3,781 research outputs found

    Land Cover Change in the Andes of Southern Ecuador — Patterns and Drivers

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    In the megadiverse tropical mountain forest in the Andes of southern Ecuador, a global biodiversity hotspot, the use of fire to clear land for cattle ranching is leading to the invasion of an aggressive weed, the bracken fern, which is threatening diversity and the provisioning of ecosystem services. To find sustainable land use options adapted to the local situation, a profound knowledge of the long-term spatiotemporal patterns of land cover change and its drivers is necessary, but hitherto lacking. The complex topography and the high cloud frequency make the use of remote sensing in this area a challenge. To deal with these conditions, we pursued specific pre-processing steps before classifying five Landsat scenes from 1975 to 2001. Then, we quantified land cover changes and habitat fragmentation, and we investigated landscape changes in relation to key spatial elements (altitude, slope, and distance from roads). Good classification results were obtained with overall accuracies ranging from 94.5% to 98.5% and Kappa statistics between 0.75 and 0.98. Forest was strongly fragmented due to the rapid expansion of the arable frontier and the even more rapid invasion by bracken. Unexpectedly, more bracken-infested areas were converted to pastures than vice versa, a practice that could alleviate pressure on forests if promoted. Road proximity was the most important spatial element determining forest loss, while for bracken the altitudinal range conditioned the degree of invasion in deforested areas. The annual deforestation rate changed notably between periods: ~1.5% from 1975 to 1987, ~0.8% from 1987 to 2000, and finally a very high rate of ~7.5% between 2000 and 2001. We explained these inconstant rates through some specific interrelated local and national political and socioeconomic drivers, namely land use policies, credit and tenure incentives, demography, and in particular, a severe national economic and bank crisis

    Vegetation Dynamics in Ecuador

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    Global forest cover has suffered a dramatic reduction during recent decades, especially in tropical regions, which is mainly due to human activities caused by enhanced population pressures. Nevertheless, forest ecosystems, especially tropical forests, play an important role in the carbon cycle functioning as carbon stocks and sinks, which is why conservation strategies are of utmost importance respective to ongoing global warming. In South America the highest deforestation rates are observed in Ecuador, but an operational surveillance system for continuous forest monitoring, along with the determination of deforestation rates and the estimation of actual carbon socks is still missing. Therefore, the present investigation provides a functional tool based on remote sensing data to monitor forest stands at local, regional and national scales. To evaluate forest cover and deforestation rates at country level satellite data was used, whereas LiDAR data was utilized to accurately estimate the Above Ground Biomass (AGB; carbon stocks) at catchment level. Furthermore, to provide a cost-effective tool for continuous forest monitoring of the most vulnerable parts, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was deployed and equipped with various sensors (RBG and multispectral camera). The results showed that in Ecuador total forest cover was reduced by about 24% during the last three decades. Moreover, deforestation rates have increased with the beginning of the new century, especially in the Andean Highland and the Amazon Basin, due to enhanced population pressures and the government supported oil and mining industries, besides illegal timber extractions. The AGB stock estimations at catchment level indicated that most of the carbon is stored in natural ecosystems (forest and páramo; AGB ~98%), whereas areas affected by anthropogenic land use changes (mostly pastureland) lost nearly all their storage capacities (AGB ~2%). Furthermore, the LiDAR data permitted the detection of the forest structure, and therefore the identification of the most vulnerable parts. To monitor these areas, it could be shown that UAVs are useful, particularly when equipped with an RGB camera (AGB correlation: R² > 0.9), because multispectral images suffer saturation of the spectral bands over dense natural forest stands, which results in high overestimations. In summary, the developed operational surveillance systems respective to forest cover at different spatial scales can be implemented in Ecuador to promote conservation/ restoration strategies and to reduce the high deforestation rates. This may also mitigate future greenhouse gas emissions and guarantee functional ecosystem services for local and regional populations

    Migration and forests in the Peruvian Amazon: a review

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    This paper reviews the literature on the links between migration and forests in the Peruvian Amazon. It highlights not only the complexity of the migrant–forest interface in Peru but also the relative lack of research on these dynamics. Historically, official narratives point to migrants as both the culprits of, and solutions to, the Amazon’s problems. At times, the government has promoted colonization of the Amazon as a means to integrate the region into the country as well as to encourage agricultural expansion and alleviate pressure on limited land in the Andes. In other periods, migrants are blamed for deforestation and environmental degradation in the region. These discourses oversimplify the complexity of the reality facing migrants to the Amazon and the factors that ‘push’ them away from their birthplaces and/or ‘pull’ them to the Amazon. They also treat migrants as a homogenous group, underestimating: the role of migration within the Amazon, the cyclical nature of migration, processes of urbanization and multi-site households, and the diversity of livelihoods migrants pursue upon arrival. A more detailed understanding of migrants, migration and the related conditions and processes driving human mobility in the Amazon should provide a more effective foundation for defining public policy in the region, for example, for the identification of strategies to mitigate the impacts of road construction or to support sustainable models of production in areas occupied by smallholder farm families. This review is intended as a step toward a fuller understanding of these processes by compiling existing information as a point of departure

    Deforestation Impact on Water Dynamics in a Venezuelan Andean Cloud Forest

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    Ecología de los cambios de cobertura del paisaje de glaciares de montañas tropicales

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    Tropical mountains contain unique biological diversity, and are subject to many consequences of global climate change, exasperated by concurrent socioeconomic shifts. Glaciers are in a negative mass balance, exposing substrates to primary succession and altering downslope wetlands and streams. A review of recent trends and future predictions suggests a likely reduction in areas of open habitat for species of high mountains due to greater woody plant cover, accompanied by land use shifts by farmers and pastoralists along the environmental gradients of tropical mountains. Research is needed on the biodiversity and ecosystem consequences of successional change, including the direct effects of retreating glaciers and the indirect consequences of combined social and ecological drivers in lower elevations. Areas in the high mountains that are protected for nature conservation or managed collectively by local communities represent opportunities for integrated research and development approaches that may provide ecological spaces for future species range shifts.Las montañas tropicales incluyen una singular diversidad biológica sujeta a las numerosas consecuencias del cambio climático global, exacerbado por concurrentes cambios socio-económicos. Los glaciares están en un balance negativo de su masa, promoviendo la exposición de los suelos a la colonización primaria, y alterando pantanos y riachuelos en las partes bajas. Revisiones de las tendencias actuales y predicciones sugieren que las especies de alta montaña sufrirían una reducción en las áreas de hábitats abiertos, debido al incremento en la cobertura de plantas leñosas, acompañado por los cambios en el uso del paisaje causados por agricultores y pastores a lo largo de las gradientes ambientales en las montañas tropicales. Es necesaria la investigación de las consecuencias en la biodiversidad y en los ecosistemas por causados por los cambios sucesionales, incluyendo los efectos directos del retroceso de los glaciares y las consecuencias indirectas de la acción combinada de factores sociales y ecológicos que ocurren en altitudes inferiores. Las áreas protegidas en las altas montañas usadas en la conservación de la naturaleza o manejadas colectivamente por comunidades locales representan oportunidades donde puede integrarse investigación y planes de desarrollo que podrían proveer espacios ecológicos para los futuros desplazamientos de los rangos de distribución de las especies

    Landscape-scale drivers of glacial ecosystem change in the montane forests of the eastern Andean flank, Ecuador

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    Understanding the impact of landscape-scale disturbance events during the last glacial period is vital in accu- rately reconstructing the ecosystem dynamics of montane environments. Here, a sedimentary succession from the tropical montane cloud forest of the eastern Andean flank of Ecuador provides evidence of the role of non- climate drivers of vegetation change (volcanic events, fire regime and herbivory) during the late-Pleistocene. Multiproxy analysis (pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, charcoal, geochemistry and carbon content) of the se- diments, radiocarbon dated to ca. 45–42 ka, provide a snap shot of the depositional environment, vegetation community and non-climate drivers of ecosystem dynamics. The geomorphology of the Vinillos study area, along with the organic‐carbon content, and aquatic remains suggest deposition took place near a valley floor in a swamp or shallow water environment. The pollen assemblage initially composed primarily of herbaceous types (Poaceae-Asteraceae-Solanaceae) is replaced by assemblages characterised by Andean forest taxa, (first Melastomataceae-Weinmannia-Ilex, and later, Alnus-Hedyosmum-Myrica). The pollen assemblages have no modern analogues in the tropical montane cloud forest of Ecuador. High micro-charcoal and rare macro-charcoal abundances co-occur with volcanic tephra deposits suggesting transportation from extra-local regions and that volcanic eruptions were an important source of ignition in the wider glacial landscape. The presence of the coprophilous fungi Sporormiella reveals the occurrence of herbivores in the glacial montane forest landscape. Pollen analysis indicates a stable regional vegetation community, with changes in vegetation population co- varying with large volcanic tephra deposits suggesting that the structure of glacial vegetation at Vinillos was driven by volcanic activity

    Changes in land use and ecosystem services in tropical forest areas: a case study in Andes mountains of Ecuador

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    Tropical Andes are subjected to severe land use/land cover (LULC) changes that significantly alter the capacity of the landscape to provide ecological functions for supporting human well-being. The aim of the study is (a) to investigate the LULC changes in the Ecological Corridor Llaganantes-Sangay (Corredor Ecológico Llanganates-Sangay) (Central Ecuador), a buffer semi-protected area, during the period 2000–2014 and (b) to analyse their possible consequences on ecosystem services (ESs) provision. The analysis was performed using LULC maps of 2000, 2008 and 2014. ESs were analysed using the 'landscape capacity' index, which is based on a multi-criteria assessment framework. The study captured an extremely rapid LULC transition from croplands to pastures during 2008–2014 below the 2000-m altitude, which was followed by a respective rapid socio-economic change of the local society. The landscape index changes were insignificant showing a slight decrease (−1.92%) during 2000–2014. Although the overall coverage of natural ecosystems slightly increased during 2000–2014, it was found that the passive landscape conservation might not be sufficient to maintain ESs provision. This was justified by the different ESs contribution between forest types but also by urbanization, agriculture abandonment and pasture expansion.EDITED BY Neville Crossman EDITED BY Neville Crossma

    Globalization and land-use transitions in Latin America

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    Current socioeconomic drivers of land-use change associated with globalization are producing two contrasting land-use trends in Latin America. Increasing global food demand (particularly in Southeast Asia) accelerates deforestation in areas suitable for modern agriculture (e.g., soybean), severely threatening ecosystems, such as Amazonian rain forests, dry forests, and subtropical grasslands. Additionally, in the coming decades, demand for biofuels may become an emerging threat. In contrast, high yields in modern agricultural systems and rural–urban migration coupled with remittances promote the abandonment of marginal agricultural lands, thus favoring ecosystem recovery on mountains, deserts, and areas of poor soils, while improving human well-being. The potential switch from production in traditional extensive grazing areas to intensive modern agriculture provides opportunities to significantly increase food production while sparing land for nature conservation. This combination of emerging threats and opportunities requires changes in the way the conservation of Latin American ecosystems is approached. Land-use efficiency should be analyzed beyond the local-based paradigm that drives most conservation programs, and focus on large geographic scales involving long-distance fluxes of products, information, and people in order to maximize both agricultural production and the conservation of environmental services.Fil: Grau, Hector Ricardo. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Mitchell, Aide. Universidad de Puerto Rico; Puerto Ric

    The neotropical reforestation hotspots : a biophysical and socioeconomic typology of contemporary forest expansion

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    Tropical reforestation is a significant component of global environmental change that is far less understood than tropical deforestation, despite having apparently increased widely in scale during recent decades. The regional contexts defining such reforestation have not been well described. They are likely to differ significantly from the geographical profiles outlined by site-specific observations that predominate in the literature. In response, this article determines the distribution, extent, and defining contexts of apparently spontaneous reforestation. It delineates regional ‘hotspots’ of significant net reforestation across Latin America and the Caribbean and defines a typology of these hotspots with reference to the biophysical and socioeconomic characteristics that unite and distinguish amongst them. Fifteen regional hotspots were identified on the basis of spatial criteria pertaining to the area, distribution, and rate of reforestation 2001–2014, observed using a custom continental MODIS satellite land-cover classification. Collectively, these hotspots cover 11% of Latin America and the Caribbean and they include 167,667.7 km2 of new forests. Comparisons with other remotely sensed estimates of reforestation indicate that these hotspots contain a significant amount of tropical reforestation, continentally and pantropically. The extent of reforestation as a proportion of its hotspot was relatively invariable (3–14%) given large disparities in hotspot areas and contexts. An ordination analysis defined a typology of five clusters, distinguished largely by their topographical roughness and related aspects of agro-ecological marginality, climate, population trends, and degree of urbanization: ‘Urban lowlands’, ‘Mountainous populated areas’, ‘Rural highlands’, ‘Rural humid lands’ and ‘Rural dry lands’. The typology highlights that a range of distinct, even oppositional regional biophysical, demographic, and agricultural contexts have equally given rise to significant, regional net reforestation, urging a concomitant diversification of forest transition science

    Identifying environmental drivers of fungal non-pollen palynomorphs in the montane forest of the eastern Andean flank, Ecuador

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    Samples taken from sedimentary archives indicate that fungal non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) can be used to provide information on forest cover, fire regime, and depositional environment in the eastern Andean flank montane forest of Ecuador. Within the 52 samples examined, 54 fungal NPP morphotypes are reported, of which 25 were found to be previously undescribed. Examination of fungal NPPs over a gradient of forest cover (2–64%) revealed three distinct assemblages: (1) low (Neurospora, IBB-16, HdV-201, OU-102, and OU-110 indicative of an open degraded landscape; (2) medium (8–32%) forest cover Cercophora-type 1, Xylariaceae, Rosellinia-type, Kretzschmaria deusta, Amphirosellinia, Sporormiella, and Glomus suggestive of a forested landscape disturbed by herbivores and soil erosion; and (3) high (32–63%) forest cover Anthostomella fuegiana, OU-5, OU-101, OU-108, and OU-120. Environmental variables for forest cover (forest pollen), available moisture (aquatic remains), regional fire regime (microcharcoal), and sediment composition (organic carbon) were found to explain ~40% of the variance in the fungal NPP data set. Fire was found to be the primary control on fungal NPP assemblage composition, with available moisture and sediment composition the next most important factors