67 research outputs found

    A petri net on-line controller for the coordination of multiple mobile robots

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    In applications such as mining, space exploration, and toxic waste cleanup, mobile robots are often required to move within a common environment and to share resources. This introduces the need for a means of coordinating their behaviours. Also, due to the unpredictable nature of the worksite, there is a need to accommodate changes in a dynamic environment. -- A general framework for group robotics was developed in response to this need. The framework includes a discrete event controller for on-line control and runtime monitoring, the focus of the current research. -- A Petri net based discrete event formalism has been investigated as a basis for the development of an on-line controller, ftom a high-level task description, a set of rules have been used to automatically generate a Petri net structure that provides coordinated behaviour. The Petri net can then be executed to send instructions to robots and to incorporate feedback from the robots at runtime. This on-line controller has been used to control mobile robots in a proof-of-concept demonstration. In a laboratory setting, the Petri net controller was able to coordinate the behaviour of two robots in marker-based navigation tasks. -- Although the work completed to date has provided promising results, many research challenges remain. Some suggestions for future work are presented

    Ecosystem-inspired enterprise modelling framework for collaborative and networked manufacturing systems

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    Rapid changes in the open manufacturing environment are imminent due to the increase of customer demand, global competition, and digital fusion. This has exponentially increased both complexity and uncertainty in the manufacturing landscape, creating serious challenges for competitive enterprises. For enterprises to remain competitive, analysing manufacturing activities and designing systems to address emergent needs, in a timely and efficient manner, is understood to be crucial. However, existing analysis and design approaches adopt a narrow diagnostic focus on either managerial or engineering aspects and neglect to consider the holistic complex behaviour of enterprises in a collaborative manufacturing network (CMN). It has been suggested that reflecting upon ecosystem theory may bring a better understanding of how to analyse the CMN. The research presented in this paper draws on a theoretical discussion with aim to demonstrate a facilitating approach to those analysis and design tasks. This approach was later operationalised using enterprise modelling (EM) techniques in a novel, developed framework that enhanced systematic analysis, design, and business-IT alignment. It is expected that this research view is opening a new field of investigation

    The planning coordinator: A design architecture for autonomous error recovery and on-line planning of intelligent tasks

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    Developing a robust, task level, error recovery and on-line planning architecture is an open research area. There is previously published work on both error recovery and on-line planning; however, none incorporates error recovery and on-line planning into one integrated platform. The integration of these two functionalities requires an architecture that possesses the following characteristics. The architecture must provide for the inclusion of new information without the destruction of existing information. The architecture must provide for the relating of pieces of information, old and new, to one another in a non-trivial rather than trivial manner (e.g., object one is related to object two under the following constraints, versus, yes, they are related; no, they are not related). Finally, the architecture must be not only a stand alone architecture, but also one that can be easily integrated as a supplement to some existing architecture. This thesis proposal addresses architectural development. Its intent is to integrate error recovery and on-line planning onto a single, integrated, multi-processor platform. This intelligent x-autonomous platform, called the Planning Coordinator, will be used initially to supplement existing x-autonomous systems and eventually replace them

    Middleware control systems design and analysis using message interpreted Petri Nets (MIPN)

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    Many distributed frameworks use a message-oriented middleware to interchange information among several independent distributed modules. Those modules make up complex systems implementing basic actions and reporting events about their state. This paper introduces the Message Interpreted Petri Net (MIPN) model to design, analyze, and execute the central control of these middleware systems. The MIPN is a new Petri net extension that adds message-based high-level information communications and hierarchic capabilities. It also contributes to the definition and study of new properties such as terminability for the hierarchy-wide analysis of a system. Special attention is given to the analyzability of the model. Useful relations between the individual properties of each MIPN and the global properties of a hierarchic MIPNs system are extracted through a mathematical analysis of the model. The goal is to analyze each net separately and then build up the properties of the whole system. This results in a great aid for the programmer and optimizes the development process. This paper also shows the actual integration of this new MIPN model in different robot control frameworks to design, analyze, execute, monitor, log, and debug tasks in such heterogeneous systems. Finally, some applications created with this framework in the fields of robotics, autonomous vehicles, and logistics are also presentedMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. EXP00139978CER-2021100

    Petri net-based semi-compiled code generation for programmable logic controllers

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    Industrial discrete event dynamic systems (DEDSs) are commonly modeled by means of Petri nets (PNs). PNs have the capability to model behaviors such as concurrency, synchronization, and resource sharing, compared to a step transition function chart or GRAphe Fonctionnel de Commande Etape Transition (GRAFCET) which is a particular case of a PN. However, there is not an effective systematic way to implement a PN in a programmable logic controller (PLC), and so the implementation of such a controller outside a PLC in some external software that will communicate with the PLC is very common. There have been some attempts to implement PNs within a PLC, but they are dependent on how the logic of places and transitions is programmed for each application. This work proposes a novel application-independent and platform-independent PN implementation methodology. This methodology is a systematic way to implement a PN controller within industrial PLCs. A great portion of the code will be validated automatically prior to PLC implementation. Net structure and marking evolution will be checked on the basis of PN model structural analysis, and only net interpretation will be manually coded and error-prone. Thus, this methodology represents a systematic and semi-compiled PN implementation method. A use case supported by a digital twin (DT) is shown where the automated solution required by a manufacturing system is carried out and executed in two different devices for portability testing, and the scan cycle periods are compared for both approaches

    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2004. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Modeling humanoid swarm robots with petri nets

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    Master's thesis in Computer scienceRobots have become a hot topic in today‟s electronic world. There are many definitions for it. One of the definition in Oxford dictionary states “a robot is a machine capable for carrying out a complex series of action automatically especially one programmable by a computer”. This paper deals with a special kind of robot, which is also known as humanoid robot. These robots are replication of human beings with head, torso, arms and legs. A model of human is presented in this paper as discrete event system adapted from “Modeling and simulating motions of human bodies…”[1]. This model consists of sixteen interrelated limbs defined in 3D space, so most limbs/joints are able to make movement in three different angles (α, β and γ). Full details regarding Range of Motion (ROM) of rigid body in forward kinematic is illustrated. Human motions are categorized into two types: stochastic and deterministic motions. Deterministic motions are demonstrated using gait cycle of walking and running of normal adult person. The main focus of this paper is to model and simulate humanoid robot represented as Discrete Event Systems (DES); in Petri Net using GPenSIM and later expand those group of robots to swarm setting. GPenSIM is General Purpose Petri Net simulator [2] developed as toolbox for MATLAB to model and simulated discrete events using Petri net tools. Each joint‟s angle is treated as a separate Petri Net model which is independent from each other and their movement‟s limits are defined by ROM of normal human body. The instructions relating to the motion of joints for simulation are fed through a file to the instructor. These movements of joints are represented by variation of tokens displayed at the end of simulation in a graphical figure. Further, same structure of model is used in swarm of robots. Instead of feeding instructions to individual robots, a central instructor is created. This instructor acts as a master to robots acting as slaves where slaves include some predetermined commands embedded inside them. With central command system, a proper synchronization is achieved among group of robots working as swarm. A normal routine of group dance or simple group sport can be accomplished with calculated instructions on this swarm of robot

    Applications of Blockchain in Business Processes: A Comprehensive Review

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    Blockchain (BC), as an emerging technology, is revolutionizing Business Process Management (BPM) in multiple ways. The main adoption is to serve as a trusted infrastructure to guarantee the trust of collaborations among multiple partners in trustless environments. Especially, BC enables trust of information by using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). With the power of smart contracts, BC enforces the obligations of counterparties that transact in a business process (BP) by programming the contracts as transactions. This paper aims to study the state-of-the-art of BC technologies by (1) exploring its applications in BPM with the focus on how BC provides the trust of BPs in their lifecycles; (2) identifying the relations of BPM as the need and BC as the solution with the assessment towards BPM characteristics; (3) discussing the up-to-date progresses of critical BC in BPM; (4) identifying the challenges and research directions for future advancement in the domain. The main conclusions of our comprehensive review are (1) the study of adopting BC in BPM has attracted a great deal of attention that has been evidenced by a rapidly growing number of relevant articles. (2) The paradigms of BPM over Internet of Things (IoT) have been shifted from persistent to transient, from static to dynamic, and from centralized to decentralized, and new enabling technologies are highly demanded to fulfill some emerging functional requirements (FRs) at the stages of design, configuration, diagnosis, and evaluation of BPs in their lifecycles. (3) BC has been intensively studied and proven as a promising solution to assure the trustiness for both of business processes and their executions in decentralized BPM. (4) Most of the reported BC applications are at their primary stages, future research efforts are needed to meet the technical challenges involved in interoperation, determination of trusted entities, confirmation of time-sensitive execution, and support of irreversibility

    Support for Technical Phases and Conceptual Model

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    Worldwide, many wheelchair users find it difficult to use or acquire a wheelchair that is appropriate for them, either because they do not have the necessary financial support or because they do not have access to trained healthcare professionals (HCPs), but they are essential for the correct provision of assistive products and user training. Consequently, although wheelchairs are designed to promote the well-being of many users, in many cases, they end up being abandoned or do not provide any benefit, with the chance of causing harm and potentially putting people in danger. This article proposes the creation and use of a Digital Twin (DT) of a Power Wheelchair (PWC) to promote the health of wheelchair users, by facilitating and improving the delivery of remote services by HCPs, as well as to include monitoring services to support timely maintenance. Specifically, a DT is a virtual counterpart that is seamlessly linked to a physical asset, both relying on data and information exchange for mirroring each other. Currently, DT is emerging and being applied to different areas as a promising approach to gather insightful data, which are shared between the physical and virtual worlds and facilitate the means to design, monitor, analyze, optimize, predict, and control physical entities. This article gives an overview of the Digital Twin concept, namely its definition, types, and properties, and seeks to synthesize the technologies and tools frequently used to enable Digital Twins; we also explain how a DT can be used in the technical phases of the PWC provision process and propose a conceptual model highlighting the use of an MDD approach benefiting from a Petri net formalism, which is presented to systematize the development of a PWC Dpublishersversionpublishe

    Nonautonomous elementary net systems and their application to programmable logic control

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