331 research outputs found

    Structure-Function Relationships in the Brain: Applications in Neurosurgery

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    Multimodal brain imaging allows the study of structure-function relationships of the brain at the individual level, a key subject in basic neuroscience with important applications in neurosurgery. The current thesis aims to better understand these relationships by (1) examining how cortical morphology metrics influence measures of brain function, (2) their visualization in augmented reality (AR), and (3) their application in neurosurgical planning. To achieve these objectives, we made use of multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data: diffusion weighted imaging, resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI), task-based fMRI, and T1-weighted images. Various metrics were calculated: cortical thickness (CT), blood oxygen level dependent signal variability (BOLDSD), structural connectivity (SC), functional connectivity (FC), etc.. We found that BOLDSD measures are confounded by CT, developed an application to visualize SC and FC in AR, and used rs-fMRI to map language for epilepsy surgery. Overall, these studies provided a better understanding of structure-function relationships in the brain

    Establishing a Framework for the development of Multimodal Virtual Reality Interfaces with Applicability in Education and Clinical Practice

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    The development of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) content with multiple sources of both input and output has led to countless contributions in a great many number of fields, among which medicine and education. Nevertheless, the actual process of integrating the existing VR/AR media and subsequently setting it to purpose is yet a highly scattered and esoteric undertaking. Moreover, seldom do the architectures that derive from such ventures comprise haptic feedback in their implementation, which in turn deprives users from relying on one of the paramount aspects of human interaction, their sense of touch. Determined to circumvent these issues, the present dissertation proposes a centralized albeit modularized framework that thus enables the conception of multimodal VR/AR applications in a novel and straightforward manner. In order to accomplish this, the aforesaid framework makes use of a stereoscopic VR Head Mounted Display (HMD) from Oculus Rift©, a hand tracking controller from Leap Motion©, a custom-made VR mount that allows for the assemblage of the two preceding peripherals and a wearable device of our own design. The latter is a glove that encompasses two core modules in its innings, one that is able to convey haptic feedback to its wearer and another that deals with the non-intrusive acquisition, processing and registering of his/her Electrocardiogram (ECG), Electromyogram (EMG) and Electrodermal Activity (EDA). The software elements of the aforementioned features were all interfaced through Unity3D©, a powerful game engine whose popularity in academic and scientific endeavors is evermore increasing. Upon completion of our system, it was time to substantiate our initial claim with thoroughly developed experiences that would attest to its worth. With this premise in mind, we devised a comprehensive repository of interfaces, amid which three merit special consideration: Brain Connectivity Leap (BCL), Ode to Passive Haptic Learning (PHL) and a Surgical Simulator

    Ensemble and constrained clustering with applications

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    Diese Arbeit stellt neue Entwicklungen in Ensemble und Constrained Clustering vor und enthält die folgenden wesentlichen Beiträge: 1) Eine Vereinigung von Constrained und Ensemble Clustering in einem einheitlichen Framework. 2) Eine neue Methode zur Messung und Visualisierung der Variabilität von Ensembles. 3) Ein neues, Random Walker basiertes Verfahren für Ensemble Clustering. 4) Anwendung von Ensemble Clustering für Bildsegmentierung. 5) Eine neue Consensus-Funktion für das Ensemble Clustering Problem. Schließlich 6) Anwendung von Constrained Clustering zur Segmentierung von Nervenfasern in der Diffusions-Tensor-Bildgebung. In umfangreichen Experimenten wurden diese Verfahren getestet und ihre Überlegenheit gegenüber existierenden Methoden aus der Literatur demonstriert

    Functional and structural substrates of increased dosage of Grik4 gene elucidated using multi-modal MRI

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    Grik4 is the gene responsible for encoding the high-affinity GluK4 subunit of the kainate receptors. Increased dosage of this subunit in the forebrain was linked to an increased level of anxiety, lack of social communication, and depression. On the synaptic level, abnormal synaptic transmission was also reported. The manifestations of this abnormal expression have not been investigated at the circuit level, nor the correlations between those circuits and the abnormal patterns of the behavior previously reported. In this line of work, we aspired to use different non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities to elucidate any disturbance that might stem from the increased dosage of Grik4 and how those changes might explain the abnormal behaviors. MRI offers a noninvasive way to look into the intact brain in vivo. Resting-state functional MRI casts light on how the brain function at rest on the network level and has the capability to detect any anomalies that might occur within or between those networks. On the microstructural level, the diffusion MRI is concerned with the underlying features of the tissues, using the diffusion of water molecules as a proxy for that end. Moving more macroscopically, using structural scans, voxel-based morphometry can detect subtle differences in the morphology of the different brain structures. We recorded videos of our animals performing two tasks that have long been linked to anxiety, the open field and the plus-maze tests before acquiring structural and functional scans. Lastly, we recorded blood-oxygenationlevel dependent (BOLD) signals in a different set of animals during electrical stimulation of specific white matter tracts in order to investigate how neuronal activity propagates. Our analysis showed a vast spectrum of changes in the transgenic group relative to the animals in the control group. On the resting-state networks level, we observed an increase in the within-network strength spanning different structures such as the hippocampus, some regions of the cortex, and the hypothalamus. The increased internal coherence or strength in the networks contrasted with a significant reduction in between-networks connectivity for some regions such as parts of the cortex and the hypothalamus, suggesting long-range network decorrelation. Supporting this idea, major white matter (WM) tracts, such as the corpus callosum and the hippocampal commissure, suffered from substantial changes compatible with an important reduction in myelination and/or a decrease in the mean axonal diameter. Macrostructurally speaking, the overexpression of GluK4 subunit had a bimodal effect, with expansion in some cortical areas in the transgenic animals accompanied by a shrinkage in the subcortical regions. Upon stimulating the brain with an electrical current, we noticed a difference in activity propagation between the two hemispheres. In transgenic animals, the evoked activity remained more confined to the stimulated hemisphere, again consistent with an impaired long-range connectivity. The structural changes both, at the micro and macro level, were in tight correlation with different aspects of the behavior including markers of anxiety such as the time spent in the open arms vs the closed arms in the plus-maze test and the time spent in the center vs the corners in the open field test. Our findings reveal how the disruption of kainate receptors, or more globally the glutamate receptors, and the abnormal synaptic transmission can translate into brain-wide changes in connectivity and alter the functional equilibrium between macro-and mesoscopic networks. The postsynaptic enhancement previously reported in the transgenic animals was here reflected in the BOLD signal and measured as an increase in the within-network strength. Importantly, the correlations between the structural changes and the behavior help to put the developmental changes and their behavioral ramifications into context. RESUMEN Grik4 es el gen responsable de codificar la subunidad GluK4 de alta afinidad de los receptores de kainato. El aumento de la dosis de esta subunidad en el prosencéfalo se relacionó con un mayor nivel de ansiedad, falta de comunicación social y depresión. A nivel sináptico, también se informó una transmisión sináptica anormal. Las manifestaciones de esta expresión anormal no se han investigado a nivel de circuito, ni las correlaciones entre esos circuitos y los patrones anormales de la conducta previamente informada. En esta línea de trabajo, aspiramos a utilizar diferentes modalidades de imágenes por resonancia magnética (MRI) no invasivas para dilucidar cualquier alteración que pudiera derivarse del aumento de la dosis de Grik4 y cómo esos cambios podrían explicar los comportamientos anormales. La resonancia magnética ofrece una forma no invasiva de observar el cerebro intacto in vivo. La resonancia magnética funcional en estado de reposo arroja luz sobre cómo funciona el cerebro en reposo en el nivel de la red y tiene la capacidad de detectar cualquier anomalía que pueda ocurrir dentro o entre esas redes. En el nivel microestructural, la resonancia magnética de difusión se ocupa de las características subyacentes de los tejidos utilizando la difusión de moléculas de agua como un proxy para ese fin. Moviéndose más macroscópicamente, utilizando escaneos estructurales, la morfometría basada en vóxeles puede detectar diferencias sutiles en la morfología de las diferentes estructuras cerebrales. Grabamos videos de nuestros animales realizando dos tareas que durante mucho tiempo se han relacionado con la ansiedad, el campo abierto y las pruebas de laberinto positivo antes de adquirir escaneos estructurales y funcionales. Por último, registramos señales dependientes del nivel de oxigenación de la sangre (BOLD) en un grupo diferente de animales durante la estimulación eléctrica de tractos específicos de materia blanca para investigar cómo se propaga la actividad neuronal. Nuestro análisis mostró un amplio espectro de cambios en el grupo transgénico en relación con los animales en el grupo de control. En el nivel de las redes de estado de reposo, observamos un aumento en la fuerza dentro de la red que abarca diferentes estructuras como el hipocampo, algunas regiones de la corteza y el hipotálamo. La mayor coherencia interna o fuerza en las redes contrastó con una reducción significativa en la conectividad entre redes para algunas regiones como partes de la corteza y el hipotálamo, lo que sugiere una descorrelación de redes de largo alcance. Apoyando esta idea, los grandes tractos de materia blanca (WM), como el cuerpo calloso y la comisura del hipocampo, sufrieron cambios sustanciales compatibles con una importante reducción de la mielinización y / o una disminución del diámetro axonal medio. Macroestructuralmente hablando, la sobreexpresión de la subunidad GluK4 tuvo un efecto bimodal, con expansión en algunas áreas corticales en los animales transgénicos acompañada de una contracción en las regiones subcorticales. Al estimular el cerebro con una corriente eléctrica, notamos una diferencia en la propagación de la actividad entre las dos hemiesferas. En los animales transgénicos, la actividad evocada permaneció más confinada al hemisferio estimulado, de nuevo consistente con una conectividad de largo alcance deteriorada. Los cambios estructurales, tanto a nivel micro como macro, estaban en estrecha correlación con diferentes aspectos de la conducta, incluidos marcadores de ansiedad como el tiempo pasado con los brazos abiertos frente a los brazos cerrados en la prueba del laberinto positivo y el tiempo pasado en el centro vs las esquinas en la prueba de campo abierto. Nuestros hallazgos revelan cómo la interrupción de los receptores de kainato, o más globalmente los receptores de glutamato, y la transmisión sináptica anormal pueden traducirse en cambios de conectividad en todo el cerebro y alterar el equilibrio funcional entre las redes macro y mesoscópicas. La mejora postsináptica informada anteriormente en los animales transgénicos se reflejó aquí en la señal BOLD y se midió como un aumento en la fuerza dentro de la red. Es importante destacar que las correlaciones entre los cambios estructurales y elcomportamiento ayudan a contextualizar los cambios en el desarrollo y sus ramificaciones conductuales

    Tractographie adaptative basée sur la microstructure pour des analyses précises de la connectivité cérébrale

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    Le cerveau est un sujet de recherche depuis plusieurs décennies, puisque son rôle est central dans la compréhension du genre humain. Le cerveau est composé de neurones, où leurs dendrites et synapses se retrouvent dans la matière grise alors que les axones en constituent la matière blanche. L’information traitée dans les différentes régions de la matière grise est ensuite transmise par l’intermédiaire des axones afin d’accomplir différentes fonctions cognitives. La matière blanche forme une structure d’interconnections complexe encore dif- ficile à comprendre et à étudier. La relation entre l’architecture et la fonction du cerveau a été étudiée chez les humains ainsi que pour d’autres espèces, croyant que l’architecture des axones déterminait la dynamique du réseau fonctionnel. Dans ce même objectif, l’Imagerie par résonance (IRM) est un outil formidable qui nous permet de visualiser les tissus cérébraux de façon non-invasive. Plus partic- ulièrement, l’IRM de diffusion permet d’estimer et de séparer la diffusion libre de celle restreinte par la structure des tissus. Cette mesure de restriction peut être utilisée afin d’inférer l’orientation locale des faisceaux de matière blanche. L’algorithme de tractographie exploite cette carte d’orientation pour reconstruire plusieurs connexions de la matière blanche (nommées “streamlines”). Cette modélisation de la matière blanche permet d’estimer la connectivité cérébrale dite structurelle entre les différentes régions du cerveau. Ces résultats peuvent être employés directement pour la planification chirurgicale ou indirectement pour l’analyse ou une évaluation clinique. Malgré plusieurs de ses limitations, telles que sa variabilité et son imprécision, la tractographie reste l’unique moyen d’étudier l’architecture de la matière blanche ainsi que la connectivité cérébrale de façon non invasive. L’objectif de ce projet de doctorat est de répondre spécifiquement à ces limitations et d’améliorer la précision anatomique des estimations de connectivité structurelle. Dans ce but, nous avons développé un algorithme d’optimisation globale qui exploite les informations de micro et macrostructure, en introduisant une procédure itéra- tive qui utilise les propriétés sous-jacentes des tissus pour piloter la reconstruction en utilisant une approche semi-globale. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la possibilité d’adapter dynamiquement la position d’un ensemble de lignes de courant candidates tout en intégrant le préalable anatomique de la douceur des trajectoires et en adap- tant la configuration en fonction des données observées. Enfin, nous avons introduit le concept de bundle-o-graphy en mettant en œuvre une méthode pour modéliser des groupes de lignes de courant basées sur le concept que les axones sont organisés en fascicules, en adaptant leur forme et leur étendue en fonction de la microstructure sous-jacente.Abstract : Human brain has been subject of deep interest for centuries, given it’s central role in controlling and directing the actions and functions of the body as response to external stimuli. The neural tissue is primarily constituted of neurons and, together with dendrites and the nerve synapses, constitute the gray matter (GM) which plays a major role in cognitive functions. The information processed in the GM travel from one region to the other of the brain along nerve cell projections, called axons. All together they constitute the white matter (WM) whose wiring organization still remains challenging to uncover. The relationship between structure organization of the brain and function has been deeply investigated on humans and animals based on the assumption that the anatomic architecture determine the network dynamics. In response to that, many different imaging techniques raised, among which diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) has triggered tremendous hopes and expectations. Diffusion-weighted imaging measures both restricted and unrestricted diffusion, i.e. the degree of movement freedom of the water molecules, allowing to map the tissue fiber architecture in vivo and non-invasively. Based on DW-MRI data, tractography is able to exploit information of the local fiber orien- tation to recover global fiber pathways, called streamlines, that represent groups of axons. This, in turn, allows to infer the WM structural connectivity, becoming widely used in many different clinical applications as for diagnoses, virtual dissections and surgical planning. However, despite this unique and compelling ability, data acqui- sition still suffers from technical limitations and recent studies have highlighted the poor anatomical accuracy of the reconstructions obtained with this technique and challenged its effectiveness for studying brain connectivity. The focus of this Ph.D. project is to specifically address these limitations and to improve the anatomical accuracy of the structural connectivity estimates. To this aim, we developed a global optimization algorithm that exploits micro and macro- structure information, introducing an iterative procedure that uses the underlying tissue properties to drive the reconstruction using a semi-global approach. Then, we investigated the possibility to dynamically adapt the position of a set of candidate streamlines while embedding the anatomical prior of trajectories smoothness and adapting the configuration based on the observed data. Finally, we introduced the concept of bundle-o-graphy by implementing a method to model groups of streamlines based on the concept that axons are organized into fascicles, adapting their shape and extent based on the underlying microstructure.Sommario : Il cervello umano è oggetto di profondo interesse da secoli, dato il suo ruolo centrale nel controllare e dirigere le azioni e le funzioni del corpo in risposta a stimoli esterno. Il tessuto neurale è costituito principalmente da neuroni che, insieme ai dendriti e alle sinapsi nervose, costituiscono la materia grigia (GM), la quale riveste un ruolo centrale nelle funzioni cognitive. Le informazioni processate nella GM viaggiano da una regione all’altra del cervello lungo estensioni delle cellule nervose, chiamate assoni. Tutti insieme costituiscono la materia bianca (WM) la cui organizzazione strutturale rimane tuttora sconosciuta. Il legame tra struttura e funzione del cervello sono stati studiati a fondo su esseri umani e animali partendo dal presupposto che l’architettura anatomica determini la dinamica della rete funzionale. In risposta a ciò, sono emerse diverse tecniche di imaging, tra cui la risonanza magnetica pesata per diffusione (DW-MRI) ha suscitato enormi speranze e aspettative. Questa tecnica misura la diffusione sia libera che ristretta, ovvero il grado di libertà di movimento delle molecole d’acqua, consentendo di mappare l’architettura delle fibre neuronali in vivo e in maniera non invasiva. Basata su dati DW-MRI, la trattografia è in grado di sfruttare le informazioni sull’orientamento locale delle fibre per ricostruirne i percorsi a livello globale. Questo, a sua volta, consente di estrarre la connettività strutturale della WM, utilizzata in diverse applicazioni cliniche come per diagnosi, dissezioni virtuali e pianificazione chirurgica. Tuttavia, nonostante questa capacità unica e promettente, l’acquisizione dei dati soffre ancora di limitazioni tecniche e recenti studi hanno messo in evidenza la scarsa accuratezza anatomica delle ricostruzioni ottenute con questa tecnica, mettendone in dubbio l’efficacia per lo studio della connettività cerebrale. Il focus di questo progetto di dottorato è quello di affrontare in modo specifico queste limitazioni e di migliorare l’accuratezza anatomica delle stime di connettività strutturale. A tal fine, abbiamo sviluppato un algoritmo di ottimizzazione globale che sfrutta le informazioni sia micro che macrostrutturali, introducendo una procedura iterativa che utilizza le proprietà del tessuto neuronale per guidare la ricostruzione utilizzando un approccio semi-globale. Successivamente, abbiamo studiato la possibilità di adattare dinamicamente la posizione di un insieme di streamline candidate incorporando il prior anatomico per cui devono seguire traiettorie regolari e adattando la configurazione in base ai dati osservati. Infine, abbiamo introdotto il concetto di bundle-o-graphy implementando un metodo per modellare gruppi di streamline basato sul concetto che gli assoni sono organizzati in fasci, adattando la loro forma ed estensione in base alla microstruttura sottostante

    The brain structure during language development: neural correlates of sentence comprehension in preschool children

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    Language skills increase as the brain matures and language specialization is linked to the left hemisphere. Among distinct language domains, sentence comprehension is particularly vital in language acquisition and, by comparison, requires a much longer time-span before full mastery in children. Although accumulating studies have revealed the neural mechanism underlying sentence comprehension acquisition, the development of the brain’s gray matter and its relation to sentence comprehension had not been fully understood. This thesis employs structural magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion-weighted imaging data to investigate the neural correlates of sentence comprehension in preschoolers both cross-sectionally and longitudinally. The first study examines how cortical thick- ness covariance is relevant for syntax in preschoolers and changes across development. Results suggest that the cortical thickness covariance of brain regions relevant for syntax increases from preschoolers to adults, whilst preschoolers with superior language abilities show a more adult-like covariance pattern. Reconstructing the white matter fiber tract connecting the left inferior frontal and superior temporal cortices using diffusion-weighted imaging data, the second study suggests that the reduced cortical thickness covariance in the left frontotemporal regions is likely due to immature white matter connectivity during preschool. The third study then investigated the cortical thickness asymmetry and its relation to sentence comprehension abilities. Results show that longitudinal cortical thick- ness asymmetry in the inferior frontal cortex was associated with improvements in sentence comprehension, further suggesting the crucial role of the inferior frontal cortex for sentence comprehension acquisition. Taken together, evidence from gray and white matter data provides new insights into the neuroscientific model of language acquisition and the emergence of syntactic processing during language development

    Adaptive microstructure-informed tractography for accurate brain connectivity analyses

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    Human brain has been subject of deep interest for centuries, given it's central role in controlling and directing the actions and functions of the body as response to external stimuli. The neural tissue is primarily constituted of neurons and, together with dendrites and the nerve synapses, constitute the gray matter (GM) which plays a major role in cognitive functions. The information processed in the GM travel from one region to the other of the brain along nerve cell projections, called axons. All together they constitute the white matter (WM) whose wiring organization still remains challenging to uncover. The relationship between structure organization of the brain and function has been deeply investigated on humans and animals based on the assumption that the anatomic architecture determine the network dynamics. In response to that, many different imaging techniques raised, among which diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) has triggered tremendous hopes and expectations. Diffusion-weighted imaging measures both restricted and unrestricted diffusion, i.e. the degree of movement freedom of the water molecules, allowing to map the tissue fiber architecture in vivo and non-invasively. Based on DW-MRI data, tractography is able to exploit information of the local fiber orientation to recover global fiber pathways, called streamlines, that represent groups of axons. This, in turn, allows to infer the WM structural connectivity, becoming widely used in many different clinical applications as for diagnoses, virtual dissections and surgical planning. However, despite this unique and compelling ability, data acquisition still suffers from technical limitations and recent studies have highlighted the poor anatomical accuracy of the reconstructions obtained with this technique and challenged its effectiveness for studying brain connectivity. The focus of this Ph.D. project is to specifically address these limitations and to improve the anatomical accuracy of the structural connectivity estimates. To this aim, we developed a global optimization algorithm that exploits micro and macro-structure information, introducing an iterative procedure that uses the underlying tissue properties to drive the reconstruction using a semi-global approach. Then, we investigated the possibility to dynamically adapt the position of a set of candidate streamlines while embedding the anatomical prior of trajectories smoothness and adapting the configuration based on the observed data. Finally, we introduced the concept of bundle-o-graphy by implementing a method to model groups of streamlines based on the concept that axons are organized into fascicles, adapting their shape and extent based on the underlying microstructure

    Machine learning-based automated segmentation with a feedback loop for 3D synchrotron micro-CT

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    Die Entwicklung von Synchrotronlichtquellen der dritten Generation hat die Grundlage für die Untersuchung der 3D-Struktur opaker Proben mit einer Auflösung im Mikrometerbereich und höher geschaffen. Dies führte zur Entwicklung der Röntgen-Synchrotron-Mikro-Computertomographie, welche die Schaffung von Bildgebungseinrichtungen zur Untersuchung von Proben verschiedenster Art förderte, z.B. von Modellorganismen, um die Physiologie komplexer lebender Systeme besser zu verstehen. Die Entwicklung moderner Steuerungssysteme und Robotik ermöglichte die vollständige Automatisierung der Röntgenbildgebungsexperimente und die Kalibrierung der Parameter des Versuchsaufbaus während des Betriebs. Die Weiterentwicklung der digitalen Detektorsysteme führte zu Verbesserungen der Auflösung, des Dynamikbereichs, der Empfindlichkeit und anderer wesentlicher Eigenschaften. Diese Verbesserungen führten zu einer beträchtlichen Steigerung des Durchsatzes des Bildgebungsprozesses, aber auf der anderen Seite begannen die Experimente eine wesentlich größere Datenmenge von bis zu Dutzenden von Terabyte zu generieren, welche anschließend manuell verarbeitet wurden. Somit ebneten diese technischen Fortschritte den Weg für die Durchführung effizienterer Hochdurchsatzexperimente zur Untersuchung einer großen Anzahl von Proben, welche Datensätze von besserer Qualität produzierten. In der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft besteht daher ein hoher Bedarf an einem effizienten, automatisierten Workflow für die Röntgendatenanalyse, welcher eine solche Datenlast bewältigen und wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die Fachexperten liefern kann. Die bestehenden Lösungen für einen solchen Workflow sind nicht direkt auf Hochdurchsatzexperimente anwendbar, da sie für Ad-hoc-Szenarien im Bereich der medizinischen Bildgebung entwickelt wurden. Daher sind sie nicht für Hochdurchsatzdatenströme optimiert und auch nicht in der Lage, die hierarchische Beschaffenheit von Proben zu nutzen. Die wichtigsten Beiträge der vorliegenden Arbeit sind ein neuer automatisierter Analyse-Workflow, der für die effiziente Verarbeitung heterogener Röntgendatensätze hierarchischer Natur geeignet ist. Der entwickelte Workflow basiert auf verbesserten Methoden zur Datenvorverarbeitung, Registrierung, Lokalisierung und Segmentierung. Jede Phase eines Arbeitsablaufs, die eine Trainingsphase beinhaltet, kann automatisch feinabgestimmt werden, um die besten Hyperparameter für den spezifischen Datensatz zu finden. Für die Analyse von Faserstrukturen in Proben wurde eine neue, hochgradig parallelisierbare 3D-Orientierungsanalysemethode entwickelt, die auf einem neuartigen Konzept der emittierenden Strahlen basiert und eine präzisere morphologische Analyse ermöglicht. Alle entwickelten Methoden wurden gründlich an synthetischen Datensätzen validiert, um ihre Anwendbarkeit unter verschiedenen Abbildungsbedingungen quantitativ zu bewerten. Es wurde gezeigt, dass der Workflow in der Lage ist, eine Reihe von Datensätzen ähnlicher Art zu verarbeiten. Darüber hinaus werden die effizienten CPU/GPU-Implementierungen des entwickelten Workflows und der Methoden vorgestellt und der Gemeinschaft als Module für die Sprache Python zur Verfügung gestellt. Der entwickelte automatisierte Analyse-Workflow wurde erfolgreich für Mikro-CT-Datensätze angewandt, die in Hochdurchsatzröntgenexperimenten im Bereich der Entwicklungsbiologie und Materialwissenschaft gewonnen wurden. Insbesondere wurde dieser Arbeitsablauf für die Analyse der Medaka-Fisch-Datensätze angewandt, was eine automatisierte Segmentierung und anschließende morphologische Analyse von Gehirn, Leber, Kopfnephronen und Herz ermöglichte. Darüber hinaus wurde die entwickelte Methode der 3D-Orientierungsanalyse bei der morphologischen Analyse von Polymergerüst-Datensätzen eingesetzt, um einen Herstellungsprozess in Richtung wünschenswerter Eigenschaften zu lenken

    Quantitation in MRI : application to ageing and epilepsy

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    Multi-atlas propagation and label fusion techniques have recently been developed for segmenting the human brain into multiple anatomical regions. In this thesis, I investigate possible adaptations of these current state-of-the-art methods. The aim is to study ageing on the one hand, and on the other hand temporal lobe epilepsy as an example for a neurological disease. Overall effects are a confounding factor in such anatomical analyses. Intracranial volume (ICV) is often preferred to normalize for global effects as it allows to normalize for estimated maximum brain size and is hence independent of global brain volume loss, as seen in ageing and disease. I describe systematic differences in ICV measures obtained at 1.5T versus 3T, and present an automated method of measuring intracranial volume, Reverse MNI Brain Masking (RBM), based on tissue probability maps in MNI standard space. I show that this is comparable to manual measurements and robust against field strength differences. Correct and robust segmentation of target brains which show gross abnormalities, such as ventriculomegaly, is important for the study of ageing and disease. We achieved this with incorporating tissue classification information into the image registration process. The best results in elderly subjects, patients with TLE and healthy controls were achieved using a new approach using multi-atlas propagation with enhanced registration (MAPER). I then applied MAPER to the problem of automatically distinguishing patients with TLE with (TLE-HA) and without (TLE-N) hippocampal atrophy on MRI from controls, and determine the side of seizure onset. MAPER-derived structural volumes were used for a classification step consisting of selecting a set of discriminatory structures and applying support vector machine on the structural volumes as well as morphological similarity information such as volume difference obtained with spectral analysis. Acccuracies were 91-100 %, indicating that the method might be clinically useful. Finally, I used the methods developed in the previous chapters to investigate brain regional volume changes across the human lifespan in over 500 healthy subjects between 20 to 90 years of age, using data from three different scanners (2x 1.5T, 1x 3T), using the IXI database. We were able to confirm several known changes, indicating the veracity of the method. In addition, we describe the first multi-region, whole-brain database of normal ageing

    Review of the Synergies Between Computational Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Materials Across Length Scales

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    With the increasing interplay between experimental and computational approaches at multiple length scales, new research directions are emerging in materials science and computational mechanics. Such cooperative interactions find many applications in the development, characterization and design of complex material systems. This manuscript provides a broad and comprehensive overview of recent trends where predictive modeling capabilities are developed in conjunction with experiments and advanced characterization to gain a greater insight into structure-properties relationships and study various physical phenomena and mechanisms. The focus of this review is on the intersections of multiscale materials experiments and modeling relevant to the materials mechanics community. After a general discussion on the perspective from various communities, the article focuses on the latest experimental and theoretical opportunities. Emphasis is given to the role of experiments in multiscale models, including insights into how computations can be used as discovery tools for materials engineering, rather than to "simply" support experimental work. This is illustrated by examples from several application areas on structural materials. This manuscript ends with a discussion on some problems and open scientific questions that are being explored in order to advance this relatively new field of research.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, review article accepted for publication in J. Mater. Sc
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