5,975 research outputs found

    Current status and new horizons in Monte Carlo simulation of X-ray CT scanners

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    With the advent of powerful computers and parallel processing including Grid technology, the use of Monte Carlo (MC) techniques for radiation transport simulation has become the most popular method for modeling radiological imaging systems and particularly X-ray computed tomography (CT). The stochastic nature of involved processes such as X-ray photons generation, interaction with matter and detection makes MC the ideal tool for accurate modeling. MC calculations can be used to assess the impact of different physical design parameters on overall scanner performance, clinical image quality and absorbed dose assessment in CT examinations, which can be difficult or even impossible to estimate by experimental measurements and theoretical analysis. Simulations can also be used to develop and assess correction methods and reconstruction algorithms aiming at improving image quality and quantitative procedures. This paper focuses mainly on recent developments and future trends in X-ray CT MC modeling tools and their areas of application. An overview of existing programs and their useful features will be given together with recent developments in the design of computational anthropomorphic models of the human anatomy. It should be noted that due to limited space, the references contained herein are for illustrative purposes and are not inclusive; no implication that those chosen are better than others not mentioned is intende

    Personalised body counter calibration using anthropometric parameters

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    This book describes the development of a new method for personalisation of efficiency factors in partial body counting. Its achieved goal is the quantification of uncertainties in those factors due to variation in anatomy of the measured persons, and their reduction by correlation with anthropometric parameters. The method was applied to a detector system at the In Vivo Measurement Laboratory at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology using Monte Carlo simulation and computational phantoms

    EQUIVOX: an example of adaptation using an artificial neural network on a case-based reasoning platform

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    International audienceIn case of a radiological emergency situation involving accidental human exposure, a dosimetry evaluation must be established as soon as possible. In most cases, this evaluation is based on numerical representations and models of victims. Unfortunately, personalised and realistic human representations are often unavailable for the exposed subjects. However, accuracy of treatment depends on the similarity of the phantom to the victim. The EquiVox platform (Research of Equivalent Voxel phantom) developed in this study uses Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) principles to retrieve and adapt, from among a set of existing phantoms, the one to represent the victim. This paper introduces the EquiVox platform and the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) developed to interpolate the victim's 3D lung contours. The results obtained for the choice and construction of the contours are presented and discussed

    Respiratory organ motion in interventional MRI : tracking, guiding and modeling

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    Respiratory organ motion is one of the major challenges in interventional MRI, particularly in interventions with therapeutic ultrasound in the abdominal region. High-intensity focused ultrasound found an application in interventional MRI for noninvasive treatments of different abnormalities. In order to guide surgical and treatment interventions, organ motion imaging and modeling is commonly required before a treatment start. Accurate tracking of organ motion during various interventional MRI procedures is prerequisite for a successful outcome and safe therapy. In this thesis, an attempt has been made to develop approaches using focused ultrasound which could be used in future clinically for the treatment of abdominal organs, such as the liver and the kidney. Two distinct methods have been presented with its ex vivo and in vivo treatment results. In the first method, an MR-based pencil-beam navigator has been used to track organ motion and provide the motion information for acoustic focal point steering, while in the second approach a hybrid imaging using both ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging was combined for advanced guiding capabilities. Organ motion modeling and four-dimensional imaging of organ motion is increasingly required before the surgical interventions. However, due to the current safety limitations and hardware restrictions, the MR acquisition of a time-resolved sequence of volumetric images is not possible with high temporal and spatial resolution. A novel multislice acquisition scheme that is based on a two-dimensional navigator, instead of a commonly used pencil-beam navigator, was devised to acquire the data slices and the corresponding navigator simultaneously using a CAIPIRINHA parallel imaging method. The acquisition duration for four-dimensional dataset sampling is reduced compared to the existing approaches, while the image contrast and quality are improved as well. Tracking respiratory organ motion is required in interventional procedures and during MR imaging of moving organs. An MR-based navigator is commonly used, however, it is usually associated with image artifacts, such as signal voids. Spectrally selective navigators can come in handy in cases where the imaging organ is surrounding with an adipose tissue, because it can provide an indirect measure of organ motion. A novel spectrally selective navigator based on a crossed-pair navigator has been developed. Experiments show the advantages of the application of this novel navigator for the volumetric imaging of the liver in vivo, where this navigator was used to gate the gradient-recalled echo sequence

    MPI Phantom Study with A High-Performing Multicore Tracer Made by Coprecipitation

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    Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is a new imaging technique that detects the spatial distribution of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) with the option of high temporal resolution. MPI relies on particular MNP as tracers with tailored characteristics for improvement of sensitivity and image resolution. For this reason, we developed optimized multicore particles (MCP 3) made by coprecipitation via synthesis of green rust and subsequent oxidation to iron oxide cores consisting of a magnetite/maghemite mixed phase. MCP 3 shows high saturation magnetization close to that of bulk maghemite and provides excellent magnetic particle spectroscopy properties which are superior to Resovist® and any other up to now published MPI tracers made by coprecipitation. To evaluate the MPI characteristics of MCP 3 two kinds of tube phantoms were prepared and investigated to assess sensitivity, spatial resolution, artifact severity, and selectivity. Resovist® was used as standard of comparison. For image reconstruction, the regularization factor was optimized, and the resulting images were investigated in terms of quantifying of volumes and iron content. Our results demonstrate the superiority of MCP 3 over Resovist® for all investigated MPI characteristics and suggest that MCP 3 is promising for future experimental in vivo studies

    Virtual clinical trials in medical imaging: a review

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    The accelerating complexity and variety of medical imaging devices and methods have outpaced the ability to evaluate and optimize their design and clinical use. This is a significant and increasing challenge for both scientific investigations and clinical applications. Evaluations would ideally be done using clinical imaging trials. These experiments, however, are often not practical due to ethical limitations, expense, time requirements, or lack of ground truth. Virtual clinical trials (VCTs) (also known as in silico imaging trials or virtual imaging trials) offer an alternative means to efficiently evaluate medical imaging technologies virtually. They do so by simulating the patients, imaging systems, and interpreters. The field of VCTs has been constantly advanced over the past decades in multiple areas. We summarize the major developments and current status of the field of VCTs in medical imaging. We review the core components of a VCT: computational phantoms, simulators of different imaging modalities, and interpretation models. We also highlight some of the applications of VCTs across various imaging modalities

    Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Impacted Maxillary Canines : Dose, Optimisation, and Justification

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    Retinerte hjørnetenner i overkjeven som er sperret av andre tenner for å vokse ut, er den vanligste grunnen til bruk av Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) hos barn og unge. Hvis diagnostisering av de retinerte hjørnetenner mangler eller kommer sent, kan rotresorpsjon forekomme på de permanente nabo tennene. Resorpsjonene kan senere føre til behov for kjeveortopedisk behandling, kirurgiske ekstraksjoner og i noen tilfeller implantat eller andre proteseløsninger. Retinerte hjørnetenner oppdages vanligvis hos barn ved klinisk undersøkelse i kombinasjon med intraorale og panorama røntgenbilder. Når mer informasjon er nødvendig for diagnostikk og planlegging, er CBCT-undersøkelse berettiget. På grunn av råd om strålevern er det enighet om at CBCT ikke bør brukes ved førstehånds undersøkelse, men det er fortsatt ingen konsensus om hvorvidt CBCT påvirker terapiplanlegging blant klinikere. Den ideelle radiografiske modaliteten og eksponering varierer, avhengig av den klinisk situasjonen. Når ioniserende stråling benyttes for å undersøke pasienter, må man være oppmerksom på balansen mellom fordelene for pasienten og klinikeren og risikoen ved stråling. Denne doktorgradsavhandlingen hadde som mål å vurdere belastningen ved strålingsdose for barn der retinerte hjørnetenner ble undersøkt. Avhandlingen ser også på metoder for å begrense doseeksponering ved å bruke protokoller for å optimaliserte en lav dose og begrense CBCT-undersøkelsene. Første artikkel i avhandlingen hadde som mål å se effektiv dose ved å sammenligne todimensjonale (2D) undersøkelser (panorama og periapikale røntgenbilder) og tredimensjonale (3D) CBCT. Dosen fra 2D-undersøkelse og CBC fra to enheter (Promax3D og NewTom 5G) ble sammenlignet etter måling av doser på et antropomorft barnefantom. Dosen fra CBCT-undersøkelsen var fra 15 til 140 ganger høyere enn for de konvensjonelle 2D-undersøkelsene, avhengig av CBCT-enhet og type 2D-undersøkelse. Andre artikkel evaluerte bildekvalitet og synlighet av anatomiske strukturer på lavdose CBCT-skanning og effekten av et støyreduksjonsfilter for vurdering av overkjevens front. Flere CBCT-protokoller (Promax3D), blant annet fire lavdoseprotokoller, ble testet på skallefantomer for å sammenligne bildekvalitet og synlighet av anatomiske strukturer som er relevante for vurdering av retinerte hjørnetenner. Tre av lavdoseprotokollene gav akseptabel diagnostisk bildekvalitet, selv om dosen ble redusert med 61 % – 77 %. I tredje artikkel ble det undersøkt hvordan CBCT påvirker behandlingsplanen til pasienter med retinerte hjørnetenner, samt mulige kliniske og 2D-bilde markører for planlagt CBCT-bruk. For å avgjøre om CBCT var berettiget for planlegging av behandling, evaluerte og planlagt en tverrfaglig gruppe 89 kasus med retinerte hjørnetenner. Mer enn halvparten av CBCT-undersøkelsene ble vurdert som uberettiget. Planlagt behandling ble endret i 9,8 % av tilfellene. Variable målt før CBCT som predikerte behovet for ytterligere CBCT, var horisontalt plasserte hjørnetenner, strategi for ekstraksjon på permanente tenner, og bukkalt posisjonerte hjørnetenner. Denne avhandlingen viser at, CBCT medfør høyere effektiv dose for pasienter sammenlignet med konvensjonell 2D røntgenbilder. Dosene pasienter får ved undersøkelse av retinerte hjørnetenner kan minimeres ved å 1) optimalisere protokoller for lavdose CBCT og 2) begrense bruk av CBCT til tilfeller der ytterligere 3D-informasjon er viktig for videre terapeutisk behandling.Impacted maxillary canines are the most common reason for Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) examinations of the anterior maxilla in children and adolescents today. If impacted canines are missed or diagnosed late, root resorptions may occur on permanent adjacent incisors. In turn, these resorptions may lead to the need for further orthodontic treatment, surgical extractions, and even implants or other prosthetic solutions. Impacted canines are usually discovered in children via clinical examinations in combination with intraoral periapical radiographs and panoramic images. When more diagnostic information is needed, the next step is a CBCT examination. While regulating authorities in radiation protection agree that CBCT should not be used first-hand, there is still no consensus over whether CBCT alters therapy planning amongst clinicians. The ideal radiographic modality and exposure parameters vary, depending on each individual clinical task. When using ionizing radiation to examine patients, attention must be paid to the balance between the benefit to the patient and clinician contra the radiation risk. This thesis aimed to assess the radiation dose burden to children examined for impacted canines and explore methods of limiting dose exposure by applying optimised low-dose protocols and by limiting CBCT examinations through a justification process performed at the therapeutic thinking level. The first paper aimed to measure the effective dose using two-dimensional (2D) examinations (panoramic and periapical radiographs) and three-dimensional (3D) CBCT devices. 2D examination doses and CBCT doses from two devices (Promax3D and NewTom 5G) were compared after measuring organ doses on an anthropomorphic child phantom. The dose from CBCT examinations ranged from 15 to 140 times higher than conventional 2D examinations, depending on the CBCT unit and the type of 2D examination. The second paper evaluated overall image quality and visibility of anatomic structures on low-dose CBCT scans and the effect of a noise reduction filter for assessment of the anterior maxilla. Multiple CBCT protocols (Promax3D), including four low-dose protocols, were tested on dry skull phantoms to compare overall image quality and visibility of anatomic structures pertinent to impacted canine assessment. Of the low-dose protocols, three provided acceptable diagnostic image quality while reducing the dose by 61% – 77%. The third paper investigated how CBCT affects the treatment plan of patients with impacted canines, as well as identified possible clinical and 2D imaging markers for the justified CBCT examination at the therapeutic thinking level. To decide whether CBCT was justified for therapy planning, an interdisciplinary therapy-planning group evaluated impacted canine cases and decided treatment alternatives, first without and later in addition to diagnostic information from CBCT examinations. More than half of the CBCT examinations were considered unjustified, and the therapy plan changed in 9.8% of the cases. Variables measured prior to CBCT that predict the need for further CBCT examinations were horizontally positioned canines (OR= 10.9, p = 0.013 when compared to vertically positioned canines), when extraction strategy was involved (OR = 6.7, p = 0.006), and buccally positioned canines when compared to palatal (OR = 5.3, p = 0.047), central (OR = 25.0, p = 0.001), and distal or uncertain positions (OR =7.7, p = 0.005). Even when optimised, CBCT examinations come at the cost of a higher radiation dose than conventional 2D images. Based on the papers comprising this thesis, patient dose burdens can be minimized when assessing impacted maxillary canines in radiosensitive paediatric patient populations by 1) optimising low-dose CBCT protocols and 2) limiting CBCT exposures to cases where additional 3D information is important for therapeutic thinking and planning.Doktorgradsavhandlin