25 research outputs found

    A dynamic multiarmed bandit-gene expression programming hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimization problems

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    Hyper-heuristics are search methodologies that aim to provide high-quality solutions across a wide variety of problem domains, rather than developing tailor-made methodologies for each problem instance/domain. A traditional hyper-heuristic framework has two levels, namely, the high level strategy (heuristic selection mechanism and the acceptance criterion) and low level heuristics (a set of problem specific heuristics). Due to the different landscape structures of different problem instances, the high level strategy plays an important role in the design of a hyper-heuristic framework. In this paper, we propose a new high level strategy for a hyper-heuristic framework. The proposed high-level strategy utilizes a dynamic multiarmed bandit-extreme value-based reward as an online heuristic selection mechanism to select the appropriate heuristic to be applied at each iteration. In addition, we propose a gene expression programming framework to automatically generate the acceptance criterion for each problem instance, instead of using human-designed criteria. Two well-known, and very different, combinatorial optimization problems, one static (exam timetabling) and one dynamic (dynamic vehicle routing) are used to demonstrate the generality of the proposed framework. Compared with state-of-the-art hyper-heuristics and other bespoke methods, empirical results demonstrate that the proposed framework is able to generalize well across both domains. We obtain competitive, if not better results, when compared to the best known results obtained from other methods that have been presented in the scientific literature. We also compare our approach against the recently released hyper-heuristic competition test suite. We again demonstrate the generality of our approach when we compare against other methods that have utilized the same six benchmark datasets from this test suite

    A methodology for determining an effective subset of heuristics in selection hyper-heuristics

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    We address the important step of determining an effective subset of heuristics in selection hyper-heuristics. Little attention has been devoted to this in the literature, and the decision is left at the discretion of the investigator. The performance of a hyper-heuristic depends on the quality and size of the heuristic pool. Using more than one heuristic is generally advantageous, however, an unnecessary large pool can decrease the performance of adaptive approaches. Our goal is to bring methodological rigour to this step. The proposed methodology uses non-parametric statistics and fitness landscape measurements from an available set of heuristics and benchmark instances, in order to produce a compact subset of effective heuristics for the underlying problem. We also propose a new iterated local search hyper-heuristic usingmulti-armed banditscoupled with a change detection mechanism. The methodology is tested on two real-world optimisation problems: course timetabling and vehicle routing. The proposed hyper-heuristic with a compact heuristic pool, outperforms state-of-the-art hyper-heuristics and competes with problem-specific methods in course timetabling, even producing new best-known solutions in 5 out of the 24 studied instances

    A cross-domain multi-armed bandit hyper-heuristic

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    Orientadora : Profª. Drª. Aurora PozoCo-orientador : Prof. Dr. Richard Aderbal GonçalvesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 26/02/2016Inclui referências : f. 64-70Resumo: Muitos problemas de otimização do mundo real são complexos e possuem muitas variáveis e restrições. Por esta causa, o uso de meta-heurísticas tornou-se a principal maneira de resolver problemas com essas características. Uma das principais desvantagens do uso de meta-heurísticas e que são geralmente desenvolvidas utilizando características do domínio fazendo com que sejam atreladas a ele dificultando sua utilização em outros problemas. Em buscas de algoritmos mais adaptáveis o conceito de hiper-heurísticas surgiu. Hiper- heurísticas são métodos de busca que visam solucionar problemas de otimização selecionando ou gerando heurísticas. Hiper-heurísticas de seleção escolhem uma boa heurística para ser aplicada a partir de um conjunto de heurísticas. O método de seleção e a principal peca de uma hiper-heurística de seleção tendo impacto fundamental em sua performance. Apesar de existirem vários trabalhos sobre hiper-heurísticas de seleção, ainda não existe consenso sobre como uma boa estratégia de seleção deve ser definida. Em busca de uma estratégia de seleção, algoritmos inspirados nos conceitos do problema Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) serão estudados. Estes algoritmos foram aplicados ao contexto da Seleção Adaptativa de Operadores obtendo resultados promissores. Entretanto, ainda existem poucas abordagens para o contexto de hiper-heurísticas. Nesta dissertação propomos uma hiper-heurística que utiliza algoritmos MAB como sua estratégia de seleção. A abordagem proposta e desenvolvida utilizando o framework HyFlex, que foi proposto para facilitar a implementação e comparação de novas Hiper- heurísticas. Os parâmetros foram configurados através de um estudo empírico, e a melhor configuração encontrada foi comparada com os 10 primeiros colocados da competição CHeSC 2011. Os resultados obtidos foram bons e comparáveis com os das melhores abordagens da literatura. O algoritmo proposto alcançou a quarta colocação. Apesar dos bons resultados, os experimentos demonstram que a abordagem proposta sofre grande influencia dos parâmetros. Trabalhos futuros irão investigar formas de amenizar esta influência.Abstract: Many real word optimization problems are very complex with many variables and constraints, and cannot be solved by exact methods in a reasonable computational time. As an alternative, meta-heuristics emerged as an efficient way to solve this type of problems even though they cannot ensure optimal values. The main issue of meta-heuristics is that they are built using domain-specific knowledge, therefore they require a great effort to be used in a new domain. In order to solve this problem, the concept of Hyper-heuristics were proposed. Hyper-heuristics are search methods that aim to solve optimization problems by selecting or generating heuristics. Selection hyper-heuristics choose from a pool of heuristics a good one to be applied at the current stage of the optimization process. The selection mechanism is the main part of a selection hyper-heuristic and has a great impact on its performance. Although there are several works focused on selection hyperheuristics, there is no unanimity about which is the best way to define a selection strategy. In this dissertation, a deterministic selection strategy based on the concepts of the MultiArmed Bandit (MAB) problem is proposed to cross-domain optimization. Multi-armed bandit approaches define a selection function with two components, the first is based on the performance of an operator and the second based on the number of times that the operator was used. These approaches had showed a promising performance over the Adaptive Operator Selection context. However, there are few works on literature that aim the hyper-heuristic context, as proposed here. The proposed approach is integrated into the HyFlex framework, that was developed to facilitate the implementation and comparison of hyper-heuristics. An empirical parameter configuration was performed and the best setup was compared to the top ten CHeSC 2011 algorithms using the same methodology adopted during the competition. The results obtained were good comparable to those attained by the literature. Moreover, it was concluded that the behavior of MAB selection is heavily affected by its parameters. As this is not a desirable behavior to hyper-heuristics, future research will investigate ways to better deal with the parameter setting

    Schema theory based data engineering in gene expression programming for big data analytics

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    Gene expression programming (GEP) is a data driven evolutionary technique that well suits for correlation mining. Parallel GEPs are proposed to speed up the evolution process using a cluster of computers or a computer with multiple CPU cores. However, the generation structure of chromosomes and the size of input data are two issues that tend to be neglected when speeding up GEP in evolution. To fill the research gap, this paper proposes three guiding principles to elaborate the computation nature of GEP in evolution based on an analysis of GEP schema theory. As a result, a novel data engineered GEP is developed which follows closely the generation structure of chromosomes in parallelization and considers the input data size in segmentation. Experimental results on two data sets with complementary features show that the data engineered GEP speeds up the evolution process significantly without loss of accuracy in data correlation mining. Based on the experimental tests, a computation model of the data engineered GEP is further developed to demonstrate its high scalability in dealing with potential big data using a large number of CPU cores

    Fairness in examination timetabling: student preferences and extended formulations

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    Variations of the examination timetabling problem have been investigated by the research community for more than two decades. The common characteristic between all problems is the fact that the definitions and data sets used all originate from actual educational institutions, particularly universities, including specific examination criteria and the students involved. Although much has been achieved and published on the state-of-the-art problem modelling and optimisation, a lack of attention has been focussed on the students involved in the process. This work presents and utilises the results of an extensive survey seeking student preferences with regard to their individual examination timetables, with the aim of producing solutions which satisfy these preferences while still also satisfying all existing benchmark considerations. The study reveals one of the main concerns relates to fairness within the students cohort; i.e. a student considers fairness with respect to the examination timetables of their immediate peers, as highly important. Considerations such as providing an equitable distribution of preparation time between all student cohort examinations, not just a majority, are used to form a measure of fairness. In order to satisfy this requirement, we propose an extension to the state-of-the-art examination timetabling problem models widely used in the scientific literature. Fairness is introduced as a new objective in addition to the standard objectives, creating a multi-objective problem. Several real-world examination data models are extended and the benchmarks for each are used in experimentation to determine the effectiveness of a multi-stage multi-objective approach based on weighted Tchebyceff scalarisation in improving fairness along with the other objectives. The results show that the proposed model and methods allow for the production of high quality timetable solutions while also providing a trade-off between the standard soft constraints and a desired fairness for each student

    A Tabu Search hyper-heuristic strategy for t-way test suite generation

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    This paper proposes a novel hybrid t-way test generation strategy (where t indicates interaction strength), called High Level Hyper-Heuristic (HHH). HHH adopts Tabu Search as its high level meta-heuristic and leverages on the strength of four low level meta-heuristics, comprising of Teaching Learning based Optimization, Global Neighborhood Algorithm, Particle Swarm Optimization, and Cuckoo Search Algorithm. HHH is able to capitalize on the strengths and limit the deficiencies of each individual algorithm in a collective and synergistic manner. Unlike existing hyper-heuristics, HHH relies on three defined operators, based on improvement, intensification and diversification, to adaptively select the most suitable meta-heuristic at any particular time. Our results are promising as HHH manages to outperform existing t-way strategies on many of the benchmarks

    Uma hiper-heurística de seleção baseada em decomposição para estabelecer sequências de módulos para o teste de software

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Silvia Regina VergilioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 03/12/2015Inclui referências : f. 82-88Resumo: Algoritmos multiobjetivos têm sido amplamente utilizados na busca de soluções de diver-sos problemas da computação, e mais especificamente para resolver problemas de Engenharia de Software na area conhecida como SBSE (Search Based Software Engineering). Contudo, conforme são intensificadas as aplicações destes algoritmos, tem-se a dificuldade de determinar qual algoritmo ou quais operadores são os mais indicados para um dado problema. Neste cenário as hiper-heurísticas são usadas para que o processo de busca seja guiado de forma que o melhor operador para o problema seja escolhido automaticamente. Neste contexto, destaca-se a hiper-heurística chamada HITO (Hyper-heuristic for the Integration and Test Order Problem), proposta para resolver o problema de estabelecer uma sequencia de módulos para o teste de integração (ITO - Integration and Test Order problem ). Em experimentos, a HITO obteve bons resultados, no entanto, existe a dificuldade para utilizar a HITO em conjunto com algoritmos baseados em decomposto, tais como o MOEA/D e MOEA/D-DRA. Estes algoritmos tem se mostrado bastante competitivos na literatura. Tendo este fato como motivação, este trabalho introduz uma hiper-heurística chamada HITO-DA (Hyper-heuristic for the Integration and Test Order Problem using Decomposition Approach) que propõe uma adaptação na HITO para permitir seu uso com algoritmos baseados em decomposto, na busca de soluções para o problema ITO. A HITO-DA foi instanciada com a meta-heurística MOEA/D-DRA usando o algoritmo de seleção FRRMAB (Fitness Rate Rank Multi Armed Bandit), e um novo algoritmo de seleção FRRCF (Fitness Rate Rank with Choice Function), proposto neste trabalho, que combina características do FRRMAB e CF (Choice Function). No estudo empírico conduzido a HITO-DA obteve melhores resultados do que a meta-heurística MOEA/D em todos os casos, e melhor desempenho em sistemas maiores, quando comparada com a HITO.Abstract: Multi-objective algorithms have been widely applied to find solutions in several problems, more specifically to solve Software Engineering problems, in the field called SBSE (Search Based Software Engineering). However, while these applications are intensified, we find some difficulty to select the most suitable operator for a problem. In this given scenario, hyper-heuristics are used to guide the search process in order to find the most suitable operator for a given problem. In this context, we find a hyper-heuristic, called HITO (Hyper-heuristic for the Integration and Test Order problem), proposed to solve the Integration and Test Order problem (ITO). HITO obtained good results, however, to adapt HITO to work with decomposition based algorithms, such as MOEA/D and MOEA/D-DRA, is a hard task. In the literature, these algorithms have shown competitive results. Based on this motivation, this work introduces a new hyper-heuristic called HITO-DA (Hyper-heuristic for the Integration and Test Order Problem using Decomposition Approach) that adapts HITO to work with decomposition based algorithms and to solve the ITO problem. The HITO-DA was instantiated using the algorithms MOEA/D-DRA, using the selection algorithm FRRMAB (Fitness Rate Rank Multi Armed Bandit) and a new algorithm, introduced in this work, named FRRCF (Fitness Rate Rank with Choice Function). FRRCF combines characteristics of the algorithms FRRMAB and CF (Choice Function). The conducted empirical study shows that HITO-DA obtained better results than MOEA/D in all cases, and obtained better results than HITO, in bigger systems

    Optimisation for Large-scale Maintenance, Scheduling and Vehicle Routing Problems

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    Solving real-world combinatorial problems is involved in many industry fields to minimise operational cost or to maximise profit, or both. Along with continuous growth in computing power, many asset management decision-making processes that were originally solved by hand now tend to be based on big data analysis. Larger scale problem can be solved and more detailed operation instructions can be delivered. In this thesis, we investigate models and algorithms to solve large scale Geographically Distributed asset Maintenance Problems (GDMP). Our study of the problem was motivated by our business partner, Gaist solutions Ltd., to optimise scheduling of maintenance actions for a drainage system in an urban area. The models and solution methods proposed in the thesis can be applied to many similar issues arising in other industry fields. The thesis contains three parts. We firstly built a risk driven model considering vehicle routing problems and the asset degradation information. A hyperheuristic method embedded with customised low-level heuristics is employed to solve our real-world drainage maintenance problem in Blackpool. Computational results show that our hyperheuristic approach can, within reasonable CPU time, produce much higher quality solutions than the scheduling strategy currently implemented by Blackpool council. We then attempt to develop more efficient solution approaches to tackle our GDMP. We study various hyperheuristics and propose efficient local search strategies in part II. We present computational results on standard periodic vehicle routing problem instances and our GDMP instances. Based on manifold experimental evidences, we summarise the principles of designing heuristic based solution approaches to solve combinatorial problems. Last bu not least, we investigate a related decision making problem from highway maintenance, that is again of interest to Gaist solutions Ltd. We aim to make a strategical decision to choose a cost effective method of delivering the road inspection at a national scale. We build the analysis based on the Chinese Postman Problem and theoretically proof the modelling feasibility in real-world road inspection situations. We also propose a novel graph reduction process to allow effective computation over very large data sets

    Machine learning for improving heuristic optimisation

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    Heuristics, metaheuristics and hyper-heuristics are search methodologies which have been preferred by many researchers and practitioners for solving computationally hard combinatorial optimisation problems, whenever the exact methods fail to produce high quality solutions in a reasonable amount of time. In this thesis, we introduce an advanced machine learning technique, namely, tensor analysis, into the field of heuristic optimisation. We show how the relevant data should be collected in tensorial form, analysed and used during the search process. Four case studies are presented to illustrate the capability of single and multi-episode tensor analysis processing data with high and low abstraction levels for improving heuristic optimisation. A single episode tensor analysis using data at a high abstraction level is employed to improve an iterated multi-stage hyper-heuristic for cross-domain heuristic search. The empirical results across six different problem domains from a hyper-heuristic benchmark show that significant overall performance improvement is possible. A similar approach embedding a multi-episode tensor analysis is applied to the nurse rostering problem and evaluated on a benchmark of a diverse collection of instances, obtained from different hospitals across the world. The empirical results indicate the success of the tensor-based hyper-heuristic, improving upon the best-known solutions for four particular instances. Genetic algorithm is a nature inspired metaheuristic which uses a population of multiple interacting solutions during the search. Mutation is the key variation operator in a genetic algorithm and adjusts the diversity in a population throughout the evolutionary process. Often, a fixed mutation probability is used to perturb the value at each locus, representing a unique component of a given solution. A single episode tensor analysis using data with a low abstraction level is applied to an online bin packing problem, generating locus dependent mutation probabilities. The tensor approach improves the performance of a standard genetic algorithm on almost all instances, significantly. A multi-episode tensor analysis using data with a low abstraction level is embedded into multi-agent cooperative search approach. The empirical results once again show the success of the proposed approach on a benchmark of flow shop problem instances as compared to the approach which does not make use of tensor analysis. The tensor analysis can handle the data with different levels of abstraction leading to a learning approach which can be used within different types of heuristic optimisation methods based on different underlying design philosophies, indeed improving their overall performance

    Machine learning for improving heuristic optimisation

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    Heuristics, metaheuristics and hyper-heuristics are search methodologies which have been preferred by many researchers and practitioners for solving computationally hard combinatorial optimisation problems, whenever the exact methods fail to produce high quality solutions in a reasonable amount of time. In this thesis, we introduce an advanced machine learning technique, namely, tensor analysis, into the field of heuristic optimisation. We show how the relevant data should be collected in tensorial form, analysed and used during the search process. Four case studies are presented to illustrate the capability of single and multi-episode tensor analysis processing data with high and low abstraction levels for improving heuristic optimisation. A single episode tensor analysis using data at a high abstraction level is employed to improve an iterated multi-stage hyper-heuristic for cross-domain heuristic search. The empirical results across six different problem domains from a hyper-heuristic benchmark show that significant overall performance improvement is possible. A similar approach embedding a multi-episode tensor analysis is applied to the nurse rostering problem and evaluated on a benchmark of a diverse collection of instances, obtained from different hospitals across the world. The empirical results indicate the success of the tensor-based hyper-heuristic, improving upon the best-known solutions for four particular instances. Genetic algorithm is a nature inspired metaheuristic which uses a population of multiple interacting solutions during the search. Mutation is the key variation operator in a genetic algorithm and adjusts the diversity in a population throughout the evolutionary process. Often, a fixed mutation probability is used to perturb the value at each locus, representing a unique component of a given solution. A single episode tensor analysis using data with a low abstraction level is applied to an online bin packing problem, generating locus dependent mutation probabilities. The tensor approach improves the performance of a standard genetic algorithm on almost all instances, significantly. A multi-episode tensor analysis using data with a low abstraction level is embedded into multi-agent cooperative search approach. The empirical results once again show the success of the proposed approach on a benchmark of flow shop problem instances as compared to the approach which does not make use of tensor analysis. The tensor analysis can handle the data with different levels of abstraction leading to a learning approach which can be used within different types of heuristic optimisation methods based on different underlying design philosophies, indeed improving their overall performance