1,134 research outputs found

    Overview of technologies for building robots in the classroom

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    This paper aims to give an overview of technologies that can be used to implement robotics within an educational context. We discuss complete robotics systems as well as projects that implement only certain elements of a robotics system, such as electronics, hardware, or software. We believe that Maker Movement and DIY trends offers many new opportunities for teaching and feel that they will become much more prominent in the future. Products and projects discussed in this paper are: Mindstorms, Vex, Arduino, Dwengo, Raspberry Pi, MakeBlock, OpenBeam, BitBeam, Scratch, Blockly and ArduBlock

    A Novel Real-Time MATLAB/Simulink/LEGO EV3 Platform for Academic Use in Robotics and Computer Science

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    Over the last years, mobile robot platforms are having a key role in education worldwide. Among others, LEGO Robots and MATLAB/Simulink are being used mainly in universities to improve the teaching experience. Most LEGO systems used in the literature are based on NXT, as the EV3 version is relatively recent. In contrast to the previous versions, the EV3 allows the development of real-time applications for teaching a wide variety of subjects as well as conducting research experiments. The goal of the research presented in this paper was to develop and validate a novel real-time educational platform based on the MATLAB/Simulink package and the LEGO EV3 brick for academic use in the fields of robotics and computer science. The proposed framework is tested here in different university teaching situations and several case studies are presented in the form of interactive projects developed by students. Without loss of generality, the platform is used for testing different robot path planning algorithms. Classical algorithms like rapidly-exploring random trees or artificial potential fields, developed by robotics researchers, are tested by bachelor students, since the code is freely available on the Internet. Furthermore, recent path planning algorithms developed by the authors are also tested in the platform with the aim of detecting the limits of its applicability. The restrictions and advantages of the proposed platform are discussed in order to enlighten future educational applications

    First Steps into Practical Engineering for Freshman Students Using MATLAB and LEGO Mindstorms Robots

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    Besides lectures on basic theoretical topics, contemporary teaching and learning concepts for first semester students give more and more consideration to practically motivated courses. In this context, a new first-year introductory course in practical engineering has been established in the first semester curriculum of Electrical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Based on a threefold learning concept, programming skills in MATLAB are taught to 309 students within a full-time block course laboratory. The students are encouraged to transfer known mathematical basics to program algorithms and real-world applications performed by 100 LEGO Mindstorms robots. A new MATLAB toolbox and twofold project tasks have been developed for this purpose by a small team of supervisors. The students are supervised by over 60 tutors at 23 institutes, and are encouraged to create their own robotics applications. We describe how the laboratory motivates the students to act and think like engineers and to solve real-world issues with limited resources. The evaluation results show that the proposed practical course concept successfully boosts students’ motivation, advances their programming skills, and encourages the peer learning process.

    Combatting the war against machines : an innovative hands-on approach to coding

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    Abstract: The 21st century is an era of technological advances that has surpassed previous decades. This is largely due to the level of innovation in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics and automation. However, learners are often reluctant to choose computer programming (coding) as a subject due to it’s perceived difficulty. Nevertheless, it is also well known that learners that are introduced to computer programming at a young age become the computer science university graduates of tomorrow

    Teaching computer science with robotics using Ada/Mindstorms 2.0

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    Programming Robots for Activities of Everyday Life

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    Text-based programming remains a challenge to novice programmers in\ua0all programming domains including robotics. The use of robots is gainingconsiderable traction in several domains since robots are capable of assisting\ua0humans in repetitive and hazardous tasks. In the near future, robots willbe used in tasks of everyday life in homes, hotels, airports, museums, etc.\ua0However, robotic missions have been either predefined or programmed usinglow-level APIs, making mission specification task-specific and error-prone.\ua0To harness the full potential of robots, it must be possible to define missionsfor specific applications domains as needed. The specification of missions of\ua0robotic applications should be performed via easy-to-use, accessible ways, and\ua0at the same time, be accurate, and unambiguous. Simplicity and flexibility in\ua0programming such robots are important, since end-users come from diverse\ua0domains, not necessarily with suffcient programming knowledge.The main objective of this licentiate thesis is to empirically understand the\ua0state-of-the-art in languages and tools used for specifying robot missions byend-users. The findings will form the basis for interventions in developing\ua0future languages for end-user robot programming.During the empirical study, DSLs for robot mission specification were\ua0analyzed through published literature, their websites, user manuals, samplemissions and using the languages to specify missions for supported robots.After extracting data from 30 environments, 133 features were identified.\ua0A feature matrix mapping the features to the environments was developedwith a feature model for robotic mission specification DSLs.Our results show that most end-user facing environments exist in the\ua0education domain for teaching novice programmers and STEM subjects. Mostof the visual languages are developed using Blockly and Scratch libraries.\ua0The end-user domain abstraction needs more work since most of the visualenvironments abstract robotic and programming language concepts but not\ua0end-user concepts. In future works, it is important to focus on the development\ua0of reusable libraries for end-user concepts; and further, explore how end-user\ua0facing environments can be adapted for novice programmers to learn\ua0general programming skills and robot programming in low resource settings\ua0in developing countries, like Uganda

    A survey on the design space of end-user-oriented languages for specifying robotic missions

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    Mobile robots are becoming increasingly important in society. Fulfilling complex missions in different contexts and environments,robots are promising instruments to support our everyday live. As such, the task of defining the robot’s missionis moving from professional developers and roboticists to the end-users. However, with the current state-of-the-art, definingmissions is non-trivial and typically requires dedicated programming skills. Since end-users usually lack such skills, manycommercial robots are nowadays equipped with environments and domain-specific languages tailored for end-users. As such,the software support for defining missions is becoming an increasingly relevant criterion when buying or choosing robots.Improving these environments and languages for specifying missions toward simplicity and flexibility is crucial. To this end,we need to improve our empirical understanding of the current state-of-the-art of such languages and their environments. Inthis paper, we contribute in this direction. We present a survey of 30 mission specification environments for mobile robots thatcome with a visual and end-user-oriented language. We explore the design space of these languages and their environments,identify their concepts, and organize them as features in a feature model. We believe that our results are valuable to practitionersand researchers designing the next generation of mission specification languages in the vibrant domain of mobilerobots

    Web Based Robotics Program for Teaching Creativity

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    Creative thinking is one of the critical professional skills in this contemporary world that requires innovative approaches to problem solutions in response to constant changes. However our current educational system that is geared towards limiting mistakes is reducing students’ chances towards experiments with creative ideas. Educational research has rekindled the value of the kindergarten approach to learning which encourages diversity and creativity through students’ tinkering with learning objects. This paper presents a web-based robotics teaching program that develops learners’ programming and spatial skills and stimulates their creative thinking. It introduces a video-enhanced inductive teaching method in order to reach students of various cognitive capabilities at the primary school level. This program has been running successfully for over 6 years in Tasmania, Australia. The online free resources provided in DrGraeme.net have also attracted a large international audience

    EUD-MARS: End-User Development of Model-Driven Adaptive Robotics Software Systems

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    Empowering end-users to program robots is becoming more significant. Introducing software engineering principles into end-user programming could improve the quality of the developed software applications. For example, model-driven development improves technology independence and adaptive systems act upon changes in their context of use. However, end-users need to apply such principles in a non-daunting manner and without incurring a steep learning curve. This paper presents EUD-MARS that aims to provide end-users with a simple approach for developing model-driven adaptive robotics software. End-users include people like hobbyists and students who are not professional programmers but are interested in programming robots. EUD-MARS supports robots like hobby drones and educational humanoids that are available for end-users. It offers a tool for software developers and another one for end-users. We evaluated EUD-MARS from three perspectives. First, we used EUD-MARS to program different types of robots and assessed its visual programming language against existing design principles. Second, we asked software developers to use EUD-MARS to configure robots and obtained their feedback on strengths and points for improvement. Third, we observed how end-users explain and develop EUD-MARS programs, and obtained their feedback mainly on understandability, ease of programming, and desirability. These evaluations yielded positive indications of EUD-MARS

    Anàlisi del Microsoft Robotics Studio

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    Cada cop més s'utilitzen robots en molts àmbits de la vida, els quals han de ser programats, i el fet que Microsoft s'impliqui aportant una eina de programació resulta interessant. Aprendre a programar robots i colònies de robots amb aquesta eina, la qual està tenint una bona acollida, és molt important, per això en aquest projecte s'ha fet una anàlisi crítica de MRS i del material docent associat a l'aplicació. Els resultats i conclusions obtinguts han estat, d'una banda, que és la millor eina de programació de robots, en termes generals, i d'altra, una guia iniciativa a l'entorn MRS, accessible a la direcció: http://shades.uab.cat/MSRS.Cada vez más se utilizan robots en muchos ámbitos de la vida, los cuales han de ser programados, y el hecho de que Microsoft se implique aportando una herramienta de programación resulta interesante. Aprender a programar robots y colonias de robots con esta herramienta, la cual está teniendo una buena acogida, es muy importante, es por esto que en este proyecto se ha hecho un análisis crítico de MRS y del material docente asociado a la aplicación Los resultados y conclusiones obtenidos han sido, por un lado que es la mejor aplicación de programación de robots, en términos generales, y por otro, una guía iniciativa en el entorno MRS, accesible desde la dirección: http://shades.uab.cat/MSRS.Every time more robots are used in many areas of the life, which have to be programmed, and the fact that Microsoft is implied bringing a tool of programming is interesting. To learn to program robots and colonies of robots with this tool, which is having a good reception, is very important, in this project a critical analysis of MRS and of the educational material associated with the application has been made because of that. The results and conclusions obtained in the analysis have been, on the one hand, that MRS is the best tool of robots programming, in general terms, and of another, an initiative guide in the environment MRS, accessible to the direction: http://shades.uab.cat/MSRS.Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia