542 research outputs found

    FEDRO: a software tool for the automatic discovery of candidate ORFs in plants with c →u RNA editing

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    BACKGROUND: RNA editing is an important mechanism for gene expression in plants organelles. It alters the direct transfer of genetic information from DNA to proteins, due to the introduction of differences between RNAs and the corresponding coding DNA sequences. Software tools successful for the search of genes in other organisms not always are able to correctly perform this task in plants organellar genomes. Moreover, the available software tools predicting RNA editing events utilise algorithms that do not account for events which may generate a novel start codon. RESULTS: We present Fedro, a Java software tool implementing a novel strategy to generate candidate Open Reading Frames (ORFs) resulting from Cytidine to Uridine (c→u) editing substitutions which occur in the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) of a given input plant. The goal is to predict putative proteins of plants mitochondria that have not been yet annotated. In order to validate the generated ORFs, a screening is performed by checking for sequence similarity or presence in active transcripts of the same or similar organisms. We illustrate the functionalities of our framework on a model organism. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed tool may be used also on other organisms and genomes. Fedro is publicly available at http://math.unipa.it/rombo/FEDRO

    Identification of evolutionarily conserved non-AUG-initiated N-terminal extensions in human coding sequences

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    In eukaryotes, it is generally assumed that translation initiation occurs at the AUG codon closest to the messenger RNA 5′ cap. However, in certain cases, initiation can occur at codons differing from AUG by a single nucleotide, especially the codons CUG, UUG, GUG, ACG, AUA and AUU. While non-AUG initiation has been experimentally verified for a handful of human genes, the full extent to which this phenomenon is utilized—both for increased coding capacity and potentially also for novel regulatory mechanisms—remains unclear. To address this issue, and hence to improve the quality of existing coding sequence annotations, we developed a methodology based on phylogenetic analysis of predicted 5′ untranslated regions from orthologous genes. We use evolutionary signatures of protein-coding sequences as an indicator of translation initiation upstream of annotated coding sequences. Our search identified novel conserved potential non-AUG-initiated N-terminal extensions in 42 human genes including VANGL2, FGFR1, KCNN4, TRPV6, HDGF, CITED2, EIF4G3 and NTF3, and also affirmed the conservation of known non-AUG-initiated extensions in 17 other genes. In several instances, we have been able to obtain independent experimental evidence of the expression of non-AUG-initiated products from the previously published literature and ribosome profiling data

    Molecular Genetics, Genomics and Biotechnology of Crop Plants Breeding

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    This Special Issue on molecular genetics, genomics, and biotechnology in crop plant breeding seeks to encourage the use of the tools currently available. It features nine research papers that address quality traits, grain yield, and mutations by exploring cytoplasmic male sterility, the delicate control of flowering in rice, the removal of anti-nutritional factors, the use and development of new technologies for non-model species marker technology, site-directed mutagenesis and GMO regulation, genomics selection and genome-wide association studies, how to cope with abiotic stress, and an exploration of fruit trees adapted to harsh environments for breeding purposes. A further four papers review the genetics of pre-harvest spouting, readiness for climate-smart crop development, genomic selection in the breeding of cereal crops, and the large numbers of mutants in straw lignin biosynthesis and deposition

    Improvement of Synthetic Biology Tools for DNA Editing

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    Décodage de l'expression de gènes cryptiques

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    Pour certaines espèces, les nouvelles technologies de séquençage à haut débit et les pipelines automatiques d'annotation permettent actuellement de passer du tube Eppendorf au fichier genbank en un clic de souris, ou presque. D'autres organismes, en revanche, résistent farouchement au bio-informaticien le plus acharné en leur opposant une complexité génomique confondante. Les diplonémides en font partie. Ma thèse est centrée sur la découverte de nouvelles stratégies d'encryptage de l'information génétique chez ces eucaryotes, et l'identification des processus moléculaires de décodage. Les diplonémides sont des protistes marins qui prospèrent à travers tous les océans de la planète. Ils se distinguent par une diversité d'espèces riche et inattendue. Mais la caractéristique la plus fascinante de ce groupe est leur génome mitochondrial en morceaux dont les gènes sont encryptés. Ils sont décodés au niveau ARN par trois processus: (i) l'épissage en trans, (ii) l'édition par polyuridylation à la jonction des fragments de gènes, et (iii) l'édition par substitution de A-vers-I et C-vers-T; une diversité de processus posttranscriptionnels exceptionnelle dans les mitochondries. Par des méthodes bio-informatiques, j'ai reconstitué complètement le transcriptome mitochondrial à partir de données de séquences ARN à haut débit. Nous avons ainsi découvert six nouveaux gènes dont l'un présente des isoformes par épissage alternatif en trans, 216 positions éditées par polyuridylation sur 14 gènes (jusqu'à 29 uridines par position) et 114 positions éditées par déamination de A-vers-I et C-vers-T sur sept gènes (nad4, nad7, rns, y1, y2, y3, y5). Afin d'identifier les composants de la machinerie réalisant la maturation des ARNs mitochondriaux, le génome nucléaire a été séquencé, puis je l'ai assemblé et annoté. Cette machinerie est probablement singulière et complexe car aucun signal en cis ni acteur en trans caractéristiques des machineries d'épissage connues n'a été trouvé. J'ai identifié plusieurs candidats prometteurs qui devront être validés expérimentalement: des ARN ligases, un nombre important de protéines de la famille des PPR impliquées dans l'édition des ARNs dans les organites de plantes, ainsi que plusieurs déaminases. Durant ma thèse, nous avons mis en évidence de nouveaux types de maturation posttranscriptionnelle des ARNs dans la mitochondrie des diplonémides et identifié des candidats prometteurs de la machinerie. Ces composants, capables de lier précisément des fragments d'ARN et de les éditer pourraient trouver des applications biotechnologique. Au niveau évolutif, la caractérisation de nouvelles excentricités moléculaires de ce type nous donne une idée des processus de recrutement de gènes, de leur adaptation à de nouvelles fonctions, et de la mise en place de machineries moléculaires complexes.Thanks to new high throughput sequencing technologies and automatic annotation pipelines, proceeding from an eppendorf tube to a genbank file can be achieved in a single mouse click or so, for some species. Others, however, fiercely resist bioinformaticians with their confounding genomic complexity. Diplonemids are one of them. My thesis is centered on the discovery of new strategies for encrypting genetic information in eukaryotes, and the identification of molecular decoding processes. Diplonemids are a group of poorly studied marine protists. Unexpectedly, metagenomic studies have recently ranked this group as one of the most diverse in the oceans. Yet, their most distinctive feature is their multipartite mitochondrial genome with genes in pieces, and encryption by nucleotide deletions and substitutions. Genes are decrypted at the RNA level through three processes: (i) trans-splicing, (ii) polyuridylation at the junction of gene pieces and (iii) substitutions of A-to-I and C-to-T. Such a diverse arsenal of mitochondrial post-transcriptional processes is highly exceptional. Using a bioinformatics approach, I have reconstructed the mitochondrial transcriptome from RNA-seq libraries. We have identified six new genes including one that presents alternative trans-splicing isoforms. In total, there are 216 uridines added in 14 genes with up to 29 U insertions, and 114 positions edited by deamination (A-to-I or C-to-T) among seven genes (nad4, nad7, rns, y1, y2, y3, y5). In order to identify the machinery that processes mitochondrial RNAs, the nuclear genome has been sequenced. I have then assembled and annotated the genome. This machinery is probably unique and complex because no cis signal or trans actor typical for known splicing machineries have been found. I have identified promising protein candidates that are worth to be tested experimentally, notably RNA ligases, numerous members of the PPR family involved in plants RNA editing and deaminases. During my thesis, we have identified new types of post-transcriptional RNA processing in diplonemid mitochondria and identified new promising candidates for the machinery. A system capable of joining precisely or editing RNAs could find biotechnological applications. From an evolutionary perspective, the discovery of new molecular systems gives insight into the process of gene recruitment, adaptation to new functions and establishment of complex molecular machineries


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    New sequencing strategies have redefined the concept of \u201chigh-throughput sequencing\u201d and many companies, researchers, and recent reviews use the term \u201cNext-Generation Sequencing\u201d (NGS) instead of high-throughput sequencing. These advances have introduced a new era in genomics and bioinformatics\u2060\u2060. During my years as PhD student I have developed various software, algorithms and procedures for the analysis of Nest Generation sequencing data required for distinct biological research projects and collaborations in which our research group was involved. The tools and algorithms are thus presented in their appropriate biological contexts. Initially I dedicated myself to the development of scripts and pipelines which were used to assemble and annotate the mitochondrial genome of the model plant Vitis vinifera. The sequence was subsequently used as a reference to study the RNA editing of mitochondrial transcripts, using data produced by the Illumina and SOLiD platforms. I subsequently developed a new approach and a new software package for the detection of of relatively small indels between a donor and a reference genome, using NGS paired-end (PE) data and machine learning algorithms. I was able to show that, suitable Paired End data, contrary to previous assertions, can be used to detect, with high confidence, very small indels in low complexity genomic contexts. Finally I participated in a project aimed at the reconstruction of the genomic sequences of 2 distinct strains of the biotechnologically relevant fungus Fusarium. In this context I performed the sequence assembly to obtain the initial contigs and devised and implemented a new scaffolding algorithm which has proved to be particularly efficient

    The streamlined genome of Phytomonas spp. relative to human pathogenic kinetoplastids reveals a parasite tailored for plants

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    Members of the family Trypanosomatidae infect many organisms, including animals, plants and humans. Plant-infecting trypanosomes are grouped under the single genus Phytomonas, failing to reflect the wide biological and pathological diversity of these protists. While some Phytomonas spp. multiply in the latex of plants, or in fruit or seeds without apparent pathogenicity, others colonize the phloem sap and afflict plants of substantial economic value, including the coffee tree, coconut and oil palms. Plant trypanosomes have not been studied extensively at the genome level, a major gap in understanding and controlling pathogenesis. We describe the genome sequences of two plant trypanosomatids, one pathogenic isolate from a Guianan coconut and one non-symptomatic isolate from Euphorbia collected in France. Although these parasites have extremely distinct pathogenic impacts, very few genes are unique to either, with the vast majority of genes shared by both isolates. Significantly, both Phytomonas spp. genomes consist essentially of single copy genes for the bulk of their metabolic enzymes, whereas other trypanosomatids e.g. Leishmania and Trypanosoma possess multiple paralogous genes or families. Indeed, comparison with other trypanosomatid genomes revealed a highly streamlined genome, encoding for a minimized metabolic system while conserving the major pathways, and with retention of a full complement of endomembrane organelles, but with no evidence for functional complexity. Identification of the metabolic genes of Phytomonas provides opportunities for establishing in vitro culturing of these fastidious parasites and new tools for the control of agricultural plant disease. © 2014 Porcel et al