to improve training time and sample efficiency and uses two different reward signals: (1) user's preferences and (2) total assembly time duration. The user's preferences signal addresses the difficulties and non-ergonomic properties of the assembly faced by the human and the total assembly time signal enforces the optimization of the assembly. Three of the most powerful deep RL methods were studied, Advantage Actor-Critic (A2C), Deep Q-Learning (DQN), and Rainbow, in two different scenarios: a stochastic and a deterministic one. Finally, the performance of the DRL algorithms was compared to tabular Q-Learnings performance. After 10,000 episodes, the system achieved near optimal behaviour for the algorithms tabular Q-Learning, A2C, and Rainbow. Though, for more complex scenarios, the algorithm tabular Q-Learning is expected to underperform in comparison to the other 2 algorithms. The results support the potential for the application of deep reinforcement learning in assembly sequence planning problems with human interaction

    Demonstration of Object Recognition Using DOPE Deep Learning Algorithm for Collaborative Robotics

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    When collaborating on a common task, passing, or receiving various objects such as tools between each other is one of the most common interaction methods among humans. Similarly, it is expected to be a common and important interaction method in a fluent and natural human-robot collaboration. This thesis studied human-robot-interaction in the context of unilateral robot-to-human handover task. More specifically, it focused on studying grasping an object using a state-of-the-art machine learning algorithm called Guided Uncertainty-Aware Policy Optimization (GUAPO). Within the broader scope of the whole GUAPO algorithm, it was limited to only demonstrating the object detection and pose estimation part of the task. In this case, it was implemented using an object pose estimation algorithm called Deep Object Pose Estimation (DOPE). DOPE is a deep learning approach to predict image key points from a large-enough set of training data of an object-of-interest. The challenge of having enough training data for teaching a supervised machine learning-based machine vision algorithm was tackled by creating a synthetic (computer generated) dataset. The dataset needed to represent the real-life scenario closely to beat the so-called reality-gap. This dataset was created with Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) and NVIDIA Deep learning Dataset Synthesizer (NDDS). During the experimental part, a 3D model of the object-of-interest was created using Blender and the object was imported into the created UE4 environment. NDDS was used to create and extract the training dataset for DOPE. DOPE’s functionality was successfully tested with a pre-trained network and then it was manually shown that it is possible to start training the DOPE algorithm with the dataset created. However, the lack of computing power became the limitation of this work, and it was not possible to train the DOPE algorithm enough to recognize the object-of-interest. The results prove this to be an effective way to approach training object recognition algorithms, albeit being technologically challenging to do from scratch, as knowledge of broad sets of software and programming skills are needed

    Manipulation Planning for Forceful Human-Robot-Collaboration

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    This thesis addresses the problem of manipulation planning for forceful human-robot collaboration. Particularly, the focus is on the scenario where a human applies a sequence of changing external forces through forceful operations (e.g. cutting a circular piece off a board) on an object that is grasped by a cooperative robot. We present a range of planners that 1) enable the robot to stabilize and position the object under the human applied forces by exploiting supports from both the object-robot and object-environment contacts; 2) improve task efficiency by minimizing the need of configuration and grasp changes required by the changing external forces; 3) improve human comfort during the forceful interaction by optimizing the defined comfort criteria. We first focus on the instance of using only robotic grasps, where the robot is supposed to grasp/regrasp the object multiple times to keep it stable under the changing external forces. We introduce a planner that can generate an efficient manipulation plan by intelligently deciding when the robot should change its grasp on the object as the human applies the forces, and choosing subsequent grasps such that they minimize the number of regrasps required in the long-term. The planner searches for such an efficient plan by first finding a minimal sequence of grasp configurations that are able to keep the object stable under the changing forces, and then generating connecting trajectories to switch between the planned configurations, i.e. planning regrasps. We perform the search for such a grasp (configuration) sequence by sampling stable configurations for the external forces, building an operation graph using these stable configurations and then searching the operation graph to minimize the number of regrasps. We solve the problem of bimanual regrasp planning under the assumption of no support surface, enabling the robot to regrasp an object in the air by finding intermediate configurations at which both the bimanual and unimanual grasps can hold the object stable under gravity. We present a variety of experiments to show the performance of our planner, particularly in minimizing the number of regrasps for forceful manipulation tasks and planning stable regrasps. We then explore the problem of using both the object-environment contacts and object-robot contacts, which enlarges the set of stable configurations and thus boosts the robot’s capability in stabilizing the object under external forces. We present a planner that can intelligently exploit the environment’s and robot’s stabilization capabilities within a unified planning framework to search for a minimal number of stable contact configurations. A big computational bottleneck in this planner is due to the static stability analysis of a large number of candidate configurations. We introduce a containment relation between different contact configurations, to efficiently prune the stability checking process. We present a set of real-robot and simulated experiments illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed framework. We present a detailed analysis of the proposed containment relationship, particularly in improving the planning efficiency. We present a planning algorithm to further improve the cooperative robot behaviour concerning human comfort during the forceful human-robot interaction. Particularly, we are interested in empowering the robot with the capability of grasping and positioning the object not only to ensure the object stability against the human applied forces, but also to improve human experience and comfort during the interaction. We address human comfort as the muscular activation level required to apply a desired external force, together with the human spatial perception, i.e. the so-called peripersonal-space comfort during the interaction. We propose to maximize both comfort metrics to optimize the robot and object configuration such that the human can apply a forceful operation comfortably. We present a set of human-robot drilling and cutting experiments which verify the efficiency of the proposed metrics in improving the overall comfort and HRI experience, without compromising the force stability. In addition to the above planning work, we present a conic formulation to approximate the distribution of a forceful operation in the wrench space with a polyhedral cone, which enables the planner to efficiently assess the stability of a system configuration even in the presence of force uncertainties that are inherent in the human applied forceful operations. We also develop a graphical user interface, which human users can easily use to specify various forceful tasks, i.e. sequences of forceful operations on selected objects, in an interactive manner. The user interface ties in human task specification, on-demand manipulation planning and robot-assisted fabrication together. We present a set of human-robot experiments using the interface demonstrating the feasibility of our system. In short, in this thesis we present a series of planners for object manipulation under changing external forces. We show the object contacts with the robot and the environment enable the robot to manipulate an object under external forces, while making the most of the object contacts has the potential to eliminate redundant changes during manipulation, e.g. regrasp, and thus improve task efficiency and smoothness. We also show the necessity of optimizing human comfort in planning for forceful human-robot manipulation tasks. We believe the work presented here can be a key component in a human-robot collaboration framework

    Learning from Errors

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    The authors of this chapter have worked in emergency care in 5 countries on 4 continents in the past 9 years. In their experience, acute care anywhere in the world shares two main features; strong teamwork and tremendous mental, physical, and psychological stress. The significant workload, both on individual and team levels, render the care system vulnerable to human errors, which can unfortunately be detrimental to patients and staff alike. Due to the commonalities it is not surprising that health care professionals tend to make similar mistakes irrespective of economic, cultural, religious aspect or healthcare settings. We opine that mistakes are not necessarily and exclusively bad things, but invaluable opportunities for improvement. In this chapter, the authors aim to introduce the concept of learning from errors to the readers. Numerous studies and books have already been published on the subject, so anyone could rightfully ask, why read another study? The answer is straightforward, unlike other articles, this chapter invites the reader to work together with the authors through a real-world case. The text will guide the reader through the topic painlessly in a step-by-step fashion offering plenty of opportunity to practice and reflect on the newly acquired knowledge. Global healthcare is facing significant changes these days. Learning from errors may be the initial step to help move away from the blame and shame culture and build a new system which should be based on solid partnership and respect between patients and carers. Such a new, supportive and compassionate system could provide higher quality care and at the same time, protect practitioners from burnout and stress ensuring that healthcare jobs are not only work but a life-long fulfilling career