490 research outputs found

    The Impact of Colour on Impulsivity, Arousal and Emotion

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    Colour has the potential to influence people’s emotions and behaviour. However, there is little empirical research exploring in depth how colour influences performance. This study focuses on exploring the impact of colour on two particular responses: impulsivity and arousal. Response time and error rate were used as two indicators to define the levels of impulsivity and arousal. The impact of colour on impulsivity, arousal, and emotions were investigated in detail. To achieve this goal, three psychophysical experiments were conducted to explore the impact of hue and chroma on impulsivity and arousal; and how colour influences impulsivity, arousal and colour emotions such as colour heat. The hue and chroma experiments were designed to determine whether, in a particular colour environment, response time and error rate of the participants were different across different hues and chroma levels. Participants were required to complete a range of screen-based psychometric tests with different colour backgrounds. During the experiment, participants were asked to give their responses to each test as quickly and accurately as possible. The results showed that background hue and chroma differences significantly influence response time and error rate. This suggests that colour has a distinctive influence on impulsivity and arousal. Hue has a greater influence on arousal than impulsivity while chroma affect impulsivity more than arousal. The impact of colour on impulsivity and arousal were also considered with different psychometric test types, different genders and colour preference. To explore the impact of colour on impulsivity, arousal and emotions, the emotion experiment was designed to study ten emotion scales. Participants were asked to report their emotional responses to 20 colours both on cardboard and textile fabric based on ten emotion scales. The reliability of Ou’s (2004) colour emotion models for single colour have been verified using the experimental data in this study. This result suggested that colour influence on impulsivity and arousal can be linked with other emotions. The finding from this study can be applied in various affective design, such as product packaging, consumer purchasing, education efficiency and so forth

    Evolving protocols for research in equitation science

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    Within the emerging discipline of Equitation Science the application of consistent methodology, including robust objective measures, is required for sound scientific evaluation. This report aims to provide an evaluation of current methodology and to propose some initial guidelines for future research. The value of research, especially that involving small sample sizes, can be enhanced by the application of consistent methodology and reporting enabling results to be compared across studies. This paper includes guidelines for experimental design in studies involving the ridden horse. Equine ethograms currently used are reviewed and factors to be considered in the development of a riddenhorse ethogram are evaluated. An assessment of methods used to collect behavioral and physiological data is included and the use of equipment for measurements (e.g., rein-tension and pressure-sensing instruments) is discussed. Equitation science is a new discipline, subject to evolving viewpoints on research foci and design. Technological advances may improve the accuracy and detail of measurements, but must be used within appropriate and valid experimental designs

    Defining Acceptable Colour Tolerances for Identity Branding in Natural Viewing Conditions

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    Graphic arts provide the channel for the reproduction of most brand communications. The reproduction tolerances in the graphic arts industry are based on standards that aim to produce visually acceptable outcomes. To communicate with their target audience brands, use a set of visual cues that may include the definition of a single or combinations of them to represent themselves. The outcomes are often defined entirely by their colour specification without an associating it to target parameters or suitable colour thresholds. This paper researches into the feasibility of defining colour tolerances for brand graphical representations. The National Health Service branding was used as a test case borne out of a need to resolve differences between contracted suppliers of brand graphics. Psychophysical evaluation of colour coded navigation used to facilitate wayfinding in hospitals under the varying illuminances across the estate was found to have a maximum acceptable colour difference threshold of 5ΔE00. The simulation of defined illumination levels in hospitals, between 25-3000 lux, resulted in an acceptable colour tolerance estimation for colour coded navigation of 3.6ΔE00. Using ICC media relative correction an experiment was designed to test the extent to which substrate white points could be corrected for colour differences between brand proofs and reproductions. Branded stationery and publications substrate corrections to achieve visual matches had acceptable colour difference thresholds of 9.5ΔE*ab for solid colours but only 2.5ΔE*ab. Substrate white point corrections on displays were found to be approximately 12ΔE*ab for solids and 5ΔE*ab for tints. Where display media were concerned the use of non-medical grade to view medical images and branded content was determined to be inefficient, unless suitable greyscale functions were employed. A STRESS test was carried out, for TC 1-93 Greyscale Calculation for Self-Luminous Devices, to compare DICOM GSDF with Whittle’s log brightness. Whittle’s function was found to outperform DICOM GSDF. The colour difference formulas used in this research were tested, using near neutral samples 2 judged by observers using estimated magnitude differences. The CIEDE2000 formula was found to outperform CIELAB despite unexpected outcomes when tested using displays. CIELAB was outperformed in ΔL* by CIEDE2000 for displays. Overall it was found that identity branding colour reproduction was mostly suited to graphic arts tolerances however, to address specific communications, approved tolerances reflecting viewing environments would be the most efficient approach. The findings in this research highlights the need for brand visualisation to consider the adoption of a strategy that includes graphic arts approaches. This is the first time that the subject of defining how brands achieve tolerances for their targeted visual communications has been researched

    Stereoscopic viewing, roughness and gloss perception

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    This thesis presents a novel investigation into the effect stereoscopic vision has upon the strength of perceived gloss on rough surfaces. We demonstrate that in certain cases disparity is necessary for accurate judgements of gloss strength. We first detail the process we used to create a two-level taxonomy of property terms, which helped to inform the early direction of this work, before presenting the eleven words which we found categorised the property space. This shaped careful examination of the relevant literature, leading us to conclude that most studies into roughness, gloss, and stereoscopic vision have been performed with unrealistic surfaces and physically inaccurate lighting models. To improve on the stimuli used in these earlier studies, advanced offline rendering techniques were employed to create images of complex, naturalistic, and realistically glossy 1/fβ noise surfaces. These images were rendered using multi-bounce path tracing to account for interreflections and soft shadows, with a reflectance model which observed all common light phenomena. Using these images in a series of psychophysical experiments, we first show that random phase spectra can alter the strength of perceived gloss. These results are presented alongside pairs of the surfaces tested which have similar levels of perceptual gloss. These surface pairs are then used to conclude that naïve observers consistently underestimate how glossy a surface is without the correct surface and highlight disparity, but only on the rougher surfaces presented

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    6th Annual Research Week- Event Proceedings

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    6th Annual Research Wee

    Book of Abstracts, Museum Lighting Symposium and Workshops

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    Thermal protection properties of aerogel-coated Kevlar woven fabrics

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    This paper investigated the thermal properties of aerogel-coated Kevlar fabrics under both the ambient temperature and high temperature with laser radiation. It is found that the aerogels combined with a Kevlar fabric contribute to a higher thermal insulation value. Under laser radiation with high temperature, the aerogel content plays a vital role on the surface temperature of the fabrics. At laser radiations with pixel time 330 μs, the surface temperatures of the aerogel coated Kevlar fabrics are 400-440°C lower than that of the uncoated fabric. Results also show that the fabric temperature is directly proportional to pixel time. It can be concluded that the Kevlar fabrics coated with silica aerogel provides better thermal protection under high temperature

    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 2: Living, Making, Value

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 2 includes papers from Living, Making and Value tracks of the conference
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