1,067 research outputs found

    Kernel methods in genomics and computational biology

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    Support vector machines and kernel methods are increasingly popular in genomics and computational biology, due to their good performance in real-world applications and strong modularity that makes them suitable to a wide range of problems, from the classification of tumors to the automatic annotation of proteins. Their ability to work in high dimension, to process non-vectorial data, and the natural framework they provide to integrate heterogeneous data are particularly relevant to various problems arising in computational biology. In this chapter we survey some of the most prominent applications published so far, highlighting the particular developments in kernel methods triggered by problems in biology, and mention a few promising research directions likely to expand in the future

    Integrated Features by Administering the Support Vector Machine (SVM) of Translational Initiations Sites in Alternative Polymorphic Contex

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    Many algorithms and methods have been proposed for classification problems in bioinformatics. In this study, the discriminative approach in particular support vector machines (SVM) is employed to recognize the studied TIS patterns. The applied discriminative approach is used to learn about some discriminant functions of samples that have been labelled as positive or negative. After learning, the discriminant functions are employed to decide whether a new sample is true or false. In this study, support vector machines (SVM) is employed to recognize the patterns for studied translational initiation sites in alternative weak context. The method has been optimized with the best parameters selected; c=100, E=10-6 and ex=2 for non linear kernel function. Results show that with top 5 features and non linear kernel, the best prediction accuracy achieved is 95.8%. J48 algorithm is applied to compare with SVM with top 15 features and the results show a good prediction accuracy of 95.8%. This indicates that the top 5 features selected by the IGR method and that are performed by SVM are sufficient to use in the prediction of TIS in weak contexts

    Improving the Caenorhabditis elegans Genome Annotation Using Machine Learning

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    For modern biology, precise genome annotations are of prime importance, as they allow the accurate definition of genic regions. We employ state-of-the-art machine learning methods to assay and improve the accuracy of the genome annotation of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The proposed machine learning system is trained to recognize exons and introns on the unspliced mRNA, utilizing recent advances in support vector machines and label sequence learning. In 87% (coding and untranslated regions) and 95% (coding regions only) of all genes tested in several out-of-sample evaluations, our method correctly identified all exons and introns. Notably, only 37% and 50%, respectively, of the presently unconfirmed genes in the C. elegans genome annotation agree with our predictions, thus we hypothesize that a sizable fraction of those genes are not correctly annotated. A retrospective evaluation of the Wormbase WS120 annotation [1] of C. elegans reveals that splice form predictions on unconfirmed genes in WS120 are inaccurate in about 18% of the considered cases, while our predictions deviate from the truth only in 10%–13%. We experimentally analyzed 20 controversial genes on which our system and the annotation disagree, confirming the superiority of our predictions. While our method correctly predicted 75% of those cases, the standard annotation was never completely correct. The accuracy of our system is further corroborated by a comparison with two other recently proposed systems that can be used for splice form prediction: SNAP and ExonHunter. We conclude that the genome annotation of C. elegans and other organisms can be greatly enhanced using modern machine learning technology

    Learning the Regulatory Code of Gene Expression

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    Data-driven machine learning is the method of choice for predicting molecular phenotypes from nucleotide sequence, modeling gene expression events including protein-DNA binding, chromatin states as well as mRNA and protein levels. Deep neural networks automatically learn informative sequence representations and interpreting them enables us to improve our understanding of the regulatory code governing gene expression. Here, we review the latest developments that apply shallow or deep learning to quantify molecular phenotypes and decode the cis-regulatory grammar from prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequencing data. Our approach is to build from the ground up, first focusing on the initiating protein-DNA interactions, then specific coding and non-coding regions, and finally on advances that combine multiple parts of the gene and mRNA regulatory structures, achieving unprecedented performance. We thus provide a quantitative view of gene expression regulation from nucleotide sequence, concluding with an information-centric overview of the central dogma of molecular biology

    Translation initiation site prediction on a genomic scale : beauty in simplicity

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    Motivation: The correct identification of translation initiation sites (TIS) remains a challenging problem for computational methods that automatically try to solve this problem. Furthermore, the lion's share of these computational techniques focuses on the identification of TIS in transcript data. However, in the gene prediction context the identification of TIS occurs on the genomic level, which makes things even harder because at the genome level many more pseudo-TIS occur, resulting in models that achieve a higher number of false positive predictions. Results: In this article, we evaluate the performance of several 'simple' TIS recognition methods at the genomic level, and compare them to state-of-the-art models for TIS prediction in transcript data. We conclude that the simple methods largely outperform the complex ones at the genomic scale, and we propose a new model for TIS recognition at the genome level that combines the strengths of these simple models. The new model obtains a false positive rate of 0.125 at a sensitivity of 0.80 on a well annotated human chromosome ( chromosome 21). Detailed analyses show that the model is useful, both on its own and in a simple gene prediction setting

    DiANNA 1.1: an extension of the DiANNA web server for ternary cysteine classification

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    DiANNA is a recent state-of-the-art artificial neural network and web server, which determines the cysteine oxidation state and disulfide connectivity of a protein, given only its amino acid sequence. Version 1.0 of DiANNA uses a feed-forward neural network to determine which cysteines are involved in a disulfide bond, and employs a novel architecture neural network to predict which half-cystines are covalently bound to which other half-cystines. In version 1.1 of DiANNA, described here, we extend functionality by applying a support vector machine with spectrum kernel for the cysteine classification problem—to determine whether a cysteine is reduced (free in sulfhydryl state), half-cystine (involved in a disulfide bond) or bound to a metallic ligand. In the latter case, DiANNA predicts the ligand among iron, zinc, cadmium and carbon. Available at:

    Improvement in the prediction of the translation initiation site through balancing methods, inclusion of acquired knowledge and addition of features to sequences of mRNA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The accurate prediction of the initiation of translation in sequences of mRNA is an important activity for genome annotation. However, obtaining an accurate prediction is not always a simple task and can be modeled as a problem of classification between positive sequences (protein codifiers) and negative sequences (non-codifiers). The problem is highly imbalanced because each molecule of mRNA has a unique translation initiation site and various others that are not initiators. Therefore, this study focuses on the problem from the perspective of balancing classes and we present an undersampling balancing method, M-clus, which is based on clustering. The method also adds features to sequences and improves the performance of the classifier through the inclusion of knowledge obtained by the model, called InAKnow.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Through this methodology, the measures of performance used (accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and adjusted accuracy) are greater than 93% for the <it>Mus musculus</it> and <it>Rattus norvegicus</it> organisms, and varied between 72.97% and 97.43% for the other organisms evaluated: <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>, <it>Caenorhabditis elegans</it>, <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>, <it>Homo sapiens</it>, <it>Nasonia vitripennis</it>. The precision increases significantly by 39% and 22.9% for <it>Mus musculus</it> and <it>Rattus norvegicus</it>, respectively, when the knowledge obtained by the model is included. For the other organisms, the precision increases by between 37.10% and 59.49%. The inclusion of certain features during training, for example, the presence of ATG in the upstream region of the Translation Initiation Site, improves the rate of sensitivity by approximately 7%. Using the M-Clus balancing method generates a significant increase in the rate of sensitivity from 51.39% to 91.55% (<it>Mus musculus</it>) and from 47.45% to 88.09% (<it>Rattus norvegicus</it>).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In order to solve the problem of TIS prediction, the results indicate that the methodology proposed in this work is adequate, particularly when using the concept of acquired knowledge which increased the accuracy in all databases evaluated.</p

    Improving translation initiation site and stop codon recognition by using more than two classes

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    Motivation: The recognition of translation initiation sites and stop codons is a fundamental part of any gene recognition program. Currently, the most successful methods use powerful classifiers, such as support vector machines with various string kernels. These methods all use two classes, one of positive instances and another one of negative instances that are constructed using sequences from the whole genome. However, the features of the negative sequences differ depending on the position of the negative samples in the gene. There are differences depending on whether they are from exons, introns, intergenic regions or any other functional part of the genome. Thus, the positive class is fairly homogeneous, as all its sequences come from the same part of the gene, but the negative class is composed of different instances. The classifier suffers from this problem. In this article, we propose the training of different classifiers with different negative, more homogeneous, classes and the combination of these classifiers for improved accuracy. Results: The proposed method achieves better accuracy than the best state-of-the-art method, both in terms of the geometric mean of the specificity and sensitivity and the area under the receiver operating characteristic and precision recall curves. The method is tested on the whole human genome. The results for recognizing both translation initiation sites and stop codons indicated improvements in the rates of both false-negative results (FN) and false-positive results (FP). On an average, for translation initiation site recognition, the false-negative ratio was reduced by 30.2% and the FP ratio decreased by 10.9%. For stop codon prediction, FP were reduced by 41.4% and FN by 31.7%. Availability and implementation: The source code is licensed under the General Public License and is thus freely available. The datasets and source code can be obtained from http://cib.uco.es/site-recognition. Contact: [email protected]

    KIRMES: kernel-based identification of regulatory modules in euchromatic sequences

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    Motivation: Understanding transcriptional regulation is one of the main challenges in computational biology. An important problem is the identification of transcription factor (TF) binding sites in promoter regions of potential TF target genes. It is typically approached by position weight matrix-based motif identification algorithms using Gibbs sampling, or heuristics to extend seed oligos. Such algorithms succeed in identifying single, relatively well-conserved binding sites, but tend to fail when it comes to the identification of combinations of several degenerate binding sites, as those often found in cis-regulatory modules