12 research outputs found

    Crossmodal content binding in information-processing architectures

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    Operating in a physical context, an intelligent robot faces two fundamental problems. First, it needs to combine information from its different sensors to form a representation of the environment that is more complete than any of its sensors on its own could provide. Second, it needs to combine high-level representations (such as those for planning and dialogue) with its sensory information, to ensure that the interpretations of these symbolic representations are grounded in the situated context. Previous approaches to this problem have used techniques such as (low-level) information fusion, ontological reasoning, and (high-level) concept learning. This paper presents a framework in which these, and other approaches, can be combined to form a shared representation of the current state of the robot in relation to its environment and other agents. Preliminary results from an implemented system are presented to illustrate how the framework supports behaviours commonly required of an intelligent robot

    Exploring Design Space For An Integrated Intelligent System

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    Understanding the trade-offs available in the design space of intelligent systems is a major unaddressed element in the study of Artificial Intelligence. In this paper we approach this problem in two ways. First, we discuss the development of our integrated robotic system in terms of its trajectory through design space. Second, we demonstrate the practical implications of architectural design decisions by using this system as an experimental platform for comparing behaviourally similar yet architecturally different systems. The results of this show that our system occupies a "sweet spot" in design space in terms of the cost of moving information between processing components

    Artificial Cognition for Social Human-Robot Interaction: An Implementation

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    © 2017 The Authors Human–Robot Interaction challenges Artificial Intelligence in many regards: dynamic, partially unknown environments that were not originally designed for robots; a broad variety of situations with rich semantics to understand and interpret; physical interactions with humans that requires fine, low-latency yet socially acceptable control strategies; natural and multi-modal communication which mandates common-sense knowledge and the representation of possibly divergent mental models. This article is an attempt to characterise these challenges and to exhibit a set of key decisional issues that need to be addressed for a cognitive robot to successfully share space and tasks with a human. We identify first the needed individual and collaborative cognitive skills: geometric reasoning and situation assessment based on perspective-taking and affordance analysis; acquisition and representation of knowledge models for multiple agents (humans and robots, with their specificities); situated, natural and multi-modal dialogue; human-aware task planning; human–robot joint task achievement. The article discusses each of these abilities, presents working implementations, and shows how they combine in a coherent and original deliberative architecture for human–robot interaction. Supported by experimental results, we eventually show how explicit knowledge management, both symbolic and geometric, proves to be instrumental to richer and more natural human–robot interactions by pushing for pervasive, human-level semantics within the robot's deliberative system

    Robot task planning and explanation in open and uncertain worlds

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    A long-standing goal of AI is to enable robots to plan in the face of uncertain and incomplete information, and to handle task failure intelligently. This paper shows how to achieve this. There are two central ideas. The first idea is to organize the robot's knowledge into three layers: instance knowledge at the bottom, commonsense knowledge above that, and diagnostic knowledge on top. Knowledge in a layer above can be used to modify knowledge in the layer(s) below. The second idea is that the robot should represent not just how its actions change the world, but also what it knows or believes. There are two types of knowledge effects the robot's actions can have: epistemic effects (I believe X because I saw it) and assumptions (I'll assume X to be true). By combining the knowledge layers with the models of knowledge effects, we can simultaneously solve several problems in robotics: (i) task planning and execution under uncertainty; (ii) task planning and execution in open worlds; (iii) explaining task failure; (iv) verifying those explanations. The paper describes how the ideas are implemented in a three-layer architecture on a mobile robot platform. The robot implementation was evaluated in five different experiments on object search, mapping, and room categorization

    Grounding the Interaction : Knowledge Management for Interactive Robots

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    Avec le développement de la robotique cognitive, le besoin d’outils avancés pour représenter, manipuler, raisonner sur les connaissances acquises par un robot a clairement été mis en avant. Mais stocker et manipuler des connaissances requiert tout d’abord d’éclaircir ce que l’on nomme connaissance pour un robot, et comment celle-ci peut-elle être représentée de manière intelligible pour une machine. \ud \ud Ce travail s’efforce dans un premier temps d’identifier de manière systématique les besoins en terme de représentation de connaissance des applications robotiques modernes, dans le contexte spécifique de la robotique de service et des interactions homme-robot. Nous proposons une typologie originale des caractéristiques souhaitables des systèmes de représentation des connaissances, appuyée sur un état de l’art détaillé des outils existants dans notre communauté. \ud \ud Dans un second temps, nous présentons en profondeur ORO, une instanciation particulière d’un système de représentation et manipulation des connaissances, conçu et implémenté durant la préparation de cette thèse. Nous détaillons le fonctionnement interne du système, ainsi que son intégration dans plusieurs architectures robotiques complètes. Un éclairage particulier est donné sur la modélisation de la prise de perspective dans le contexte de l’interaction, et de son interprétation en terme de théorie de l’esprit. \ud \ud La troisième partie de l’étude porte sur une application importante des systèmes de représentation des connaissances dans ce contexte de l’interaction homme-robot : le traitement du dialogue situé. Notre approche et les algorithmes qui amènent à l’ancrage interactif de la communication verbale non contrainte sont présentés, suivis de plusieurs expériences menées au Laboratoire d’Analyse et d’Architecture des Systèmes au CNRS à Toulouse, et au groupe Intelligent Autonomous System de l’université technique de Munich. Nous concluons cette thèse sur un certain nombre de considérations sur la viabilité et l’importance d’une gestion explicite des connaissances des agents, ainsi que par une réflexion sur les éléments encore manquant pour réaliser le programme d’une robotique “de niveau humain”.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With the rise of the so-called cognitive robotics, the need of advanced tools to store, manipulate, reason about the knowledge acquired by the robot has been made clear. But storing and manipulating knowledge requires first to understand what the knowledge itself means to the robot and how to represent it in a machine-processable way. \ud \ud This work strives first at providing a systematic study of the knowledge requirements of modern robotic applications in the context of service robotics and human-robot interaction. What are the expressiveness requirement for a robot? what are its needs in term of reasoning techniques? what are the requirement on the robot's knowledge processing structure induced by other cognitive functions like perception or decision making? We propose a novel typology of desirable features for knowledge representation systems supported by an extensive review of existing tools in our community. \ud \ud In a second part, the thesis presents in depth a particular instantiation of a knowledge representation and manipulation system called ORO, that has been designed and implemented during the preparation of the thesis. We elaborate on the inner working of this system, as well as its integration into several complete robot control stacks. A particular focus is given to the modelling of agent-dependent symbolic perspectives and their relations to theories of mind. \ud \ud The third part of the study is focused on the presentation of one important application of knowledge representation systems in the human-robot interaction context: situated dialogue. Our approach and associated algorithms leading to the interactive grounding of unconstrained verbal communication are presented, followed by several experiments that have taken place both at the Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systèmes at CNRS, Toulouse and at the Intelligent Autonomous System group at Munich Technical University. \ud \ud The thesis concludes on considerations regarding the viability and importance of an explicit management of the agent's knowledge, along with a reflection on the missing bricks in our research community on the way towards "human level robots". \ud \u

    Human-Inspired Forgetting for Robotic Systems

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