501 research outputs found

    Obtaining quasi-static models using a frequency domain extraction methodology

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”This contribution illustrates how a realistic nonlinear quasi-static model for FET-type devices can be extracted using an original frequency domain extraction technique. An ideal ‘made-up’ device is built from the measured bias dependence of a GaN medium power device. This ideal device is excited by two ideal voltage sources and its response (drain current) is used to illustrate how the extraction procedure can separate conduction and displacement current components provided the total current spectrum (or, alternatively, waveform) and control voltages are known.This work has been supported by the Junta de AndalucĂ­a under Grant (TIC2012-1237). Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech

    TCAD Simulations and Small Signal Modeling of DMG AlGaN/GaN HFET

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    This article presents extraction of small signal model parameters and TCAD simulation of novel asymmetric field plated dual material gate AlGaN/GaN HFET first time. Small signal model is essential for design of LNA and microwave electronic circuit by using the proposed superior performance HFET structure. Superior performances of device are due to its dual material gate structure and field plate that can provide better electric field uniformity, suppression of short channel effects and improvement in carrier transport efficiency. In this article we used direct parameter extraction methodology in which S-parameters of device were measured using pinchoff cold FET biasing. The measured S-parameters are then transformed into Y-parameters to extract capacitive elements and then in to Z-parameters to extract series parasitic elements. Intrinsic parameters are extracted from Y-parameters after de-embedding all parasitic elements of devce. Microwave figure of merits and dc performance are also studied for proposed HFET. The important figure of merits of device reported in the paper include transconductance, drain conductance, current gain, transducer power gain, available power gain, maximum stable gain, maximum frequency of oscillation, cut-off frequency, stability factor and time delay. Reported results are validated with experimental and simulation results for consistency and accuracy

    Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Signal Power Generation

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    Modélisation distribuée et évolutive du GaN HEMT

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    L’industrie de tĂ©lĂ©communication et les satellites se base majoritairement sur les technologies Si et GaAs. La demande croissante des hauts dĂ©bits de donnĂ©es entraine une facture Ă©levĂ©e en Ă©nergie. En outre, la saturation de la bande des basses frĂ©quences, le besoin des dĂ©bits Ă©levĂ©s et les exigences de la haute puissance imposait l’utilisation de la bande hautes frĂ©quences. Dans le but de rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes citĂ©s auparavant, la technologie GaN est introduite comme un candidat prometteur qui peut offrir de la haute puissance, taille du circuit plus faible avec une meilleure stabilitĂ© mĂ©canique aux environnements hostiles/milieux agressifs. À titre d’exemple, l‘agence spatiale europĂ©enne sont en cours de dĂ©veloppement d’un circuit Ă  base du GaN sur substrat en Si pour faible cout, une hautes performance et une grande fiabilitĂ©. La technologie GaN est assez mature pour proposer de nouveaux systĂšmes intĂ©grĂ©s utilisĂ©s pour les puissances microonde ce qui permet une rĂ©duction considĂ©rable de la taille du systĂšme. Étant un semiconducteur Ă  grande bande interdite, GaN peut offrir une haute puissance sous hautes tempĂ©ratures (>225oC) avec une bonne stabilitĂ© mĂ©canique. Elle prĂ©sente un facteur de bruit faible, qui est intĂ©ressant notamment pour les circuits intĂ©grĂ©s aux ondes millimĂ©triques. À noter que la mobilitĂ© du GaN par rapport Ă  la tempĂ©rature est assez Ă©levĂ©e pour proposer des amplificateurs dans la bande W. Avec le progrĂšs du procĂ©dĂ© de fabrication du GaN, notre objectif est l’introduction de cette technologie dans des applications industrielles. À cette fin, on dĂ©sire avoir un modĂšle du dispositif qui correspond Ă  la meilleure performance. Ensuite, on veut le valider dans une modĂ©lisation du circuit. Cette thĂšse, basĂ©e sur la technologie GaN unique dĂ©veloppĂ©e au 3IT, a pour objectif l’amĂ©lioration de l’outil de conception en rĂ©duisant son erreur avec une validation de son utilisation dans la conception du circuit. Ce travail est rĂ©alisĂ© pour la premiĂšre fois au 3IT avec des rĂ©sultats de simulation pour une conception idĂ©ale d’un circuit MMIC ainsi que sa dĂ©monstration. Une caractĂ©risation des Ă©chantillons a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e avec objectif d’extraction de donnĂ©es qui vont servir Ă  l’alimentation de modĂ©lisation des transistors sur l’outil ADS. Une fois complĂ©tĂ©e, la modĂ©lisation a Ă©tĂ© validĂ©e par une modĂ©lisation des petits et grands signaux et a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e par une mesure load-pull. Enfin, ce modĂšle a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© lors de la conception d’un amplificateur pour les applications RF. L’innovation de ce travail rĂ©side dans la modĂ©lisation de la rĂ©sistance d’une grille large sous forme de quadripĂŽles parallĂšles Ă  structure 3D (ou Ă  rĂ©sistances de grille distribuĂ©es) du transistor MOSHEMT GaN. La conception et la fabrication de l’amplificateur Ă  haute puissance (HPA) aux frĂ©quences microondes (≀4GHz) sont rĂ©alisĂ©s au LNN du 3IT et inclus une couche d’oxyde de grille afin de rĂ©duire le courant de fuite notamment pour les tensions Vgs Ă©levĂ©es, la grille du transistor forme un serpentin pour fournir une puissance de sortie Ă©levĂ©e avec un encombrement spatial minimal et une grille prĂ©sentant une Ă©lectrode de champ pour permettre d’augmenter la tension de claquage.Abstract : The telecommunication and satellite industry is mainly relying on Si and GaAs technologies as the demand for a high data rate is continuously growing, leading to higher power consumption. Moreover, the lower frequency band's saturation, the need for high data rate, and high-power force to utilize the high-frequency band. In pursuit of solving the issues mentioned earlier, GaN technology has been introduced as a promising candidate that can offer high power at a smaller circuit footprint and higher mechanical stability in harsh environments. For example, currently, the European space agency (ESA) is developing an integrated circuit with GaN on Si substrate for low cost, high performance, and high reliability. GaN technology is sufficiently mature to propose integrated new systems which are needed for microwave power range. This technology reduces the size of the system considerably. GaN is a wide bandgap semiconductor which can offer remarkably high power at high temperature (>225℃), and it is very stable mechanically. It presents a low noise factor, very interesting for a millimeter-wave integrated circuit. Finally, the mobility of GaN vs. temperature is sufficiently elevated to propose a power amplifier in W-Band. With the improvement of the GaN process, our objective is to introduce this technology for industrial applications. For this purpose, we wish to have a better model of the device that corresponds to the best performance and then validate it by using this model in a circuit. Based on the 3IT's GaN process, which is unique in its context, this thesis aims to improve the design kit by reducing the design model's error and validating it by using it in circuit design. This work is the first to realize in 3IT with simulation results to design an MMIC circuit for demonstration. I first characterized the new samples by performing different measurements than using these measurement data; transistor is modeled in ADS software. Once the model was completed, it is validated by small-signal modeling, and then the large-signal model is tested with non-linear capacitances, current source, and transconductance modeling. Finally, we used this model to design a power amplifier for RF application. The innovation comes from modeling large gate resistance as distributed gate resistance for GaN MOSHEMT transistor and then designing high-power amplifier (HPA) in the frequency range (≀ 4GHz) while using 3IT GaN process which includes first oxide layer to have low gate current and more voltage of Vgs, the second transistor is meander to have high power and third, field plate - gate for high breakdown voltage

    Caracterização, modelação e compensação de efeitos de memĂłria lenta em amplificadores de potĂȘncia baseados em GAN HEMTS

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    Gallium nitride (GaN) high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) have emerged as the most compelling technology for the transmission of highpower radio-frequency (RF) signals for cellular mobile communications and radar applications. However, despite their remarkable power capabilities, the deployment of GaN HEMT-based RF power amplifiers (PAs) in the mobile communications infrastructure is often ruled out in favor of alternative siliconbased technologies. One of the main reasons for this is the pervasiveness of nonlinear long-term memory effects in GaN HEMT technology caused by thermal and charge-trapping phenomena. While these effects can be compensated for using sophisticated digital predistortion algorithms, their implementation and model-extraction complexity—as well as the power necessary for their real-time execution—make them unsuitable for modern small cells and large-scale multiple-input multiple-output transceivers, where the power necessary for the linearization of each amplification element is of great concern. In order to address these issues and further the deployment of high-powerdensity high-efficiency GaN HEMT-based RF PAs in next-generation communications and radar applications, in this thesis we propose novel methods for the characterization, modeling, and compensation of long-term memory effects in GaN HEMT-based RF PAs. More specifically, we propose a method for the characterization of the dynamic self-biasing behavior of GaN HEMTbased RF PAs; multiple behavioral models of charge trapping and their implementation as analog electronic circuits for the accurate real-time prediction of the dynamic variation of the threshold voltage of GaN HEMTs; a method for the compensation of the pulse-to-pulse instability of GaN HEMT-based RF PAs for radar applications; and a hybrid analog/digital scheme for the linearization of GaN HEMT-based RF PAs for next-generation communications applications.Os transĂ­stores de alta mobilidade eletrĂłnica de nitreto de gĂĄlio (GaN HEMTs) sĂŁo considerados a tecnologia mais atrativa para a transmissĂŁo de sinais de radiofrequĂȘncia de alta potĂȘncia para comunicaçÔes mĂłveis celulares e aplicaçÔes de radar. No entanto, apesar das suas notĂĄveis capacidades de transmissĂŁo de potĂȘncia, a utilização de amplificadores de potĂȘncia (PAs) baseados em GaN HEMTs Ă© frequentemente desconsiderada em favor de tecnologias alternativas baseadas em transĂ­stores de silĂ­cio. Uma das principais razĂ”es disto acontecer Ă© a existĂȘncia pervasiva na tecnologia GaN HEMT de efeitos de memĂłria lenta causados por fenĂłmenos tĂ©rmicos e de captura eletrĂłnica. Apesar destes efeitos poderem ser compensados atravĂ©s de algoritmos sofisticados de predistorção digital, estes algoritmos nĂŁo sĂŁo adequados para transmissores modernos de cĂ©lulas pequenas e interfaces massivas de mĂșltipla entrada e mĂșltipla saĂ­da devido Ă  sua complexidade de implementação e extração de modelo, assim como a elevada potĂȘncia necessĂĄria para a sua execução em tempo real. De forma a promover a utilização de PAs de alta densidade de potĂȘncia e elevada eficiĂȘncia baseados em GaN HEMTs em aplicaçÔes de comunicação e radar de nova geração, nesta tese propomos novos mĂ©todos de caracterização, modelação, e compensação de efeitos de memĂłria lenta em PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs. Mais especificamente, nesta tese propomos um mĂ©todo de caracterização do comportamento dinĂąmico de autopolarização de PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs; vĂĄrios modelos comportamentais de fenĂłmenos de captura eletrĂłnica e a sua implementação como circuitos eletrĂłnicos analĂłgicos para a previsĂŁo em tempo real da variação dinĂąmica da tensĂŁo de limiar de condução de GaN HEMTs; um mĂ©todo de compensação da instabilidade entre pulsos de PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs para aplicaçÔes de radar; e um esquema hĂ­brido analĂłgico/digital de linearização de PAs baseados em GaN HEMTs para comunicaçÔes de nova geração.Programa Doutoral em TelecomunicaçÔe

    Limitations and Implementation Strategies of Interstage Matching in a 6-W, 28-38-GHz GaN Power Amplifier MMIC

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    In this article, we summarize the theoretical matching boundaries and show the limitations they implicate for real-world amplifier design. Starting with a common schematic prototype, we investigate the question of how to realize its electrical response in a densely routed, massively parallelized layout. To that end, we develop a comprehensive study on the application of space-mapping techniques toward the design of high-power amplifiers (HPAs). We derive three reference design procedures and compare their performance in terms of convergence, speed, and practicality when laying out a densely routed HPA interstage matching network. Subsequently, we demonstrate the usefulness of the study by designing the networks of a compact three-stage eight-way wideband HPA in the Ka-band. The processed monolithic microwave integrated circuit features a 1-dB large-signal bandwidth of more than 11 GHz (a fractional bandwidth of 32.8%) and thus covers most of the Ka-band with an output power exceeding 6 W in 3 dB of gain compression. This demonstrates the highest combination of power and bandwidth to date using a reactively matched topology in the Ka-band


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    Gallium Nitride (GaN) is beginning to emerge as an alternative to the Gallium Arsenide in high power, high frequency microwave communications. Other novel semiconductors show potential at higher frequency applications. The largest obstacles to GaN emerging as the dominant microwave semiconductor are the issue of cost, which could be reduced through volume, and question of reliability. A new approach to the analysis of reliability has been developed based on the periodic generation of equivalent circuit models while a device is stressed in a manner that is similar to performance likely to be seen during commercial operation. Care was made in this research to ensure that the stress measurements used to induce degradation are as close as possible to those that would degrade a device in real world applications. Equivalent circuit models (ECM) can be used to simulate a device in computer aided design (CAD) software, but these models also provide a picture of the physical properties within the device at a specific point in time. The periodic generation of ECMs allows the researcher to understand the physical changes in the device over time by performing non-destructive electronic measurements. By analyzing the changes in device performance, the physical mechanism of device degradation can be determined. A system was developed to induce degradation and perform measurements of sufficient detail to produce a large signal ECM. Software for producing the ECM was also created. The changes in the ECM were analyzed to diagnose the physical changes in the device under test (DUT) and to identify a method of degradation. The information acquired from this system can be used to improve the device manufacturing process at the foundry. It can also be used to incorporate device degradation into the operation of systems

    Contributing to Second Harmonic Manipulated Continuum Mode Power Amplifiers and On-Chip Flux Concentrators

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    The current cellular network consumes a staggering 100 TWh of energy every year. In the coming years, millions of devices will be added to the existing network to realize the Internet of Things (IoT), further increasing its power consumption. An RF power amplifier typically consumes a large proportion of the DC power in a wireless transceiver, improving its efficiency has the largest impact on the overall system. Additionally, amplifiers need to demonstrate high linearity and bandwidth to adhere to constraints imposed by wireless standards and to reduce the number of amplifiers required as an amplifier with a broader bandwidth can potentially replace several narrowband amplifiers. A typical approach to improve efficiency is to present an appropriate load at the harmonics generated by the transistor. Recently proposed continuous modes based on harmonic manipulation, such as class B/J continuum, continuous class F (CCF) and continuous class F-1 (CCF-1), have shown the capability of achieving counteracting requirements viz., high efficiency, high linearity, and broad bandwidth (with a fractional bandwidth greater than 30%). In these classes of amplifiers, the second harmonic is manipulated by placing a reactive second harmonic load and the reactive component of the fundamental load is adjusted while keeping a fixed resistive component of the fundamental load. The first contribution of this work is to investigate the reason for amplifiers designed in classes B/J continuum and CCF to achieve high efficiency at back-off and 1dB compression. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the variation of the phase of the current through the non-linear intrinsic capacitances due to the variation of the phase in the continuum of drain voltage waveforms in Class B/J/J* continuum leads to either a reduction or enhancement of intrinsic drain current. Consequently, a subset of voltage waveforms of the class B/J/J* continuum can be used to design amplifiers with higher P1dB, and efficiency at P1dB than in Class B. A simple choice of this subset is demonstrated with a 2.6GHz Class B/J/J* amplifier, achieving a P1dB of 38.1dBm and PAE at P1dB of 54.7%, the highest output power and efficiency at P1dB amongst narrowband linear amplifiers using the CGH40010 reported to date, at a comparable peak PAE of 72%. Secondly, we propose a new formulation for high-efficiency modes of power amplifiers in which both the in-phase and out-of-phase components of the second harmonic of the current are varied, in addition to the second harmonic component of the voltage. A reduction of the in-phase component of the second harmonic of current allows reduction of the phase difference between the voltage and current waveforms, thereby increasing the power factor and efficiency. Our proposed waveforms offer a continuous design space between class B/J continuum and continuous F-1 achieving an efficiency of up to 91% in theory, but over a wider set of load impedances than continuous class F-1. These waveforms require a short at third and higher harmonic impedances, which are easier to achieve at a higher frequency. The load impedances at the second harmonic are reactive and can be of any value between -j∞ and j∞, easing the amplifier design. A trade-off between linearity and efficiency exists in the newly proposed broadband design space, but we demonstrate inherent broadband capability. The fabricated narrowband amplifier using a GaN HEMT CGH40010F demonstrates 75.9% PAE and 42.2 dBm output power at 2.6 GHz, demonstrating a comparable frequency weighted efficiency for this device to that reported in the literature. IoT devices may be deployed in critical applications such as radar or 5G transceivers of an autonomous vehicle and hence need to operate free of failure. Monitoring the drain current of the RF GaN MMIC would allow to optimize the device performance and protect it from surges in its supply current. Galvanic current sensors rely on the magnetic field generated by the current as a non-invasive method of current sensing. In this thesis, our third major contribution is a planar on-chip magnetic flux concentrator, is enhance the magnetic field at the current sensor, thereby improving the current detection capability of a current sensor. Our layout utilizes a discontinuity in a magnetic via, resulting in penetration of the magnetic field into the substrate. The proposed concentrator has a magnetic gain x1.8 in comparison to air. The permeability of the magnetic core required is 500, much lower than that reported in off-chip concentrators, resulting in a significant easing of the specifications of the material properties of the core. Additionally, we explore a novel three-dimensional spiral-shaped magnetic flux concentrator. It is predicted via simulations that this geometry becomes a necessity to enhance the magnetic field for increased form factor as the magnetic field from a single planar concentrator deteriorates as its size increases

    Accurate Measurement of Dynamic on-State Resistances of GaN Devices under Reverse and Forward Conduction in High Frequency Power Converter

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    Because of trapped charges in GaN transistor structure, device dynamic ON-state resistance RDSon is increased when it is operated in high frequency switched power converters, in which device is possibly operated by zero voltage switching (ZVS) to reduce its turn-ON switching losses. When GaN transistor finishes ZVS during one switching period, device has been operated under both reverse and forward conduction. Therefore its dynamic RDSon under both conduction modes needs to be carefully measured to understand device power losses. For this reason, a measurement circuit with simple structure and fast dynamic response is proposed to characterise device reverse and forward RDSon. In order to improve measurement sensitivity when device switches at high frequency, a trapezoidal current mode is proposed to measure device RDSon under almost constant current, which resolves measurement sensitivity issues caused by unavoidable measurement circuit parasitic inductance and measurement probes deskew in conventional device characterisation method by triangle current mode. Proposed measurement circuit and measurement method is then validated by first characterising a SiC-MOSFET with constant RDSon. Then, the comparison on GaN-HEMT dynamic RDSon measurement results demonstrates the improved accuracy of proposed trapezoidal current mode over conventional triangle current mode when device switches at 1MHz
