17 research outputs found

    TLA+ Proofs

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    TLA+ is a specification language based on standard set theory and temporal logic that has constructs for hierarchical proofs. We describe how to write TLA+ proofs and check them with TLAPS, the TLA+ Proof System. We use Peterson's mutual exclusion algorithm as a simple example to describe the features of TLAPS and show how it and the Toolbox (an IDE for TLA+) help users to manage large, complex proofs.Comment: A shorter version of this article appeared in the proceedings of the conference Formal Methods 2012 (FM 2012, Paris, France, Springer LNCS 7436, pp. 147-154

    Rodin: an open toolset for modelling and reasoning in Event-B

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    Event-B is a formal method for system-level modelling and analysis. Key features of Event-B are the use of set theory as a modelling notation, the use of refinement to represent systems at different abstraction levels and the use of mathematical proof to verify consistency between refinement levels. In this article we present the Rodin modelling tool that seamlessly integrates modelling and proving. We outline how the Event-B language was designed to facilitate proof and how the tool has been designed to support changes to models while minimising the impact of changes on existing proofs. We outline the important features of the prover architecture and explain how well-definedness is treated. The tool is extensible and configurable so that it can be adapted more easily to different application domains and development methods

    Using conceptual graphs for clinical guidelines representation and knowledge visualization

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    The intrinsic complexity of the medical domain requires the building of some tools to assist the clinician and improve the patient’s health care. Clinical practice guidelines and protocols (CGPs) are documents with the aim of guiding decisions and criteria in specific areas of healthcare and they have been represented using several languages, but these are difficult to understand without a formal background. This paper uses conceptual graph formalism to represent CGPs. The originality here is the use of a graph-based approach in which reasoning is based on graph-theory operations to support sound logical reasoning in a visual manner. It allows users to have a maximal understanding and control over each step of the knowledge reasoning process in the CGPs exploitation. The application example concentrates on a protocol for the management of adult patients with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state in the Intensive Care Unit

    Formal specification with JML

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    This text is a general, self contained, and tool independent introduction into the Java Modeling Language, JML. It is a preview of a chapter planned to appear in a book about the KeY approach and tool to the verification of Java software. JML is the dominating starting point of KeY style Java verification. However, this paper does not in any way depend on any tool nor verification methodology. Other chapters in this book talk about the usage of JML in KeY style verification. Here, we only refer to KeY in very few places, without relying on it. This introduction is written for all readers with an interest in formal specification of software in general, and anyone who wants to learn about the JML approach to specification in particular. The authors appreciate any comments or questions that help to improve the text

    Full Functional Verification of Linked Data Structures

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    We present the first verification of full functional correctness for a range of linked data structure implementations, including mutable lists, trees, graphs, and hash tables. Specifically, we present the use of the Jahob verification system to verify formal specifications, written in classical higher-order logic, that completely capture the desired behavior of the Java data structure implementations (with the exception of properties involving execution time and/or memory consumption). Given that the desired correctness properties include intractable constructs such as quantifiers, transitive closure, and lambda abstraction, it is a challenge to successfully prove the generated verification conditions. Our verification system uses 'integrated reasoning' to split each verification condition into a conjunction of simpler subformulas, then apply a diverse collection of specialized decision procedures, first-order theorem provers, and, in the worst case, interactive theorem provers to prove each subformula. Techniques such as replacing complex subformulas with stronger but simpler alternatives, exploiting structure inherently present in the verification conditions, and, when necessary, inserting verified lemmas and proof hints into the imperative source code make it possible to seamlessly integrate all of the specialized decision procedures and theorem provers into a single powerful integrated reasoning system. By appropriately applying multiple proof techniques to discharge different subformulas, this reasoning system can effectively prove the complex and challenging verification conditions that arise in this context

    Programmiersprachen und Rechenkonzepte

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    Die GI-Fachgruppe 2.1.4 "Programmiersprachen und Rechenkonzepte" veranstaltete vom 3. bis 5. Mai 2004 im Physikzentrum Bad Honnef ihren jährlichen Workshop. Dieser Bericht enthält eine Zusammenstellung der Beiträge. Das Treffen diente wie in jedem Jahr gegenseitigem Kennenlernen, der Vertiefung gegenseitiger Kontakte, der Vorstellung neuer Arbeiten und Ergebnisse und vor allem der intensiven Diskussion. Ein breites Spektrum von Beiträgen, von theoretischen Grundlagen über Programmentwicklung, Sprachdesign, Softwaretechnik und Objektorientierung bis hin zur überraschend langen Geschichte der Rechenautomaten seit der Antike bildete ein interessantes und abwechlungsreiches Programm. Unter anderem waren imperative, funktionale und funktional-logische Sprachen, Software/Hardware-Codesign, Semantik, Web-Programmierung und Softwaretechnik, generative Programmierung, Aspekte und formale Testunterstützung Thema. Interessante Beiträge zu diesen und weiteren Themen gaben Anlaß zu Erfahrungsaustausch und Fachgesprächen auch mit den Teilnehmern des zeitgleich im Physikzentrum Bad Honnef stattfindenden Workshops "Reengineering". Allen Teilnehmern möchte ich dafür danken, daß sie mit ihren Vorträgen und konstruktiven Diskussionsbeiträgen zum Gelingen des Workshops beigetragen haben. Dank für die Vielfalt und Qualität der Beiträge gebührt den Autoren. Ein Wort des Dankes gebührt ebenso den Mitarbeitern und der Leitung des Physikzentrums Bad Honnef für die gewohnte angenehme und anregende Atmosphäre und umfassende Betreuung

    A program logic for resources

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    AbstractWe introduce a reasoning infrastructure for proving statements about resource consumption in a fragment of the Java Virtual Machine Language (JVML). The infrastructure is based on a small hierarchy of program logics, with increasing levels of abstraction: at the top there is a type system for a high-level language that encodes resource consumption. The infrastructure is designed to be used in a proof-carrying code (PCC) scenario, where mobile programs can be equipped with formal evidence that they have predictable resource behaviour.This article focuses on the core logic in our infrastructure, a VDM-style program logic for partial correctness, which can make statements about resource consumption alongside functional behaviour. We establish some important results for this logic, including soundness and completeness with respect to a resource-aware operational semantics for the JVML. We also present a second logic built on top of the core logic, which is used to express termination; it too is shown to be sound and complete. We then outline how high-level language type systems may be connected to these logics.The entire infrastructure has been formalized in Isabelle/HOL, both to enhance the confidence in our meta-theoretical results, and to provide a prototype implementation for PCC. We give examples to show the usefulness of this approach, including proofs of resource bounds on code resulting from compiling high-level functional programs

    Abstract Certification of Java Programs in Rewriting Logic

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    In this thesis we propose an abstraction based certification technique for Java programs which is based on rewriting logic, a very general logical and semantic framework efficiently implemented in the functional programming language Maude. We focus on safety properties, i.e. properties of a system that are defined in terms of certain events not happening, which we characterize as unreachability problems in rewriting logic. The safety policy is expressed in the style of JML, a standard property specification language for Java modules. In order to provide a decision procedure, we enforce finite-state models of programs by using abstract interpretation. Starting from a specification of the Java semantics written in Maude, we develop an abstraction based, finite-state operational semantics also written in Maude which is appropriate for program verification. As a by-product of the verification based on abstraction, a dependable safety certificate is delivered which consists of a set of rewriting proofs that can be easily checked by the code consumer by using a standard rewriting logic engine. The abstraction based proof-carrying code technique, called JavaPCC, has been implemented and successfully tested on several examples, which demonstrate the feasibility of our approach. We analyse local properties of Java methods: i.e. properties of methods regarding their parameters and results. We also study global confidentiality properties of complete Java classes, by initially considering non--interference and, then, erasure with and without non--interference. Non--interference is a semantic program property that assigns confidentiality levels to data objects and prevents illicit information flows from occurring from high to low security levels. In this thesis, we present a novel security model for global non--interference which approximates non--interference as a safety property.Alba Castro, MF. (2011). Abstract Certification of Java Programs in Rewriting Logic [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/13617Palanci

    A Formal Verification Environment for Use in the Certification of Safety-Related C Programs

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    In this thesis the design of an environment for the formal verification of functional properties of safety-related software written in the programming language C is described. The focus lies on the verification of (primarily) geometric computations. We give an overview of the applicable regulations for safety-related software systems. We define a combination of higher-order logic as formalised in the theorem prover Isabelle and a specification language syntactically based on C expressions. The language retains the mathematical character of higher-level specifications in code specifications. A memory model for C is formalised which is appropriate to model low-level memory operations while keeping the entailed verification overhead in tolerable bounds. Finally, a Hoare style proof calculus is devised so that correctness proofs can be performed in one integrated framework. The applicability of the approach is demonstrated by describing its use in an industrial project