48 research outputs found

    Domain annotation of trimeric autotransporter adhesins—daTAA

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    Motivation: Trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs), such as Yersinia YadA, Neisseria NadA, Moraxella UspAs, Haemophilus Hia and Bartonella BadA, are important pathogenicity factors of proteobacteria. Their high sequence diversity and distinct mosaic-like structure lead to difficulties in the annotation of their sequences. These stem from the large number of short repeats, the presence of compositionally unusual coiled-coils, fuzzy domain boundaries and regions of seemingly low sequence complexity

    Structure of a Burkholderia pseudomallei Trimeric Autotransporter Adhesin Head

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    Pathogenic bacteria adhere to the host cell surface using a family of outer membrane proteins called Trimeric Autotransporter Adhesins (TAAs). Although TAAs are highly divergent in sequence and domain structure, they are all conceptually comprised of a C-terminal membrane anchoring domain and an N-terminal passenger domain. Passenger domains consist of a secretion sequence, a head region that facilitates binding to the host cell surface, and a stalk region.Pathogenic species of Burkholderia contain an overabundance of TAAs, some of which have been shown to elicit an immune response in the host. To understand the structural basis for host cell adhesion, we solved a 1.35 A resolution crystal structure of a BpaA TAA head domain from Burkholderia pseudomallei, the pathogen that causes melioidosis. The structure reveals a novel fold of an intricately intertwined trimer. The BpaA head is composed of structural elements that have been observed in other TAA head structures as well as several elements of previously unknown structure predicted from low sequence homology between TAAs. These elements are typically up to 40 amino acids long and are not domains, but rather modular structural elements that may be duplicated or omitted through evolution, creating molecular diversity among TAAs.The modular nature of BpaA, as demonstrated by its head domain crystal structure, and of TAAs in general provides insights into evolution of pathogen-host adhesion and may provide an avenue for diagnostics

    The BtaF Trimeric Autotransporter of Brucella suis Is Involved in Attachment to Various Surfaces, Resistance to Serum and Virulence

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    AbstractThe adhesion of bacterial pathogens to host cells is an event that determines infection, and ultimately invasion and intracellular multiplication. Several evidences have recently shown that this rule is also truth for the intracellular pathogen Brucella. Brucella suis displays the unipolar BmaC and BtaE adhesins, which belong to the monomeric and trimeric autotransporter (TA) families, respectively. It was previously shown that these adhesins are involved in bacterial adhesion tohost cells and components of the extracellular matrix (ECM). In this work we describe the role of a new member of the TA family of B. suis (named BtaF) in the adhesive properties of the bacterial surface. BtaF conferred the bacteria that carried it a promiscuous adhesiveness to various ECM components and the ability to attach to an abiotic surface. Furthermore, BtaF was found to participate in bacterial adhesion to epithelial cells and was required for full virulence in mice. Similar to BmaC and BtaE, the BtaF adhesin was expressed in a small subpopulation of bacteria, and in all cases, it was detected at the new  pole generated after cell division. Interestingly, BtaF was also implicated in the resistance of B. suis to porcine serum. Our findings emphasize the impact of TAs in the Brucella lifecycle.Fil: Ruíz Ranwez V. FUND.INSTITUTO LELOIR.Fil: Posadas Dm,. FUND.INSTITUTO LELOIR.Fil: Estein S.m.. UNIV.NAC.DEL CENTRO DE LA PCIA.DE BS.AS.. FAC.DE CS.VETERINARIAS. DTO.DE SANIDAD ANIMAL Y MEDICINA PREVENTIVA.Fil: Abdian P.l.. FUND.INSTITUTO LELOIR.Fil: Martín F.a. FUND.INSTITUTO LELOIR.Fil: Zorreguieta A.. FUND.INSTITUTO LELOIR

    Recent advances in the understanding of trimeric autotransporter adhesins

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    Adhesion is the initial step in the infection process of gram-negative bacteria. It is usually followed by the formation of biofilms that serve as a hub for further spread of the infection. Type V secretion systems engage in this process by binding to components of the extracellular matrix, which is the first step in the infection process. At the same time they provide protection from the immune system by either binding components of the innate immune system or by establishing a physical layer against aggressors. Trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs) are of particular interest in this family of proteins as they possess a unique structural composition which arises from constraints during translocation. The sequence of individual domains can vary dramatically while the overall structure can be very similar to one another. This patchwork approach allows researchers to draw conclusions of the underlying function of a specific domain in a structure-based approach which underscores the importance of solving structures of yet uncharacterized TAAs and their individual domains to estimate the full extent of functions of the protein a priori. Here, we describe recent advances in understanding the translocation process of TAAs and give an overview of structural motifs that are unique to this class of proteins. The role of BpaC in the infection process of Burkholderia pseudomallei is highlighted as an exceptional example of a TAA being at the centre of infection initiation.Peer reviewe

    Haemophilus influenzae surface fibril (Hsf) is a unique twisted hairpin-like trimeric autotransporter.

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    The Haemophilus surface fibril (Hsf) is an extraordinary large (2413 amino acids) trimeric autotransporter, present in all encapsulated Haemophilus influenzae. It contributes to virulence by directly functioning as an adhesin. Furthermore, Hsf recruits the host factor vitronectin thereby inhibiting the host innate immune response resulting in enhanced survival in serum. Here we observed by electron microscopy that Hsf appears as an 100nm long fibril at the bacterial surface albeit the length is approximately 200nm according to a bioinformatics based model. To unveil this discrepancy, we denaturated Hsf at the surface of Hib by using guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl). Partial denaturation induced in the presence of GuHCl unfolded the Hsf molecules, and resulted in an increased length of fibres in comparison to the native trimeric form. Importantly, our findings were also verified by E. coli expressing Hsf at its surface. In addition, a set of Hsf-specific peptide antibodies also indicated that the N-terminal of Hsf is located near the C-terminal at the base of the fibril. Taken together, our results demonstrated that Hsf is not a straight molecule but is folded and doubled over. This is the first report that provides the unique structural features of the trimeric autotransporter Hsf

    The C-terminal head domain of Burkholderia pseudomallei BpaC has a striking hydrophilic core with an extensive solvent network

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    Gram-negative pathogens like Burkholderia pseudomallei use trimeric autotransporter adhesins such as BpaC as key molecules in their pathogenicity. Our 1.4 angstrom crystal structure of the membrane-proximal part of the BpaC head domain shows that the domain is exclusively made of left-handed parallel beta-roll repeats. This, the largest such structure solved, has two unique features. First, the core, rather than being composed of the canonical hydrophobic Ile and Val, is made up primarily of the hydrophilic Thr and Asn, with two different solvent channels. Second, comparing BpaC to all other left-handed parallel beta-roll structures showed that the position of the head domain in the protein correlates with the number and type of charged residues. In BpaC, only negatively charged residues face the solvent-in stark contrast to the primarily positive surface charge of the left-handed parallel beta-roll "type" protein, YadA. We propose extending the definitions of these head domains to include the BpaC-like head domain as a separate subtype, based on its unusual sequence, position, and charge. We speculate that the function of left-handed parallel beta-roll structures may differ depending on their position in the structure.Peer reviewe

    Adhesins of Brucella: Their Roles in the Interaction with the Host

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    A central aspect of Brucella pathogenicity is its ability to invade, survive, and replicate in diverse phagocytic and non-phagocytic cell types, leading to chronic infections and chronic inflammatory phenomena. Adhesion to the target cell is a critical first step in the invasion process. Several Brucella adhesins have been shown to mediate adhesion to cells, extracellular matrix components (ECM), or both. These include the sialic acid-binding proteins SP29 and SP41 (binding to erythrocytes and epithelial cells, respectively), the BigA and BigB proteins that contain an Ig-like domain (binding to cell adhesion molecules in epithelial cells), the monomeric autotransporters BmaA, BmaB, and BmaC (binding to ECM components, epithelial cells, osteoblasts, synoviocytes, and trophoblasts), the trimeric autotransporters BtaE and BtaF (binding to ECM components and epithelial cells) and Bp26 (binding to ECM components). An in vivo role has also been shown for the trimeric autotransporters, as deletion mutants display decreased colonization after oral and/or respiratory infection in mice, and it has also been suggested for BigA and BigB. Several adhesins have shown unipolar localization, suggesting that Brucella would express an adhesive pole. Adhesin-based vaccines may be useful to prevent brucellosis, as intranasal immunization in mice with BtaF conferred high levels of protection against oral challenge with B. suis.Fil: Bialer, Magali Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Sycz, Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Muñoz González, Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Ferrero, Mariana Cristina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Baldi, Pablo Cesar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. Instituto de Estudios de la Inmunidad Humoral Prof. Ricardo A. Margni; ArgentinaFil: Zorreguieta, Ángeles. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Molecular characterization of the EhaG and UpaG trimeric autotransporter proteins from pathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Trimeric autotransporter proteins (TAAs) are important virulence factors of many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. A common feature of most TAAs is the ability to mediate adherence to eukaryotic cells or extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins via a cell surface-exposed passenger domain. Here we describe the characterization of EhaG, a TAA identified from enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7. EhaG is a positional orthologue of the recently characterized UpaG TAA from uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC). Similarly to UpaG, EhaG localized at the bacterial cell surface and promoted cell aggregation, biofilm formation, and adherence to a range of ECM proteins. However, the two orthologues display differential cellular binding: EhaG mediates specific adhesion to colorectal epithelial cells while UpaG promotes specific binding to bladder epithelial cells. The EhaG and UpaG TAAs contain extensive sequence divergence in their respective passenger domains that could account for these differences. Indeed, sequence analyses of UpaG and EhaG homologues from several E. coli genomes revealed grouping of the proteins in clades almost exclusively represented by distinct E. coli pathotypes. The expression of EhaG (in EHEC) and UpaG (in UPEC) was also investigated and shown to be significantly enhanced in an hns isogenic mutant, suggesting that H-NS acts as a negative regulator of both TAAs. Thus, while the EhaG and UpaG TAAs contain some conserved binding and regulatory features, they also possess important differences that correlate with the distinct pathogenic lifestyles of EHEC and UPEC

    The MPI bioinformatics Toolkit as an integrative platform for advanced protein sequence and structure analysis.

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    The MPI Bioinformatics Toolkit (http://toolkit.tuebingen.mpg.de) is an open, interactive web service for comprehensive and collaborative protein bioinformatic analysis. It offers a wide array of interconnected, state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools to experts and non-experts alike, developed both externally (e.g. BLAST+, HMMER3, MUSCLE) and internally (e.g. HHpred, HHblits, PCOILS). While a beta version of the Toolkit was released 10 years ago, the current production-level release has been available since 2008 and has serviced more than 1.6 million external user queries. The usage of the Toolkit has continued to increase linearly over the years, reaching more than 400 000 queries in 2015. In fact, through the breadth of its tools and their tight interconnection, the Toolkit has become an excellent platform for experimental scientists as well as a useful resource for teaching bioinformatic inquiry to students in the life sciences. In this article, we report on the evolution of the Toolkit over the last ten years, focusing on the expansion of the tool repertoire (e.g. CS-BLAST, HHblits) and on infrastructural work needed to remain operative in a changing web environment

    Structure of the Head of the Bartonella Adhesin BadA

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    Trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs) are a major class of proteins by which pathogenic proteobacteria adhere to their hosts. Prominent examples include Yersinia YadA, Haemophilus Hia and Hsf, Moraxella UspA1 and A2, and Neisseria NadA. TAAs also occur in symbiotic and environmental species and presumably represent a general solution to the problem of adhesion in proteobacteria. The general structure of TAAs follows a head-stalk-anchor architecture, where the heads are the primary mediators of attachment and autoagglutination. In the major adhesin of Bartonella henselae, BadA, the head consists of three domains, the N-terminal of which shows strong sequence similarity to the head of Yersinia YadA. The two other domains were not recognizably similar to any protein of known structure. We therefore determined their crystal structure to a resolution of 1.1 Å. Both domains are β-prisms, the N-terminal one formed by interleaved, five-stranded β-meanders parallel to the trimer axis and the C-terminal one by five-stranded β-meanders orthogonal to the axis. Despite the absence of statistically significant sequence similarity, the two domains are structurally similar to domains from Haemophilus Hia, albeit in permuted order. Thus, the BadA head appears to be a chimera of domains seen in two other TAAs, YadA and Hia, highlighting the combinatorial evolutionary strategy taken by pathogens