3 research outputs found

    Collaborative Filtering Recommender System pada Virtual 3D Kelas Cendekia

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     Intelligent Clasrooms is a concept of modern learning process where users can perform collaborative learning wherever and whenever. With learning in Intelligent Classroom, users can get different learning experience where learning process is expected to run more effectively and efficiently. One application of the Intelligent Classrooms concept is learning by utilizing the virtual world. The information collected in the Intelligent Classroom will increase so that a system is needed. The recommendation system of collaborative filtering is the most appropriate system with the intellectual class. With the sparsity of training rate of 80%, it is implemented a collaborative filtering recommendation system with error rate which if calculated with RMSE is 1.060709 or it can be said that the accuracy level is 78.79%

    Personalized Recommendation Systems (PRES): A Comprehensive Study and Research Issues.

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    The type of information systems used to recommend items to the users are called Recommendation systems. The concept of recommendations was seen among cavemen, ants and other creatures too. Users often rely on opinion of their peers when looking for selecting something, this usual behavior of the humans, led to the development of recommendation systems. There exist various recommender systems for various areas. The existing recommendation systems use different approaches. The applications of recommendation systems are increasing with increased use of web based search for users’ specific requirements. Recommendation techniques are employed by general purpose websites such as google and yahoo based on browsing history and other information like user’s geographical locations, interests, behavior in the web, history of purchase and the way they entered the website. Document recommendation systems recommend documents depending on the similar search done previously by other users. Clickstream data which provides information like user behavior and the path the users take are captured and given as input to document recommendation system. Movie recommendation systems and music recommendation systems are other areas in use and being researched to improve. Social recommendation is gaining the momentum because of huge volume of data generated and diverse requirements of the users. Current web usage trends are forcing companies to continuously research for best ways to provide the users with the suitable information as per the need depending on the search and preferences. This paper