51 research outputs found

    Covariance Matrix Adaptation Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy with Hypervolume-sorted Adaptive Grid Algorithm.

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    Real-world problems often involve the optimisation of multiple conflicting objectives. These problems, referred to as multi-objective optimisation problems, are especially challenging when more than three objectives are considered simultaneously. This paper proposes an algorithm to address this class of problems. The proposed algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm based on an evolution strategy framework, and more specifically, on the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy (CMA-PAES). A novel selection mechanism is introduced and integrated within the framework. This selection mechanism makes use of an adaptive grid to perform a local approximation of the hypervolume indicator which is then used as a selection criterion. The proposed implementation, named Covariance Matrix Adaptation Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy with Hypervolume-sorted Adaptive Grid Algorithm (CMA-PAES-HAGA), overcomes the limitation of CMA-PAES in handling more than two objectives and displays a remarkably good performance on a scalable test suite in five, seven, and ten-objective problems. The performance of CMA-PAES-HAGA has been compared with that of a competition winning meta-heuristic, representing the state-of-the-art in this sub-field of multi-objective optimisation. The proposed algorithm has been tested in a seven-objective real-world application, i.e. the design of an aircraft lateral control system. In this optimisation problem, CMA-PAES-HAGA greatly outperformed its competitors

    Progressive Preference Articulation for Decision Making in Multi-Objective Optimisation Problems

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    This paper proposes a novel algorithm for addressing multi-objective optimisation problems, by employing a progressive preference articu- lation approach to decision making. This enables the interactive incorporation of problem knowledge and decision maker preferences during the optimisation process. A novel progressive preference articulation mechanism, derived from a statistical technique, is herein proposed and implemented within a multi-objective framework based on evolution strategy search and hypervolume indicator selection. The proposed algo- rithm is named the Weighted Z-score Covariance Matrix Adaptation Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy with Hypervolume-sorted Adaptive Grid Algorithm (WZ-HAGA). WZ-HAGA is based on a framework that makes use of evolution strategy logic with covariance matrix adaptation to perturb the solutions, and a hypervolume indicator driven algorithm to select successful solutions for the subsequent generation. In order to guide the search towards interesting regions, a preference articulation procedure composed of four phases and based on the weighted z-score approach is employed. The latter procedure cascades into the hypervolume driven algorithm to perform the selection of the solutions at each generation. Numerical results against five modern algorithms representing the state-of-the-art in multi-objective optimisation demonstrate that the pro- posed WZ-HAGA outperforms its competitors in terms of both the hypervolume indicator and pertinence to the regions of interest

    Preference focussed many-objective evolutionary computation

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    Solving complex real-world problems often involves the simultaneous optimisation of multiple con icting performance criteria, these real-world problems occur in the elds of engineering, economics, chemistry, manufacturing, physics and many more. The optimisation process usually involves some design challenges in the form of the optimisation of a number of objectives and constraints. There exist many traditional optimisation methods (calculus based, random search, enumerative, etc...), however, these only o er a single solution in either adequate performance in a narrow problem domain or inadequate performance across a broad problem domain. Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimisation (EMO) algorithms are robust optimisers which are suitable for solving complex real-world multi-objective optimisation problems, as they are able to address each of the con icting objectives simultaneously. Typically, these EMO algorithms are run non-interactively with a Decision Maker (DM) setting the initial parameters of the algorithm and then analysing the results at the end of the optimisation process. When EMO is applied to real-world optimisation problems there is often a DM who is only interested in a portion of the Pareto-optimal front, however, incorporation of DM preferences is often neglected in the EMO literature. In this thesis, the incorporation of DM preferences into EMO search methods has been explored. This has been achieved through the review of EMO literature to identify a powerful method of variation, Covariance Matrix Adaptation (CMA), and its computationally infeasible EMO implementation, MO-CMA-ES. A CMA driven EMO algorithm, CMA-PAES, capable of optimisation in the presence of many objectives has been developed, benchmarked, and statistically veri ed to outperform MO-CMA-ES and MOEA/D-DRA on selected test suites. CMA-PAES and MOEA/D-DRA with the incorporation of the novel Weighted Z-score (WZ) preference articulation operator (supporting a priori, a posteriori or progressive incorporation) are then benchmarked on a range of synthetic and real-world problems. WZ-CMA-PAES is then successfully applied to a real-world problem regarding the optimisation of a classi er for concealed weapon detection, outperforming previously published classi er implementations

    Multi-objective evolution of artificial neural networks in multi-class medical diagnosis problems with class imbalance

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    This paper proposes a novel multi-objective optimisation approach to solving both the problem of finding good structural and parametric choices in an ANN and the problem of training a classifier with a heavily skewed data set. The state-of-the-art CMA-PAES-HAGA multi-objective evolutionary algorithm [41] is used to simultaneously optimise the structure, weights, and biases of a population of ANNs with respect to not only the overall classification accuracy, but the classification accuracies of each individual target class. The effectiveness of this approach is then demonstrated on a real-world multi-class problem in medical diagnosis (classification of fetal cardiotocograms) where more than 75% of the data belongs to the majority class and the rest to two other minority classes. The optimised ANN is shown to significantly outperform a standard feed-forward ANN with respect to minority class recognition at the cost of slightly worse performance in terms of overall classification accuracy

    A Fast Hypervolume Driven Selection Mechanism for Many-Objective Optimisation Problems.

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    Solutions to real-world problems often require the simultaneous optimisation of multiple conflicting objectives. In the presence of four or more objectives, the problem is referred to as a “many-objective optimisation problem”. A problem of this category introduces many challenges, one of which is the effective and efficient selection of optimal solutions. The hypervolume indicator (or s-metric), i.e. the size of dominated objective space, is an effective selection criterion for many-objective optimisation. The indicator is used to measure the quality of a nondominated set, and can be used to sort solutions for selection as part of the contributing hypervolume indicator. However, hypervolume based selection methods can have a very high, if not infeasible, computational cost. The present study proposes a novel hypervolume driven selection mechanism for many-objective problems, whilst maintaining a feasible computational cost. This approach, named the Hypervolume Adaptive Grid Algorithm (HAGA), uses two-phases (narrow and broad) to prevent population-wide calculation of the contributing hypervolume indicator. Instead, HAGA only calculates the contributing hypervolume indicator for grid populations, i.e. for a few solutions, which are close in proximity (in the objective space) to a candidate solution when in competition for survival. The result is a trade-off between complete accuracy in selecting the fittest individuals in regards to hypervolume quality, and a feasible computational time in many-objective space. The real-world efficiency of the proposed selection mechanism is demonstrated within the optimisation of a classifier for concealed weapon detection

    Evolutionary multiobjective optimization : review, algorithms, and applications

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    Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Industrial e SistemasMany mathematical problems arising from diverse elds of human activity can be formulated as optimization problems. The majority of real-world optimization problems involve several and con icting objectives. Such problems are called multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs). The presence of multiple con icting objectives that have to be simultaneously optimized gives rise to a set of trade-o solutions, known as the Pareto optimal set. Since this set of solutions is crucial for e ective decision-making, which generally aims to improve the human condition, the availability of e cient optimization methods becomes indispensable. Recently, evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have become popular and successful in approximating the Pareto set. The population-based nature is the main feature that makes them especially attractive for dealing with MOPs. Due to the presence of two search spaces, operators able to e ciently perform the search in both the decision and objective spaces are required. Despite the wide variety of existing methods, a lot of open research issues in the design of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) remains. This thesis investigates the use of evolutionary algorithms for solving multiobjective optimization problems. Innovative algorithms are developed studying new techniques for performing the search either in the decision or the objective space. Concerning the search in the decision space, the focus is on the combinations of traditional and evolutionary optimization methods. An issue related to the search in the objective space is studied in the context of many-objective optimization. Application of evolutionary algorithms is addressed solving two di erent real-world problems, which are modeled using multiobjective approaches. The problems arise from the mathematical modelling of the dengue disease transmission and a wastewater treatment plant design. The obtained results clearly show that multiobjective modelling is an e ective approach. The success in solving these challenging optimization problems highlights the practical relevance and robustness of the developed algorithms.Muitos problemas matemáticos que surgem nas diversas áreas da atividade humana podem ser formulados como problemas de otimização. A maioria dos problemas do mundo real envolve vários objetivos conflituosos. Tais problemas chamam-se problemas de otimização multiobjetivo. A presença de vários objetivos conflituosos, que têm de ser otimizados em simultâneo, dá origem a um conjunto de soluções de compromisso, conhecido como conjunto de soluções ótimas de Pareto. Uma vez que este conjunto de soluções é fundamental para uma tomada de decisão eficaz, cujo objetivo em geral é melhorar a condição humana, o desenvolvimento de métodos de otimização eficientes torna-se indispensável. Recentemente, os algoritmos evolucionários tornaram-se populares e bem-sucedidos na aproximação do conjunto de Pareto. A natureza populacional é a principal característica que os torna especialmente atraentes para lidar com problemas de otimização multiobjetivo. Devido à presença de dois espaços de procura, operadores capazes de realizar a procura de forma eficiente, tanto no espaço de decisão como no espaço dos objetivos, são necessários. Apesar da grande variedade de métodos existentes, várias questões de investigação permanecem em aberto na área do desenvolvimento de algoritmos evolucionários multiobjetivo. Esta tese investiga o uso de algoritmos evolucionários para a resolução de problemas de otimização multiobjetivo. São desenvolvidos algoritmos inovadores que estudam novas técnicas de procura, quer no espaço de decisão, quer no espaço dos objetivos. No que diz respeito à procura no espaço de decisão, o foco está na combinação de métodos de otimização tradicionais com algoritmos evolucionários. A questão relacionada com a procura no espaço dos objetivos é desenvolvida no contexto da otimização com muitos objetivos. A aplicação dos algoritmos evolucionários é abordada resolvendo dois problemas reais, que são modelados utilizando abordagens multiobjectivo. Os problemas resultam da modelação matemática da transmissão da doença do dengue e do desenho ótimo de estações de tratamento de águas residuais. O sucesso na resolução destes problemas de otimização constitui um desafio e destaca a relevância prática e robustez dos algoritmos desenvolvidos

    Scalable multi-objective optimization

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    This thesis is concerned with the three open in multi-objective optimization: (i) the development of strategies for dealing with problems with many objective functions; (ii) the comprehension and solution of the model-building issues of current MOEDAs, and; (iii) the formulation of stopping criteria for multi-objective optimizers. We argue about what elements of MOEDAs should be modified in order to achieve a substantial improvement on their performance and scalability. However, in order to supply a solid ground for that discussion, some other elements are to be discussed as well. In particular, this thesis: sketches the supporting theoretical corpus and the fundamentals of MOEA and MOEDA algorithms; analyzes the scalability issue of MOEAs from both theoretical and experimental points of view; discusses the possible directions of improvement for MOEAs’ scalability, presenting the current trends of research; gives reasons of why EDAs can be used as a foundation for achieving a sizable improvement with regard to the scalability issue; examines the model-building issue in depth, hypothesizing on how it affects MOEDAs performance; proposes a novel model-building algorithm, the model-building growing neural gas (MBGNG), which fulfill the requirements for a new approach derived from the previous debate, and; introduces a novel MOEDA, the multi-objective neural EDA, that is constructed using MB-GNG as foundation. The formulation of an strategy for stopping multi-objective optimizers became obvious and necessary as this thesis was developed. The lack of an adequate stopping criterion made the rendered any experimentation that had to do with many objectives a rather cumbersome task. That is why it was compulsory to deal with this issue in order to proceed with further studies. In this regard, the thesis: provides an updated and exhaustive state-of-the-art of this matter; examines the properties and characteristics that a given stopping criterion should exhibit; puts forward a new stopping criterion, denominated MGBM, after the authors last names, that has a small computational footprint, and; experimentally validates MGBM in a set of experiments. Theoretical discussions and algorithm proposals are experimentally contrasted with current state-of-the-art approaches when required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Muchas actividades humanas están relacionadas con la elaboración de artefactos cuyas características, organización y/o costes de producción, etc., se deben ajustar en la manera más eficiente posible. Este hecho ha creado la necesidad de tener herramientas matemáticas y computacionales capaces de tratar estos problemas, lo cual ha impulsado el desarrollo de distintas áreas de investigación interrelacionadas, como, por ejemplo, la optimización, programación matemática, investigación de operaciones, etc. El concepto de optimización se puede formular en términos matemáticos como el proceso de buscar una o más soluciones factibles que se correspondan con los valores extremos de una o varias funciones. La mayor parte de los problemas de optimización reales implican la optimización de más de una función a la vez. Esta clase de problemas se conoce como problemas de optimización multi-objetivo (POM). Existe una clase de POM que es particularmente atractivo debido a su complejidad inherente: los denominados problemas de muchos objetivos. Estos son problemas con un número relativamente elevado de funciones objetivo. Numerosos experimentos han mostrado que los métodos “tradicionales” no logran un desempeño adecuado debido a la relación intensamente exponencial entre la dimensión del conjunto objetivo y la cantidad de recursos requeridos para resolver el problema correctamente. Estos problemas tienen una naturaleza poco intuitiva y, en particular, sus soluciones son difíciles de visualizar por un tomador de decisiones humano. Sin embargo, son bastante comunes en la práctica (Stewart et al., 2008). La optimización multi-objetivo ha recibido una importante atención por parte de la comunidad dedicada a los algoritmos evolutivos (Coello Coello et al., 2007). Sin embargo, se ha hecho patente la necesidad de buscar alternativas para poder tratar con los problemas de muchos objetivos. Los algoritmos de estimación de distribución (EDAs, por sus siglas en inglés) (Lozano et al., 2006) son buenos candidatos para esa tarea. Estos algoritmos se han presentado como una revolución en el campo de la computación evolutiva. Ellos sustituyen la aplicación de operadores inspirados en la selección natural por la síntesis de un modelo estadístico. Este modelo es muestreado para generar nuevos elementos y así proseguir con la búsqueda de soluciones. Sin embargo, los EDAs multi-objetivo (MOEDAs) no han logrado cumplir las expectativas creadas a priori. El leit motif de esta tesis se puede resumir en que la causa principal del bajo rendimiento MOEDAs se debe a los algoritmos de aprendizaje automático que se aplican en la construcción de modelos estadísticos. Los trabajos existentes hasta el momento han tomado una aproximación de “caja negra” al problema de la construcción de modelos. Por esa razón, se aplican métodos de aprendizaje automático ya existentes sin modificación alguna, sin percatarse que el problema de la construcción de modelos para EDAs tiene unos requisitos propios que en varios casos son contradictorios con el contexto original de aplicación de los mencionados algoritmos. En particular, hay propiedades compartidas por la mayoría de los enfoques de aprendizaje automático que podrían evitar la obtención de una mejora sustancial en el resultado de los MOEDAs. Ellas son: el tratamiento incorrecto de los valores atípicos (outliers) en el conjunto de datos; tendencia a la pérdida de la diversidad de la población, y; exceso de esfuerzo computacional dedicado a la búsqueda de un modelo óptimo. Estos problemas, aunque ya están presentes en los EDAs de un solo objetivo, se hacen patentes al escalar a problemas de varios objetivos y, en particular, a muchos objetivos. Además, con el aumento de la cantidad de objetivos con frecuencia esta situación se ve agravada por las consecuencias de la “maldición de la dimensionalidad”. La cuestión de los valores atípicos en los datos es un buen ejemplo de como la comunidad no ha notado esta diferencia. En el contexto tradicional del aprendizaje automático los valores extremos son considerados como datos ruidosos o irrelevantes y, por tanto, deben ser evitados. Sin embargo, los valores atípicos en los datos de la construcción de modelos representan las regiones recién descubiertas o soluciones candidatas del conjunto de decisión y por lo tanto deben ser explorados. En este caso, los casos aislados debe ser al menos igualmente representados por el modelo con respecto a los que están formando grupos. Sobre la base de estos razonamientos se estructuran los principales resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo de la tesis. A continuación se enumeran brevemente los mismos mencionando las referencias principales de los mismos. Comprensión del problema de la construcción de modelos en MOEDAs (Martí et al., 2010a, 2008b, 2009c). Se analiza que los EDAs han asumido incorrectamente que la construcción de modelos es un problema tradicional de aprendizaje automático. En el trabajo se muestra experimentalmente la hipótesis. Growing Neural Gas: una alternativa viable para construcción de modelos (Martí et al., 2008c). Se propone el Model-Building Growing Neural Gas network (MB-GNG), una modificación de las redes neuronales tipo Growing Neural Gas. MB-GNG tiene las propiedades requeridas para tratar correctamente la construcción de modelos. MONEDA: mejorando el desempeño de los MOEDAs (Martí et al., 2008a, 2009b, 2010c). El Multi-objective Optimization Neural EDA (MONEDA) fue ideado con el fin de hacer frente a los problemas arriba descritos de los MOEDAs y, por lo tanto, mejorar la escalabilidad de los MOEDAs. MONEDA utiliza MB-GNG para la construcción de modelos. Gracias a su algoritmo específico de construcción de modelos, la preservación de las élites de individuos de la población y su mecanismo de sustitución de individuos MONEDA es escalable capaz de resolver POMs continuos de muchos objetivos con un mejor desepeño que algoritmos similares a un coste computacional menor. Esta propuesta fue nominada a mejor trabajo en GECCO’2008. MONEDA en problemas de alta complejidad (Martí et al., 2009d). En este caso se lleva a cabo una amplia experimentación para comprender como las características de MONEDA provocan una mejora en el desempeño del algoritmo, y si sus resultados mejoran los obtenidos de otros enfoques. Se tratan problemas de alta complejidad. Estos experimentos demostraron que MONEDA produce resultados sustancialmente mejores que los algoritmos similares a una menor coste computacional. Nuevos paradigmas de aprendizaje: MARTEDA (Martí et al., 2010d). Si bien MB-GNG y MONEDA mostraron que la vía del tratamiento correcto de la construcción de modelos era una de las formas de obtener mejores resultados, ellos no evadían por completo el punto esencial: el paradigma de aprendizaje empleado. Al combinar un paradigma de aprendizaje automático alternativo, en particular, la Teoría de Resonancia Adaptativa, se trata a este asunto desde su raíz. En este respecto se han obtenido algunos resultados preliminares alentadores. Criterios de parada y convergencia (Martí et al., 2007, 2009a, 2010e). Con la realización de los experimentos anteriores nos percatamos de la falta de de un criterio de parada adecuado y que esta es un área inexplorada en el ámbito de la investigación en algoritmos evolutivos multi-objectivo. Abordamos esta cuestión proponiendo una serie de criterios de parada que se han demostrado efectivos en problemas sintéticos y del mundo real

    Multi-objective optimisation methods applied to complex engineering systems

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    This research proposes, implements and analyses a novel framework for multiobjective optimisation through evolutionary computing aimed at, but not restricted to, real-world problems in the engineering design domain. Evolutionary algorithms have been used to tackle a variety of non-linear multiobjective optimisation problems successfully, but their success is governed by key parameters which have been shown to be sensitive to the nature of the particular problem, incorporating concerns such as the number of objectives and variables, and the size and topology of the search space, making it hard to determine the best settings in advance. This work describes a real-encoded multi-objective optimising evolutionary algorithm framework, incorporating a genetic algorithm, that uses self-adaptive mutation and crossover in an attempt to avoid such problems, and which has been benchmarked against both standard optimisation test problems in the literature and a real-world airfoil optimisation case. For this last case, the minimisation of drag and maximisation of lift coefficients of a well documented standard airfoil, the framework is integrated with a freeform deformation tool to manage the changes to the section geometry, and XFoil, a tool which evaluates the airfoil in terms of its aerodynamic efficiency. The performance of the framework on this problem is compared with those of two other heuristic MOO algorithms known to perform well, the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) and NSGA-II, showing that this framework achieves better or at least no worse convergence. The framework of this research is then considered as a candidate for smart (electricity) grid optimisation. Power networks can be improved in both technical and economical terms by the inclusion of distributed generation which may include renewable energy sources. The essential problem in national power networks is that of power flow and in particular, optimal power flow calculations of alternating (or possibly, direct) current. The aims of this work are to propose and investigate a method to assist in the determination of the composition of optimal or high-performing power networks in terms of the type, number and location of the distributed generators, and to analyse the multi-dimensional results of the evolutionary computation component in order to reveal relationships between the network design vector elements and to identify possible further methods of improving models in future work. The results indicate that the method used is a feasible one for the achievement of these goals, and also for determining optimal flow capacities of transmission lines connecting the bus bars in the network

    Developing Parsimonious and Efficient Algorithms for Water Resources Optimization Problems

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    In the current water resources scientific literature, a wide variety of engineering design problems are solved in a simulation-optimization framework. These problems can have single or multiple objective functions and their decision variables can have discrete or continuous values. The majority of current literature in the field of water resources systems optimization report using heuristic global optimization algorithms, including evolutionary algorithms, with great success. These algorithms have multiple parameters that control their behavior both in terms of computational efficiency and the ability to find near globally optimal solutions. Values of these parameters are generally obtained by trial and error and are case study dependent. On the other hand, water resources simulation-optimization problems often have computationally intensive simulation models that can require seconds to hours for a single simulation. Furthermore, analysts may have limited computational budget to solve these problems, as such, the analyst may not be able to spend some of the computational budget to fine-tune the algorithm settings and parameter values. So, in general, algorithm parsimony in the number of parameters is an important factor in the applicability and performance of optimization algorithms for solving computationally intensive problems. A major contribution of this thesis is the development of a highly efficient, single objective, parsimonious optimization algorithm for solving problems with discrete decision variables. The algorithm is called Hybrid Discrete Dynamically Dimensioned Search, HD-DDS, and is designed based on Dynamically Dimensioned Search (DDS) that was developed by Tolson and Shoemaker (2007) for solving single objective hydrologic model calibration problems with continuous decision variables. The motivation for developing HD-DDS comes from the parsimony and high performance of original version of DDS. Similar to DDS, HD-DDS has a single parameter with a robust default value. HD-DDS is successfully applied to several benchmark water distribution system design problems where decision variables are pipe sizes among the available pipe size options. Results show that HD-DDS exhibits superior performance in specific comparisons to state-of-the-art optimization algorithms. The parsimony and efficiency of the original and discrete versions of DDS and their successful application to single objective water resources optimization problems with discrete and continuous decision variables motivated the development of a multi-objective optimization algorithm based on DDS. This algorithm is called Pareto Archived Dynamically Dimensioned Search (PA-DDS). The algorithm parsimony is a major factor in the design of PA-DDS. PA-DDS has a single parameter from its search engine DDS. In each iteration, PA-DDS selects one archived non-dominated solution and perturbs it to search for new solutions. The solution perturbation scheme of PA-DDS is similar to the original and discrete versions of DDS depending on whether the decision variable is discrete or continuous. So, PA-DDS can handle both types of decision variables. PA-DDS is applied to several benchmark mathematical problems, water distribution system design problems, and water resources model calibration problems with great success. It is shown that hypervolume contribution, HVC1, as defined in Knowles et al. (2003) is the superior selection metric for PA-DDS when solving multi-objective optimization problems with Pareto fronts that have a general (unknown) shape. However, one of the main contributions of this thesis is the development of a selection metric specifically designed for solving multi-objective optimization problems with a known or expected convex Pareto front such as water resources model calibration problems. The selection metric is called convex hull contribution (CHC) and makes the optimization algorithm sample solely from a subset of archived solutions that form the convex approximation of the Pareto front. Although CHC is generally applicable to any stochastic search optimization algorithm, it is applied to PA-DDS for solving six water resources calibration case studies with two or three objective functions. These case studies are solved by PA-DDS with CHC and HVC1 selections using 1,000 solution evaluations and by PA-DDS with CHC selection and two popular multi-objective optimization algorithms, AMALGAM and ε-NSGAII, using 10,000 solution evaluations. Results are compared based on the best case and worst case performances (out of multiple optimization trials) from each algorithm to measure the expected performance range for each algorithm. Comparing the best case performance of these algorithms shows that, PA-DDS with CHC selection using 1,000 solution evaluations perform very well in five out of six case studies. Comparing the worst case performance of the algorithms shows that with 1,000 solution evaluations, PA-DDS with CHC selection perform well in four out of six case studies. Furthermore, PA-DDS with CHC selection using 10,000 solution evaluations perform comparable to AMALGAM and ε-NSGAII. Therefore, it is concluded that PA-DDS with CHC selection is a powerful optimization algorithm for finding high quality solutions of multi-objective water resources model calibration problems with convex Pareto front especially when the computational budget is limited

    Rapid design of aircraft fuel quantity indication systems via multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    The design of electrical, mechanical and fluid systems on aircraft is becoming increasingly integrated with the aircraft structure definition process. An example is the aircraft fuel quantity indication (FQI) system, of which the design is strongly dependent on the tank geometry definition. Flexible FQI design methods are therefore desirable to swiftly assess system-level impact due to aircraft level changes. For this purpose, a genetic algorithm with a two-stage fitness assignment and FQI specific crossover procedure is proposed (FQI-GA). It can handle multiple measurement accuracy constraints, is coupled to a parametric definition of the wing tank geometry and is tested with two performance objectives. A range of crossover procedures of comparable node placement problems were tested for FQI-GA. Results show that the combinatorial nature of the probe architecture and accuracy constraints require a probe set selection mechanism before any crossover process. A case study, using approximated Airbus A320 requirements and tank geometry, is conducted and shows good agreement with the probe position results obtained with the FQI-GA. For the objectives of accessibility and probe mass, the Pareto front is linear, with little variation in mass. The case study confirms that the FQI-GA method can incorporate complex requirements and that designers can employ it to swiftly investigate FQI probe layouts and trade-offs