74 research outputs found

    Brain age predicted using graph convolutional neural network explains neurodevelopmental trajectory in preterm neonates

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    OBJECTIVES: Dramatic brain morphological changes occur throughout the third trimester of gestation. In this study, we investigated whether the predicted brain age (PBA) derived from graph convolutional network (GCN) that accounts for cortical morphometrics in third trimester is associated with postnatal abnormalities and neurodevelopmental outcome. METHODS: In total, 577 T1 MRI scans of preterm neonates from two different datasets were analyzed; the NEOCIVET pipeline generated cortical surfaces and morphological features, which were then fed to the GCN to predict brain age. The brain age index (BAI; PBA minus chronological age) was used to determine the relationships among preterm birth (i.e., birthweight and birth age), perinatal brain injuries, postnatal events/clinical conditions, BAI at postnatal scan, and neurodevelopmental scores at 30 months. RESULTS: Brain morphology and GCN-based age prediction of preterm neonates without brain lesions (mean absolute error [MAE]: 0.96 weeks) outperformed conventional machine learning methods using no topological information. Structural equation models (SEM) showed that BAI mediated the influence of preterm birth and postnatal clinical factors, but not perinatal brain injuries, on neurodevelopmental outcome at 30 months of age. CONCLUSIONS: Brain morphology may be clinically meaningful in measuring brain age, as it relates to postnatal factors, and predicting neurodevelopmental outcome. CLINICAL RELEVANCE STATEMENT: Understanding the neurodevelopmental trajectory of preterm neonates through the prediction of brain age using a graph convolutional neural network may allow for earlier detection of potential developmental abnormalities and improved interventions, consequently enhancing the prognosis and quality of life in this vulnerable population. KEY POINTS: •Brain age in preterm neonates predicted using a graph convolutional network with brain morphological changes mediates the pre-scan risk factors and post-scan neurodevelopmental outcomes. •Predicted brain age oriented from conventional deep learning approaches, which indicates the neurodevelopmental status in neonates, shows a lack of sensitivity to perinatal risk factors and predicting neurodevelopmental outcomes. •The new brain age index based on brain morphology and graph convolutional network enhances the accuracy and clinical interpretation of predicted brain age for neonates


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    Deep Learning is increasingly being used in both supervised and unsupervised learning to derive complex patterns from data. However, the successful implementation of deep learning using medical imaging requires careful consideration for the quality and availability of data. Infants diagnosed with CHD are at a higher risk for neurodevelopmental impairment. Many of these deficits may be attenuated by early detection and intervention. However, we currently lack effective diagnostic tools for the reliable detection of these disorders at the neonatal period. We believe that the structural correlates of the cognitive deficits associated with developmental abnormalities can be measured within the first few months of life. Based on this assumption, we hypothesize that we can use an atlas registration based structural segmentation pipeline to sufficiently reduce the search space of neonatal structural brain MRI to viably implement convolutional neural networks for dysplasia classification. Secondly, we hypothesize that convolutional neural networks can successfully identify morphological biomarkers capable of detecting structurally abnormal brain substructures. In this study, we develop a computational framework for the automated classification of dysplastic substructures from neonatal MRI. We validate our implementation on a dataset of neonates born with CHD, as this is a vulnerable population for structural dysmaturation. We chose the cerebellum as the initial test substructure because of its relatively simple structure and known vulnerability to structural dysplasia in infants born with CHD. We then apply the same method to the hippocampus, a more challenging substructure due to its complex morphological properties. We attempt to overcome the limited availability of clinical data in neonatal populations by first extracting each brain substructure of interest and individually registering them into a standard space. This greatly reduces the search space required to learn the subtle abnormalities associated with a given pathology, making it feasible to implement a 3-D CNN as the classification algorithm. We achieved excellent classification accuracy in detecting dysplastic cerebelli, and demonstrate a viable computational framework for search space reduction using limited clinical datasets. All methods developed in this work are designed to be extensible, reproducible, and generalizable diagnostic tools for future neuroimaging problems

    Characterisation of the Haemodynamic Response Function (HRF) in the neonatal brain using functional MRI

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    Background: Preterm birth is associated with a marked increase in the risk of later neurodevelopmental impairment. With the incidence rising, novel tools are needed to provide an improved understanding of the underlying pathology and better prognostic information. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) with Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) contrast has the potential to add greatly to the knowledge gained through traditional MRI techniques. However, it has been rarely used with neonatal subjects due to difficulties in application and inconsistent results. Central to this is uncertainity regarding the effects of early brain development on the Haemodynamic Response Function (HRF), knowledge of which is fundamental to fMRI methodology and analysis. Hypotheses: (1) Well localised and positive BOLD functional responses can be identified in the neonatal brain. (2) The morphology of the neonatal HRF differs significantly during early human development. (3) The application of an age-appropriate HRF will improve the identification of functional responses in neonatal fMRI studies. Methods: To test these hypotheses, a systematic fMRI study of neonatal subjects was carried out using a custom made somatosensory stimulus, and an adapted study design and analysis pipeline. The neonatal HRF was then characterised using an event related study design. The potential future application of the findings was then tested in a series of small experiments. Results: Well localised and positive BOLD functional responses were identified in neonatal subjects, with a maturational tendency towards an increasingly complex pattern of activation. A positive amplitude HRF was identified in neonatal subjects, with a maturational trend of a decreasing time-to-peak and increasing positive peak amplitude. Application of the empirical HRF significantly improved the precision of analysis in further fMRI studies. Conclusions: fMRI can be used to study functional activity in the neonatal brain, and may provide vital new information about both development and pathology

    Sensory event-related potential morphology predicts age in premature infants

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    Objective: We investigated whether sensory-evoked cortical potentials could be used to estimate the age of an infant. Such a model could be used to identify infants who deviate from normal neurodevelopment. Methods: Infants aged between 28- and 40-weeks post-menstrual age (PMA) (166 recording sessions in 96 infants) received trains of visual and tactile stimuli. Neurodynamic response functions for each stimulus were derived using principal component analysis and a machine learning model trained and validated to predict infant age. Results: PMA could be predicted accurately from the magnitude of the evoked responses (training set mean absolute error and 95% confidence intervals: 1.41 [1.14; 1.74] weeks, p = 0.0001; test set mean absolute error: 1.55 [1.21; 1.95] weeks, p = 0.0002). Moreover, we show that their predicted age (their brain age) is correlated with a measure known to relate to maturity of the nervous system and is linked to long-term neurodevelopment. Conclusions: Sensory-evoked potentials are predictive of age in premature infants and brain age deviations are related to biologically and clinically meaningful individual differences in nervous system maturation. Significance: This model could be used to detect abnormal development of infants’ response to sensory stimuli in their environment and may be predictive of neurodevelopmental outcome

    The role of cortical structural variance in deep learning-based prediction of fetal brain age

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    BackgroundDeep-learning-based brain age estimation using magnetic resonance imaging data has been proposed to identify abnormalities in brain development and the risk of adverse developmental outcomes in the fetal brain. Although saliency and attention activation maps have been used to understand the contribution of different brain regions in determining brain age, there has been no attempt to explain the influence of shape-related cortical structural features on the variance of predicted fetal brain age.MethodsWe examined the association between the predicted brain age difference (PAD: predicted brain age–chronological age) from our convolution neural networks-based model and global and regional cortical structural measures, such as cortical volume, surface area, curvature, gyrification index, and folding depth, using regression analysis.ResultsOur results showed that global brain volume and surface area were positively correlated with PAD. Additionally, higher cortical surface curvature and folding depth led to a significant increase in PAD in specific regions, including the perisylvian areas, where dramatic agerelated changes in folding structures were observed in the late second trimester. Furthermore, PAD decreased with disorganized sulcal area patterns, suggesting that the interrelated arrangement and areal patterning of the sulcal folds also significantly affected the prediction of fetal brain age.ConclusionThese results allow us to better understand the variance in deep learning-based fetal brain age and provide insight into the mechanism of the fetal brain age prediction model

    Towards Deciphering the Fetal Foundation of Normal Cognition and Cognitive Symptoms From Sulcation of the Cortex.

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    Growing evidence supports that prenatal processes play an important role for cognitive ability in normal and clinical conditions. In this context, several neuroimaging studies searched for features in postnatal life that could serve as a proxy for earlier developmental events. A very interesting candidate is the sulcal, or sulco-gyral, patterns, macroscopic features of the cortex anatomy related to the fold topology-e.g., continuous vs. interrupted/broken fold, present vs. absent fold-or their spatial organization. Indeed, as opposed to quantitative features of the cortical sheet (e.g., thickness, surface area or curvature) taking decades to reach the levels measured in adult, the qualitative sulcal patterns are mainly determined before birth and stable across the lifespan. The sulcal patterns therefore offer a window on the fetal constraints on specific brain areas on cognitive abilities and clinical symptoms that manifest later in life. After a global review of the cerebral cortex sulcation, its mechanisms, its ontogenesis along with methodological issues on how to measure the sulcal patterns, we present a selection of studies illustrating that analysis of the sulcal patterns can provide information on prenatal dispositions to cognition (with a focus on cognitive control and academic abilities) and cognitive symptoms (with a focus on schizophrenia and bipolar disorders). Finally, perspectives of sulcal studies are discussed

    Fetal brain tissue annotation and segmentation challenge results.

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    In-utero fetal MRI is emerging as an important tool in the diagnosis and analysis of the developing human brain. Automatic segmentation of the developing fetal brain is a vital step in the quantitative analysis of prenatal neurodevelopment both in the research and clinical context. However, manual segmentation of cerebral structures is time-consuming and prone to error and inter-observer variability. Therefore, we organized the Fetal Tissue Annotation (FeTA) Challenge in 2021 in order to encourage the development of automatic segmentation algorithms on an international level. The challenge utilized FeTA Dataset, an open dataset of fetal brain MRI reconstructions segmented into seven different tissues (external cerebrospinal fluid, gray matter, white matter, ventricles, cerebellum, brainstem, deep gray matter). 20 international teams participated in this challenge, submitting a total of 21 algorithms for evaluation. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis of the results from both a technical and clinical perspective. All participants relied on deep learning methods, mainly U-Nets, with some variability present in the network architecture, optimization, and image pre- and post-processing. The majority of teams used existing medical imaging deep learning frameworks. The main differences between the submissions were the fine tuning done during training, and the specific pre- and post-processing steps performed. The challenge results showed that almost all submissions performed similarly. Four of the top five teams used ensemble learning methods. However, one team's algorithm performed significantly superior to the other submissions, and consisted of an asymmetrical U-Net network architecture. This paper provides a first of its kind benchmark for future automatic multi-tissue segmentation algorithms for the developing human brain in utero

    Effect of perinatal adversity on structural connectivity of the developing brain

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    Globally, preterm birth (defined as birth at <37 weeks of gestation) affects around 11% of deliveries and it is closely associated with cerebral palsy, cognitive impairments and neuropsychiatric diseases in later life. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has utility for measuring different properties of the brain during the lifespan. Specially, diffusion MRI has been used in the neonatal period to quantify the effect of preterm birth on white matter structure, which enables inference about brain development and injury. By combining information from both structural and diffusion MRI, is it possible to calculate structural connectivity of the brain. This involves calculating a model of the brain as a network to extract features of interest. The process starts by defining a series of nodes (anatomical regions) and edges (connections between two anatomical regions). Once the network is created, different types of analysis can be performed to find features of interest, thereby allowing group wise comparisons. The main frameworks/tools designed to construct the brain connectome have been developed and tested in the adult human brain. There are several differences between the adult and the neonatal brain: marked variation in head size and shape, maturational processes leading to changes in signal intensity profiles, relatively lower spatial resolution, and lower contrast between tissue classes in the T1 weighted image. All of these issues make the standard processes to construct the brain connectome very challenging to apply in the neonatal population. Several groups have studied the neonatal structural connectivity proposing several alternatives to overcome these limitations. The aim of this thesis was to optimise the different steps involved in connectome analysis for neonatal data. First, to provide accurate parcellation of the cortex a new atlas was created based on a control population of term infants; this was achieved by propagating the atlas from an adult atlas through intermediate childhood spatio-temporal atlases using image registration. After this the advanced anatomically-constrained tractography framework was adapted for the neonatal population, refined using software tools for skull-stripping, tissue segmentation and parcellation specially designed and tested for the neonatal brain. Finally, the method was used to test the effect of early nutrition, specifically breast milk exposure, on structural connectivity in preterm infants. We found that infants with higher exposure to breastmilk in the weeks after preterm birth had improved structural connectivity of developing networks and greater fractional anisotropy in major white matter fasciculi. These data also show that the benefits are dose dependent with higher exposure correlating with increased white matter connectivity. In conclusion, structural connectivity is a robust method to investigate the developing human brain. We propose an optimised framework for the neonatal brain, designed for our data and using tools developed for the neonatal brain, and apply it to test the effect of breastmilk exposure on preterm infants

    Quantification of cortical folding using MR image data

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    The cerebral cortex is a thin layer of tissue lining the brain where neural circuits perform important high level functions including sensory perception, motor control and language processing. In the third trimester the fetal cortex folds rapidly from a smooth sheet into a highly convoluted arrangement of gyri and sulci. Premature birth is a high risk factor for poor neurodevelopmental outcome and has been associated with abnormal cortical development, however the nature of the disruption to developmental processes is not fully understood. Recent developments in magnetic resonance imaging have allowed the acquisition of high quality brain images of preterms and also fetuses in-utero. The aim of this thesis is to develop techniques which quantify folding from these images in order to better understand cortical development in these two populations. A framework is presented that quantifies global and regional folding using curvature-based measures. This methodology was applied to fetuses over a wide gestational age range (21.7 to 38.9 weeks) for a large number of subjects (N = 80) extending our understanding of how the cortex folds through this critical developmental period. The changing relationship between the folding measures and gestational age was modelled with a Gompertz function which allowed an accurate prediction of physiological age. A spectral-based method is outlined for constructing a spatio-temporal surface atlas (a sequence of mean cortical surface meshes for weekly intervals). A key advantage of this method is the ability to do group-wise atlasing without bias to the anatomy of an initial reference subject. Mean surface templates were constructed for both fetuses and preterms allowing a preliminary comparison of mean cortical shape over the postmenstrual age range 28-36 weeks. Displacement patterns were revealed which intensified with increasing prematurity, however more work is needed to evaluate the reliability of these findings.Open Acces

    Learning from Complex Neuroimaging Datasets

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    Advancements in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) allowed for the early diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. Neuroanatomical abnormalities in the cerebral cortex are often investigated by examining group-level differences of brain morphometric measures extracted from highly-sampled cortical surfaces. However, group-level differences do not allow for individual-level outcome prediction critical for the application to clinical practice. Despite the success of MRI-based deep learning frameworks, critical issues have been identified: (1) extracting accurate and reliable local features from the cortical surface, (2) determining a parsimonious subset of cortical features for correct disease diagnosis, (3) learning directly from a non-Euclidean high-dimensional feature space, (4) improving the robustness of multi-task multi-modal models, and (5) identifying anomalies in imbalanced and heterogeneous settings. This dissertation describes novel methodological contributions to tackle the challenges above. First, I introduce a Laplacian-based method for quantifying local Extra-Axial Cerebrospinal Fluid (EA-CSF) from structural MRI. Next, I describe a deep learning approach for combining local EA-CSF with other morphometric cortical measures for early disease detection. Then, I propose a data-driven approach for extending convolutional learning to non-Euclidean manifolds such as cortical surfaces. I also present a unified framework for robust multi-task learning from imaging and non-imaging information. Finally, I propose a semi-supervised generative approach for the detection of samples from untrained classes in imbalanced and heterogeneous developmental datasets. The proposed methodological contributions are evaluated by applying them to the early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the first year of the infant’s life. Also, the aging human brain is examined in the context of studying different stages of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).Doctor of Philosoph