South Dakota State University

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    28235 research outputs found

    Asteraceae : Ratibida columnifera

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    Ratibida columnifera is a perennial herb with green stems arising singly or in clusters from a taproot, growing from 30 to 100 cm in height. The stems are hairy and often branched. The simple, alternate leaves are hairy and have many small glands, growing up to 15 cm long and 6 cm wide, deeply pinnately to bipinnately lobed (5-11 lobes), the ultimate segments being linear to oblong and often very unequal. One to a few heads sit atop a long peduncle, with 2 series of reflexed involucral bracts. Each head consists of 4 to 12 drooping, yellow, purplish-red, or purplish-red with yellow bordered ray florets that surround a columnar receptacle that is up to 5 cm long. The column is covered with numerous purplish disk florets, which open starting at the base of the column and moving upward. the achenes are 1.5-3 mm long with short hairs on the inner edge. Prairie coneflower blooms from June to September along roadsides in open prairies and disturbed fields throughout all of South Dakota.

    Apiaceae : Osmorhiza longistylis

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    Osmorhiza longistylis is a perennial from fleshy roots that are up to 1 cm thick. Stems grow to 1 m tall and can be smooth to densely covered with short hairs. The compound leaves are bi or triternate pinnate. The leaflet blades are ovate to oblong, 3-10 cm by 1-5 cm, the margins have small teeth to larger teeth to pinnate lobes toward the base and are covered with few to a many short hairs. The petioles are long (5-16 cm) and smooth to hairy. The inflorescence is a group of loose umbels both terminal and in the axils of the upper leaves. The umbels are attached by a 5-13 cm peduncle. Each umbel has about 5 umbellets, each umbellet has 8-16 tiny flowers. The flowers have 5 white petals, 5 white-tipped stamens, and 2 white styles which exceed the length of the petals. The fruit is a schizocarp 18-20 mm long. Long-styled sweet-cicely blooms from late April to June in woods thickets and along stream banks in eastern and western South Dakota.

    SDSU Data Science Symposium, 2024

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    SDSU Data Science Symposium, 2024

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    SDSU Data Science Symposium, 2024

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    SDSU Data Science Symposium, 2024

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    SDSU Data Science Symposium, 2024

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    Session 8: \u3cem\u3eClustering Singular and Non-Singular Covariance Matrices for Classification\u3c/em\u3e

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    Clustering Singular and Non-Singular Covariance Matrices for Classificatio

    Session 7: \u3cem\u3eStudying Algorithmic Bias in Forensic Source Identification Problems\u3c/em\u3e

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    Student Speed Presentations Studying Algorithmic Bias in Forensic Source Identification Problems Isaac Gbene, South Dakota State Universit

    Spatio-Temporal Change of Support Applied to South Dakota Area Deprivation Index Rankings

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    A common issue in spatial and temporal statistical analysis occurs when we want to make inferences about a variable, but the spatial or temporal support of the observed data does not match the desired support. The process of transforming data to the desired support is referred to as change of support (COS). The traditional approach for performing spatial-only COS is to estimate values based on areal proportions. This method is easy to implement but works only for spatial COS and does not provide measures of uncertainty. Furthermore, there is no reliable way to evaluate the performance of this method. In this project, we employed a spatio-temporal change of support (STCOS) model which allows for both spatial and temporal COS on Gaussian data. The model uses a bottom-up approach and a Bayesian hierarchical model framework. This methodology can provide model-based estimates, predictions, and associated measures of uncertainty. We present a case study using the national Area Deprivation Index (ADI) rankings for the state of South Dakota. ADI rankings are used to identify areas of socioeconomic disadvantage at the census block group level. The STCOS model is demonstrated by estimating the ADI rankings of ZIP Code Tabulation Areas in South Dakota


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