1,833 research outputs found

    Poverty among minorities in the United States: Explaining the racial poverty gap for Blacks and Latinos

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    The two largest minorities in the United States, African Americans and people of Hispanic origin, show official poverty rates that are at least twice as high as those among non-Hispanic Whites. These similarly high poverty rates among minorities are, however, the result of different combinations of factors, due to the specific characteristics of these two groups. In this paper, we analyze the role of demographic and labor-related variables in explaining the current differential in poverty rates among racial and ethnic groups in the United States and its recent evolution. Our results show, first, that these differentials were largely explained by differing family characteristics of the ethnic groups. Furthermore, we show that while labor market activity of family members and a preponderance of single mothers played a more significant role in explaining the higher poverty rates of Blacks, a larger number of dependent children is more closely associated with higher poverty among Latinos, who also suffer from a larger educational attainment gap and higher immigration rates. Finally, we show that both racial poverty gaps declined during the 1990s, and, in the case of Latinos, the downward trend has continued through the present decade. This reduction in the differentials was fully explained by characteristics, mainly the labor market performance of family heads, while the unexplained differential (conditional racial poverty gap) proved to be more persistent across time.poverty, gap, race, decomposition, Oaxaca-Blinder, United States, CPS, labor market, participation, education, family characteristics.

    An Approach to Women in Vedic Culture: the Social Arguments of Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 1 and its Relationship with the Manu Samhita

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    oai:ojs.www.journalacademicmarketingmysticismonline.net:article/17The article addresses the weighty issue of sexism in the Vedic culture. It uses both the Bhagavad Gita and the Manu Samhita as the basis for the exegesis of Arjuna on the social arguments and the definition of qualities for women and men in view of the pivotal role of the family to transcendence and the individual’s spiritual, moral and ethical obligations

    British romanticism and composition theory: The traditions and value of Romantic rhetoric

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    My study examines, through the philosophies and writings of the British Romantic poets, particularly those of Wordsworth and Coleridge, their beliefs about education, their theories on composing, and their interaction with the political and social climate as they relate to current expressivist rhetorical theories and pedagogies. I explore the ways in which Romantic assumptions surface in subsequent philosophers, educators, and rhetoricians such as Matthew Arnold, John Stuart Mill, and John Dewey, and more recently, Ann Berthoff, Donald Murray, and Peter Elbow. I argue that like the Romantics, current expressivists are interested in cultivating an imaginative intellect in their writing students. The dissertation makes a case for expressivist rhetoric, arguing that it is valuable and should not be ignored or forgotten in light of new social theories of rhetoric. Recently, Romantic rhetorical theories have come under sharp attack for, among other things, perpetuating the myth of the inspired writer , and for ignoring the fact that individuals are socially constructed and that the writing situation involves the dialectical interaction among writer, community, and social, political, and economic conditions. Although some of these attacks are valid, I argue that the problems critics have identified lie not with the theories themselves, but with the short-sighted application of these rich and complex Romantic theories. I look back, for instance, to the Romantic poets\u27 philosophies of the self in order to show expressivists that the tradition from which they evolved recognized that the individual was not isolated from its culture. I also argue, however, that the recent denigration of the expressivist theories of composition is often based on misconceptions of Romantic theory and practice as well as an incomplete knowledge of the tradition from which they arise. I argue that expressivist rhetorical theories are also valuable because they align themselves with feminist theory and pedagogy and offer a way of teaching writing that is especially useful for women. Finally, I examine the usefulness of expressivist theories for the cross-cultural classroom, and point out ways in which these theories are valuable and ways in which they are problematic for ethnic minority students

    Nonharmonic oscillations of nanosized cantilevers due to quantum-size effects

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    Using a one-dimensional jellium model and standard beam theory we calculate the spring constant of a vibrating nanowire cantilever. By using the asymptotic energy eigenvalues of the standing electron waves over the nanometer-sized cross-section area, the change in the grand canonical potential is calculated and hence the force and the spring constant. As the wire is bent more electron states fits in its cross section. This has an impact on the spring"constant" which oscillates slightly with the bending of the wire. In this way we obtain an amplitude-dependent resonance frequency of the oscillations that should be detectable.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Rethinking the Notion of 'Value' in Global Value Chains Analysis: A Decolonial Political Economy Perspective

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    This article critically examines how the concept of value has been understood in Global Value Chains (GVC) analysis. In particular, it is argued that the GVC literature has largely overlooked the political and contested nature of the concept by relying on conventional understandings of value borrowed from mainstream Economics and Business Studies. This article reconsiders the notion of value and its role within GVC analysis using insights offered by decolonial and critical authors. It argues that value should be understood not only as narrow pecuniary gains but also as a broader philosophical question regarding the justice and purpose of productive activity. It proposes the new concept of 'voice upgrade' as a tool to appreciate the extent to which different formal and informal institutional settings in global value chains allow for democratic negotiations about value

    Estado y mediaciones sociales: El estilo de gestión del Movimiento de Desocupados Barrios de Pie en el territorio (Argentina 2002 -2011)

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    Salir del escenario de crisis política, económica y social abierto en los años 2001-2002 en la Argentina, significó un proceso de reconstrucción y re significación del Estado, sus capacidades, funciones y actores, de la mano de la conformación de nuevas mediaciones entre éste y la sociedad civil. Entre estas nuevas mediaciones emergieron los movimientos de desocupados como agentes con capacidad de organización, articulación y canalización de las demandas de la sociedad civil movilizada. Con su incorporación a la gestión de programas sociales en el territorio emergieron estilos de gestión y racionalidades particulares que entraron en tensión con las tradiciones institucionales. En este artículo se analiza la experiencia del movimiento Barrios de Pie en el distrito de la capital federal y el conurbano bonaerense, en relación a su participación en la implementación de tres programas nacionales de asistencia al desempleo durante el periodo 2002 -2011. En este marco, el estilo de gestión se caracterizó por la conformación, consolidación o crisis de la organización como «ventanilla del Estado» en el territorio. La consolidación de los MDS como mediadores entre el Estado y la sociedad civil fue parte de la disputa política sobre la orientación del modelo de desarrollo. En esta disputa las experiencias de gestión en el territorio con sus prácticas, saberes y estilos de gestión iluminan aspectos micro sobre un fenómeno soslayado por los análisis académicos

    Cost-benefit analysis of cycle to work scheme

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    In a response to negative externalities such as GHG emission, health costs, infrastructural costs, noise and air pollution etc. caused by motorised transportation international organizations and governments have started promoting shifts towards active transportation such as walking and cycling. This study use a CBA-framework to evaluate a cycle to work- scheme implemented in Jönköping municipality in 2016. The scheme allowed all municipality employees to lease bicycles or e-bikes for a three year period and pay for them through a salary sacrificing arrangements, after the three year were over the participants could either buy the vehicle at market value or return it free of charge. Eleven parameters were included in the CBA, the internalisation through taxation/fees of some of the effect for some parameters were taken into consideration as well as the shorter Swedish bicycle season (31 weeks on average). The result indicate a benefit-cost ratio of 6.21:1, meaning that C2W scheme is a cost efficient method of increasing AT usage

    A focus in the jungle of medias: Hexágono Magazzine (1971-1975)

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    La revista Hexágono fue editada por Edgardo Antonio Vigo en la ciudad de La Plata, Argentina, entre 1971 y 1975. En este trabajo analizamos el recorrido de este proyecto editorial que pretendía -en un principio- difundir la obra de artistas ligados a distintos campos del arte experimental, interviniendo en la discusión sobre el sentido de la comunicación en plena época de expansión de los medios masivos, y ver cómo adquiere finalmente un rol de lucha política e interés por participar en una disputa “ideológica” mediante sus recursos visuales y estéticos.The HexágonoMagazine was edited by Edgardo Antonio Vigo in the city of La Plata, Argentina between 1971 and 1975. In this work we analyse the itinerary of this edition project, which purpose wasat first, to spread the work of artists linked to different fields of experimental art, intervening in the discussion about the sense of communication at the height of the era of mass media expansion, and seehow it finally takes a role inpolitical struggles and the interest of participating in an “ideological” dispute by means of visual and aesthetic.Fil: Gradin, Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Filología y Literatura Hispánica "Dr. Amado Alonso"; Argentin

    Militar el Estado: las prácticas de gestión del Movimiento Barrios de Pie en el Programa de Promotores para el cambio social durante el periodo 2005 - 2008.

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    This paper focuses on some organizational as well operational modifications experienced in Argentina in the implementation and management of social policies, due to the institutional participation therein of several organizations of the unemployed. Such an involvement implied a sharp shift in the ways social policies had been produced and implemented up to then, together with a reconfigurationof the organizations’ relation to state agencies. The discussion is conducted through the experience of Barrios de Pie from 2005 to 2008.El presente trabajo enfoca las modificaciones experimentadas en años recientes en la gestión de las políticas sociales en Argentina generadas por la participación de los movimientos de desocupados en la Administración Nacional en el periodo 2005– 2008, prestando particular atención a las transformaciones que se registraron en el desarrollo de la relación de esas organizaciones con el Estado. El foco del análisis ha sido puesto en la caracterización de las prácticas de gestión, tomándose comocaso de estudio a la organización Barrios de Pie.