29 research outputs found

    Approximating Geometric Knapsack via L-packings

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    We study the two-dimensional geometric knapsack problem (2DK) in which we are given a set of n axis-aligned rectangular items, each one with an associated profit, and an axis-aligned square knapsack. The goal is to find a (non-overlapping) packing of a maximum profit subset of items inside the knapsack (without rotating items). The best-known polynomial-time approximation factor for this problem (even just in the cardinality case) is (2 + \epsilon) [Jansen and Zhang, SODA 2004]. In this paper, we break the 2 approximation barrier, achieving a polynomial-time (17/9 + \epsilon) < 1.89 approximation, which improves to (558/325 + \epsilon) < 1.72 in the cardinality case. Essentially all prior work on 2DK approximation packs items inside a constant number of rectangular containers, where items inside each container are packed using a simple greedy strategy. We deviate for the first time from this setting: we show that there exists a large profit solution where items are packed inside a constant number of containers plus one L-shaped region at the boundary of the knapsack which contains items that are high and narrow and items that are wide and thin. As a second major and the main algorithmic contribution of this paper, we present a PTAS for this case. We believe that this will turn out to be useful in future work in geometric packing problems. We also consider the variant of the problem with rotations (2DKR), where items can be rotated by 90 degrees. Also, in this case, the best-known polynomial-time approximation factor (even for the cardinality case) is (2 + \epsilon) [Jansen and Zhang, SODA 2004]. Exploiting part of the machinery developed for 2DK plus a few additional ideas, we obtain a polynomial-time (3/2 + \epsilon)-approximation for 2DKR, which improves to (4/3 + \epsilon) in the cardinality case.Comment: 64pages, full version of FOCS 2017 pape

    2D irregular strip packing at Kohler signs

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    Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kohler Signs (PTY) Ltd is a sign production company located in Cape Town, South Africa. They manufacture and install signs for the City of Cape Town and private companies as well as manufacture advertisement signs to be placed on vehicles. Road signs consist of steel sheets that are cut and bent to the appropriate size and frame, and an image design, which is cut from re ective vinyl, are applied to the bent steel sheet. The image design consists of various letters, numbers and symbols which are categorised as irregular items. When these irregular items are combined in a distinctive way, with the use of di erent coloured vinyl, they convey a message to the road user which may be to yield for pedestrians crossing the street, or indicate to the road user the various highway exits that exist on the interchange ahead. These irregular items are placed upon re ective vinyl for cutting which results in vinyl o cuts that are wasted. The focus of this thesis is to minimise the waste incurred by placing these irregular items upon the vinyl in an optimal and timely manner for industry use. The vinyl printer, which cuts the irregular items out of the vinyl, consists of a xed width and is only limited in height by the vinyl itself. Thus, this problem may be described as a Two Dimensional Irregular Strip Packing Problem. These irregular items have only a few possible heights for each type of irregular item packed, which allows these irregular items to be packed as a level packing problem. The items are packed within levels as though they are regular items with the assistance of a prede ned rule-set. In this thesis various packing algorithms and image processing methodologies from the literature are researched and used to develop a new packing algorithm for this speci c problem. The newly developed algorithm is put through various benchmarks to test its performance. Some of these benchmarks are procured from Kohler Signs themselves, whereas others are randomly generated under certain conditions. These benchmarks reveal that the newly developed algorithm performs better for both the minimisation of waste and the minimisation of algorithm running time than the tried and trusted techniques utilised in industry by Kohler Signs.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kohler Signs (EDMS) Bpk is 'n padteken produksie maatskappy gele e in Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika. Hulle vervaardig en installeer tekens vir die Stad van Kaapstad en privaat maatskappye, sowel as advertensietekens wat op voertuie geplaas word. Padtekens bestaan uit staalplate wat gesny en gebuig word tot die toepaslike grootte en vorm. 'n Beeldontwerp, wat gesny is uit re ektiewe viniel, word vasgesit op die gebuigde staalplaat. Die beeldontwerp bestaan uit verskeie letters, getalle en simbole wat geklassi seer word as onre elmatige items. Wanneer hierdie onre elmatige items gekombineer word op 'n eiesoortige manier, met die gebruik van verskillende kleure viniel, dra hulle 'n boodskap oor aan die padgebruiker, soos byvoorbeeld om toe te gee aan voetgangers by 'n voetoorgang of dit dui aan die padgebruiker die verskillende snelweguitgange wat bestaan op die wisselaar wat voorl^e. Hierdie onre elmatige items word op re ektiewe viniel geplaas en uitgesny wat lei tot die vermorsing van stukkies viniel. Die fokus van hierdie tesis is om die onre elmatige items op 'n optimale en tydige wyse vir gebruik in industrie, op die viniel te plaas sodat die afval stukkies viniel geminimeer word. Die vinieldrukker, wat die onre elmatige items sny uit die viniel, bestaan uit 'n vaste wydte en is slegs beperk in hoogte deur die viniel self. Dus kan hierdie probleem beskryf word as 'n Twee-Dimensionele Onre elmatige Strookverpakkingsprobleem. Hierdie onre elmatige items het slegs 'n paar moontlike hoogtes vir elke tipe van onre elmatige item wat verpak word, wat dit moontlik maak om hierdie onre elmatige items te verpak as 'n strook verpakkingsprobleem. Die items word met behulp van 'n gede nieerde stel re els binne vlakke verpak asof hulle re elmatige items is. In hierdie tesis is verskeie verpakkingsalgoritmes en beeldverwerkingsmetodes van die literatuur nagevors en gebruik om 'n nuwe verpakkingsalgoritme vir hierdie spesi eke probleem te ontwikkel. Die nuut ontwikkelde algoritme se prestasie is deur middel van verskeie normbepalingsvoorbeelde getoets. Sommige van hierdie normbepalingsvoorbeelde is verkry van Kohler Signs self, terwyl ander lukraak gegenereer is onder sekere voorwaardes. Hierdie normbepalingsvoorbeelde toon dat die nuut ontwikkelde algoritme beter vaar as die beproefde tegnieke gebruik in industrie deur Kohler Signs vir beide die minimering van vermorsde viniel sowel as die minimering van die algoritme se uitvoertyd

    External memory in a hybrid ant colony system for a 2D strip packing

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    In this paper we present a study of an Ant Colony System (ACS) for the two-dimensional strip packing problem. In our computational study, we emphasize the influence of incorporating an external memory, which store partial packing patterns, regarding solution quality and execution times. The stored partial solutions are used by the ants in the construction of their solutions to provide further exploitation around potential solutions. We show that our external memory based ACS algorithm to the 2SPP was able to devise solutions of quality comparable to that of those reported by an existing ACS but exhibiting low execution times.Presentado en el X Workshop Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Parallel ACO algorithms for 2D Strip Packing

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    In this paper we present a study of a parallel Ant Colony System (ACS) for the two-dimensional strip packing problem. In our computational study, we emphasize the in uence of the incorporation of the received information in the target subcolony. Colonies send their best solutions instead of sending information from the matrix of pheromones, as happens in traditional parallel ACS. The solution arriving to a colony can provide further exploitation around promising solutions as this arrived solution can be used in both, the local update of the pheromone trail and the construction solution process of an ant. The aim of the paper is to report experimental results on the behavior of different types of parallel ACS algorithms, regarding solution qualities and parallel performance.Presentado en XI Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Problema de corte bidimensional : Aplicação a um caso real

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    Mestrado em Decisão Económica e EmpresarialO problema de corte guilhotina e empacotamento bidimensional rectangular consiste em alocar múltiplas peças pequenas - itens - numa ou mais placas de tamanho maior -objectos - num padrão que minimize o desperdício de matéria-prima. A motivação para a realização deste projecto é resolver um problema real de uma empresa portuguesa tentando, ao mesmo tempo, propor algo novo. Para isso, desenvolvem-se e apresentam-se duas novas heurísticas, a Guillotinable Bottom-Left First Fit Decreasing Height (BLFFDHG) e a Bottom-Left First Fit Decreasing Height (BLFFDH), baseadas na First Fit Decreasing Height (FFDH) e Bottom-up left-justified (BL), em que, após um nível ter sido preenchido com a abordagem da FFDH, e antes de se abrir um novo nível para o próximo rectângulo, o nível actual é exaustivamente examinado, usando a heurística BL, de modo a tentar alocar itens no espaço que sobra entre dois níveis consecutivos. A diferença entre as novas heurísticas reside no facto de uma impor o corte guilhotina. Em ambas nenhuma das peças pode ser rodada ou sobreposta. Só depois de explorado o nível actual é aberto um novo. Os resultados são comparados com heurísticas da literatura, num conjunto de instâncias reais, em corte de roupeiros, e da literatura. As heurísticas propostas são comparadas entre si em termos de tempos de execução e é determinada a complexidade empírica da programação. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os algoritmos BLFFDHG e BLFFDH proporcionam quase sempre melhores soluções que os algoritmos que lhe deram origem e são bastante competitivos em relação às outras heurísticas usadas nos testes. Em termos de tempo de execução, a BLFFDHG revelou-se mais rápida que a BLFFDH, e a complexidade empírica da programação é, para ambas, 0(n3).The guillotine cutting problem with two-dimensional rectangular packaging consists of allocating small items in one or more bins - objects - with a pattern that minimize the waste of raw materials. The motivation for this project is to solve a real problem of a Portuguese company and, at the same time, try to propose something new. To this aim, two new heuristics are it developed and presented, the Guillotinable Bottom-Left First Fit Decreasing Height (BLFFDHG) and Bottom-Left First Fit Decreasing Height (BLFFDH), based on First Fit Decreasing Height (FFDH) and Bottom-up left-justified (BL), in which, after a level has been filled with the approach of FFDH, and before opening a new level to the next item, the current level is thoroughly examined, using the BL heuristic, so trying to allocate items in the space left between two consecutive levels. The difference between the new heuristics is that one ensures a pattern that is guillotine cuttable, but in none of them the items can be rotated or overlapped. Only after exploring the current level a new one is open. The results are compared, in terms of solution, with heuristics presented in the literature, using a set of real based instances from a wardrobe cutting and literature instances. The proposed heuristics are compared in terms of execution times and its empirically complexity of programming is estimated. The results indicate that the algorithms BLFFDHG and BLFFDH usually provide better solutions than the algorithms FFDH and BL and are quite competitive when compared with other heuristics used in the tests. In terms of execution time, the BLFFDHG proved to be faster than BLFFDH and empirically they both have a complexity of 0(n3)

    Parallel ACO algorithms for 2D Strip Packing

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    In this paper we present a study of a parallel Ant Colony System (ACS) for the two-dimensional strip packing problem. In our computational study, we emphasize the in uence of the incorporation of the received information in the target subcolony. Colonies send their best solutions instead of sending information from the matrix of pheromones, as happens in traditional parallel ACS. The solution arriving to a colony can provide further exploitation around promising solutions as this arrived solution can be used in both, the local update of the pheromone trail and the construction solution process of an ant. The aim of the paper is to report experimental results on the behavior of different types of parallel ACS algorithms, regarding solution qualities and parallel performance.Presentado en XI Workshop Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem with Guillotine Restrictions

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    This thesis, after presenting recent advances obtained for the two-dimensional bin packing problem, focuses on the case where guillotine restrictions are imposed. A mathematical characterization of non-guillotine patterns is provided and the relation between the solution value of the two-dimensional problem with guillotine restrictions and the two-dimensional problem unrestricted is being studied from a worst-case perspective. Finally it presents a new heuristic algorithm, for the two-dimensional problem with guillotine restrictions, based on partial enumeration, and computationally evaluates its performance on a large set of instances from the literature. Computational experiments show that the algorithm is able to produce proven optimal solutions for a large number of problems, and gives a tight approximation of the optimum in the remaining cases

    Approximation algorithms for scheduling and two-dimensional packing problems

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    This dissertation thesis is concerned with two topics of combinatorial optimization : scheduling and geometrical packing problems. Scheduling deals with the assignment of jobs to machines in a ‘good’ way, for suitable notions of good. Two particular problems are studied in depth : on the one hand, we consider the impact of machine failure on online scheduling, i.e. what are the consequences of the fact that in real life, machines do not work flawlessly around the clock, but need maintenance intervals or can break down? How do we need to adapt our algorithms to still obtain good overall schedules, and in what settings do we even have a chance to succeed? Our second problem is of a more static nature : in some settings, not every job is permitted on all the machines. A classical example would be that of workers which needs special qualification to execute some jobs, or a certain minimum requirement of memory size of computers, etc. The problem in general is notoriously hard to tackle; we present improved approximation ratios for several special cases. In particular, we derive a polynomial-time approximation scheme for nested interval restrictions, which occur naturally in many practical applications. Our final topic is two-dimensional geometric bin packing, the problem of packing rectangular objects into the minimum number of containers of identical size (figuratively speaking, we are arranging advertisements of fixed dimensions into the minimum number of print pages). It is known that no approximation ratio better than 2 is possible for this problem, unless P = NP; we present an algorithm that guarantees this ratio.Diese Promotionsschrift behandelt zwei Arten kombinatorischer Optimierungsprobleme : Ablaufplanungsprobleme und geometrische Packungsprobleme. Ablaufplanungsprobleme handeln davon, eine Menge von Aufgaben, die Jobs, auf eine Menge von ausführenden Maschinen oder Arbeitern zu verteilen, so dass der entstehende Ablaufplan in geeignetem Sinne gut ist. Wir betrachten hier insbesondere folgende zwei Probleme der Ablaufplanung: einerseits untersuchen wir den Einfluß von Maschinenausfällen auf die Online-Ablaufplanung: im wirklichen Leben sind Maschinen nicht fehler- und unterbrechungslos verfügbar. Wir geben eine teilweise Antwort auf die Frage, mit welchen Änderungen Algorithmen trotz unerwartet auftretender Maschinenausfälle gute Pläne erstellen können, und in welchen Fällen es prinzipiell nicht möglich ist, gute Ablaufpläne zu erstellen. Unser zweites Ablaufplanungsproblem ist von statischerer Natur: in der praktischen Anwendung ist es häufig der Fall, dass nicht jede Maschine jeden Job ausführen kann. Ein einfaches Beispiel sind menschliche Arbeiter, die gewisse formale Qualifikationen für gewisse Jobs haben müssen. Diese Problem erweist sich als in voller Allgemeinheit bekannt hartnäckig; wir stellen hier Algorithmen für einige Spezialfälle vor. Insbesondere präsentieren wir ein polynomielles Approximationsschema für den wichtigen Fall verschachtelter Restriktionen, der in der Mitarbeiterplanung auf natürliche Weise auftritt. Schlussendlich untersuchen wir das zweidimensionale geometrische bin packing-Problem. Fragestellung dieses Problem ist es, rechteckige Objekte in die minimale Anzahl von Containern gleicher Größe zu packen. Salopp gesprochen versuchen wir, eine vorgegebene Menge von Anzeigen mit vorgegebenen Abmessungen auf eine möglichst kleine Zahl von Druckseiten gleicher Größe zu platzieren. Es ist bekannt, dass dieses Problem keine Algorithmus mit Approximationsgüte besser als 2 erlaubt, es sei denn, P = NP; wir stellen einen Algorithmus mit Güte 2 vor

    External memory in a hybrid ant colony system for a 2D strip packing

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    In this paper we present a study of an Ant Colony System (ACS) for the two-dimensional strip packing problem. In our computational study, we emphasize the influence of incorporating an external memory, which store partial packing patterns, regarding solution quality and execution times. The stored partial solutions are used by the ants in the construction of their solutions to provide further exploitation around potential solutions. We show that our external memory based ACS algorithm to the 2SPP was able to devise solutions of quality comparable to that of those reported by an existing ACS but exhibiting low execution times.Presentado en el X Workshop Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    A tale of two packing problems : improved algorithms and tighter bounds for online bin packing and the geometric knapsack problem

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    In this thesis, we deal with two packing problems: the online bin packing and the geometric knapsack problem. In online bin packing, the aim is to pack a given number of items of different size into a minimal number of containers. The items need to be packed one by one without knowing future items. For online bin packing in one dimension, we present a new family of algorithms that constitutes the first improvement over the previously best algorithm in almost 15 years. While the algorithmic ideas are intuitive, an elaborate analysis is required to prove its competitive ratio. We also give a lower bound for the competitive ratio of this family of algorithms. For online bin packing in higher dimensions, we discuss lower bounds for the competitive ratio and show that the ideas from the one-dimensional case cannot be easily transferred to obtain better two-dimensional algorithms. In the geometric knapsack problem, one aims to pack a maximum weight subset of given rectangles into one square container. For this problem, we consider online approximation algorithms. For geometric knapsack with square items, we improve the running time of the best known PTAS and obtain an EPTAS. This shows that large running times caused by some standard techniques for geometric packing problems are not always necessary and can be improved. Finally, we show how to use resource augmentation to compute optimal solutions in EPTAS-time, thereby improving upon the known PTAS for this case.In dieser Arbeit betrachten wir zwei Packungsprobleme: Online Bin Packing und das geometrische Rucksackproblem. Bei Online Bin Packing versucht man, eine gegebene Menge an Objekten verschiedener Größe in die kleinstmögliche Anzahl an Behältern zu packen. Die Objekte müssen eins nach dem anderen gepackt werden, ohne zukünftige Objekte zu kennen. Für eindimensionales Online Bin Packing beschreiben wir einen neuen Algorithmus, der die erste Verbesserung gegenüber dem bisher besten Algorithmus seit fast 15 Jahren darstellt. Während die algorithmischen Ideen intuitiv sind, ist eine ausgefeilte Analyse notwendig um das Kompetitivitätsverhältnis zu beweisen. Für Online Bin Packing in mehreren Dimensionen geben wir untere Schranken für das Kompetitivitätsverhältnis an und zeigen, dass die Ideen aus dem eindimensionalen Fall nicht direkt zu einer Verbesserung führen. Beim geometrischen Rucksackproblem ist es das Ziel, eine größtmögliche Teilmenge gegebener Rechtecke in einen einzelnen quadratischen Behälter zu packen. Für dieses Problem betrachten wir Approximationsalgorithmen. Für das Problem mit quadratischen Objekten verbessern wir die Laufzeit des bekannten PTAS zu einem EPTAS. Die langen Laufzeiten vieler Standardtechniken für geometrische Probleme können also vermieden werden. Schließlich zeigen wir, wie Ressourcenvergrößerung genutzt werden kann, um eine optimale Lösung in EPTAS-Zeit zu berechnen, was das bisherige PTAS verbessert.Google PhD Fellowshi