21,208 research outputs found

    A multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction method: getsources

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    We present a multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction algorithm called getsources. Although it has been designed primarily for use in the far-infrared surveys of Galactic star-forming regions with Herschel, the method can be applied to many other astronomical images. Instead of the traditional approach of extracting sources in the observed images, the new method analyzes fine spatial decompositions of original images across a wide range of scales and across all wavebands. It cleans those single-scale images of noise and background, and constructs wavelength-independent single-scale detection images that preserve information in both spatial and wavelength dimensions. Sources are detected in the combined detection images by following the evolution of their segmentation masks across all spatial scales. Measurements of the source properties are done in the original background-subtracted images at each wavelength; the background is estimated by interpolation under the source footprints and overlapping sources are deblended in an iterative procedure. In addition to the main catalog of sources, various catalogs and images are produced that aid scientific exploitation of the extraction results. We illustrate the performance of getsources on Herschel images by extracting sources in sub-fields of the Aquila and Rosette star-forming regions. The source extraction code and validation images with a reference extraction catalog are freely available.Comment: 31 pages, 27 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A multi-scale filament extraction method: getfilaments

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    Far-infrared imaging surveys of Galactic star-forming regions with Herschel have shown that a substantial part of the cold interstellar medium appears as a fascinating web of omnipresent filamentary structures. This highly anisotropic ingredient of the interstellar material further complicates the difficult problem of the systematic detection and measurement of dense cores in the strongly variable but (relatively) isotropic backgrounds. Observational evidence that stars form in dense filaments creates severe problems for automated source extraction methods that must reliably distinguish sources not only from fluctuating backgrounds and noise, but also from the filamentary structures. A previous paper presented the multi-scale, multi-wavelength source extraction method getsources based on a fine spatial scale decomposition and filtering of irrelevant scales from images. In this paper, a multi-scale, multi-wavelength filament extraction method getfilaments is presented that solves this problem, substantially improving the robustness of source extraction with getsources in filamentary backgrounds. The main difference is that the filaments extracted by getfilaments are now subtracted by getsources from detection images during source extraction, greatly reducing the chances of contaminating catalogs with spurious sources. The intimate physical relationship between forming stars and filaments seen in Herschel observations demands that accurate filament extraction methods must remove the contribution of sources and that accurate source extraction methods must be able to remove underlying filamentary structures. Source extraction with getsources now provides researchers also with clean images of filaments, free of sources, noise, and isotropic backgrounds.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics; language polished for better readabilit

    Image Restoration Using Joint Statistical Modeling in Space-Transform Domain

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    This paper presents a novel strategy for high-fidelity image restoration by characterizing both local smoothness and nonlocal self-similarity of natural images in a unified statistical manner. The main contributions are three-folds. First, from the perspective of image statistics, a joint statistical modeling (JSM) in an adaptive hybrid space-transform domain is established, which offers a powerful mechanism of combining local smoothness and nonlocal self-similarity simultaneously to ensure a more reliable and robust estimation. Second, a new form of minimization functional for solving image inverse problem is formulated using JSM under regularization-based framework. Finally, in order to make JSM tractable and robust, a new Split-Bregman based algorithm is developed to efficiently solve the above severely underdetermined inverse problem associated with theoretical proof of convergence. Extensive experiments on image inpainting, image deblurring and mixed Gaussian plus salt-and-pepper noise removal applications verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures, 7 Tables, to be published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits System and Video Technology (TCSVT). High resolution pdf version and Code can be found at: http://idm.pku.edu.cn/staff/zhangjian/IRJSM

    Kajian motivasi ekstrinsik di antara Pelajar Lepasan Sijil dan Diploma Politeknik Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awam KUiTTHO

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh dorongan keluarga, cara pengajaran pensyarah, pengaruh rakan sebaya dan kemudahan infrastruktur terhadap motivasi ekstrinsik bagi pelajar tahun tiga dan tahun empat lepasan sijil dan diploma politeknik Jabatan Kejuruteraan Awain Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn. Sampel kajian ini beijumlah 87 orang bagi pelajar lepasan sijil politeknik dan 38 orang bagi lepasan diploma politeknik. Data kajian telah diperolehi melalui borang soal selidik dan telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian SPSS (Statical Package For Sciences). Hasil kajian telah dipersembahkan dalam bentuk jadual dan histohgrapi. Analisis kajian mendapati bahawa kedua-dua kumpulan setuju bahawa faktor-faktor di atas memberi kesan kepada motivasi ekstrinsik mereka. Dengan kata lain faktpr-faktor tersebut penting dalam membentuk pelajar mencapai kecemerlangan akademik

    Implementation of robust image artifact removal in SWarp through clipped mean stacking

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    We implement an algorithm for detecting and removing artifacts from astronomical images by means of outlier rejection during stacking. Our method is capable of addressing both small, highly significant artifacts such as cosmic rays and, by applying a filtering technique to generate single frame masks, larger area but lower surface brightness features such as secondary (ghost) images of bright stars. In contrast to the common method of building a median stack, the clipped or outlier-filtered mean stacked point-spread function (PSF) is a linear combination of the single frame PSFs as long as the latter are moderately homogeneous, a property of great importance for weak lensing shape measurement or model fitting photometry. In addition, it has superior noise properties, allowing a significant reduction in exposure time compared to median stacking. We make publicly available a modified version of SWarp that implements clipped mean stacking and software to generate single frame masks from the list of outlier pixels.Comment: PASP accepted; software for download at http://www.usm.uni-muenchen.de/~dgruen

    Simple foreground cleaning algorithm for detecting primordial B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background

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    We reconsider the pixel-based, "template" polarized foreground removal method within the context of a next-generation, low-noise, low-resolution (0.5 degree FWHM) space-borne experiment measuring the cosmological B-mode polarization signal in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). This method was put forward by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) team and further studied by Efstathiou et al. We need at least 3 frequency channels: one is used for extracting the CMB signal, whereas the other two are used to estimate the spatial distribution of the polarized dust and synchrotron emission. No external template maps are used. We extract the tensor-to-scalar ratio (r) from simulated sky maps consisting of CMB, noise (2 micro K arcmin), and a foreground model, and find that, even for the simplest 3-frequency configuration with 60, 100, and 240 GHz, the residual bias in r is as small as Delta r~0.002. This bias is dominated by the residual synchrotron emission due to spatial variations of the synchrotron spectral index. With an extended mask with fsky=0.5, the bias is reduced further down to <0.001.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Ap

    Constraining the epoch of reionization with the variance statistic: simulations of the LOFAR case

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    Several experiments are underway to detect the cosmic redshifted 21-cm signal from neutral hydrogen from the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). Due to their very low signal-to-noise ratio, these observations aim for a statistical detection of the signal by measuring its power spectrum. We investigate the extraction of the variance of the signal as a first step towards detecting and constraining the global history of the EoR. Signal variance is the integral of the signal's power spectrum, and it is expected to be measured with a high significance. We demonstrate this through results from a simulation and parameter estimation pipeline developed for the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR)-EoR experiment. We show that LOFAR should be able to detect the EoR in 600 hours of integration using the variance statistic. Additionally, the redshift (zrz_r) and duration (Δz\Delta z) of reionization can be constrained assuming a parametrization. We use an EoR simulation of zr=7.68z_r = 7.68 and Δz=0.43\Delta z = 0.43 to test the pipeline. We are able to detect the simulated signal with a significance of 4 standard deviations and extract the EoR parameters as zr=7.720.18+0.37z_r = 7.72^{+0.37}_{-0.18} and Δz=0.530.23+0.12\Delta z = 0.53^{+0.12}_{-0.23} in 600 hours, assuming that systematic errors can be adequately controlled. We further show that the significance of detection and constraints on EoR parameters can be improved by measuring the cross-variance of the signal by cross-correlating consecutive redshift bins.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Component separation methods for the Planck mission

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    The Planck satellite will map the full sky at nine frequencies from 30 to 857 GHz. The CMB intensity and polarization that are its prime targets are contaminated by foreground emission. The goal of this paper is to compare proposed methods for separating CMB from foregrounds based on their different spectral and spatial characteristics, and to separate the foregrounds into components of different physical origin. A component separation challenge has been organized, based on a set of realistically complex simulations of sky emission. Several methods including those based on internal template subtraction, maximum entropy method, parametric method, spatial and harmonic cross correlation methods, and independent component analysis have been tested. Different methods proved to be effective in cleaning the CMB maps from foreground contamination, in reconstructing maps of diffuse Galactic emissions, and in detecting point sources and thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich signals. The power spectrum of the residuals is, on the largest scales, four orders of magnitude lower than that of the input Galaxy power spectrum at the foreground minimum. The CMB power spectrum was accurately recovered up to the sixth acoustic peak. The point source detection limit reaches 100 mJy, and about 2300 clusters are detected via the thermal SZ effect on two thirds of the sky. We have found that no single method performs best for all scientific objectives. We foresee that the final component separation pipeline for Planck will involve a combination of methods and iterations between processing steps targeted at different objectives such as diffuse component separation, spectral estimation and compact source extraction.Comment: Matches version accepted by A&A. A version with high resolution figures is available at http://people.sissa.it/~leach/compsepcomp.pd