82 research outputs found

    Retention basins on Grosupeljščica watershed

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    Nowadays people face a great lack of land for raisnig buildings. In consequence there is\ud greater and greater pressure to build on flood plains although in general it is not permitted to\ud build on flood plains. The community of Grosuplje is well geographically located. In past few\ud years the city has expanded greatly including on flood plains. Streams Bičje and\ud Grosupeljščica also called Veliki potok present flood threat to the city. In 2009 dry reservoir\ud on the Bičje stream was constructed. On the watershed of Veliki potok there it is planed to\ud build a dry reservoir named Veliki potok. Its construction is being delayed for decades now.\ud There are also some doubts concerning proposed solution. Purpose of this work is to perform\ud an analysis in order to find out the influence of the influx on the watershed of Grosupeljščica\ud on the flow through the city of Grosuplje and to find alternative locations to construct\ud reservoirs on. The analysis was carried out based on the digital elevation model using\ud different software tools ESRI ArcGis, HEC-HMS and HEC-GeoHMS. By using\ud prementioned software I defined subwatersheds that have greatest flow. Reviewing basic\ud topographic maps and digital elevation model I proposed four alternative locations\ud appropriate to construct reservoirs. Next I analysed the impact of one and different\ud combinations of few reservoirs on the water flow through the city. Two various solutions\ud proof to be best.\u

    Empathy among midwifery students at Faculty of Health Sciences

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    Uvod: V poklicu babištva imajo poleg dobrega teoretičnega in praktičnega strokovnega znanja pomembno vlogo tudi osebne, socialne in komunikacijske veščine, med njimi je tudi empatija. S pomenom empatije v babištvu se študentje seznanijo že na uvodnih predavanjih babištva, empatičnega odnosa se kasneje dotaknejo v okviru supervizijskih vaj. Tovrstnih vaj, usmerjenih v razvoj socialnih veščin, vrednot, morale in etike babištva bi morali v večjem številu ur vključiti v učne načrte. Spremembe bi študentom približale razumevanje in poznavanje empatije, ter posledično doprinesle h kakovostnejši babiški oskrbi. Namen: Diplomsko delo želi poudariti pomen empatije v babiški oskrbi, ter skozi raziskavo ugotoviti, kakšna je stopnja empatije med študenti babištva na Zdravstveni fakulteti. Raziskava se osredotoča predvsem na morebitne razlike v stopnji empatije med prvim letnikom in tretjim letnikom študija. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo temelji na deskriptivni kvantitativni metodi dela s pomočjo MES lestvice. V raziskavo so bili vključeni vsi trije letniki študentov babištva na Zdravstveni fakulteti, pri tem je skupaj sodelovalo 81 študentov babištva, kar predstavlja 86,17 % realizacije vzorca. Podatki so bili urejeni v programu Microsoft Excel 2016, ter kasneje statistično obdelani s pomočjo SPSS programa. Podatki so predstavljeni s pomočjo tabel. Rezultati: Povprečna stopnja empatije med študenti babištva je 108,20 s standardnim odklonom 7,81. Najvišjo stopnjo empatije so dosegli študentje drugega letnika (113,73 s standardnim odklonom 7,78). Raziskava statistično pomembnih razlik med prvim in tretjim letnikom ne ugotavlja. Predhodna zdravstvena izobrazba ne vpliva na višjo stopnjo empatije, prav tako ni opaznih pomembnih statističnih razlik med izrednim in rednim študijem. Razprava in sklep: Rezultati kažejo na stopnjo empatije študentov babištva, ki so primerljivi s tujimi raziskavami. V poklicu babištva igra sposobnost empatije izredno pomembno vlogo. V svoji predispoziciji je empatija sicer prirojena sposobnost, skozi pravilno zasnovan študij jo lahko izpopolnjujemo in nadgrajujemo, s tem pa doprinesemo h kakovostni babiški oskrbi. Izboljšave na področju empatije so možne, tako bi morali učitelji in klinični mentorji v učne načrte v prihodnje vključiti preproste tehnike, s katerimi bi bistveno doprinesli k izboljšanju empatičnih spretnosti pri študentih babištva na Zdravstveni fakulteti.Introduction: In the midwife profession in addition to good theoretical and practical expertise important role also play personal, social and communication skills, among them empathy. Students learn about importance of empathy in midwifery in introductory lectures of midwifery, and later they also touch the empathic relationship at the supervisory exercises. Those exercises, aimed at the development of social skills, values, morals and ethics of midwifery should in more hours included in the curriculum. Changes bring students closer to understanding and knowledge of empathy, and contribute to a better quality midwife\u27s care. Purpose: Diploma want to emphasize the importance of empathy in midwifery care, and through the study to determine the degree of empathy among midwifery students at the Faculty of Health Science. The research focuses on posible differences in the level of empathy between the 1 st year and the 3rd year of study. Methods: Diploma work is based on descriptive quantitative method of research with the Midwifery Empathy Scale (MES). Study included all three years of midwifery students at the Facilty of Health Science with the participation of 81 students, which represent 86,17% sample realization. Data was edited in Microsoft Excel 2016, and later for statistical processing we using SPSS program. To describe the data we used a descriptive structure and tables. Results: The mean of empathy among midwifery students is 108,20 with standard deviation 7,81. The students of second year had the highest mean of empathy (113,73 with standard deviation of 7,78). Study does not find a statistically significant difference between the first and third year. Earli health education does not affect a higher degree of empathy, as such there are no significant statistical differences betwen part-time and full-time studies. Discussion and conclusion: The results show the mean of empathy which are comparable to foreign research. In the midwifery profession the ability to empathy plays an extremly important role. Empathy is a innate characteristic, but throught studies it can be perfected. The research show that the improvements in empathy are still possible, so professors and clinical mentors in the curriculum should include simple techniques that would significantly contribute to improving empathic skills at midwifery students at the Faculty of Health Sciences

    Magnetnoresonančni simulator za potrebe načrtovanja obsevanja

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    The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in process of radiotherapy (RT) planning and treatment is expanding. MRI is very increasingly being used in RT process, cause represent superior soft-tissue contrast compared with computer tomography (CT). Purpose of review is mainly introduce the features of MRI process in RT process and describe differences between diagnostic and therapeutic MR machine. Main goal of MRI examination it is scanning the patient in dedicated special RT position with unique RF coils which is used for imaging in RT process. Most common process is to perform both MRI and CT examination in the treatment position and finally fuse both datasets imaging. These MR images are primarily used to outline the tumour volumes (TV) and organs at risk (OAR).Uporaba magnetnoresonančnega (MR) slikanja v radioterapiji (RT) predstavlja številne uporabne prednosti v procesu izdelave obsevalnega načrta. Pri MR slikanju se predvsem izkorišča boljša kontrastnost in prostorska ločljivost mehkih tkiv v primerjavi s slikanjem z računalniško tomografijo (CT). V prispevku je opisan postopek MR slikanja v procesu RT in predstavljene so razlike med diagnostičnim in radioterapevtskim MR aparatom ter opisane kontraindikacije samih MR preiskav. Namen MR slikanja je pridobitev in zlitje s serijo CT slik, natančno določenega anatomsklega področja v specifičnem radioterapevtskim položaju s pomočjo ustreznih fiksacijskih pripomočkov in tuljav, ki se uporabljajo v procesu RT. Tako zlitje MR in CT slik omogoča natančnejšo vrisovanje tumorja in/ali drugih tarčnih struktur ter sosednjih rizičnih organov

    User-centred app design for speech sound disorders interventions with tablet computers

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    © 2017 Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany Traditional speech and language pathology practice (SLPP) faces challenges delivering effective and timely therapy due to long waiting lists, the need for regular practice outside the clinic and a lack of children’s motivation to engage in persistent practice. Technology has untapped potential to address these issues and improve SLPP. This paper describes the design of a tablet app for delivering technology-enhanced therapy for children with speech sound disorders and investigates the impact of the use of apps on SLPP. The initial design was informed by a nation-wide survey of speech-language pathologists (SLPs). The quantitative analysis disclosed that even though SLPs positively perceive mobile technology, they do not currently fully exploit it in their practice due to a lack of apps in their native language and the limited usefulness of apps in foreign languages. Using a user-centred design process, a multidisciplinary team created three prototypes and a final version of an app that has been tested in real therapeutic sessions during everyday practice and informed by feedback from SLPs and children. The observation analysis is presented based on an adaptation of Koole’s FRAME model. The qualitative findings indicate that SLPs identify mobile apps as enabling greater mobility, allowing new therapeutic approaches, creating possibilities for practice outside the therapeutic setting and increasing children’s motivation, supporting greater persistence to practise in the context of the therapy

    Ecosystem-inspired enterprise modelling framework for collaborative and networked manufacturing systems

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    Rapid changes in the open manufacturing environment are imminent due to the increase of customer demand, global competition, and digital fusion. This has exponentially increased both complexity and uncertainty in the manufacturing landscape, creating serious challenges for competitive enterprises. For enterprises to remain competitive, analysing manufacturing activities and designing systems to address emergent needs, in a timely and efficient manner, is understood to be crucial. However, existing analysis and design approaches adopt a narrow diagnostic focus on either managerial or engineering aspects and neglect to consider the holistic complex behaviour of enterprises in a collaborative manufacturing network (CMN). It has been suggested that reflecting upon ecosystem theory may bring a better understanding of how to analyse the CMN. The research presented in this paper draws on a theoretical discussion with aim to demonstrate a facilitating approach to those analysis and design tasks. This approach was later operationalised using enterprise modelling (EM) techniques in a novel, developed framework that enhanced systematic analysis, design, and business-IT alignment. It is expected that this research view is opening a new field of investigation


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    Prva dama Združenih držav Amerike je ena izmed najbolj prepoznavnih in hkrati najbolj skrivnostnih oseb na svetu. Čeprav njena vloga ni definirana niti v ustavi, kot to na primer velja za predsednikovo, niti v katerem drugem uradnem dokumentu, lahko (ne)posredno vpliva na predsednika in njegovo administracijo. Ravno zaradi tega je vsaka prva dama delovala drugačenekaterih politika ni zanimala, nekatere pa so v njej aktivno sodelovale. Položaj prve dame se je razvijal skozi stoletja, in kljub temu da njena vloga ni določena, vseeno velja, da je vloga gostiteljice Bele hiše njena primarna vloga, saj organizira uradne dogodke in ceremonije ter se jih skupaj s soprogom udeležuje. Velik pečat prva dama pušča tudi izven političnih krogov. Skozi dvajseto stoletje je postajalo običajno, da je prva dama izbirala različne dejavnosti in jih promovirala ter podpirala. Načeloma so bile to dejavnosti, ki niso ustvarjale razlik in konfliktov med ljudmi. Pri teh dejavnostih prvi dami pomaga osebje, ki si ga izbere sama. Da bi razumeli, kako veliko, četudi neformalno vlogo ima prva dama danes, se moramo vrniti v preteklost, v leto 1789, ko je bil izbran prvi ameriški predsednik, George Washington, njegovo soprogo Martho Washington pa so, čeprav šele po njeni smrti, naslovili kot prvo »first lady«.The first lady of the United States is one of the most recognized people of the world and at the same time, she is the most mysterious one. Even though her role is not defined not even in the Constitution, like the role of the president, nor in any other official document, she can (in)directly influence the president and his administration. Because of that every first lady operated in a different way – some were not interested in the politics and some were actively involved. The position of the first lady have developed through the centuries and despite her role is not specified, we can say that her main role being the hostess of the White House. She, namely, organizes and participates to official events and ceremonies with her husband. The first lady is very important also outside the political circles. During the 20th century it became common that the first ladies chose, promoted and supported different activities. Fundamentally, those activities did not create differences and conflicts between people. A staff that she personally chooses, helps her in those activities. To understand the big role of the first lady today, despite it is informal, we have to go back to the 1789, when the first American president - George Washington - was elected. His wife, Martha Washington, was the first one being addressed as the “first lady”, despite only after her death