50 research outputs found

    Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research

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    This paper reviews the published articles on eTourism in the past 20 years. Using a wide variety of sources, mainly in the tourism literature, this paper comprehensively reviews and analyzes prior studies in the context of Internet applications to Tourism. The paper also projects future developments in eTourism and demonstrates critical changes that will influence the tourism industry structure. A major contribution of this paper is its overview of the research and development efforts that have been endeavoured in the field, and the challenges that tourism researchers are, and will be, facing

    Personal Learning Networks (PLN) in emerging distance education environments: genesis and dynamics of the PLN in a community of researchers

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    Investigação realizada no âmbito do Doutoramento de Educação, especialidade de Educação a Distância e eLearning (EDeL)This research project addresses issues related to what is currently the digital identity of the researcher in the field of Online Distance Education and eLearning and his/her personal learning environment, researching the genesis, management and dynamics of the personal learning network of each member in a community of researchers. For an effective contextualization of the problem, the study involves the analysis of three concepts: digital identity, personal learning environment and personal learning network. It seeks to answer the following main question: How does the researcher create, manage and stimulate his/her digital identity to build his/her Personal Learning Network (PLN)?info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Re-Imagining Digital Things: Sustainable Data in Medieval Manuscript Studies

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    The Middle English prose Brut chronicle survives in nearly two hundred manuscripts. This corpus has been the subject of extensive study for more than a hundred years. The most recent research, however, has turned out to be the most fragile. In 2017, the multiyear digital humanities project “Imaging History: Perspectives on Late Medieval Vernacular Historiography” disappeared from the live Internet, only a decade after its publication. We describe the website’s lifecycle as well as our progress so far in creating a new dataset for the Brut corpus, “Re-Imagining History,” part of the ongoing project “Remix the Manuscript: A Chronicle of Digital Experiments.” Because the dataset is relatively small, we are using it to explore ongoing challenges in manuscript studies related to discoverability, interoperability, and sustainability. Our research questions address the interface between digital data and manuscripts themselves. How do catalogue and database structures impact research outcomes? How can we ethically represent the relative authority of disparate sources? How can we enable users to discover things they don’t already know? How do we plan for longevity and growth? We combine social, technical, and historical factors in order to account for “digital things” as complex networks of relationships. By laying bare the data design process, this essay deepens the dialogue between medieval studies and critical infrastructure studies

    Digital Object Identifier and their Use in Accessing Online Scholarly Materials in Africa

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    Digital Object Identifier (DOI) has been internationally recognized as a standard for identifying information resources on the web. It is an advanced tool that provides unique identification or permanent links to find specific journal articles and other information resources online. This paper discusses digital object identifier and their use in accessing online scholarly materials in Africa. It looks at the extent of Uniform Resource Locators (URL), understanding DOI functionalities, and benefits of DOI, scholarly materials with DOI in Africa with a critical examination of African Online Journals (AJOL) which is the biggest database in Africa. It was therefore discovered that the use and application of DOI in accessing online scholarly materials of African origin is still at crawling stage. The study recommends that the publishers in Africa should take advantage of this development by doing the needful and emulate those journals in African Online Journals (AJOL) to register their publications for DOI. This will enhance wider visibility and easy retrieval of African scholarly materials, while African authors also needs to wake up to explore the benefit of the DOI

    Contributo para o estudo da identidade digital: o caso duma comunidade de investigadores júniores

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    Comunicação apresentada na X Conferência Internacional de TIC na Educação - Challenges 2017, realizada na Universidade do Minho, Braga de 8-10 de maio de 2017.Nos dias de hoje a web social é uma realidade massiva na pesquisa académica, o que leva a questionar a importância da presença digital dos investigadores juniores nesses meios informais e como se relacionam entre si. Com a evolução da internet surgem novos desafios, numa perspetiva de vivência social (web social) e académica. A imersão nestes ambientes digitais promove e sustenta o desenvolvimento de pedagogias abertas, com evidência para as interações entre os membros, salientando-se a forma colaborativa como interagem num contexto de aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Assim, a web social permite o aceso aos conteúdos de investigação de outros investigadores de uma forma rápida e eficaz, partilhando conteúdos e colaborando com os outros especialistas. A evolução digital exige, igualmente, ao investigador, uma atualização constante, de forma a gerir o seu conhecimento digital, para uma vivência em rede, que exige uma série de competências relacionadas com a própria identidade digital do investigador.Today the social web is a massive reality in academic research, which leads to question the importance of the digital presence of researchers in these informal contexts and how they relate to each other. With the evolution of the internet, new challenges are posed to researchers, both socially (social web) and academically. Immersion in these digital environments promotes the development of open research practices, with evidence of interactions between group members, stressing the collaborative way we interact in the context of learning throughout life. Thus, the social web allows to access the work of other researchers quickly and effectively, sharing content and collaborating with others specialists. Digital evolution also requires the researcher to constantly update in order to manage their digital knowledge for a networked experience that requires a series of competences related to the researcher's own digital identity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Participatory pattern workshops: a methodology for open learning design inquiry

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    In order to promote pedagogically informed use technology, educators need to develop an active, inquisitive, design-oriented mindset (Laurillard, 2008). Design Patterns have been demonstrated as powerful mediators of theory-praxis conversations (Goodyear et al., 2006) yet widespread adoption by the practitioner community remains a challenge. Over several years, the authors and their colleagues have facilitated many workshops in which participants shared experiences, captured these as design narratives, extracting design patterns and applied them to novel teaching challenges represented as design scenarios (Winters &Mor, 2009; Mor &Winters, 2008). This paper presents the core elements of the methodology that emerged from these workshops: the Participatory Patterns Workshops (PPW) methodology

    Our Digital Legacy: an Archival Perspective

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    Our digital memories are threatened by archival hubris, technical misdirection, and simplistic application of rules to protect privacy rights. The obsession with the technical challenge of digital preservation has blinded much of the archival community to the challenges, created by the digital transition, to the other core principles of archival science - namely, appraisal (what to keep), sensitivity review (identifying material that cannot yet be disclosed for ethical or legal reasons) and access. The essay will draw on the considerations of appraisal and sensitivity review to project a vision of some aspects of access to the Digital Archive. This essay will argue that only by careful scrutiny of these three challenges and the introduction of appropriate practices and procedures will it be possible to prevent the precautionary closure of digital memories for long periods or, worse still, their destruction. We must ensure that our digital memories can be captured, kept, recalled and remain faithful to the events and circumstances that created them

    Digital identity of researchers and their personal learning network

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    Paper produzido no âmbito da Tese de Doutoramento em Educação, especialidade de Educação a Distância e eLearning (EDeL), Universidade Aberta.In a networked society, everyday experience is shared in networks at a personal, professional and academic level. Thus, there is a need to have digital literacy skills to obtain and produce contents in a collaborative way, sharing the knowledge acquired in the personal learning network. This paper is a reflection of literature revision in the PhD project of Online Distance Education and e-learning, concerning themes such as digital identity and personal learning networks. In this way we aim to make a literature analysis about the necessity of digital literacy so that we may obtain competencies for a personal learning network.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Post-constructivism, languages and learning environments. From the study of the media and hypertext to the web 2.0, instructional design, post-constructivism and enactivism

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    Este artículo surge con el objetivo fundamental de dar respuesta a dos interrogantes: a) ¿Cómo han cambiado las tecnologías en los últimos veinte años y qué recorrido se ha efectuado desde la Tecnología Educativa?, b) ¿Qué desafíos les esperan en el futuro próximo a los profesores de Tecnología Educativa? Para adentrarnos en su desarrollo, partimos de la siguiente premisa: hoy, más que ayer, los profesores de Tecnología Educativa antes de ser expertos en la introducción de las TIC en la didáctica, están llamados a repensar la didáctica, incluso con las TIC.This article born with the fundamental aim to answer two questions: a) How technologies (TE) have changed in the last twenty years and which way has the educational technology been followed? and b) What are the challenges for educational technology teachers in the next future, what borders do they have to face? To go into detail about its development, we start from the premise that today more than yesterday, teachers who teach Educational Technology are called to rethink teaching, even with ICT