1,992 research outputs found

    A Multiscale Approach for Statistical Characterization of Functional Images

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    Increasingly, scientific studies yield functional image data, in which the observed data consist of sets of curves recorded on the pixels of the image. Examples include temporal brain response intensities measured by fMRI and NMR frequency spectra measured at each pixel. This article presents a new methodology for improving the characterization of pixels in functional imaging, formulated as a spatial curve clustering problem. Our method operates on curves as a unit. It is nonparametric and involves multiple stages: (i) wavelet thresholding, aggregation, and Neyman truncation to effectively reduce dimensionality; (ii) clustering based on an extended EM algorithm; and (iii) multiscale penalized dyadic partitioning to create a spatial segmentation. We motivate the different stages with theoretical considerations and arguments, and illustrate the overall procedure on simulated and real datasets. Our method appears to offer substantial improvements over monoscale pixel-wise methods. An Appendix which gives some theoretical justifications of the methodology, computer code, documentation and dataset are available in the online supplements

    Studies in Astronomical Time Series Analysis. VI. Bayesian Block Representations

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    This paper addresses the problem of detecting and characterizing local variability in time series and other forms of sequential data. The goal is to identify and characterize statistically significant variations, at the same time suppressing the inevitable corrupting observational errors. We present a simple nonparametric modeling technique and an algorithm implementing it - an improved and generalized version of Bayesian Blocks (Scargle 1998) - that finds the optimal segmentation of the data in the observation interval. The structure of the algorithm allows it to be used in either a real-time trigger mode, or a retrospective mode. Maximum likelihood or marginal posterior functions to measure model fitness are presented for events, binned counts, and measurements at arbitrary times with known error distributions. Problems addressed include those connected with data gaps, variable exposure, extension to piecewise linear and piecewise exponential representations, multi-variate time series data, analysis of variance, data on the circle, other data modes, and dispersed data. Simulations provide evidence that the detection efficiency for weak signals is close to a theoretical asymptotic limit derived by (Arias-Castro, Donoho and Huo 2003). In the spirit of Reproducible Research (Donoho et al. 2008) all of the code and data necessary to reproduce all of the figures in this paper are included as auxiliary material.Comment: Added some missing script files and updated other ancillary data (code and data files). To be submitted to the Astophysical Journa

    Deep Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution: A Brief Review

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    Single image super-resolution (SISR) is a notoriously challenging ill-posed problem, which aims to obtain a high-resolution (HR) output from one of its low-resolution (LR) versions. To solve the SISR problem, recently powerful deep learning algorithms have been employed and achieved the state-of-the-art performance. In this survey, we review representative deep learning-based SISR methods, and group them into two categories according to their major contributions to two essential aspects of SISR: the exploration of efficient neural network architectures for SISR, and the development of effective optimization objectives for deep SISR learning. For each category, a baseline is firstly established and several critical limitations of the baseline are summarized. Then representative works on overcoming these limitations are presented based on their original contents as well as our critical understandings and analyses, and relevant comparisons are conducted from a variety of perspectives. Finally we conclude this review with some vital current challenges and future trends in SISR leveraging deep learning algorithms.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM

    New efficient algorithms for multiple change-point detection with kernels

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    Several statistical approaches based on reproducing kernels have been proposed to detect abrupt changes arising in the full distribution of the observations and not only in the mean or variance. Some of these approaches enjoy good statistical properties (oracle inequality, \ldots). Nonetheless, they have a high computational cost both in terms of time and memory. This makes their application difficult even for small and medium sample sizes (n<104n< 10^4). This computational issue is addressed by first describing a new efficient and exact algorithm for kernel multiple change-point detection with an improved worst-case complexity that is quadratic in time and linear in space. It allows dealing with medium size signals (up to n105n \approx 10^5). Second, a faster but approximation algorithm is described. It is based on a low-rank approximation to the Gram matrix. It is linear in time and space. This approximation algorithm can be applied to large-scale signals (n106n \geq 10^6). These exact and approximation algorithms have been implemented in \texttt{R} and \texttt{C} for various kernels. The computational and statistical performances of these new algorithms have been assessed through empirical experiments. The runtime of the new algorithms is observed to be faster than that of other considered procedures. Finally, simulations confirmed the higher statistical accuracy of kernel-based approaches to detect changes that are not only in the mean. These simulations also illustrate the flexibility of kernel-based approaches to analyze complex biological profiles made of DNA copy number and allele B frequencies. An R package implementing the approach will be made available on github

    Studies in Astronomical Time Series Analysis. VI. Bayesian Block Representations

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    This paper addresses the problem of detecting and characterizing local variability in time series and other forms of sequential data. The goal is to identify and characterize statistically significant variations, at the same time suppressing the inevitable corrupting observational errors. We present a simple nonparametric modeling technique and an algorithm implementing it—an improved and generalized version of Bayesian Blocks [Scargle 1998]—that finds the optimal segmentation of the data in the observation interval. The structure of the algorithm allows it to be used in either a real-time trigger mode, or a retrospective mode. Maximum likelihood or marginal posterior functions to measure model fitness are presented for events, binned counts, and measurements at arbitrary times with known error distributions. Problems addressed include those connected with data gaps, variable exposure, extension to piecewise linear and piecewise exponential representations, multi-variate time series data, analysis of variance, data on the circle, other data modes, and dispersed data. Simulations provide evidence that the detection efficiency for weak signals is close to a theoretical asymptotic limit derived by [Arias-Castro, Donoho and Huo 2003]. In the spirit of Reproducible Research [Donoho et al. (2008)] all of the code and data necessary to reproduce all of the figures in this paper are included as auxiliary material

    Supervised Classification: Quite a Brief Overview

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    The original problem of supervised classification considers the task of automatically assigning objects to their respective classes on the basis of numerical measurements derived from these objects. Classifiers are the tools that implement the actual functional mapping from these measurements---also called features or inputs---to the so-called class label---or output. The fields of pattern recognition and machine learning study ways of constructing such classifiers. The main idea behind supervised methods is that of learning from examples: given a number of example input-output relations, to what extent can the general mapping be learned that takes any new and unseen feature vector to its correct class? This chapter provides a basic introduction to the underlying ideas of how to come to a supervised classification problem. In addition, it provides an overview of some specific classification techniques, delves into the issues of object representation and classifier evaluation, and (very) briefly covers some variations on the basic supervised classification task that may also be of interest to the practitioner

    Sparse Decomposition and Modeling of Anatomical Shape Variation

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    Recent advances in statistics have spawned powerful methods for regression and data decomposition that promote sparsity, a property that facilitates interpretation of the results. Sparse models use a small subset of the available variables and may perform as well or better than their full counterparts if constructed carefully. In most medical applications, models are required to have both good statistical performance and a relevant clinical interpretation to be of value. Morphometry of the corpus callosum is one illustrative example. This paper presents a method for relating spatial features to clinical outcome data. A set of parsimonious variables is extracted using sparse principal component analysis, producing simple yet characteristic features. The relation of these variables with clinical data is then established using a regression model. The result may be visualized as patterns of anatomical variation related to clinical outcome. In the present application, landmark-based shape data of the corpus callosum is analyzed in relation to age, gender, and clinical tests of walking speed and verbal fluency. To put the data-driven sparse principal component method into perspective, we consider two alternative techniques, one where features are derived using a model-based wavelet approach, and one where the original variables are regressed directly on the outcome

    Bayesian neural network learning for repeat purchase modelling in direct marketing.

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    We focus on purchase incidence modelling for a European direct mail company. Response models based on statistical and neural network techniques are contrasted. The evidence framework of MacKay is used as an example implementation of Bayesian neural network learning, a method that is fairly robust with respect to problems typically encountered when implementing neural networks. The automatic relevance determination (ARD) method, an integrated feature of this framework, allows to assess the relative importance of the inputs. The basic response models use operationalisations of the traditionally discussed Recency, Frequency and Monetary (RFM) predictor categories. In a second experiment, the RFM response framework is enriched by the inclusion of other (non-RFM) customer profiling predictors. We contribute to the literature by providing experimental evidence that: (1) Bayesian neural networks offer a viable alternative for purchase incidence modelling; (2) a combined use of all three RFM predictor categories is advocated by the ARD method; (3) the inclusion of non-RFM variables allows to significantly augment the predictive power of the constructed RFM classifiers; (4) this rise is mainly attributed to the inclusion of customer\slash company interaction variables and a variable measuring whether a customer uses the credit facilities of the direct mailing company.Marketing; Companies; Models; Model; Problems; Neural networks; Networks; Variables; Credit;

    Detecting abrupt changes in the spectra of high-energy astrophysical sources

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    Variable-intensity astronomical sources are the result of complex and often extreme physical processes. Abrupt changes in source intensity are typically accompanied by equally sudden spectral shifts, that is, sudden changes in the wavelength distribution of the emission. This article develops a method for modeling photon counts collected from observation of such sources. We embed change points into a marked Poisson process, where photon wavelengths are regarded as marks and both the Poisson intensity parameter and the distribution of the marks are allowed to change. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to embed change points into a marked Poisson process. Between the change points, the spectrum is modeled nonparametrically using a mixture of a smooth radial basis expansion and a number of local deviations from the smooth term representing spectral emission lines. Because the model is over-parameterized, we employ an ℓ1ℓ1 penalty. The tuning parameter in the penalty and the number of change points are determined via the minimum description length principle. Our method is validated via a series of simulation studies and its practical utility is illustrated in the analysis of the ultra-fast rotating yellow giant star known as FK Com