208 research outputs found

    On the Traveling Salesman Problem in Nautical Environments: an Evolutionary Computing Approach to Optimization of Tourist Route Paths in Medulin, Croatia

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    The Traveling salesman problem (TSP) defines the problem of finding the optimal path between multiple points, connected by paths of a certain cost. This paper applies that problem formulation in the maritime environment, specifically a path planning problem for a tour boat visiting popular tourist locations in Medulin, Croatia. The problem is solved using two evolutionary computing methods – the genetic algorithm (GA) and the simulated annealing (SA) - and comparing the results (are compared) by an extensive search of the solution space. The results show that evolutionary computing algorithms provide comparable results to an extensive search in a shorter amount of time, with SA providing better results of the two

    Applied (Meta)-Heuristic in Intelligent Systems

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    Engineering and business problems are becoming increasingly difficult to solve due to the new economics triggered by big data, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things. Exact algorithms and heuristics are insufficient for solving such large and unstructured problems; instead, metaheuristic algorithms have emerged as the prevailing methods. A generic metaheuristic framework guides the course of search trajectories beyond local optimality, thus overcoming the limitations of traditional computation methods. The application of modern metaheuristics ranges from unmanned aerial and ground surface vehicles, unmanned factories, resource-constrained production, and humanoids to green logistics, renewable energy, circular economy, agricultural technology, environmental protection, finance technology, and the entertainment industry. This Special Issue presents high-quality papers proposing modern metaheuristics in intelligent systems

    Nature-inspired Methods for Stochastic, Robust and Dynamic Optimization

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    Nature-inspired algorithms have a great popularity in the current scientific community, being the focused scope of many research contributions in the literature year by year. The rationale behind the acquired momentum by this broad family of methods lies on their outstanding performance evinced in hundreds of research fields and problem instances. This book gravitates on the development of nature-inspired methods and their application to stochastic, dynamic and robust optimization. Topics covered by this book include the design and development of evolutionary algorithms, bio-inspired metaheuristics, or memetic methods, with empirical, innovative findings when used in different subfields of mathematical optimization, such as stochastic, dynamic, multimodal and robust optimization, as well as noisy optimization and dynamic and constraint satisfaction problems

    A Complete Coverage Algorithm for 3D Structural Inspection using an Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    This thesis presents a novel algorithm for complete coverage of three-dimensional structures to address the problem of autonomous structural inspection using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The proposed approach uses a technique of cellular decomposition based on Morse decomposition to decompose the 3D target structure into 2D coverable faces that are subsequently connected using a graph-based representation. We then use graph traversal techniques such as the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) to generate a flight coverage path through the decomposed faces for a UAV to completely cover the target structure, while reducing the coverage time and distance. To test the validity of our proposed approach, we have performed a series of experiments using a simulated AscTec Firefly UAV in different environments with 3D structures of different sizes and geometries, within the Robot Operating System (ROS) Gazebo simulator. Our results show that our approach guarantees complete coverage of the target structure. Comparison of our coverage strategy with other strategies shows that our proposed TSP-based coverage strategy performs up to 50% better in reducing the flight path with an average of 30% fewer turns and 12% less coverage duration than a largest-area-first approach

    The AddACO: A bio-inspired modified version of the ant colony optimization algorithm to solve travel salesman problems

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    The Travel Salesman Problem (TSP) consists in finding the minimal-length closed tour that connects the entire group of nodes of a given graph. We propose to solve such a combinatorial optimization problem with the AddACO algorithm: it is a version of the Ant Colony Optimization method that is characterized by a modified probabilistic law at the basis of the exploratory movement of the artificial insects. In particular, the ant decisional rule is here set to amount in a linear convex combination of competing behavioral stimuli and has therefore an additive form (hence the name of our algorithm), rather than the canonical multiplicative one. The AddACO intends to address two conceptual shortcomings that characterize classical ACO methods: (i) the population of artificial insects is in principle allowed to simultaneously minimize/maximize all migratory guidance cues (which is in implausible from a biological/ecological point of view) and (ii) a given edge of the graph has a null probability to be explored if at least one of the movement trait is therein equal to zero, i.e., regardless the intensity of the others (this in principle reduces the exploratory potential of the ant colony). Three possible variants of our method are then specified: the AddACO-V1, which includes pheromone trail and visibility as insect decisional variables, and the AddACO-V2 and the AddACO-V3, which in turn add random effects and inertia, respectively, to the two classical migratory stimuli. The three versions of our algorithm are tested on benchmark middle-scale TPS instances, in order to assess their performance and to find their optimal parameter setting. The best performing variant is finally applied to large-scale TSPs, compared to the naive Ant-Cycle Ant System, proposed by Dorigo and colleagues, and evaluated in terms of quality of the solutions, computational time, and convergence speed. The aim is in fact to show that the proposed transition probability, as long as its conceptual advantages, is competitive from a performance perspective, i.e., if it does not reduce the exploratory capacity of the ant population w.r.t. the canonical one (at least in the case of selected TSPs). A theoretical study of the asymptotic behavior of the AddACO is given in the appendix of the work, whose conclusive section contains some hints for further improvements of our algorithm, also in the perspective of its application to other optimization problems
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