91 research outputs found

    Mixing Modalities of 3D Sketching and Speech for Interactive Model Retrieval in Virtual Reality

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    Sketch and speech are intuitive interaction methods that convey complementary information and have been independently used for 3D model retrieval in virtual environments. While sketch has been shown to be an effective retrieval method, not all collections are easily navigable using this modality alone. We design a new challenging database for sketch comprised of 3D chairs where each of the components (arms, legs, seat, back) are independently colored. To overcome this, we implement a multimodal interface for querying 3D model databases within a virtual environment. We base the sketch on the state-of-the-art for 3D Sketch Retrieval, and use a Wizard-of-Oz style experiment to process the voice input. In this way, we avoid the complexities of natural language processing which frequently requires fine-tuning to be robust. We conduct two user studies and show that hybrid search strategies emerge from the combination of interactions, fostering the advantages provided by both modalities

    Managing the Release of Emerging Agricultural Contaminants into the Environment

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    Recently there has been an increased interest regarding the environmental fate of veterinary medicines, however it is apparent that variability and knowledge gaps exist within the literature. The presented doctoral thesis employed novel, practical, and thorough experimental and analytical techniques to bridge these knowledge gaps but also to contribute towards a more robust and harmonised risk assessment. Reported veterinary medicine half-lives in animal manures are highly variable, this indicates that current exposure assessments are inaccurate, consequently predicted soil concentrations maybe under or overestimated. Manure properties are highly heterogenic and the current guidance permits the use of just one manure per animal type. Therefore, an experiment was designed to investigate whether commonly reported pig slurry pH’s and anaerobic redox potentials are contributing towards variable degradation rates. The results demonstrate these parameters to have a significant and compound specific effect on degradation rates. Therefore, to conduct accurate and realistic environmental fate assessments manure degradation studies should encompass numerous manures with differing properties. A semi-field experiment which evaluated the transfer of veterinary medicines under varying application techniques was conducted where eight veterinary medicines were identified to be transported to receiving waters. Incorporating slurries into soils and injection were identified to substantially reduce the transport of veterinary medicines over that of broadcast. A year-long field monitoring study was conducted to evaluate the fate of veterinary medicines at the farm scale and validate the modelling suite FOCUS_PEARL. Antibiotics recently utilized at the farm were detected in slurries, soils, and groundwaters. Antibiotics were observed to persist within groundwaters throughout the study, however, there was little compelling evidence to link this to their presence in slurries or soils. Moreover, the modelled predictions were observed to surpass that of the concentrations detected in groundwater

    Interdisciplinarity in the Age of the Triple Helix: a Film Practitioner's Perspective

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    This integrative chapter contextualises my research including articles I have published as well as one of the creative artefacts developed from it, the feature film The Knife That Killed Me. I review my work considering the ways in which technology, industry methods and academic practice have evolved as well as how attitudes to interdisciplinarity have changed, linking these to Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff’s ‘Triple Helix’ model (1995). I explore my own experiences and observations of opportunities and challenges that have been posed by the intersection of different stakeholder needs and expectations, both from industry and academic perspectives, and argue that my work provides novel examples of the applicability of the ‘Triple Helix’ to the creative industries. The chapter concludes with a reflection on the evolution and direction of my work, the relevance of the ‘Triple Helix’ to creative practice, and ways in which this relationship could be investigated further

    The Prose Storyboard Language: A Tool for Annotating and Directing Movies: (Version 2.0, Revised and Illustrated Edition)

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    International audienceThe prose storyboard language is a formal language for describing movies shot by shot, where each shot is described with a unique sentence. The language uses a simple syntax and limited vocabulary borrowed from working practices in traditional movie-making and is intended to be readable both by machines and humans. The language has been designed over the last ten years to serve as a high-level user interface for intelligent cinematography and editing systems. In this new paper, we present the latest evolution of the language, and the results of an extensive annotation exercise showing the benefits of the language in the task of annotating the sophisticated cinematography and film editing of classic movies

    Computational Multimedia for Video Self Modeling

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    Video self modeling (VSM) is a behavioral intervention technique in which a learner models a target behavior by watching a video of oneself. This is the idea behind the psychological theory of self-efficacy - you can learn or model to perform certain tasks because you see yourself doing it, which provides the most ideal form of behavior modeling. The effectiveness of VSM has been demonstrated for many different types of disabilities and behavioral problems ranging from stuttering, inappropriate social behaviors, autism, selective mutism to sports training. However, there is an inherent difficulty associated with the production of VSM material. Prolonged and persistent video recording is required to capture the rare, if not existed at all, snippets that can be used to string together in forming novel video sequences of the target skill. To solve this problem, in this dissertation, we use computational multimedia techniques to facilitate the creation of synthetic visual content for self-modeling that can be used by a learner and his/her therapist with a minimum amount of training data. There are three major technical contributions in my research. First, I developed an Adaptive Video Re-sampling algorithm to synthesize realistic lip-synchronized video with minimal motion jitter. Second, to denoise and complete the depth map captured by structure-light sensing systems, I introduced a layer based probabilistic model to account for various types of uncertainties in the depth measurement. Third, I developed a simple and robust bundle-adjustment based framework for calibrating a network of multiple wide baseline RGB and depth cameras

    EFSA BIOHAZ Panel (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards), 2013. Scientific Opinion on the public health hazards to be covered by inspection of meat (bovine animals).

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    A risk ranking process identified Salmonella spp. and pathogenic verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) as current high-priority biological hazards for meat inspection of bovine animals. As these hazards are not detected by traditional meat inspection, a meat safety assurance system for the farm-to-chilled carcass continuum using a risk-based approach was proposed. Key elements of the system are risk-categorisation of slaughter animals for high-priority biological hazards based on improved food chain information, as well as risk-categorisation of slaughterhouses according to their capability to control those hazards. Omission of palpation and incision during post-mortem inspection for animals subjected to routine slaughter may decrease spreading and cross-contamination with the high-priority biological hazards. For chemical hazards, dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls were ranked as being of high potential concern; all other substances were ranked as of medium or lower concern. Monitoring programmes for chemical hazards should be more flexible and based on the risk of occurrence, taking into account the completeness and quality of the food chain information supplied and the ranking of chemical substances, which should be regularly updated to include new hazards. Control programmes across the food chain, national residue control programmes, feed control and monitoring of environmental contaminants should be better integrated. Meat inspection is a valuable tool for surveillance and monitoring of animal health and welfare conditions. Omission of palpation and incision would reduce detection effectiveness for bovine tuberculosis and would have a negative impact on the overall surveillance system especially in officially tuberculosis free countries. The detection effectiveness for bovine cysticercosis, already low with the current meat inspection system, would result in a further decrease, if palpation and incision are removed. Extended use of food chain information could compensate for some, but not all, the information on animal health and welfare lost if only visual post-mortem inspection is applied

    Videos in Context for Telecommunication and Spatial Browsing

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    The research presented in this thesis explores the use of videos embedded in panoramic imagery to transmit spatial and temporal information describing remote environments and their dynamics. Virtual environments (VEs) through which users can explore remote locations are rapidly emerging as a popular medium of presence and remote collaboration. However, capturing visual representation of locations to be used in VEs is usually a tedious process that requires either manual modelling of environments or the employment of specific hardware. Capturing environment dynamics is not straightforward either, and it is usually performed through specific tracking hardware. Similarly, browsing large unstructured video-collections with available tools is difficult, as the abundance of spatial and temporal information makes them hard to comprehend. At the same time, on a spectrum between 3D VEs and 2D images, panoramas lie in between, as they offer the same 2D images accessibility while preserving 3D virtual environments surrounding representation. For this reason, panoramas are an attractive basis for videoconferencing and browsing tools as they can relate several videos temporally and spatially. This research explores methods to acquire, fuse, render and stream data coming from heterogeneous cameras, with the help of panoramic imagery. Three distinct but interrelated questions are addressed. First, the thesis considers how spatially localised video can be used to increase the spatial information transmitted during video mediated communication, and if this improves quality of communication. Second, the research asks whether videos in panoramic context can be used to convey spatial and temporal information of a remote place and the dynamics within, and if this improves users' performance in tasks that require spatio-temporal thinking. Finally, the thesis considers whether there is an impact of display type on reasoning about events within videos in panoramic context. These research questions were investigated over three experiments, covering scenarios common to computer-supported cooperative work and video browsing. To support the investigation, two distinct video+context systems were developed. The first telecommunication experiment compared our videos in context interface with fully-panoramic video and conventional webcam video conferencing in an object placement scenario. The second experiment investigated the impact of videos in panoramic context on quality of spatio-temporal thinking during localization tasks. To support the experiment, a novel interface to video-collection in panoramic context was developed and compared with common video-browsing tools. The final experimental study investigated the impact of display type on reasoning about events. The study explored three adaptations of our video-collection interface to three display types. The overall conclusion is that videos in panoramic context offer a valid solution to spatio-temporal exploration of remote locations. Our approach presents a richer visual representation in terms of space and time than standard tools, showing that providing panoramic contexts to video collections makes spatio-temporal tasks easier. To this end, videos in context are suitable alternative to more difficult, and often expensive solutions. These findings are beneficial to many applications, including teleconferencing, virtual tourism and remote assistance

    Goats (Capra)

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    Research and development in animal husbandry and products manufacturing are ongoing, and the results should be summarized from time to time and made available to the reader in order to increase their knowledge.The present publication seeks to present the results related to the goat species. The first part of the volume contains the cultural history of the goat as well as chapters on the breeds kept and bred in Spain, USA, and Nepal. The second part covers the chapters dealing with Cashmere and Pashmina wool. In the third part of the volume, you can read about the differences between the different goat cheeses. The first chapter of the fourth part compares the drugs that can be used in the treatment of goat diseases, while the second chapter describes the parasites of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
