26 research outputs found

    Higher absorbed solar radiation partly offset the negative effects of water stress on the photosynthesis of Amazon forests during the 2015 drought

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    Amazon forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle and Earth\u27s climate. The vulnerability of Amazon forests to drought remains highly controversial. Here we examine the impacts of the 2015 drought on the photosynthesis of Amazon forests to understand how solar radiation and precipitation jointly control forest photosynthesis during the severe drought. We use a variety of gridded vegetation and climate datasets, including solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), the fraction of absorbed PAR (APAR), leaf area index (LAI), precipitation, soil moisture, cloud cover, and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in our analysis. Satellite-derived SIF observations provide a direct diagnosis of plant photosynthesis from space. The decomposition of SIF to SIF yield (SIFyield) and APAR (the product of PAR and fPAR) reveals the relative effects of precipitation and solar radiation on photosynthesis. We found that the drought significantly reduced SIFyield, the emitted SIF per photon absorbed. The higher APAR resulting from lower cloud cover and higher LAI partly offset the negative effects of water stress on the photosynthesis of Amazon forests, leading to a smaller reduction in SIF than in SIFyield and precipitation. We further found that SIFyield anomalies were more sensitive to precipitation and VPD anomalies in the southern regions of the Amazon than in the central and northern regions. Our findings shed light on the relative and combined effects of precipitation and solar radiation on photosynthesis, and can improve our understanding of the responses of Amazon forests to drought

    Remote sensing of near-infrared chlorophyll fluorescence from space in scattering atmospheres: implications for its retrieval and interferences with atmospheric CO_2 retrievals

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    With the advent of dedicated greenhouse gas space-borne spectrometers sporting high resolution spectra in the O_2 A-band spectral region (755–774 nm), the retrieval of chlorophyll fluorescence has become feasible on a global scale. If unaccounted for, however, fluorescence can indirectly perturb the greenhouse gas retrievals as it perturbs the oxygen absorption features. As atmospheric CO_2 measurements are used to invert net fluxes at the land–atmosphere interface, a bias caused by fluorescence can be crucial as it will spatially correlate with the fluxes to be inverted. Avoiding a bias and retrieving fluorescence accurately will provide additional constraints on both the net and gross fluxes in the global carbon cycle. We show that chlorophyll fluorescence, if neglected, systematically interferes with full-physics multi-band X_(CO_2) retrievals using the O_2 A-band. Systematic biases in X_(CO_2) can amount to +1 ppm if fluorescence constitutes 1% to the continuum level radiance. We show that this bias can be largely eliminated by simultaneously fitting fluorescence in a full-physics based retrieval. If fluorescence is the primary target, a dedicated but very simple retrieval based purely on Fraunhofer lines is shown to be more accurate and very robust even in the presence of large scattering optical depths. We find that about 80% of the surface fluorescence is retained at the top-of-atmosphere, even for cloud optical thicknesses around 2–5. We further show that small instrument modifications to future O_2 A-band spectrometer spectral ranges can result in largely reduced random errors in chlorophyll fluorescence, paving the way towards a more dedicated instrument exploiting solar absorption features only

    Optimising configuration of a hyperspectral imager for on-line field measurement of wheat canopy

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    There is a lack of information on optimal measurement configuration of hyperspectral imagers for on-line measurement of a wheat canopy. This paper aims at identifying this configuration using a passive sensor (400–750 nm). The individual and interaction effects of camera height and angle, sensor integration time and light source distance and height on the spectra's signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were evaluated under laboratory scanning conditions, from which an optimal configuration was defined and tested under on-line field measurement conditions. The influences of soil total nitrogen (TN) and moisture content (MC) measured with an on-line visible and near infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy sensor on SNR were also studied. Analysis of variance and principal component analysis (PCA) were applied to understand the effects of the laboratory considered factors and to identify the most influencing components on SNR. Results showed that integration time and camera height and angle are highly influential factors affecting SNR. Among integration times of 10, 20 and 50 ms, the highest SNR was obtained with 1.2 m, 1.2 m and 10° values of light height, light distance and camera angle, respectively. The optimum integration time for on-line field measurement was 50 ms, obtained at an optimal camera height of 0.3 m. On-line measured soil TN and MC were found to have significant effects on the SNR with Kappa values of 0.56 and 0.75, respectively. In conclusion, an optimal configuration for a tractor mounted hyperspectral imager was established for the best quality of on-line spectra collected for wheat canopy

    The 2010 Russian Drought Impact on Satellite Measurements of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence: Insights from Modeling and Comparisons with the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI)

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    We examine satellite-based measurements of chlorophyll solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) over the region impacted by the Russian drought and heat wave of 2010. Like the popular Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) that has been used for decades to measure photosynthetic capacity, SIF measurements are sensitive to the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically-active radiation (fPAR). However, in addition, SIF is sensitive to the fluorescence yield that is related to the photosynthetic yield. Both SIF and NDVI from satellite data show drought-related declines early in the growing season in 2010 as compared to other years between 2007 and 2013 for areas dominated by crops and grasslands. This suggests an early manifestation of the dry conditions on fPAR. We also simulated SIF using a global land surface model driven by observation-based meteorological fields. The model provides a reasonable simulation of the drought and heat impacts on SIF in terms of the timing and spatial extents of anomalies, but there are some differences between modeled and observed SIF. The model may potentially be improved through data assimilation or parameter estimation using satellite observations of SIF (as well as NDVI). The model simulations also offer the opportunity to examine separately the different components of the SIF signal and relationships with Gross Primary Productivity (GPP)

    FLEX (Fluorescence Explorer) mission: Observation fluorescence as a new remote sensing technique to study the global terrestrial vegetation state

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] FLEX (Fluorescence EXplorer) is a candidate for the 8th ESA’s Earth Explorer mission. Is the first space mission specifically designed for the estimation of vegetation fluorescence on a global scale. The mission is proposed to fly in tandem with the future ESA´s Sentinel-3 satellite. It is foreseen that the information obtained by Sentinel-3 will be supplemented with that provided by FLORIS (Fluorescence Imaging Spectrometer) onboard FLEX. FLORIS will measure the radiance between 500 and 800 nm with a bandwidth between 0.1 nm and 2 nm, providing images with a 150 km swath and 300 m pixel size. This information will allow a detailed monitoring of vegetation dynamics, by improving the methods for the estimation of classical biophysical parameters, and by introducing a new one: fluorescence. This paper presents the current status of FLEX mission in A/B1 phase and the different ongoing studies, campaigns and projects carried out in support of the FLEX mission.[ES] La misión FLEX (FLuorescence EXplorer) candidata del programa “Earth Explorer” de la ESA, es la primera misión espacial diseñada específicamente para la estimación de la fluorescencia de la vegetación a escala global. La propuesta incluye que FLEX vuele en tándem con el futuro Sentinel-3 de la ESA. La información proporcionada por los sensores de Sentinel-3 será complementada con la proporcionada por FLORIS (FLuORescence Imaging Spectrometer) a bordo de FLEX, que medirá la radiancia entre 500 y 800 nm con una anchura de bandas entre 0,1 nm y 2 nm, proporcionando imágenes con un ancho de barrido de 150 km y tamaño de pixel de 300 m. Esta información permitirá el estudio detallado de la vegetación con métodos mejorados para la estimación de parámetros biofísicos clásicos y la introducción de nuevos parámetros biofísicos como la fluorescencia. En este trabajo se muestra el estado actual de la misión FLEX en fase A/B1 y de los distintos estudios, campañas y proyectos que se están llevando a cabo en torno a la misión FLEX.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias al Proyecto AYA2010-21432-C02-01 (BIOFLEX) subvencionado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España.Moreno, J.; Alonso, L.; Delegido, J.; Rivera, J.; Ruiz-Verdú, A.; Sabater, N.; Tenjo, C.... (2014). Misión FLEX (Fluorescence Explorer): Observación de la fluorescencia por teledetección como nueva técnica de estudio del estado de la vegetación terrestre a escala global. Revista de Teledetección. (41):111-119. https://doi.org/10.4995/raet.2014.2296SWORD11111941Meroni, M., Rossini, M., Guanter, L., Alonso, L., Rascher, U., Colombo, R., & Moreno, J. (2009). Remote sensing of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: Review of methods and applications. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113(10), 2037-2051. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2009.05.003Van der Tol, C., Verhoef, W., Timmermans, J., Verhoef, A., & Su, Z. (2009). An integrated model of soil-canopy spectral radiances, photosynthesis, fluorescence, temperature and energy balance. Biogeosciences, 6(12), 3109-3129. doi:10.5194/bg-6-3109-200

    Comparison of phenology estimated from reflectance-based indices and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) observations in a temperate forest using GPP-based phenology as the standard

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Remote Sensing 10 (2018): 932, doi:10.3390/rs10060932.We assessed the performance of reflectance-based vegetation indices and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) datasets with various spatial and temporal resolutions in monitoring the Gross Primary Production (GPP)-based phenology in a temperate deciduous forest. The reflectance-based indices include the green chromatic coordinate (GCC), field measured and satellite remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI); and the SIF datasets include ground-based measurement and satellite-based products. We found that, if negative impacts due to coarse spatial and temporal resolutions are effectively reduced, all these data can serve as good indicators of phenological metrics for spring. However, the autumn phenological metrics derived from all reflectance-based datasets are later than the those derived from ground-based GPP estimates (flux sites). This is because the reflectance-based observations estimate phenology by tracking physiological properties including leaf area index (LAI) and leaf chlorophyll content (Chl), which does not reflect instantaneous changes in phenophase transitions, and thus the estimated fall phenological events may be later than GPP-based phenology. In contrast, we found that SIF has a good potential to track seasonal transition of photosynthetic activities in both spring and fall seasons. The advantage of SIF in estimating the GPP-based phenology lies in its inherent link to photosynthesis activities such that SIF can respond quickly to all factors regulating phenological events. Despite uncertainties in phenological metrics estimated from current spaceborne SIF observations due to their coarse spatial and temporal resolutions, dates in middle spring and autumn—the two most important metrics—can still be reasonably estimated from satellite SIF. Our study reveals that SIF provides a better way to monitor GPP-based phenological metrics.This research was supported by U. S. Department of Energy Office of Biological and Environmental Research Grant DE-SC0006951, National Science Foundation Grants DBI 959333 and AGS-1005663, and the University of Chicago and the MBL Lillie Research Innovation Award to Jianwu Tang and China Scholarship Council No. 201506190095 to Z. Liu. Xiaoliang Lu was also supported by the open project grant (LBKF201701) of Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Emerging opportunities and challenges in phenology: a review

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    Plant phenology research has gained increasing attention because of the sensitivity of phenology to climate change and its consequences for ecosystem function. Recent technological development has made it possible to gather invaluable data at a variety of spatial and ecological scales. Despite our ability to observe phenological change at multiple scales, the mechanistic basis of phenology is still not well understood. Integration of multiple disciplines, including ecology, evolutionary biology, climate science, and remote sensing, with long-term monitoring data across multiple spatial scales are needed to advance understanding of phenology. We review the mechanisms and major drivers of plant phenology, including temperature, photoperiod, and winter chilling, as well as other factors such as competition, resource limitation, and genetics. Shifts in plant phenology have significant consequences on ecosystem productivity, carbon cycling, competition, food webs, and other ecosystem functions and services. We summarize recent advances in observation techniques across multiple spatial scales, including digital repeat photography, other complementary optical measurements, and solar induced fluorescence, to assess our capability to address the importance of these scale-dependent drivers. Then we review phenology models as an important component of earth system modeling. We find that the lack of species-level knowledge and observation data lead to difficulties in the development of vegetation phenology models at ecosystem or community scales. Finally, we recommend further research to advance understanding of the mechanisms governing phenology and the standardization of phenology observation methods across networks. With the opportunity for “big data” collection for plant phenology, we envision a breakthrough in process-based phenology modeling

    Ground-Based Optical Measurements at European Flux Sites: A Review of Methods, Instruments and Current Controversies

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    This paper reviews the currently available optical sensors, their limitations and opportunities for deployment at Eddy Covariance (EC) sites in Europe. This review is based on the results obtained from an online survey designed and disseminated by the Co-cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action ESO903—“Spectral Sampling Tools for Vegetation Biophysical Parameters and Flux Measurements in Europe” that provided a complete view on spectral sampling activities carried out within the different research teams in European countries. The results have highlighted that a wide variety of optical sensors are in use at flux sites across Europe, and responses further demonstrated that users were not always fully aware of the key issues underpinning repeatability and the reproducibility of their spectral measurements. The key findings of this survey point towards the need for greater awareness of the need for standardisation and development of a common protocol of optical sampling at the European EC sites

    Towards a harmonized long‐term spaceborne record of far‐red solar induced fluorescence

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    Far‐red solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has been retrieved from multiple satellites with nearly continuous global coverage since 1996. Multiple official and research‐grade retrievals provide a means for cross validation across sensors and algorithms, but produces substantial variation across products due to differences in instrument characteristics and retrieval algorithm. The lack of a consistent, calibrated SIF data set hampers scientific interpretation of planetary photosynthesis. NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO‐2) offers small sampling footprints, high data acquisition, and repeating spatially resolved targets at bioclimatically diverse locations, providing a unique benchmark for spaceborne sensors traceable to ground data. We leverage overlap between the longer running Global Ozone Monitoring Instrument version 2 (GOME‐2) SIF time series, and more recent state‐of‐the‐art OCO‐2 and TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) data, in a first attempt to reconcile inconsistencies in the long‐term record. After screening and correcting for key instrument differences (time of day, wavelength, Sun‐sensor geometry, cloud effects, footprint area), we find that Global Ozone Monitoring Instrument version 2 and TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument perform exceedingly well in capturing spatial, seasonal, and interannual variability across OCO‐2 targets. However, Global Ozone Monitoring Instrument version 2 retrieval methods differ by up to a factor of 2 in signal‐to‐noise and magnitude. Magnitude differences are largely attributed to retrieval window choice, with wider windows producing higher magnitudes. The assumed SIF spectral shape has negligible effect. Substantial research is needed to understand remaining sensitivities to atmospheric absorption and reflectance. We conclude that OCO‐2 and TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument have opened up the possibility to produce a multidecadal SIF record with well‐characterized uncertainty and error quantification for overlapping instruments, enabling back‐calibration of previous instruments and production of a consistent, research‐grade, harmonized time series

    Reduction of structural impacts and distinction of photosynthetic pathways in a global estimation of GPP from space-borne solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence

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    Quantifying global photosynthesis remains a challenge due to a lack of accurate remote sensing proxies. Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has been shown to be a good indicator of photosynthetic activity across various spatial scales. However, a global and spatially challenging estimate of terrestrial gross primary production (GPP) based on satellite SIF remains unresolved due to the confounding effects of species-specific physical and physiological traits and external factors, such as canopy structure or photosynthetic pathway (C-3 or C-4). Here we analyze an ensemble of far-red SIF data from OCO-2 satellite and ground observations at multiple sites, using the spectral invariant theory to reduce the effects of canopy structure and to retrieve a structure-corrected total canopy SIF emission (SIFtotal). We find that the relationships between observed canopy-leaving SIF and ecosystem GPP vary significantly among biomes. In contrast, the relationships between SIFtotal and GPP converge around two unique models, one for C-3 and one for C-4 plants. We show that the two single empirical models can be used to globally scale satellite SIF observations to terrestrial GPP. We obtain an independent estimate of global terrestrial GPP of 129.56 +/- 6.54 PgC/year for the 2015-2017 period, which is consistent with the state-of-the-art data- and process-oriented models. The new GPP product shows improved sensitivity to previously undetected 'hotspots' of productivity, being able to resolve the double-peak in GPP due to rotational cropping systems. We suggest that the direct scheme to estimate GPP presented here, which is based on satellite SIF, may open up new possibilities to resolve the dynamics of global terrestrial GPP across space and time.Peer reviewe