2,907,928 research outputs found

    The Solid-on-Solid Surface Width Around the Roughening Transition

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    We investigate the surface width WW of solid-on-solid surfaces in the vicinity of the roughening temperature TrT_r. Above TrT_r, W2W^2 is expected to diverge with the system size LL like ln⁥L\ln L. However, close to TrT_r a clean ln⁥L\ln{L} behavior can only be seen on extremely large lattices. Starting from the Kosterlitz-Thouless renormalization group, we derive an improved formula that describes the small LL behavior on both sides of TrT_r. For the Discrete Gaussian model, we used the valleys-to-mountains-reflections cluster algorithm in order to simulate the fluctuating solid-on-solid surface. The base plane above which the surface is defined is an L×LL \times L square lattice. In the simulation we took 8≀L≀2568\leq L\leq 256. The improved formula fits the numerical results very well. {}From the analysis, we estimate the roughening temperature to be Tr=0.755(3)T_r = 0.755(3).Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX (no figures), FSU-SCRI-93-67, CERN-TH.6893/9

    On the asymptotic giant branch star origin of peculiar spinel grain OC2

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    Microscopic presolar grains extracted from primitive meteorites have extremely anomalous isotopic compositions revealing the stellar origin of these grains. The composition of presolar spinel grain OC2 is different from that of all other presolar spinel grains. Large excesses of the heavy Mg isotopes are present and thus an origin from an intermediate-mass (IM) asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star was previously proposed for this grain. We discuss the isotopic compositions of presolar spinel grain OC2 and compare them to theoretical predictions. We show that the isotopic composition of O, Mg and Al in OC2 could be the signature of an AGB star of IM and metallicity close to solar experiencing hot bottom burning, or of an AGB star of low mass (LM) and low metallicity suffering very efficient cool bottom processing. Large measurement uncertainty in the Fe isotopic composition prevents us from discriminating which model better represents the parent star of OC2. However, the Cr isotopic composition of the grain favors an origin in an IM-AGB star of metallicity close to solar. Our IM-AGB models produce a self-consistent solution to match the composition of OC2 within the uncertainties related to reaction rates. Within this solution we predict that the 16O(p,g)17F and the 17O(p,a)14N reaction rates should be close to their lower and upper limits, respectively. By finding more grains like OC2 and by precisely measuring their Fe and Cr isotopic compositions, it may be possible in the future to derive constraints on massive AGB models from the study of presolar grains.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The Effect of Composition on Nova Ignitions

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    The accretion of hydrogen-rich matter onto C/O and O/Ne white dwarfs in binary systems leads to unstable thermonuclear ignition of the accreted envelope, triggering a convective thermonuclear runaway and a subsequent classical, recurrent, or symbiotic nova. Prompted by uncertainties in the composition at the base of the accreted envelope at the onset of convection, as well as the range of abundances detected in nova ejecta, we examine the effects of varying the composition of the accreted material. For high accretion rates and carbon mass fractions < 0.002, we find that carbon, which is usually assumed to trigger the runaway via proton captures, is instead depleted and converted to 14N. Additionally, we quantify the importance of 3He, finding that convection is triggered by 3He+3He reactions for 3He mass fractions > 0.002. These different triggering mechanisms, which occur for critical abundances relevant to many nova systems, alter the amount of mass that is accreted prior to a nova, causing the nova rate to depend on accreted composition. Upcoming deep optical surveys such as Pan-STARRS-1, Pan-STARRS-4, and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope may allow us to detect the dependence of nova rates on accreted composition. Furthermore, the burning and depletion of 3He with a mass fraction of 0.001, which is lower than necessary for triggering convection, still has an observable effect, resulting in a pre-outburst brightening in disk quiescence to > Lsun and an increase in effective temperature to 6.5e4 K for a 1.0 Msun white dwarf accreting at 1e-8 Msun/yr.Comment: Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal, 11 pages, 11 figure

    The supersoft X-ray source in V5116 Sgr I. The high resolution spectra

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    Classical novae occur on the surface of an accreting white dwarf in a binary system. After ejection of a fraction of the envelope and when the expanding shell becomes optically thin to X-rays, a bright source of supersoft X-rays arises, powered by residual H burning on the surface of the white dwarf. While the general picture of the nova event is well established, the details and balance of accretion and ejection processes in classical novae are still full of unknowns. The long-term balance of accreted matter is of special interest for massive accreting white dwarfs, which may be promising supernova Ia progenitor candidates. V5116 Sgr was observed as a bright and variable supersoft X-ray source by XMM-Newton 610~days after outburst. The light curve showed a periodicity consistent with the orbital period. During one third of the orbit the luminosity was a factor of seven brighter than during the other two thirds of the orbital period. In the present work we aim to disentangle the X-ray spectral components of V5116 Sgr and their variability. We present the high resolution spectra obtained with XMM-Newton RGS and Chandra LETGS/HRC-S in March and August 2007. The grating spectrum during the periods of high-flux shows a typical hot white dwarf atmosphere dominated by absorption lines of N VI and N VII. During the low-flux periods, the spectrum is dominated by an atmosphere with the same temperature as during the high-flux period, but with several emission features superimposed. Some of the emission lines are well modeled with an optically thin plasma in collisional equilibrium, rich in C and N, which also explains some excess in the spectra of the high-flux period. No velocity shifts are observed in the absorption lines, with an upper limit set by the spectral resolution of 500 km/s, consistent with the expectation of a non-expanding atmosphere so late in the evolution of the post-nova.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The prompt gamma-ray emission of novae

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    Classical novae are potential gamma-ray emitters, because of the disintegration of some radioactive nuclei synthesized during the explosion. Some short-lived isotopes (such as 13N and 18F), as well as the medium-lived 22Na, decay emitting positrons, which annihilate with electrons and thus are responsible for the prompt emission of gamma-rays from novae. This emission consists of a 511 keV line plus a continuum between 20 and 511 keV, and is released before the maximum in visual luminosity, i.e., before the discovery of the nova. The main characteristics of this prompt emission, together with the related uncertainties (both of nuclear and hydrodynamical origin, with a particular emphasis on the influence of the envelope properties) and prospects for detectability are analyzed in this paper.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures (6 PS files), to appear in New Astronomy Reviews (Proceedings of the Ringberg Workshop "Astronomy with Radioactivities III"

    HR4049: signature of nova nucleosynthesis ?

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    The post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) star HR4049 is in an eccentric binary system with a relatively short period probably surrounded by a dusty circumbinary disk. Extremely anomalous oxygen isotopic ratios, O16/O17 ~ O16/O18 ~ 7, have been measured from CO_2 molecules likely residing in the disk. Such a composition cannot be explained in the framework of AGB and post-AGB evolution while it can be qualitatively associated with the nucleosynthesis occurring during nova outbursts. We discuss nova models, the presence of a white dwarf companion to HR4049 and possible scenarios for the dynamical evolution of this binary system. Circumbinary disks in which mixing occurs between red-giant and nova material may also be invoked as the site of formation of some rare types of meteoritic presolar grains.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted for the proceedings of the 8th Nuclei in the Cosmos symposium (Vancouver, Canada, 19-23 July 2004

    Discovery, photometry, and astrometry of 49 classical nova candidates in M81 galaxy

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    This paper reports on a search for new classical nova candidates in the M81 galaxy based on archival, as well as recent, new images. We used images from 1999-2007 to search for optical transients in M81. The positions of the identified classical nova candidates were used to study their spatial distribution. Kolmogorov - Smirnov test (KS) and bottom-to-top (BTR) ratio diagnostic were used to analyze the nova candidate distribution and differentiate between the disk and the bulge populations. In total, 49 classical nova candidates were discovered. In this study, we present the precise positions and photometry of these objects, plus the photometry of an additional 9 classical nova candidates found by Neill and Shara (2004). With our large sample, we find a different spatial distribution of classical nova candidates when compared to the results of earlier studies. Also, an extraordinarily bright nova was found and studied in detail.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 23 pages, 8 figure

    Asymptotically free theories based on discrete subgroups

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    We study the critical behavior of discrete spin models related to the 2d O(3) non-linear sigma model. Precise numerical results suggest that models with sufficiently large discrete subgroups are in the same universality class as the original sigma model. We observe that at least up to correlation lengths Ο≈300\xi\approx 300 the cut-off effects follow effectively an ∝a\propto a behaviour both in the O(3) and in the dodecahedron model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Lattice 2000 (Spin Models

    Asymptotically free models and discrete non-Abelian groups

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    We study the two-dimensional renormalization-group flow induced by perturbations that reduce the global symmetry of the O(3) sigma-model to the discrete symmetries of Platonic solids. We estimate the value of the correlation length at which differences in the behaviour of the various models should be expected. For the icosahedron model, we find xi > 200. We provide an explanation for the recent numerical results of Patrascioiu and Seiler and of Hasenfratz and Niedermayer.Comment: 12 pages, revised versio

    Engineering superpositions of displaced number states of a trapped ion

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    We present a protocol that permits the generation of a subtle with superposition with 2^(l+1) displaced number states on a circle in phase space as target state for the center-of-mass motion of a trapped ion. Through a sequence of 'l' cycles involving the application of laser pulses and no-fluorescence measurements, explicit expressions for the total duration of laser pulses employed in the sequence and probability of getting the ion in the upper electronic state during the 'l' cycles are obtained and analyzed in detail. Furthermore, assuming that the effective relaxation process of a trapped ion can be described in the framework of the standard master equation for the damped harmonic oscillator, we investigate the degradation of the quantum interference effects inherent to superpositions via Wigner function.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure
