57 research outputs found

    Real -time Retinex image enhancement: Algorithm and architecture optimizations

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    The field of digital image processing encompasses the study of algorithms applied to two-dimensional digital images, such as photographs, or three-dimensional signals, such as digital video. Digital image processing algorithms are generally divided into several distinct branches including image analysis, synthesis, segmentation, compression, restoration, and enhancement. One particular image enhancement algorithm that is rapidly gaining widespread acceptance as a near optimal solution for providing good visual representations of scenes is the Retinex.;The Retinex algorithm performs a non-linear transform that improves the brightness, contrast and sharpness of an image. It simultaneously provides dynamic range compression, color constancy, and color rendition. It has been successfully applied to still imagery---captured from a wide variety of sources including medical radiometry, forensic investigations, and consumer photography. Many potential users require a real-time implementation of the algorithm. However, prior to this research effort, no real-time version of the algorithm had ever been achieved.;In this dissertation, we research and provide solutions to the issues associated with performing real-time Retinex image enhancement. We design, develop, test, and evaluate the algorithm and architecture optimizations that we developed to enable the implementation of the real-time Retinex specifically targeting specialized, embedded digital signal processors (DSPs). This includes optimization and mapping of the algorithm to different DSPs, and configuration of these architectures to support real-time processing.;First, we developed and implemented the single-scale monochrome Retinex on a Texas Instruments TMS320C6711 floating-point DSP and attained 21 frames per second (fps) performance. This design was then transferred to the faster TMS320C6713 floating-point DSP and ran at 28 fps. Then we modified our design for the fixed-point TMS320DM642 DSP and achieved an execution rate of 70 fps. Finally, we migrated this design to the fixed-point TMS320C6416 DSP. After making several additional optimizations and exploiting the enhanced architecture of the TMS320C6416, we achieved 108 fps and 20 fps performance for the single-scale, monochrome Retinex and three-scale, color Retinex, respectively. We also applied a version of our real-time Retinex in an Enhanced Vision System. This provides a general basis for using the algorithm in other applications

    A Future for Integrated Diagnostic Helping

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    International audienceMedical systems used for exploration or diagnostic helping impose high applicative constraints such as real time image acquisition and displaying. A large part of computing requirement of these systems is devoted to image processing. This chapter provides clues to transfer consumers computing architecture approaches to the benefit of medical applications. The goal is to obtain fully integrated devices from diagnostic helping to autonomous lab on chip while taking into account medical domain specific constraints.This expertise is structured as follows: the first part analyzes vision based medical applications in order to extract essentials processing blocks and to show the similarities between consumer’s and medical vision based applications. The second part is devoted to the determination of elementary operators which are mostly needed in both domains. Computing capacities that are required by these operators and applications are compared to the state-of-the-art architectures in order to define an efficient algorithm-architecture adequation. Finally this part demonstrates that it's possible to use highly constrained computing architectures designed for consumers handled devices in application to medical domain. This is based on the example of a high definition (HD) video processing architecture designed to be integrated into smart phone or highly embedded components. This expertise paves the way for the industrialisation of intergraded autonomous diagnostichelping devices, by showing the feasibility of such systems. Their future use would also free the medical staff from many logistical constraints due the deployment of today’s cumbersome systems

    Evaluation of the color image and video processing chain and visual quality management for consumer systems

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    With the advent of novel digital display technologies, color processing is increasingly becoming a key aspect in consumer video applications. Today’s state-of-the-art displays require sophisticated color and image reproduction techniques in order to achieve larger screen size, higher luminance and higher resolution than ever before. However, from color science perspective, there are clearly opportunities for improvement in the color reproduction capabilities of various emerging and conventional display technologies. This research seeks to identify potential areas for improvement in color processing in a video processing chain. As part of this research, various processes involved in a typical video processing chain in consumer video applications were reviewed. Several published color and contrast enhancement algorithms were evaluated, and a novel algorithm was developed to enhance color and contrast in images and videos in an effective and coordinated manner. Further, a psychophysical technique was developed and implemented for performing visual evaluation of color image and consumer video quality. Based on the performance analysis and visual experiments involving various algorithms, guidelines were proposed for the development of an effective color and contrast enhancement method for images and video applications. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from this research will help build a better understanding of color processing and color quality management methods in consumer video

    Towards the development of flexible, reliable, reconfigurable, and high-performance imaging systems

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    Current FPGAs can implement large systems because of the high density of reconfigurable logic resources in a single chip. FPGAs are comprehensive devices that combine flexibility and high performance in the same platform compared to other platform such as General-Purpose Processors (GPPs) and Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs). The flexibility of modern FPGAs is further enhanced by introducing Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) feature, which allows for changing the functionality of part of the system while other parts are functioning. FPGAs became an important platform for digital image processing applications because of the aforementioned features. They can fulfil the need of efficient and flexible platforms that execute imaging tasks efficiently as well as the reliably with low power, high performance and high flexibility. The use of FPGAs as accelerators for image processing outperforms most of the current solutions. Current FPGA solutions can to load part of the imaging application that needs high computational power on dedicated reconfigurable hardware accelerators while other parts are working on the traditional solution to increase the system performance. Moreover, the use of the DPR feature enhances the flexibility of image processing further by swapping accelerators in and out at run-time. The use of fault mitigation techniques in FPGAs enables imaging applications to operate in harsh environments following the fact that FPGAs are sensitive to radiation and extreme conditions. The aim of this thesis is to present a platform for efficient implementations of imaging tasks. The research uses FPGAs as the key component of this platform and uses the concept of DPR to increase the performance, flexibility, to reduce the power dissipation and to expand the cycle of possible imaging applications. In this context, it proposes the use of FPGAs to accelerate the Image Processing Pipeline (IPP) stages, the core part of most imaging devices. The thesis has a number of novel concepts. The first novel concept is the use of FPGA hardware environment and DPR feature to increase the parallelism and achieve high flexibility. The concept also increases the performance and reduces the power consumption and area utilisation. Based on this concept, the following implementations are presented in this thesis: An implementation of Adams Hamilton Demosaicing algorithm for camera colour interpolation, which exploits the FPGA parallelism to outperform other equivalents. In addition, an implementation of Automatic White Balance (AWB), another IPP stage that employs DPR feature to prove the mentioned novelty aspects. Another novel concept in this thesis is presented in chapter 6, which uses DPR feature to develop a novel flexible imaging system that requires less logic and can be implemented in small FPGAs. The system can be employed as a template for any imaging application with no limitation. Moreover, discussed in this thesis is a novel reliable version of the imaging system that adopts novel techniques including scrubbing, Built-In Self Test (BIST), and Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) to detect and correct errors using the Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP) primitive. These techniques exploit the datapath-based nature of the implemented imaging system to improve the system's overall reliability. The thesis presents a proposal for integrating the imaging system with the Robust Reliable Reconfigurable Real-Time Heterogeneous Operating System (R4THOS) to get the best out of the system. The proposal shows the suitability of the proposed DPR imaging system to be used as part of the core system of autonomous cars because of its unbounded flexibility. These novel works are presented in a number of publications as shown in section 1.3 later in this thesis

    Homogeneous and heterogeneous MPSoC architectures with network-on-chip connectivity for low-power and real-time multimedia signal processing

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    Two multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) architectures are proposed and compared in the paper with reference to audio and video processing applications. One architecture exploits a homogeneous topology; it consists of 8 identical tiles, each made of a 32-bit RISC core enhanced by a 64-bit DSP coprocessor with local memory. The other MPSoC architecture exploits a heterogeneous-tile topology with on-chip distributed memory resources; the tiles act as application specific processors supporting a different class of algorithms. In both architectures, the multiple tiles are interconnected by a network-on-chip (NoC) infrastructure, through network interfaces and routers, which allows parallel operations of the multiple tiles. The functional performances and the implementation complexity of the NoC-based MPSoC architectures are assessed by synthesis results in submicron CMOS technology. Among the large set of supported algorithms, two case studies are considered: the real-time implementation of an H.264/MPEG AVC video codec and of a low-distortion digital audio amplifier. The heterogeneous architecture ensures a higher power efficiency and a smaller area occupation and is more suited for low-power multimedia processing, such as in mobile devices. The homogeneous scheme allows for a higher flexibility and easier system scalability and is more suited for general-purpose DSP tasks in power-supplied devices

    Color in context and spatial color computation

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute in the field of spatial color computation models.We begin introducing an overview about different approaches in the definitionof computational models of color in digital imaging. In particular, we present a recent accurate mathematical definition of the Retinex algorithm, that lead to the definition of a new computational model called Random Spray Retinex (RSR). We then introduce the tone mapping problem, discussing the need for color computation in the implementation of a perceptual correct computational model. At this aim we will present the HDR Retinex algorithm, that addresses tone mappingand color constancy at the same time. In the end, we present some experiments analyzing the influence of HDR Retinex spatial color computation on tristimulus colors obtained using different Color Matching Functions (CMFs) on spectral luminance distribution generated by a photometric raytracer

    Conception de processeurs spécialisés pour le traitement vidéo en temps réel par filtre local

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    RÉSUMÉ Ce mémoire décrit les travaux visant à explorer les possibilités qu'offrent les processeurs à jeu d'instructions spécialisé pour des applications de vidéo numérique. Spécifiquement une classe particulière d'algorithmes de traitement vidéo est considérée: les filtres locaux. Pour cette classe d'algorithmes, une exploration architecturale a permis d'identifier un ensemble de techniques formant une approche cohérente et systématique pour la conception de processeurs spécialisés performants adaptés au traitement vidéo en temps réel. L'approche de conception proposée vise une utilisation efficace de la bande passante vers la mémoire, laquelle bande passante constitue le goulot d'étranglement de l'application du point de vue de la vitesse de traitement. Il est possible d'approcher la performance limite imposée par ce goulot par une stratégie appropriée de réutilisation des données et en exploitant le parallélisme des données inhérent à la classe d'algorithmes visée. L'approche comporte quatre étapes: tout d'abord, une instruction parallèle (SIMD) qui effectue le calcul de plusieurs pixels de sortie à la fois est créée. Puis, des registres à décalage permettant la réutilisation intra-ligne des pixels d'entrée sont ajoutés. Ensuite, un pipeline est créé par le découpage de l'instruction parallèle et l'ajout de registres pour les résultats intermédiaires. Finalement, les instructions spécialisées de chargement et de sauvegarde sont créées. Quelques-unes de ces étapes ouvrent la porte à des simplifications matérielles spécifiques pour certains algorithmes de la classe cible. La structure matérielle obtenue au final, alliée à la parallélisation des instructions par l'utilisation d'une architecture VLIW, se comporte d'une manière semblable à un réseau systolique pipeliné. Afin de démontrer expérimentalement la validité de l'approche de conception proposée, sept processeurs spécialisés pour des algorithmes de la classe visée ont été conçus par extension du jeu d'instructions d'un processeur configurable à jeu d'instructions extensible. Trois de ces processeurs spécialisés mettent en œuvre autant d'algorithmes de désentrelacement intra-trames, et quatre visent plutôt la convolution 2D, différant entre eux par la taille de la fenêtre de convolution. Les résultats de performance obtenus sont prometteurs. Pour les algorithmes de désentrelacement intra-trames, les facteurs d'accélération varient entre 95 et 1330, alors que les facteurs d'amélioration du produit temps-surface varient entre 29 et 243, tout ceci par rapport à un processeur d'usage général de référence roulant une implémentation purement logicielle de l'algorithme.----------ABSTRACT This master thesis explores the possibilities offered by Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processors (ASIP) for digital video applications, more specifically for a particular algorithm class used for video processing: local neighbourhood functions. For this algorithm class, an architectural exploration lead to the identification of a set of design techniques which, together, form a coherent and systematic approach for the design of high performance ASIPs usable for real-time video processing. The proposed design approach aims at an efficient utilization of available bandwidth to memory, which constitutes the main performance bottleneck of the application. It is possible to approach the processing speed limit imposed by this bottleneck through an appropriate data reuse strategy and by exploiting the data parallelism inherent to the target algorithm class. The design approach comprises four steps: first, a Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instruction which calculates more than one pixel in parallel is created. Then, shift registers, which are used for intra-line input pixel reuse, are added. Next, a processing pipeline is created by the addition of application-specific registers. Finally, the custom load/store instructions are created. Some of these steps lead to possible hardware simplifications for some algorithms of the target class. The hardware structure thus obtained, together with the instruction-level parallelism made possible through the use of a Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) architecture, mimics a pipelined systolic array. In order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed design approach experimentally, seven ASIPs have been designed by extending the instruction-set of a configurable and extensible processor. Three of the ASIPs implement intra-field deinterlacing algorithms, and four implement the 2D convolution with different kernel sizes. The results show a significant improvement in performance. For the intra-field deinterlacing algorithms, speedup factors are between 95 and 1330, while the factors of improvement of the Area-Time (AT) product are between 29 and 243, all this compared to a pure software implementation running on a general-purpose processor. In the case of the two-dimensional convolution, speedup factors are between 36 and 80, while factors of improvement of the AT product are between 12 and 22. In all cases, real-time processing of high definition video in the 1080i (deinterlacing) or 1080p (convolution) format is possible given a 130 nm manufacturing process