34 research outputs found

    Investigation of the influence of the symmetry of membership functions in the fuzzy controller on the quality of MPPT regulation in the photovoltaic system

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    The paper presents the results of the investigation of the influence of asymmetric membership functions in a fuzzy controller on the quality of MPPT regulation in the photovoltaic system. Comparison of the quality of fuzzy MPPT regulation with symmetrical and asymmetric membership functions is carried out. The results of the research showed the advantage of using asymmetric membership functions in the MPPT algorithm with fuzzy logic

    Однокомпонентный микромеханический гироскоп с расширенной полосой пропускания

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    Объектом исследования является микромеханический гироскоп, с расширенной полосой пропускания. Цель работы – разработка однокомпонентного микромеханического гироскопа, с расширенной полосой пропускания. В процессе исследования проводилась разработка функциональной схемы и составление математической модели гироскопа, проводился частотный и статический анализ конструкции, расчет основных параметров, рассмотрены вопросы технологии, социальной ответственности и финансового менеджмента. Область применения: автомобильная промышленность.The object of research is a micromechanical gyroscope, with extended bandwidth. The purpose of research - development of a single-component micromechanical gyroscope, with extended bandwidth. The study was carried out to provide a functional circuit and making a mathematical model of the gyroscope, as frequency and static design analysis, the calculation of basic parameters, the issues of technology, social responsibility and financial management. Applications: Automotive industry

    Artificial Cognition for Social Human-Robot Interaction: An Implementation

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    © 2017 The Authors Human–Robot Interaction challenges Artificial Intelligence in many regards: dynamic, partially unknown environments that were not originally designed for robots; a broad variety of situations with rich semantics to understand and interpret; physical interactions with humans that requires fine, low-latency yet socially acceptable control strategies; natural and multi-modal communication which mandates common-sense knowledge and the representation of possibly divergent mental models. This article is an attempt to characterise these challenges and to exhibit a set of key decisional issues that need to be addressed for a cognitive robot to successfully share space and tasks with a human. We identify first the needed individual and collaborative cognitive skills: geometric reasoning and situation assessment based on perspective-taking and affordance analysis; acquisition and representation of knowledge models for multiple agents (humans and robots, with their specificities); situated, natural and multi-modal dialogue; human-aware task planning; human–robot joint task achievement. The article discusses each of these abilities, presents working implementations, and shows how they combine in a coherent and original deliberative architecture for human–robot interaction. Supported by experimental results, we eventually show how explicit knowledge management, both symbolic and geometric, proves to be instrumental to richer and more natural human–robot interactions by pushing for pervasive, human-level semantics within the robot's deliberative system

    Introducing Affordances into Robot Task Execution

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    The concept of affordances as a function-centered view on perception might show to have great potential when being adapted in the field of autonomous robotic systems. Being embedded in the MACS project that aims at evaluating this potential and at proving the usefulness and applicability of affordances, this thesis will tackle the part of developing a robot task execution component as the component of the MACS hybrid robot control architecture that accesses the robot’s actuators. Following the principle of not only using affordances but basing the whole system on that concept, this thesis will provide a clear definition and interpretation of affordances as a relation between environmental features and the capabilities of an agent for action. Based on this definition a task execution component will be designed that defines the three different concepts of behaviors, actions, and tasks. The rationale behind thes

    Freier intraperitonealer Clip als Ursache eines mechanischen Dünndarmileus

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    Freier intraperitonealer Clip als Ursache eines mechanischen Dünndarmileus

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    Continuous 3D sensing for navigation and SLAM in cluttered and dynamic environments

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    Abstract — Navigation and mapping is well understood for two-dimensional or static environments since valuable approaches exist for reacting to dynamic obstacles or for extracting static 3D information. However, today’s challenge lies in combining the strengths of these approaches to obtain a system capable of performing safe navigation and obstacle avoidance based on rich 3D information of the environment while still being capable of reacting to sudden dynamic changes. In this paper we will present a methodology for continuously sensing environments in 3D and the necessary representations for exploiting the so gathered data in a way efficient enough to perform real-time 3D data based obstacle avoidance and online mapping