3,418 research outputs found

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    The causal neural substrates of statistical learning

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    On natural attunement:Shared rhythms between the brain and the environment

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    Rhythms exist both in the embodied brain and the built environment. Becoming attuned to the rhythms of the environment, such as repetitive columns, can greatly affect perception. Here, we explore how the built environment affects human cognition and behavior through the concept of natural attunement, often resulting from the coordination of a person's sensory and motor systems with the rhythmic elements of the environment. We argue that the built environment should not be reduced to mere states, representations, and single variables but instead be considered a bundle of highly related continuous signals with which we can resonate. Resonance and entrainment are dynamic processes observed when intrinsic frequencies of the oscillatory brain are influenced by the oscillations of an external signal. This allows visual rhythmic stimulations of the environment to affect the brain and body through neural entrainment, cross-frequency coupling, and phase resetting. We review how real-world architectural settings can affect neural dynamics, cognitive processes, and behavior in people, suggesting the crucial role of everyday rhythms in the brain-body-environment relationship

    The Effects of Neurocognitive Aging on Sentence Processing

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    Across the lifespan, successful language comprehension is crucial for continued participation in everyday life. The success of language comprehension relies on the intact functioning of both language-specific processes as well as domain-general cognitive processes that support language comprehension in general. This two-sided nature of successful language comprehension may contribute to the two diverging observations in healthy aging: the preservation and the decline of language comprehension on both the cognitive and the neural level. To date, our understanding of these two competing facets is incomplete and unclear. While greater language experience comes with increasing age, most domain-general cognitive functions, like verbal working memory, decline in healthy aging. The here presented thesis shows that when the electrophysiological network relevant for verbal working memory is already compromised at rest, language comprehension declines in older adults. Moreover, it could be shown that, as verbal working memory capacity declines with age, resources may be- come insufficient to successfully encode language-specific information into memory, yielding language comprehension difficulties in old age. Age differences in the electrophysiological dynamics underlying sentence encoding indicate that the encoding of detailed information may increasingly be inhibited throughout the lifespan, possibly to avoid overloading the verbal working memory. However, limitations in verbal working memory could be attenuated by the use of language-specific constraints. That is, semantic and syntactic constraints can be used to establish relations between words which reduces the memory load from individual word information to information about word group. Here, it was found that older adults do not benefit from the use of syntactic constraints as much as younger adults while the benefit of using semantic constraints was comparable across age. Overall, the here presented thesis suggests that previous findings on language comprehension in healthy aging are not contradictory but rather converge on a simultaneous combination of selective preservation and decline of various language-specific processes, burdened by domain-general neurocognitive aging

    Learning under uncertainty in the young and older human brain: Common and distinct mechanisms of different attentional and intentional systems

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    The human brain is able to infer the probability of future events by combining information of past observations with current sensory input. Naturally, we are surrounded by more stimuli than we can pay attention to, so selection of relevant input is crucial. The present thesis aimed at identifying common and distinct neural correlates engaged in predictive processing in spatial attention (selection of attended locations) and motor intention (selection of prepared motor responses). Secondly, age-related influences on probabilistic inference in spatial-attention, feature-based attention (selection of attended color) and motor intention, and the impact of task difficulty were considered. Orienting attention during goal-directed behavior can be supported by visual cues, whereas reorienting to unexpected events following misguiding information is linked to behavioral costs and updating of predictions. These processes can be investigated with a cueing paradigm in which differences in reaction time (RT) between valid and invalidly cued trials increase with higher cue validity (%CV) (Posner, 1980). Bayesian models can describe the experience-dependent learning effects of inferring %CV, following novel events (Vossel et al., 2014c; Vossel, Mathys, Stephan & Friston, 2015). The principle aim of the first experiment was to identify and compare the neural correlates involved in inferring probabilities in the spatial attentional and motor intentional domain. Cues indicated either the possible location or prepared the motor response associated with the target. Instead of a fixed probability context, participants were exposed to a volatile environment, in which the validity of the cue information changed unpredictably over time. Combining functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data with behavioral estimates derived from a Bayesian learning model (Mathys, Daunizeau, Friston & Stephan, 2011) unveiled domain-specific predictability-dependent responses within the right temporoparietal junction (TPJ) for spatial attention and the left angular gyrus (ANG) and anterior cingulate (ACC) in the motor intention task. The blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) amplitude particularly increased in accord with violations of cue predictability in high cue validity contexts (i.e. when invalid trials were least expected). Valid trials however, induced no (TPJ and ANG) or decreased modulation (ACC). A further aim was to examine possible commonalities in the neural signatures of predictability-dependent processing. Connectivity analysis uncovered common coupling of all three seed regions involved in predictability-dependent processing with the right anterior hippocampus. Since cognitive functions undergo substantial changes in healthy ageing, a second behavioral study was conducted to test whether age differentially influences probabilistic inference in different attentional subsystems, and how task difficulty impacts on learning performance. Thus, following up on the first experiment, similar tasks and the same computational model was used to assess updating behavior in healthy aging. Older and younger adults performed two separate experiments with different difficulty levels. Each experiment included three versions of a cueing task, entailing predictive spatial- (i.e. location), feature- (i.e. color of target) and motor intention cues (i.e. prepare response). Results of the easier version demonstrated a preserved ability of older adults to generate predictions and profit from all cue types. Interestingly, increased task demand uncovered a reduced ability to use motor intention cues to update predictions in older compared to younger adults. In conclusion, the results provide evidence for a segregated functional anatomy of probabilistic inference in spatial attention and motor intention. Nonetheless a common connectivity profile with the hippocampus also points at commonalities. Finally age seems to differentially impact the efficiency of learning behavior in the motor intention system, supporting the notion of independence of the attentional- and intentional subsystems

    How active perception and attractor dynamics shape perceptual categorization: A computational model

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    We propose a computational model of perceptual categorization that fuses elements of grounded and sensorimotor theories of cognition with dynamic models of decision-making. We assume that category information consists in anticipated patterns of agent–environment interactions that can be elicited through overt or covert (simulated) eye movements, object manipulation, etc. This information is firstly encoded when category information is acquired, and then re-enacted during perceptual categorization. The perceptual categorization consists in a dynamic competition between attractors that encode the sensorimotor patterns typical of each category; action prediction success counts as ‘‘evidence’’ for a given category and contributes to falling into the corresponding attractor. The evidence accumulation process is guided by an active perception loop, and the active exploration of objects (e.g., visual exploration) aims at eliciting expected sensorimotor patterns that count as evidence for the object category. We present a computational model incorporating these elements and describing action prediction, active perception, and attractor dynamics as key elements of perceptual categorizations. We test the model in three simulated perceptual categorization tasks, and we discuss its relevance for grounded and sensorimotor theories of cognition.Peer reviewe

    Extracting scene and object information from natural stimuli: the influence of scene structure and eye movements

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    When we observe a scene in our daily lives, our brains seemingly effortlessly extract various aspects of that scene. This can be attributed to different aspects of the human visual system, including but not limited to (1) its tuning to natural regularities in scenes and (2) its ability to bring different parts of the visual environment into focus via eye movements. While eye movements are a ubiquitous and natural behavior, they are considered undesirable in many highly controlled visual experiments. Participants are often instructed to fixate but cannot always suppress involuntary eye movements, which can challenge the interpretation of neuroscientific data, in particular for magneto- and electroencephalography (M/EEG). This dissertation addressed how scene structure and involuntary eye movements influence the extraction of scene and object information from natural stimuli. First, we investigated when and where real-world scene structure affects scene-selective cortical responses. Second, we investigated whether spatial structure facilitates the temporal analysis of a scene’s categorical content. Third, we investigated whether the spatial content of a scene aids in extracting task-relevant object information. Fourth, we explored whether the choice of fixation cross influences eye movements and the classification of natural images from EEG and eye tracking. The first project showed that spatial scene structure impacts scene-selective neural responses in OPA and PPA, revealing genuine sensitivity to spatial scene structure starting from 255 ms, while scene-selective neural responses are less sensitive to categorical scene structure. The second project demonstrated that spatial scene structure facilitates the extraction of the scene’s categorical content within 200 ms of vision. The third project showed that coherent scene structure facilitates the extraction of object information if the object is task-relevant, suggesting a task-based modulation. The fourth project showed that choosing a centrally presented bullseye instead of a standard fixation cross reduces eye movements on the single image level and subtly removes systematic eye movement related activity in M/EEG data. Taken together, the results advanced our understanding of (1) the impact of real-world structure on scene perception as well as the extraction of object information and (2) the influence of eye movements on advanced analysis methods.Wenn wir in unserem täglichen Leben eine Szene beobachten, extrahiert unser Gehirn scheinbar mühelos verschiedene Aspekte dieser Szene. Dies kann auf verschiedene Aspekte des menschlichen Sehsystems zurückgeführt werden, unter anderem auf (1) seine Ausrichtung auf natürliche Regelmäßigkeiten in Szenen und (2) seine Fähigkeit, verschiedene Teile der visuellen Umgebung durch Augenbewegungen in den Fokus zu bringen. Obwohl Augenbewegungen ein allgegenwärtiges und natürliches Verhalten sind, werden sie in vielen stark kontrollierten visuellen Experimenten als unerwünscht angesehen. Die Teilnehmer werden oft angewiesen, zu fixieren, können aber unwillkürliche Augenbewegungen nicht immer unterdrücken, was die Interpretation neurowissenschaftlicher Daten, insbesondere der Magneto- und Elektroenzephalographie (M/EEG), in Frage stellen kann. In dieser Dissertation wurde untersucht, wie Szenenstruktur und unbewusste Augenbewegungen die Extraktion von Szenen- und Objektinformationen aus natürlichen Stimuli beeinflussen. Zunächst untersuchten wir, wann und wo die Struktur einer realen Szene die szenenselektiven kortikalen Reaktionen beeinflusst. Zweitens untersuchten wir, ob die räumliche Struktur die zeitliche Analyse des kategorialen Inhalts einer Szene erleichtert. Drittens untersuchten wir, ob der räumliche Inhalt einer Szene bei der Extraktion aufgabenrelevanter Objektinformationen hilft. Viertens untersuchten wir, ob die Wahl des Fixationskreuzes die Augenbewegungen und die Klassifizierung natürlicher Bilder aus EEG und Eye-Tracking beeinflusst. Das erste Projekt zeigte, dass sich die räumliche Szenenstruktur auf szenenselektive neuronale Reaktionen in OPA und PPA auswirkt, wobei eine echte Empfindlichkeit für räumliche Szenenstrukturen ab 255 ms festgestellt wurde, während szenenselektive neuronale Reaktionen weniger empfindlich auf kategoriale Szenenstrukturen reagieren. Das zweite Projekt zeigte, dass die räumliche Szenenstruktur die Extraktion des kategorialen Inhalts der Szene innerhalb von 200 ms nach dem Sehen erleichtert. Das dritte Projekt zeigte, dass eine kohärente Szenenstruktur die Extraktion von Objektinformationen erleichtert, wenn das Objekt aufgabenrelevant ist, was auf eine aufgabenbezogene Modulation hindeutet. Das vierte Projekt zeigte, dass die Wahl eines zentral präsentierten Bullauges anstelle eines Standard-Fixationskreuzes Augenbewegungen auf Einzelbildebene reduziert und systematische Augenbewegungsaktivität in M/EEG-Daten auf subtile Weise beseitigt. Zusammengenommen haben die Ergebnisse unser Verständnis (1) der Auswirkungen der Struktur der realen Welt auf die Wahrnehmung der Szene und die Extraktion von Objektinformationen und (2) des Einflusses von Augenbewegungen auf fortgeschrittene Analysemethoden verbessert

    Oscillatory Mechanisms of Preparing for Visual Distraction

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    Evidence shows that observers preactivate a target representation in preparation of a visual selection task. In this study, we addressed the question if and how preparing to ignore an anticipated distractor differs from preparing for an anticipated target. We measured EEG while participants memorized a laterally presented color, which was cued to be either a target or a distractor in two subsequent visual search tasks. Decoding the location of items in the search display from EOG channels revealed that, initially, the anticipated distractor attracted attention and could only be ignored later during the trial. This suggests that distractors could not be suppressed in advance but were represented in an active, attention-guiding format. Consistent with this, lateralized posterior alpha power did not dissociate between target and distractor templates during the delay periods, suggesting similar encoding and maintenance. However, distractor preparation did lead to relatively enhanced nonlateralized posterior alpha power, which appeared to gate sensory processing at search display onset to prevent attentional capture in general. Finally, anticipating distractors also led to enhanced midfrontal theta power during the delay period, a signal that was predictive of how strongly both target and distractor were represented in the search display. Together, our results speak against a distractor-specific advance inhibitory template, thus contrary to the preactivation of specific target templates. Rather, we demonstrate a general selection suppression mechanism, which serves to prevent initial involuntary capture by anticipated distracting input
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