24 research outputs found

    Browsing a digital library: A new approach for the New Zealand digital library

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    Browsing is part of the information seeking process, used when information needs are ill-defined or unspecific. Browsing and searching are often interleaved during information seeking to accommodate changing awareness of information needs. Digital Libraries often support full-text search, but are not so helpful in supporting browsing. Described here is a novel browsing system created for the Greenstone software used by the New Zealand Digital Library that supports users in a more natural approach to the information seeking process. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

    Fifty years of UK research in information science

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    An attempt is made to discern the main research themes in British information science over the past half-century. Within these themes, emphasis is placed on research in the UK that has had some impact on the international information science community. The major factors affecting information research in the UK are also briefly considered

    The Structure and Dynamics of Co-Citation Clusters: A Multiple-Perspective Co-Citation Analysis

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    A multiple-perspective co-citation analysis method is introduced for characterizing and interpreting the structure and dynamics of co-citation clusters. The method facilitates analytic and sense making tasks by integrating network visualization, spectral clustering, automatic cluster labeling, and text summarization. Co-citation networks are decomposed into co-citation clusters. The interpretation of these clusters is augmented by automatic cluster labeling and summarization. The method focuses on the interrelations between a co-citation cluster's members and their citers. The generic method is applied to a three-part analysis of the field of Information Science as defined by 12 journals published between 1996 and 2008: 1) a comparative author co-citation analysis (ACA), 2) a progressive ACA of a time series of co-citation networks, and 3) a progressive document co-citation analysis (DCA). Results show that the multiple-perspective method increases the interpretability and accountability of both ACA and DCA networks.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, 10 tables. To appear in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technolog

    La investigación en Recuperación de Información: Revisión de tendencias actuales y críticas

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    La investigación en recuperación de información ha estado dominada por dos paradigmas, uno centrado en el diseño de algoritmos y sistemas de recuperación de información, y otro centrado en todo lo que rodea al usuario en la búsqueda de información. En este artículo se revisan brevemente las características y tendencias actuales de investigación en ambos paradigmas, así como las críticas que han recibido, derivadas de la diferente metodología y de la dificultad para definir la relevancia y medir los cambios que se producen en el estado mental del usuario

    10-11 Yaş Grubu Çocuklardan Oluşan 4. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Kütüphanede ve İnternetteki Bilgi Arama Davranışları

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    This is a qualitative study, carried out with the aim to analyze the behavior of children in regard to information seeking behaviors in libraries and on the internet. 115 children of an age group between 10-11 years have been selected among Grade 4 students in order to execute this research. 115 students participating in the study were asked a total of 16 questions, of which 14 were closed-ended and 2 open- ended. Responses to open-ended questions were analyzed by using the content analysis technique. Upon the data analysis result; the following factors were determined: children’s information seek objectives and methods in the library and on the internet, information resource priority, information seek friendliness, methods of information seek in books and on the internet, search engine preferences, forms of usage and evaluation of the information obtained and difficulties encountered when seeking for information in printed resources and on the internet. The findings are as follows: Children require guidance when searching for information in the library, they use internet instead of library and they use search engine instead of library catalogue, they seek for any kind of information both in the library and on the internet, when seeking for information they first seek in books, the easiest way for them to look for information is to take a look to the internet, when they seek for information in books, they most frequently take a look in the content section, when they seek for information on the internet, they most frequently take a look in the first page the site has provided, when they seek for information on the internet, they most frequently use Google search engine, they are first taking notes about the information obtained in the library and on the internet, they doubt the accuracy of the information they obtained on the internet and they have difficulties in finding printed and electronic information appropriate for their comprehension level.Bu çalışma, çocukların kütüphanedeki ve internetteki bilgi arama davranışlarının analiz edilmesi amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiş nitel bir çalışmadır. Çalışmanın amacını gerçekleştirmek için 10-11 yaş grubu çocuklardan oluşan 115 adet 4. Sınıf öğrencisi seçilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan 115 öğrenciye 14 adet kapalı ve 2 adet açık uçlu olmak üzere 16 soruluk bir anket formu uygulanmıştır. Açık uçlu sorulara verilen yanıtlar içerik analizi tekniğinden yararlanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin analizi sonucunda; çocukların kütüphanede ve internette bilgi arama yöntemleri, amaçları, bilgi kaynağı önceliği, bilgi arama kolaylığı, kitaplarda ve internette bilgi arama yöntemi, arama motoru tercihi, bulduğu bilgileri kullanma ve değerlendirme biçimi, basılı kaynaklarda ve internette bilgi ararken karşılaştıkları güçlükler belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular; çocukların kütüphanede bilgi ararken bir rehbere gereksinim duyduklarını, interneti kütüphane yerine ve arama motorunu ise kütüphane kataloğu yerine kullandıklarını, hem kütüphanede hem de internette merak ettikleri her tür konuda bilgi aradıklarını, bilgi ararken ilk önce kitaplara baktıklarını, onlar için bilgi bulmanın en kolay yolunun internete bakmak olduğunu, kitaplarda bilgi ararken en sık içindekiler bölümüne baktıklarını, internette bilgi ararken en sık arama motorunun karşılarına getirdiği ilk sayfadaki ilk siteye baktıklarını, internette bilgi ararken en sık Google arama motorunu kullandıklarını, kütüphanede ve internette buldukları bilgi hakkında ilk önce notlar aldıklarını, internette buldukları bilginin doğruluğundan şüphe duyduklarını ve anlayabilecekleri düzeyde basılı ve elektronik bilgi kaynağı bulmakta zorlandıklarını ortaya koymaktadır

    Las funcionalidades Web 2.0 en la interface de usuario de los OPACs Web de Latinoamérica

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    Se presenta el proyecto de investigación aprobado y subsidiado en el marco de la Programación Científica UBACYT 2011-2014 sobre la problemática de las interfaces de usuario de los catálogos en línea de acceso público (OPACs) en entorno web de las bibliotecas nacionales, universitarias, especializadas y públicas de Latinoamérica, a fin de examinar las funcionalidades propias de las áreas de control de operaciones, formulación de la búsqueda y puntos de acceso, control de salida y asistencia al usuario, así como también las funcionalidades Web 2.0. Se adopta una metodología cuantitativa. Se plantea aplicar a una muestra representada por 102 unidades, extraída por muestreo aleatorio simple (de una población compuesta por 846 casos), la lista de funcionalidades que proporciona Hildreth (1982) actualizada; comparar, mediante un diseño experimental de muestras relacionadas, las variaciones producidas en cuanto a presencia/ausencia de funcionalidades y tipo de software adoptado en relación con la situación existente ya verificada en investigaciones previas; identificar, a partir de la observación de las interfaces de los OPACs que constituyen la muestra, la presencia/ausencia de funcionalidades Web 2.0; utilizar para ello como instrumento de recolección la lista de funcionalidades deseables en los OPACs 2.0 confeccionada por Margaix-Arnal (2007); aplicar diferentes pruebas estadísticas para describir las características de la interface de usuario de los OPACs Web de la región a partir del supuesto de que ha aumentado el uso de Sistemas Integrados de Gestión Bibliotecaria y la presencia de funcionalidades en aquellas unidades que han adoptado estos sistemas, aunque carecen aún de funcionalidades 2.0.Eje: Gestión de OPACs / Modera Edgardo StubbsDepartamento de Bibliotecologí