473 research outputs found

    An assessment of tropical dryland forest ecosystem biomass and climate change impacts in the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) region of Southern Africa

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    The dryland forests of the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) region in Southern Africa are highly susceptible to disturbances from an increase in human population, wildlife pressures and the impacts of climate change. In this environment, reliable forest extent and structure estimates are difficult to obtain because of the size and remoteness of KAZA (519,912 km²). Whilst satellite remote sensing is generally well-suited to monitoring forest characteristics, there remain large uncertainties about its application for assessing changes at a regional scale to quantify forest structure and biomass in dry forest environments. This thesis presents research that combines Synthetic Aperture Radar, multispectral satellite imagery and climatological data with an inventory from a ground survey of woodland in Botswana and Namibia in 2019. The research utilised a multi-method approach including parametric and non-parametric algorithms and change detection models to address the following objectives: (1) To assess the feasibility of using openly accessible remote sensing data to estimate the dryland forest above ground biomass (2) to quantify the detail of vegetation dynamics using extensive archives of time series satellite data; (3) to investigate the relationship between fire, soil moisture, and drought on dryland vegetation as a means of characterising spatiotemporal changes in aridity. The results establish that a combination of radar and multispectral imagery produced the best fit to the ground observations for estimating forest above ground biomass. Modelling of the time-series shows that it is possible to identify abrupt changes, longer-term trends and seasonality in forest dynamics. The time series analysis of fire shows that about 75% of the study area burned at least once within the 17-year monitoring period, with the national parks more frequently affected than other protected areas. The results presented show a significant increase in dryness over the past 2 decades, with arid and semi-arid regions encroaching at the expense of dry sub-humid, particularly in the south of the region, notably between 2011-2019

    Remote Sensing of Savannas and Woodlands

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    Savannas and woodlands are one of the most challenging targets for remote sensing. This book provides a current snapshot of the geographical focus and application of the latest sensors and sensor combinations in savannas and woodlands. It includes feature articles on terrestrial laser scanning and on the application of remote sensing to characterization of vegetation dynamics in the Mato Grosso, Cerrado and Caatinga of Brazil. It also contains studies focussed on savannas in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia. It should be important reading for environmental practitioners and scientists globally who are concerned with the sustainability of the global savanna and woodland biome

    Afromontane forest ecosystem studies with multi-source satellite data

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    The Afromontane Forest of north Eastern Nigeria is an important ecological ecosystem endowed with flora and fauna species. The main goals of this thesis were to explore the potential of multi-source satellite remote sensing for the assessment of the biodiversity-rich Afromontane Forest ecosystem using different methods and algorithms to retrieve two major remote sensing -essential biodiversity variables (RS-EBV) which are related and are also the major determinants of biological and ecosystem stability

    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Groundwater Recharge in the West Bank Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

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    Estimating groundwater recharge to aquifer systems is a very important element in assessing the water resources of the West Bank. Of particular interest is the sustainable yield of the aquifers. Previous studies have developed analytical recharge models that are based on the long-term annual rainfall data. These models have been shown to be inadequate and changes over shorter periods, e.g. monthly estimates, must be known in order to study the temporal distribution of recharge. The approach used in this research integrates data derived from satellite images (e.g. land cover, evapotranspiration, rainfall, and digital elevation model) with hydrogeological data in a Geographic Information System (GIS) model to identify and map the surface recharge areas. The Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) is applied to time series of remote sensing MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) level 3 data of reflectance and surface temperature measurements to estimate monthly evapotranspiration; precipitation is derived from the monthly data sets of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM); runoff is given assumed values of 0.75 mm month-1 and 0.4 mm month-1 for the months of January and February, respectively. Recharge is quantified from November until March by applying the water balance method where evapotranspiration estimates and runoff are subtracted from precipitation. Results show good agreement between data reported in the literature and remote sensing-based analysis. Empirical models that are based on long term rainfall measurements suggest recharge values between 800 and 836 MCM yr-1 while the remote sensing based model results estimate recharge to be 700 MCM yr-1. The Western, North-Eastern, and Eastern Aquifer Basins receive 30%, 23%, and 47% of the total calculated recharge while percentages available in the literature provide 49%, 22%, and 29%, respectively. Discrepancies are mainly due to lack of field data, the overestimation of actual evapotranspiration, and underestimation of TRMM precipitation values. The recharge map indicates that the most effective groundwater recharge zones are located in the north and west of the area that is characterised by thick and well developed soil deposits, heavy vegetation, and a sub-humid climate with the potential of significant recharge occurring during the wet season. Some areas in the east include concentration of drainage and stream flows which increase the ability of to recharge the groundwater system. The least effective areas are in the south and south-west region that is more arid with much less recharge, mainly due to its isolated thin soil deposits. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to demonstrate the impact of land cover change on groundwater and natural recharge. The assessment involved the use of land covers of 1994 and 2004 with the same fixed parameters of evapotranspiration, precipitation, drainage, slope, soil, and geology. Results show a decrease in high and intermediate high recharge areas from 40.25 km2 and 2462.25 km2 in year 1994 to 15.5 km2 and 1994 km2 in 2004, respectively. This illustrates the extent of land cover/land use change influence on recharge and calls for integrated plans and strategies to preserve recharge at least at its current rates

    The global tree carrying capacity (keynote)

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    Remote sensing of energy and water fluxes over Volta Savannah catchments in West Africa

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    The deterioration of the West African savannah in the last three decades is believed to be closely linked with about 0.5 C rise in temperature leading to evaporation losses and declining levels of the Volta Lake in Ghana. Although hydrological models can be used to predict climate change impacts on the regional hydrology, spatially-observed ground data needed for this purpose are largely unavailable. This thesis seeks to address this problem by developing improved methods for estimating energy and water fluxes (e.g. latent heat [ET]) from remotely sensed data and to demonstrate how these may be used to parameterize hydrological models. The first part of the thesis examines the potential of the Penman-Monteith method to estimate local-scale ET using groundbased hydrometeorological observations, vegetation coefficients and environmental data. The model results were compared with pan observations, scintillometer (eddy correlation) measurements and the Thomthwaite empirical method. The Penman- Monteith model produced better evaporation estimates (~3.90 mm day(^-1) for the Tamale district) than its counterpart methods. The Thomthwaite, for example, overestimated predictions by 5.0-11.0 mm day(^-1). Up-scaling on a monthly time scale and parameterization of the Grindley soil moisture balance model with the Thomthwaite and Penman-Monteith data, however, produced similar estimates of actual evaporation and soil moisture, which correlated strongly (R(^2) = 0.95) with water balance estimates. To improve ET estimation at the regional-scale, the second part of the thesis develops spatial models through energy balance modelling and data up-scaling methods, driven by radiometric measurements from recent satellite sensors such as the Landsat ETM+, MODIS and ENVISAT-AATSR. The results were validated using estimates from the Penman-Monteith method, field observations, detailed satellite measurements and published data. It was realised that the MODIS sensor is a more useful source of energy and water balance parameters than AA TSR. For example, stronger correlations were found between MODIS estimates of ET and other energy balance variables such as NDVI, surface temperature and net radiation (R(^2) = 0.67-0.73) compared with AATSR estimates (R(^2) = 0.31-0.40). There was also a good spatial correlation between MODIS and Landsat ETM+ results (R(^2) = 0.71), but poor correlations were found between AATSR and Landsat data (R(^2) = 0.0-0.13), which may be explained by differences in instrument calibration. The results further showed that ET may be underestimated with deviations of ~2.0 mm day 1 when MODIS/AATSR measurements are validated against point observations because of spatial mismatch. The final part of the thesis demonstrates the application of the ET model for predicting runoff (Q) using a simplified version of the regional water balance equation. This is followed byanalysis of flow sensitivity to declining scenarios of biomass volume. The results showed the absence of Q for >90% of the study area during the dry season due largely to crude model approximation and lack of rainfall data, which makes model testing during the wet season important. Runoff prediction may be improved if spatial estimates of rainfall, ET and geographical data (e.g. land-use/cover maps, soil & geology maps and DEM) could be routinely derived from satellite imagery

    Challenges in using land use and land cover data for global change studies

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    Land use and land cover data play a central role in climate change assessments. These data originate from different sources and inventory techniques. Each source of land use/cover data has its own domain of applicability and quality standards. Often data are selected without explicitly considering the suitability of the data for the specific application, the bias originating from data inventory and aggregation, and the effects of the uncertainty in the data on the results of the assessment. Uncertainties due to data selection and handling can be in the same order of magnitude as uncertainties related to the representation of the processes under investigation. While acknowledging the differences in data sources and the causes of inconsistencies, several methods have been developed to optimally extract information from the data and document the uncertainties. These methods include data integration, improved validation techniques and harmonization of classification systems. Based on the data needs of global change studies and the data availability, recommendations are formulated aimed at optimal use of current data and focused efforts for additional data collection. These include: improved documentation using classification systems for land use/cover data; careful selection of data given the specific application and the use of appropriate scaling and aggregation methods. In addition, the data availability may be improved by the combination of different data sources to optimize information content while collection of additional data must focus on validation of available data sets and improved coverage of regions and land cover types with a high level of uncertainty. Specific attention in data collection should be given to the representation of land management (systems) and mosaic landscape

    Global Forest Monitoring from Earth Observation

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    Covering recent developments in satellite observation data undertaken for monitoring forest areas from global to national levels, this book highlights operational tools and systems for monitoring forest ecosystems. It also tackles the technical issues surrounding the ability to produce accurate and consistent estimates of forest area changes, which are needed to report greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land use changes. Written by leading global experts in the field, this book offers a launch point for future advances in satellite-based monitoring of global forest resources. It gives readers a deeper understanding of monitoring methods and shows how state-of-art technologies may soon provide key data for creating more balanced policies

    Triennial Report: 2009-2011

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    Triennial Report Purpose [Page] 3 Geographical Information Science Center of Excellence [Page] 4 SDSU Faculty [Page] 6 EROS Faculty [Page] 13 Research Professors [Page] 18 Postdoctoral Fellows [Page] 21 GSE Ph.D Program [Page] 30 Ph.D. Students [Page] 31 Ph.D. Fellowships [Page] 44 Recent Ph.D. Graduates [Page] 45 Center Scholars Program and Masters Students [Page] 51 Research Staff [Page] 52 Administrative and Information Technology Staff [Page] 55 Computer Resources [Page] 58 Research Funding [Page] 60 Looking Forward [Page] 61 Appendix I Alumni Faculty and Staff Appendix II Cool Faculty Research and Locations Appendix III Non-Academic Fun Things To Do Appendix IV Publications 2009-2011 Appendix V Directory Appendix VI GIScCE Birthplace Map Appendix VII How To Get To The GIScC